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This page is a mirror of the document checked into ClearCase?. At this time, the ClearCase? document is considered the authority on this topic, so please do not add changes here. The way to update this page is to copy the text from the "Wiki Format" tab of the config settings spreadsheet and use it to replace the table below.

Setting Location Setting Name Description of Use

(Environment Var) JAVA_HOME Fallback for java home directory if JavaHome

(Environment Var) SAW_TABLEVIEW_MAXROWSPERPAGE Sets default rows per page when table view is viewed in browser and none is specified by user. Max is 1000.

(Environment Var) SAW_TABLEVIEW_MAXROWSPERPAGEINDELIVERY Sets default rows per page when table view is delivered. Max is 1000.

(Environment Var) SAWDontPreloadOdbcDriver? Prevents preloading of ODBC driver

/ AdministrativeLogin? Login credential of the Administrative Siebel Analytics Server user under which Marketing runs its EXECUTE PHYSICAL queries. These include queries to delete cache result sets, delete header saved result sets, delete saved result sets, and insert header result set records.

/ AdministrativePassword? Password credential of the Administrative Siebel Analytics Server user under which Marketing runs its EXECUTE PHYSICAL queries. The password is encrypted and can be retrieved by posting this URL as an Administrative Web user: EncryptString&string:<password>

/ AllowRememberPassword? Enables or disables the ability of users to have their passwords automatically “remembered”. A value other than “Yes” disables the capability.

/ AltDevicesEnabled? (obsolete) / AskEnabled? (obsolete) / AskMaxIndexValues? (obsolete) / AutoFlushEnabled?  / AutoFlushThreshhold?  / CacheBannerDashboardList?  

/ CacheLowMemoryThresholdMB? Memory threshold (in megabytes). When the query cache exceeds this value, the application cleans up older cache entries.

/ CacheMaxEntries? CacheMaxEntries? is roughly the maximum number of open record sets the Siebel Analytics Web Server keeps open at any one time. The minimum value is 3. For implementations under significant stress, increase this value to1000 or a higher value. The main factor that affects its size is the memory consumption.

/ CacheMaxExpireMinutes? Sets the maximum amount of time an entry in the query cache can exist before it is removed. The Default is one hour. CacheMinUserExpireMinuteslast longer than CacheMaxExpireMinuteshour if many queries are being run (this value is only a maximum).

/ CacheMinExpireMinutes? Sets the minimum amount of time a cache entry can exist in the query cache before it is removed.

/ CacheMinimumMemoryThresholdMB? Memory threshold (in megabytes) beyond which the query cache no longer accepts new queries, until sufficient memory has been recovered.

/ CacheMinUserExpireMinutes?

Sets the minimum amount of time a cache entry remains for a user after being viewed. A cache entry is not removed for a specific user for this amount of time after the user has last used the cache entry. For example, if CacheMaxExpireMinutesuser logs in again at the 59th minute, the entry still exists for that user for an additional 10 minutes.

/ CacheRefreshOptimize?  / CatalogAutoSaveMinutes? The amount of time the Siebel Analytics Web Server waits between auto-backups. / CatalogAutoSaveTimeSpanDays?  / CatalogMaxAutosaves? The maximum number of auto-backups the Siebel Analytics Web Server creates. The minimum

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value is 3.

/ CatalogPath? Contains the location of the file where the Web Catalog is stored. This entry must exist and must be valid. An invalid or missing entry results in the Siebel Analytics Web Server not starting.

/ CatalogVersion? (obsolete)

/ ClientSessionExpireMinutes? Defines the length of idle time that can pass before Siebel Analytics Web Server removes the user's client (browser) session information from its memory. This session includes user-specific state information such as request cache, dashboard page state, subject area information, connection information, and so on.

/ CollapsibleSectionsDefault? Determines whether dashboard sections are collapsible. / ConfigDir? The location that Siebel Analytics Web searches for configuration files.

