Page 1: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016

Notes & News, thoughts & ViewsFor ABCoPAD ChurChes From

regioNAl exeCutiVe PAstor reV. Dr. FrANk FrisChkorN

Volume 28, NumBer 6 JuNe 2016

AmeriCAN BAPtist ChurChes oF PeNNsylVANiA AND DelAwAre PAge 1

greetiNgs iN the woNDerFul NAme oF Jesus!Serving in regional ministry over the last 20-plus years has made for some interesting realities in my life:• I’ve computed that I’ve logged about 700,000 miles in

travel throughout the region over that time.• As a result of all that travel, I have worn out more

than one “My Sheetz” cards ... I know where most of the Dairy Queens are located (I don’t frequent them as much as I used to, but I have to admit that there still are those days when following a particularly contentious meeting I say, “that Snickers Blizzard will definitely soothe the savage beast in me”!)

• I don’t do nearly the same number of weddings and funerals that I used to do, which makes total sense since I’m not serving one particular congregation anymore.

As a matter of fact, I’ve only officiated at THREE weddings since I’ve started serving with the region, the latest of which was just a few weeks ago. Following the rehearsal, Carolyn and I were invited to the rehearsal dinner where the bridal party and out-of-town guests gathered for an evening of food and conversation before “the Big Day.” In this case, we really didn’t know many of the folks around the tables, so for us it was all about relationship building as we talked about all sorts of topics, some of which included, the weather, favorite foods and restaurants — you know, the typical “getting to know you” fare. When we got around to what we each “did,” my sharing launched us into a discussion about the state of the church and the challenges of ministry today. It was a great time of conversation — really! We built some solid rapport with the folks at the table, so much so, that I felt comfortable joking with them as Carolyn and I stood to leave — but honestly, I wasn’t ready for the reply. In leaving the table, I said to one man in particular, “Well, I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the big day. You know, the bride and groom are important in all of this, but the truth is that without me, the wedding really wouldn’t happen!” to which he replied without even a

moment’s hesitation — “Oh, that’s not a problem. If you don’t show up, I’ll just jump online and have my own ordination in fifteen minutes. It’s no big deal.” I know it may be hard for some of you to believe, but I was speechless. As I’ve reflected on his comments, it strikes me as a very sad reality that for many in our world today, the notion of call and commissioning by God has been reduced to the financial reality of pinging your credit card for an online certificate and then hitting “print” on the screen. Yes, I have an Ordination Certificate mounted in a frame on my wall, but honestly it’s just a piece of paper that signifies a deeper and more significant work that God has creatively done in and through my life — a work that has been confirmed and affirmed by the wider body of the church. It’s a supernatural reality — the LORD of the Universe has created me, chosen me, chiseled me and called me to serve Him. It’s not an earthly transaction — it’s a heavenly transaction — one to which I come with open and empty hands to receive from the bounty of His Grace.Os Guinness, in his powerfully written book entitled, “The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life,” said the following: In the biblical understanding of giftedness, gifts are never really ours, or for ourselves. We have nothing that was not given us. Our gifts are ultimately God’s, and we are only “stewards” — responsible for the prudent management of property that is not our own. This is why our gifts are always “ours for others,” whether in the community of Christ or the broader society outside, especially the neighbor in need. This is also why it is wrong to treat God as a grand employment agency, a celestial executive searcher to find perfect fits for our perfect gifts. The truth is not that God is finding us a place for our gifts but that God has created us and our gifts for a place of his choosing— and we will only be ourselves when we are finally there. (pg. 46)May the LORD continue to raise up leaders to serve. May we be open to His Calling as we seek to be instruments in His Hands for the extending of His Kingdom.

Ever so grateful for God’s Call on my life,


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reV. Dr. JeFFrey JohNsoN regioNAl PAstor with CoNgregAtioNs 888-687-0883 [email protected]

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reV. Dr. keViN wAlDeN regioNAl PAstor with PAstorAl leADers 610-575-0320 [email protected]

Called to Follow Jesus!

From Peter’s sermon, in Acts Chapter 2:

17 ‘God says: In the last days

I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy.

Your young men will see visions,

and your old men will dream dreams.

18 At that time I will pour out my Spirit

also on my male slaves and female slaves,

and they will prophesy.

19 I will show miracles

in the sky and on the earth:

blood, fire, and thick smoke.

20 The sun will become dark,

the moon red as blood,

before the overwhelming and glorious day of the Lord will come.

21 Then anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved.’

Joel 2:28–32

I will admit, it seems a little odd to quote a quote. Peter shares in his message on Pentecost a passage from the prophet Joel. I believe it is an exciting passage because it talks about the Power of the message of the Gospel in the last days. The Gospel message which will be taken everywhere by men and women. A message so powerful, that anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation will be saved.