/ ConnectionExpireMinutes? Defines the length of idle time the connection between the Siebel Analytics Web Server and the Siebel Analytics Server is maintained before this connection is closed. This setting stands for idle time only.

/ ConnectionMaxConcurrentEstablish? The maximum number of threads that can be concurrently attempting to create connections to Siebel Analytics Server. Any threads beyond this number generate an error with an exception.

/ CookieDomain? Domain for which cookies apply to. This setting is for Web experts only.

/ CookieExpire? Date on which persisted cookies expire. In effect, this is the date when a remembered password is deleted. Do not change this value.

/ CookiePath? Domain path for which cookies apply to. This setting is for Web experts only.

/ CookieSecure? Indicates whether the secure attribute is written into Siebel Analytics Web Server cookies. This is a global setting, and cannot be controlled on a connection-by-connection basis.

/ CordaLibDir?  / CSVCharset  

/ CubeMaxPopulatedCells? The maximum number of populated cells in the Pivot Table. If this maximum is exceeded, the user receives an error when rendering the pivot table.

/ CubeMaxRecords? The maximum number of records returned by a query for the Pivot Table engine to process. This roughly governs the maximum number of cells that can be populated in a pivot table (unpopulated cells in a sparse pivot table do not count). If this maximum is exceeded, the user receives an error when rendering the pivot table.

/ DashboardInlineLoad?  / DashboardMaxBeforeMenu?  

/ DashboardShowInline?  

/ DataDir?  

/ DebugStartup? When set to “yes” or “once” the server will call “_CrtDbgBreakallows debugging of the start up code. You should attach to inetinfo.exe process before issuing a URL to nQWeb. If set to “once”, then the value of the registry setting will be automatically changed to “no”.

/ DefaultMessageDir?  / DefaultSkin?  / DefaultStyle?  / DefaultTimeoutMinutes? Controls the default thread timeout used for long-running operations on worker threads. / DisablePivotTableAutoPreview?  / Disconnected  

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/ DisconnectedDir?  

/ Drillability If FALSE, the Siebel Analytics Web Server does not inquire about the drill status of columns and results can not be drilled. Improves performance by not calling the installation has no need for drilling capability.

/ DSN DSN contains the value of Siebel Analytics Server data source that the Siebel Analytics Web Server attempts to connect to. If this value is missing or incorrect, an error message is generated.

/ Enable508  

/ EntropySourceHQ? The device to be used for the high quality entropy source. Defaults to the most secure the operating system provides (/dev/random on UNIX, CryptoAPIfound, a warning is logged, and a less secure entropy source is selected.

/ EntropySourceSQ? The device to be used for the standard quality entropy source. Defaults to the device that the operating system provides (/dev/urandom on UNIX, CryptoAPIfound, a warning is logged, and a less secure entropy source is selected. This source is used for generating session IDs.

/ ForceRefresh? Causes saw to always bypass its cache. To be used only for testing - may have serious performance implications.

/ HardenXSS?  / JavaHome? Controls where Siebel Analytics Web Server looks for the JRE. / JavaHostDir?  / JavaHostLibDir?  

/ JavaMaxHeapPDF? The maximum heap size assigned to the JVM for running a FOP job from the command line, (example: 500 MB). If you get this error message “File is damaged and could not be repaired” when generating a PDF, increase this value.

/ JavaMinHeapPDF? The minimum heap size assigned to the JVM for running a FOP job from the command line, (example: 500 MB). If you get this error message “File is damaged and could not be repaired” when generating a PDF, increase this value.

/ LicenseFile?  / LogConfigFile?  / LogConfigNode?  

/ LogonExpireMinutes? Time after which a user is automatically logged off (unless the user has clicked Remember Password ). To disable this you should set it to a value greater than ClientSessionExpireMinutes

/ MaintenanceMode?  

/ MarketingCacheMaxEntries? Maximum number of database cache entries allowed.

/ MarketingCacheMaxExpireMinutes? Maximum time that a database cache entry can exist before it is timed out.

/ MarketingDataValidation? If set to TRUE, control characters in the data are replaced with spaces before the data is written.

/ MarketingEnableNodeProfiling? Use Yes or No to enable or disable the node profiling hyperlinks for the counts in the Segment and Segment Tree UI.

/ MarketingFileEncoding? Character set encoding of the preview and output list files. Possible Values: UTF8, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, ANSI.

/ MarketingFileSystem? File path used by Siebel Marketing to share output list files.

/ MarketingFunctionShipFixedRandom? If set to TRUE, the SQL generator issues SQL so that the Siebel Analytics Server can function. The function ship is specific to Fixed Random Sampling in Segment Trees.

/ MarketingFunctionShipPctRandom? If set to TRUE, the SQL generator issues SQL so that the Siebel Analytics Server can function.

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The function ship is specific to Percentage Random Sampling in Segment Trees.

/ MarketingJobsLogDetailLevel? Amount of debugging information saved for each job. 0 : No Details 1 : SQL Execution Manager 2 : SQL Execution Manager Ordering 3 : Cache Management Details 4 : Internal SqlNodesstructures 5 : Internal RqtNodes

/ MarketingJobsLogSize? Maximum number of jobs in the job history log. When the maximum is reached, the oldest 25% are timed out.

/ MarketingJobsWaitSeconds?

Duration between successive checks on the status of a Marketing job run from the User Interface. The jobs include: Purge and List Format Preview/ListCreation (in the Segments UI or the Segment Trees UI), Segment Counts, and Segment Tree Counts. The wait-refresh cycles are meant to keep the browser from timing out while waiting on the jobs to complete.

/ MarketingPreviewPath? File path where preview and output list files are written.

/ MarketingPreviewSize? Number of default records shown in the List Format preview UI. This configuration key can be overridden in the UI for the preview job.

/ MarketingQualifyNumericData?  

/ MarketingUseBOM? If set to FALSE, the list generation files do not contain the BOM characters at the file start.

/ MarketingWrapColumnHeaders? If set to FALSE, column headers are not wrapped in text qualifiers. This applies only to delimited file formats.

/ MaxContentDispositionFilenameLength? Sets the maximum length of Content-Disposition filename parameter permissible. Anything over this length is truncated. Because this length refers to the final encoded value in the header, the actual number of Unicode characters in the filename may vary.

/ MaxFollowLinks?  / MaxTicketLifetimeMinutes?  / MinPDFSize?  

/ MktgCacheTempCreateSQL? If using temporary tables, this key specifies the parametrized SQL statement to create the table. The parameter "@{TempTableNamegenerated internally by the Marketing Server).

/ MktgCacheTempDropSQL? If using temporary tables, this specifies the parametrized SQL statement to drop the table. The parameters "@{TempTableName

/ MktgCacheTempInsertSQL?

If using temporary tables, this key specifies the parametrized SQL statement to move from temporary to cache table. The parameters "@{TempTableName(unique name generated internally by the Marketing Server). The parameter “@{PhysicalTableNameserver).

/ MktgCacheTempTableNamePrefix? Prefix to the temporary table name used above. The Marketing server picks only the first two characters of the prefix specified.

/ MktgCacheUseTempTable? If set to TRUE, the Marketing Server uses an intermediary temporary table (a different one for each transaction) to store cache values before moving it to the cache table.

/ MsgCRCChecking?  

/ NewCursorWaitSeconds?

Controls how long the server waits for results after the initial request before returning the "Searching…" page to the browser. It may be useful to set this value higher (such as 3 seconds) to avoid page refreshes if the majority of queries are not returning in 1 second. Also, if running performance tests, some test implementations behave properly only if this setting is set very high (such as 36000 seconds).