Recently I’ve been reflecting on some of our exceptional young people who have answered the call to be sent to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. They have ordinary names like: Josh, Tim, Les, Jennifer and Lumi — just to name a few. But each one of these young servants, and many like them, are doing incredible ministry! And sometimes, because I know some of these students, I wonder where are all the others whom God is calling into the ministry?

I am absolutely convinced that the Lord, through the power of his Holy Spirit, is calling people constantly into ministry. I am further convinced that too many do not have “eyes to see and ears to hear “that it is the Lord who is calling them!

We, the church, are not helping our young men and women to sense The Call to ministry.

Now don’t misunderstand me! I believe that every Christian is called to be a follower of Jesus Christ. As a follower of Jesus, we are all to use our gifts in ministry to build up the body of Christ. I also believe that some are called to lead. We need to challenge each other to use our gifts in ministry. But beyond that, we also need to challenge each other with the idea, the possibility, that some of us are called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are called into leadership, then we need to affirm that call and give them opportunities to serve.

Further, we need to come alongside them and help them to find experiences and education, which prepares them to fulfill their call. In ABCOPAD, we have an exceptional lay minister academy (ACTS). Some of these students from years past as well as present are some of our finest leaders. Whether they serve as a pastor, deacon, trustee or some other leadership position in their church, they serve as excellent leaders.

ACTS is getting ready for the fall semester. The first class, featuring Rev. Mark McCallion as the instructor, will be on the subject of preaching. The second class, featuring myself as the teacher, will be on the subject of pastoral leadership. You can learn more at:

I sincerely encourage every pastor and every member of our congregations to consider if there might be someone in their church family who is being called into leadership, and to encourage them to consider our Academy. This is great for those believing they are called to pastor, called to be a deacon, called to be a trustee or any other leadership position in the church.

Now is the time. Lord, give us eyes to see, and give us ears to hear what your Spirit speaks to Your church!

Please know ... you are in our minds, on our hearts and in our prayers ...

For God’s glory ...


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Page 4: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016

What you can do to THRIVE this summer as an American Baptist Women’s Ministries woman or girl in your ABCOPAD church?

Read over these items. See which one might be a step you can take to help you grow spiritually and reach more people for the Kingdom.

1. Are you a lady or girl that loves spending time with other ladies and girls? Then the “Encouraging as we THRIVE” conference 2016 is for you. There is still time to register!

2. Would you like to help with ministries in our Region? Collecting loose change and giving to LOVE GIFT is just the thing for you. You can give the money to your church treasurer and ask that he or she send it to Caryl Casey, our amazing ABCOPAD treasurer.

3. Maybe you are someone who likes to help reach people you’d otherwise never come in contact with. ABWM of PA/DE projects help you support missionaries across the world and the people they serve. Contact Kimberly Griffith, our Mission and Service Coordinator, or Judy Miller, our White Cross Coordinator. These ladies are both part of our executive team.

4. Some of you may want to spend time in small group Bible studies or you might want to plan a retreat for your local church or Association. Christy Meenely, our Spiritual Enrichment Coordinator, is the lady to help and encourage you with this.

5. Maybe you sense that starting a group for your women and girls or renewing a group is needed. Contact me, Apryl Crownover-Glunt and I will help your group begin your journey in THRIVING through ABWM of PA/DE.

I would love to speak with any lady who has a heart for women and girls, for missions and spiritual growth, and for our ABWM of PA/DE. For contact information, check out our website at

I will be praying for your summer ahead and all the Lord has in store as we listen to Him encourage us as we THRIVE!!!

See you at Shippensburg on July 15-17! Apryl L. Crownover-Glunt President of ABWM of PA/DE

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News From our AssoCiAtioNs

AmeriCAN BAPtist ChurChes oF PeNNsylVANiA AND DelAwAre PAge 5

CeNtrAl uNioN

Frank Frischkorn had the opportunity to preach at the FBC, Norristown (Kelly Legg). The church family has given Kelly a sabbatical, and it was her first Sunday out of the pulpit. Jennifer Carpenter is serving as the pastoral intern at FBC, Norristown while Pastor Kelly is on sabbatical. Jennifer will be providing pastoral care and carrying the preaching responsibilities most of the summer. She also serves as the Minister of Music for the congregation.

Kevin Walden was able to preach at FBC, Conshohocken (Bradley Lacey). Pastor Brad had his fifth heart attack this past month. The service went well, and at the end there was a powerful time of prayer for many including Pastor Brad and Peggy Lacey. Kevin said it was a joy to serve alongside them.

Hatboro Baptist Church hosted a chamber recital featuring sonatas for viola and piano to please the ears. Adelya Shagidullina and Mark Livhitz were the featured and talented instrumentalists.