/ OldCursorWaitSeconds? Controls how long the server waits for results after subsequent requests before refreshing the "Searching…" page to the browser. It may be useful to set this value higher (such as 60 seconds) to avoid page refreshes.

/ OnDemandAnswers? Set to true for On Demand

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/ PasswordCookieName? Cookie name used for the password cookie.

/ PdfLibDir?  / PDFServerServiceString?  / PDFThreads  / PersistCookies?  

/ PersistentStorageDirectory? The location where Siebel Analytics Web stores iBot deliveries. At startup, Siebel Analytics Web attempts to create this directory.

/ PersistPageState? Determines whether page state is persisted when moving between pages on a dashboard

/ PortalBannerHeight? Controls the height of the portal banner frame displayed in Intelligence Dashboards. This is an implementation-wide setting so all portal style sheets must anticipate this value.

/ PromptDropDownMaxValues? Maximum number of rows that can appear in the dropdown of dashboard prompts

/ Repository  / ResDir?  / ResultRowLimit? The maximum number of rows that can appear in the table view. / SARootDir?  / SAWRootDir?  

/ SearchIDExpireMinutes? The maximum amount of time a non-saved search is valid for. This must be less than or equal to ClientSessionExpireMinutes

/ SecureTheFort? (obsolete) / SessionIDCookieName? Cookie name used for session IDs (session cookie).

/ SessionIDEntropySourceQuality? Controls whether to use high quality or standard quality entropy source for session IDs. If the requested source is not available, the server does not start. Note also that the high quality entropy source is likely to be significantly slower and may involve more blocking.

/ ShowPageTabsAlways? Controls whether the dashboard page tabs are shown even if the current page is hidden. / ShowSectionHeadingsDefault? Controls whether the dashboard section headings are shown by default. / SynCursorWaitSeconds?  / SystemSubjectArea?  / TempDir?  / UIDefaultTimeoutMinutes?  

/ UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes? If a running query has not been accessed for this amount of time the query is cancelled. This handles the case where the user is at the “Searching…” screen and goes elsewhere abandoning the search. Do not make this too small, because often the user might want to go elsewhere and come back to the search later.

/ UsePDFServer?  / UseReplication?  

/ UsernameCookieName? Cookie used to remember the username.

/ WebcatWriteable?  

/ WebDLL? Specifies the path to the DLL that gets loaded up by SAW's ISAPI DLL. (Windows ISAPI Only)

/ XMLAuthentication (obsolete)

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/ XmlExternalsDir? Directory where we store DTD or schema files that are referenced through external URLs.

/Alerts? ContentDeliveryMode? Controls whether the dashboard deliveries are rendered again on the server or sent as MHTML.

/Alerts? DebugDeliveryEmail? Forces all deliveries to go to this email, regardless of delivery profile.

/Alerts? DefaultDeliveryDisposition?  /Alerts? DefaultDeliveryFormat?  /Alerts? EmbedResourcesInline?  /Alerts? Enabled  /Alerts? Force7bitASCIIAttachmentNames?  

/Alerts? IBotConnectString? Siebel Analytics Web Server RPC layer connect string, which is included with the iBot and is stored with the iBot. This creates an affinity of the iBot with the Siebel Analytics Web Server instance. Useful for replication.

/Alerts? IgnoreWebcatDeliveryProfiles? Controls whether to ignore all delivery profiles stored in the webcat. Makes processing delivery information requests much faster, and also allows administrators to control what devices Delivers sends content to.

/Alerts? MHTMLMimeType?  

/Alerts? OverrideURL? (obsolete)

/Alerts? ScheduleServer?  

/Alerts? SendIBotConnectString? Controls whether to send the server connection information with the iBot.

/Alerts? SessionCleanupFrequencySeconds?  /Alerts? SessionTimeoutSeconds?  

/Alerts? UpperCaseRecipientNames? Controls whether recipient names are converted to uppercase before being included in System subject area queries.

/Alerts? UseForwardOnlyCursorForSystemSA? Uses a forward only cursor for System subject area queries.

/Auth? Impersonator An analytics user who can impersonate others. /Auth? ImpersonatorPassword? Obfuscated password for the impersonating user. /Auth? SSOClientHeader?  /Auth? SSOEnabled  

/Auth? SSOServerVariable?

Set to REMOTE_USER if: The SSO scheme populates the IIS REMOTE_USER HTTP server variable; or the Siebel Analytics Web Server deployment uses the J2EE servlet option to connect from the HTTP server. In this case, the SAW servlet uses the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestname.

/Auth? SSOStripWindowsDomain? If set to Yes or Y, Siebel Analytics Web Server looks for a backslash (\) in the username and deletes all characters up to and including the backslash.

/Charts? AxisLimitsFudgeFactor? Factor used when computing the minimum and maximum values for the axes. /Charts? AxisLimitsOverscanLimit? Another factor used for computing the minimum and maximum values for the axes.

/Charts? CacheDirectory? Sets the location Siebel Analytics Web uses as temporary storage for the cache of the image files as well as the corresponding image map files.

/Charts? DefaultImageType? Sets the default image type to be used for charts. The available choices are FLASH, SVG and PNG. Flash and SVG images provide the greatest degree of interactivity. PNG images currently

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support no interaction, such as no drilling and navigation.

/Charts? DefaultInteraction?

Controls what the default “interaction” behavior of Siebel Analytics Web charts is. The possible values are: (a) Drill; (b) Navigate; and (c) None. If the value is set to Drill, charts are by default created with drilling capability. If the value is Navigate, then charts are setup for navigating to the value of Charts\DefaultNavigationPathdefault, non-interactive, such as clicking on a chart (or region of a chart) does nothing. Note that this can always be overridden through the user interface.

/Charts? DefaultNavigationPath? If the value of Charts\DefaultInteractiondefault URL that the charts navigate to. Otherwise, this value is ignored.

/Charts? DeliveredImageType? Controls the image type used for deliveries. The only supported value is PNG.

/Charts? FlashCLSID? Adjusts the CLSID generated into the HTML page for flash images.

/Charts? FlashCodeBase? Adjusts the codebase generated into the HTML page for flash images.

/Charts? FlashPluginsPage? Used with EMBED tags for Flash images.

/Charts? FontMapFile? File that contains font mapping from Siebel Analytics Web Server UI fonts to chart server fonts.

/Charts? HttpClientTimeoutInSec? (obsolete)

/Charts? JavaHostServiceString? Common service string for all chart engines (chart, funnel, gauge).

/Charts? MaxCompletionTimeInSec?  

/Charts? MaxInMemoryChart? Maximum size of charts that are kept in memory. All others are saved to disk.

/Charts? MaxProcessingThreads? Number of threads used in the pool that processes charts.

/Charts? MaxQueuedCharts? Number of queued entries permitted in chart thread pool.

/Charts? SVGPluginsPage? Entry used to write out HTML tag for SVG images.

/Charts/Funnel? DefaultImageType? Overrides global setting.

/Charts/Funnel? DeliveredImageType? Overrides global setting.

/Charts/Funnel? MaxConcurrent? Maximum concurrently executing funnel chart requests.

/Charts/Funnel? ServiceString? Where to run funnel charts.

/Charts/Gauge? MaxCanvasHeight? The maximum height of gauge canvas.

/Charts/Gauge? MaxCanvasWidth? The maximum width of gauge canvas.

/Charts/Gauge? MaxGaugesPerCanvas? The maximum number of gauges for each canvas, or how many rows to process for gauges.

/Charts?/POP DefaultImageType? Overrides global setting.

/Charts?/POP DeliveredImageType?  

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/Charts?/POP FlashCLSID? (deprecated)

/Charts?/POP FlashCodeBase? (deprecated)

/Charts?/POP FlashPluginsPage? (deprecated)

/Charts?/POP ServerPrefix? (obsolete)

/Charts?/POP ServiceString? Where to run regular pop charts.