Frank Frischkorn had a wonderful visit with Pastor Chris Davis (Liberty, Blanchard). Chris is a new ABCOPAD Board member for Centre Association, and Frank said it was a joy talking all things “Region” with him. He then showed Frank the new parsonage the church has provided for him and his family ... What a beautiful home!

Jeff Johnson spent a recent Sunday at Mill Creek, Huntingdon where Ray Crownover has served for 35 years. Besides preaching in the morning service, Jeff attended Sunday School. He also stayed into the afternoon and evening for the Centre Association spring meeting. Mill Creek is also the home church of Apryl Crownover-Glunt, President of our region’s ABWM.

Sick at home or out of town? Not to worry! FBC, Hollidaysburg streams their worship services live on their website. You can tune in and gather with the congregation no matter where you are!

All were welcome to a Breaking the Chains service, June 11, at Mt. Zion Missionary, Altoona. The service was about breaking the chains that bind you. Addiction, abuse and neglect have no part in your life ... especially if your goal is to walk with God!


Kevin Walden visited the Clarion Association pastors’ meeting, and then had a chance to visit with Pastor Marcia Shaffer. Marcia is the new interim at FBC, Punxsutawney. The congregation was so happy they took out an ad in the paper. Marcia and her husband, Ray, come out of the Richardsville congregation.

After a visit with Pastor Scott Jones and his wife, Carolyne, Frank Frischkorn thought he’d pop in on Pastor Mark Brady, the new pastor at FBC, Kittanning. Alas, he wasn’t in. But Frank did have good visit with the church secretary. The church is doing some work on the retaining wall in the front of the church.


Calvary, Newark had a time of Pastor Appreciation for Pastor C.G. Coats and Interim Pastor Louise Barger. The day was bittersweet in that the congregation was also saying goodbye to Pastor Louise as she completed her interim duties. A beautiful quilt containing photographs of the congregation was presented to Louise, along with heartfelt best wishes and prayers as she moves to her new interim assignment in Dayton, Ohio.

FreNCh Creek

Three baptisms and four memberships took place last month — all in one family! FBC, Franklin welcomed father, mother and daughter, as the family committed their life to Jesus Christ through baptism on Pentecost Sunday. They became members of the church as did their granddad. What a glorious day in the Lord!


Kevin Walden was privileged to join the wonderful congregation of Christ’s American, Spring Grove. Dr. Todd Whitmer and the congregation installed Rev. Joshua Trojak as their associate pastor. Kevin was honored to give a charge to Pastor Josh and the congregation at both services. Josh gave a great message on serving as the Body of Christ, with Jesus as the cornerstone of our faith. Josh’s wife, Deb, sang in the praise team as well as a solo/duet during communion. Her parents traveled from Shinglehouse for the special day! Todd’s wife, Laurie, was also in the praise team playing the flute. A wonderful day of celebrating Jesus at work in people’s lives.

FBC, York celebrated the Dedication of Phase II of their building plan. Fifteen years ago they completed the first phase of construction on Druck Valley Road, and now they’ve dedicated the newly-built gymnasium. Pastor Tim Munson preached on Romans 12:1-2, and our need to be dedicated “living sacrifices” unto the Lord. Following worship, the congregation (numbering over 140) shared a fellowship meal in their sanctuary/multi-purpose room. What a beautiful facility! All gathered in a circle for a time of dedication and prayer, offering the space and the congregation up to God in prayer. A number of wonderful friends were present for the celebration.

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News From our AssoCiAtioNs continued

West Shore, Camp Hill, held its Annual “Baby Bottle Blast.” To support the work and vision of the Capital Area Pregnancy Centers, they distributed baby bottles for folks to fill with their donations; bottles are being returned on Father’s Day.


Journey Jerusalem is a unique, one-of-a-kind ministry that takes children back in time to the days when Jesus lived in Jerusalem. Each classroom is designed to look and feel like old Jerusalem. Children dress up in Biblical robes and experience their lesson plan on scrolls in the “Scribe’s Room,” sing their songs in the “Bedouin Tent” and work on crafts in the “Carpenter’s Shop.” Infants and Toddlers are cared for in the “Little Lambs Pen.” Journey Jerusalem focuses on employing our children’s imaginations so the Bible literally comes alive. The Journey is held every Sunday morning at New Beginnings Baptist Church.

oil Creek

The Delaware Avenue Baptist Church hosted the combined meetings of ABWM of Oil Creek as well as the Oil Creek Association. Frank Frischkorn was asked to lead a workshop on Jerry Bridges’ book, Respectable Sins. It was a great time of fellowship and the congregation at Delaware Avenue made everyone feel right at home. During the meetings, members of the latest