/Charts?/POP SVGPluginsPage? (deprecated) /Charts/POPGauge? ServiceString? Where to run gauge charts.

/ColumnInfoCache? MaxLifetimeMinutes? The maximum lifetime in minutes of a cache entry in the Column Info metadata cache (regardless of when it was last accessed).

/ColumnInfoCache? UnusedExpireMinutes? The number of minutes before unused entries in the Column Info metadata cache are purged.

/ISAPI ConnectionPointBufferSize?  /ISAPI DisableSendDelay?  /ISAPI IdleCleanupFrequencySecs?  /ISAPI IdleTimeoutSecs?  /ISAPI KeepAliveFrequencySecs?  /ISAPI KeepAliveMaxFailures?  /ISAPI MaxAgeSecs?  /ISAPI MaxConnections?  /ISAPI MaxRetryAttempts?  /ISAPI ServerConnectString?  /JavaHost? ClassMain?  /JavaHost? JniLibrary? Absolute path to jvm.dll.

/JavaHost? JVMOptions Java command line parameters. Default: -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Xrs "-Djava.class.path:{CLASSPATH}" -Djava.awt.headless:true "-Djava.util.logging.config.file: {SADATADIR}/web/config/logconfig.txt" where {CLASSPATH} is the list of javahost jar files separated by semicolons.

/JavaHost? LogConfigFile?  /ManageCatalog? MaxItemsPerPage?  /MiniDump? AdminDumpType?  

/MiniDump? CompletelyDisable? TRUE prevents Siebel Analytics Web Server from producing any dump or core files. Other MiniDump? configuration settings are irrelevant if this value is TRUE.

/MiniDump? DefaultDumpType? Default type of dump to perform. Possible values: disabled—Do not capture a dump. normal—Capture only enough information to produce stack traces. Same as MiniDumpNormalmore information, search the MSDN Web site for MiniDump

/MiniDump? DumpDirectory? Directory in which to place dumps.

/MiniDump? MaxDumps? The maximum number of dumps to place in the DumpDirectorydumps.

/MiniDump? PreloadDbghelp? TRUE causes Microsoft's dbghelp.dll library to be loaded at startup instead of waiting for a

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crash to occur. This provides for more reliable dumping.

/MiniDump? SETranslatorDumpType? The type of dump to perform when hardware exception translator is invoked.

/MiniDump? UnhandledExceptionDumpType? The type of dump to perform when the server crashes.

/PermissionsDialog? MaxAccountsPerPage?  

/PivotView? MaxVisibleColumns? Sets the maximum number of columns to be displayed in a Pivot View.

/PivotView? MaxVisiblePages? Sets the maximum number of page choices (or pages in PDF) to be displayed in a Pivot View.

/PivotView? MaxVisibleRows? Sets the maximum number of rows to be displayed in a Pivot View.

/PivotView? MaxVisibleSections? Sets the maximum number of sections to be displayed in a Pivot View.

/Prompts? MaxDefaultValues? The maximum number of default values for dashboard prompts (multiselect control).

/Prompts? MaxDropDownValues? The maximum number of rows that can appear in the drop-down list of prompts.

/Prompts? ReloadInline? Controls whether to use the inline load when doing prompt constrain or clicking Go button.

/ReportCache? CacheDirectory?  

/ReportCache? CrossUserVisibility?  

/ReportCache? DiskCheckUsageIntervalMinutes?  

/ReportCache? DiskCheckUsageIntervalSeconds?  

/ReportCache? DiskCleanupIntervalMinutes?  

/ReportCache? DiskExpireMinutes?  

/ReportCache? DiskExpireReductionRatio?  

/ReportCache? DiskMaximumUsageKB?  

/ReportCache? DiskMinimumFreeKB?  

/ReportCache? DiskResaveMinutes?  

/ReportCache? DiskSubDirectories?  

/ReportCache? FileExtension?  

/ReportCache? MemoryBuckets?  

/ReportCache? MemoryCleanupIntervalMinutes?  

/ReportCache? MemoryExpireMinutes?  

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/ReportCache? MemoryMaximumEntries?  

/ReportCache? MemoryMinimumBucketSize?  

/ReportCache? VerifyReloadedEntryKey?  

/RPC ConnectionPointBufferSize? The buffer used for socket I/O. /RPC DisableSendDelay? Controls whether to disable Nagle. /RPC IdleCleanupFrequencySecs? How often idle sockets are cleaned up. /RPC IdleTimeoutSecs? Threshhold for considering a socket idle.

/RPC Listener Sets the interface and port to listen on. An interface value of means to listen on all interfaces.

/RPC MaxAgeSecs? The maximum time a socket is allowed to survive, even if it has not reached the idle time threshold.

/RPC MaxConnections? The maximum number of RPC connections Siebel Analytics Web Server permits. This does not equate to end-user sessions.

/RPC MaxListenBacklog? Value passed to listen() function.

/StatePool? CacheDirectory?  

/StatePool? CrossUserVisibility?  

/StatePool? DiskCheckUsageIntervalMinutes?  

/StatePool? DiskCheckUsageIntervalSeconds?  

/StatePool? DiskCleanupIntervalMinutes?  

/StatePool? DiskExpireMinutes?  

/StatePool? DiskExpireReductionRatio?  

/StatePool? DiskMaximumUsageKB?  

/StatePool? DiskMinimumFreeKB?  

/StatePool? DiskResaveMinutes?  

/StatePool? DiskSubDirectories?  

/StatePool? FileExtension?  

/StatePool? MemoryBuckets?  

/StatePool? MemoryCleanupIntervalMinutes?  

/StatePool? MemoryExpireMinutes?  

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/StatePool? MemoryMaximumEntries?  

/StatePool? MemoryMinimumBucketSize?  

/StatePool? VerifyReloadedEntryKey?  

/UI Text (obsolete) - Provided a mechanism for customizing the UI.

/UI DefaultFolder? (obsolete) - Create a default folder in the catalog.

/URL AbsoluteCommandURLPrefix? Controls how Siebel Analytics Web generates absolute URLs to the ISAPI extension. If a value is explicitly specified, it must be of the form protocol://server/path, for example, the complete virtual path to Siebel Analytics Web.

/URL CommandName?

Controls how Siebel Analytics Web generates URLs for static resources such as images, script files, style sheets (and other user specified files). If a value is explicitly specified, it must be of the form protocol:server. If a virtual path is specified, it is deleted. If no value is specified, then this defaults to protocol:use this setting to designate a separate Web server for serving static resources and hence reducing the load on the main server. This prefix is used for all resources that have a fully qualified virtual path. If a resource file has a relative virtual path of the form ‘Path/file’, then the prefix used is the same as that used for commands to the Siebel Analytics Web ISAPI extension.

/URL CustomerResourcePhysicalPath?

Specifies the physical location of resource files that are not part of a default installation (includes styles/skins customized for customers). If specified, a full path must be provided. Note that Siebel Analytics Web must have permission to read from this path. If this is a network share, then the administrator must make sure that the user under which Siebel Analytics Web is running has read access to the share as well as read access to the file system the share is exported from.

/URL CustomerResourceVirtualPath? This setting overrides the virtual path used for resource files that are not part of a default installation.

/URL ForceAbsoluteCommandURL?  

/URL ForceAbsoluteResourceURL? If set to YES, then Siebel Analytics Web generates fully qualified URLs for resource files that have fully qualified virtual paths.

/URL ResourcePhysicalPath?

Specifies the physical location of Siebel Analytics Web’s primary resource files (resource files that ship with the product and not files that are customized for each customer). If specified, a full path must be provided. Note also, that Siebel Analytics Web must have permission to read this path. If this is a network share, then the administrator must ensure that the user under which Siebel Analytics Web is running has read access to the share as well as read access to the file system the share is exported from. If this value is specified, and is different from the physical location of the Siebel Analytics Web DLL files, then URL\ResourceVirtualPathspecified.

/URL ResourceServerPrefix? Designates a separate Web server for delivering static resources, thereby reducing the load on the main Web server. This prefix is used for the resources that have a fully qualified virtual path of the form ‘/Path?the prefix used is the same used for commands to the Siebel Analytics Web server extension.

/URL ResourceVirtualPath?

This setting overrides the virtual path used for Siebel Analytics Web’s primary resource files. For generating relative URLs, the virtual path defaults to ‘Res’, assuming that the resource folder is present under the same virtual directory as the Siebel Analytics Web DLL files. For generating absolute URLs, the value of URL\AbsoluteCommandURLPrefixspecified, it must be a fully qualified virtual path. If a slash mark (/) is not specified, one is added. Note that if a value is specified here then these resource files and customer defined resource files must be served from the same Web server.

/Views/Table? DefaultRowsDisplayed? Sets default rows for each page when the table view is viewed in browser and none is specified by the user.

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/Views/Table? DefaultRowsDisplayedInDelivery? Sets default rows for each page when the table view is delivered.

/Views/Table? DefaultRowsDisplayedInDownload? Sets default rows for each page when the table view is downloaded to Excel.

/XmlCacheDefaults? CacheDirectory?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? CrossUserVisibility?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskCheckUsageIntervalMinutes?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskCheckUsageIntervalSeconds?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskCleanupIntervalMinutes?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskExpireMinutes?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskExpireReductionRatio?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskMaximumUsageKB?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskMinimumFreeKB?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskResaveMinutes?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? DiskSubDirectories?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? FileExtension?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryBuckets?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryCleanupIntervalMinutes?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryExpireMinutes?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryMaximumEntries?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? MemoryMinimumBucketSize?  

/XmlCacheDefaults? VerifyReloadedEntryKey?  

/AdvancedReporting? AdminURL? The URL for the Actuate Admin portal where an administrator can manage Advanced Reporting users, permissions, jobs, files, and folders

/AdvancedReporting? AuthIdExpiry? The value in minutes of the period of expiration of the authentication ID that comes from Actuate

/AdvancedReporting? ConnectStringParameter? The parameter that is present in every report that accepts the address for a connection to the Analytics Server

/AdvancedReporting? JavaHostServiceString? Points to the box that is running the Javahost /AdvancedReporting? ServerAnalyticsODBCDSN? The DSN set up on the Actuate iServer host to be used in the authentication step

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/AdvancedReporting? ServerURL? Points to the Actuate iServer /AdvancedReporting? Volume The volume containing the Actuate reports and documents /AdvancedReporting? WebURL? The URL for the Actuate JSP front-end /ThreadPoolDefaults? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/DisconnectedRequests? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/ChartThreadPool? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/Query? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/Cancel? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/RunJob? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/AsyncLogon? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped

Page 14: Ultimate Analytics Resource - Saw Config Settings …  · Web viewThe way to update this page is to copy the text from the "Wiki Format" tab of the config settings spreadsheet and

/ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/HostLookup? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? WorkerThreadSizeKb? How much stack should a thread get? /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? IdleThreadTimeoutSecs? How long before an idle thread is reaped /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? MinThreads? Minimum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? MaxThreads? Maximum number of threads /ThreadPoolDefaults/WebCleanupEngineJob? MaxQueueSize? Maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue /Catalog? CacheTimeoutSecs? How long to regard a catalog item's attributes as fresh /Catalog? CacheCleanupSecs? When to go thru cache and delete stale entries /Catalog? HashUserHomeDirectories? How many characters to use to hash usernames into sub directories
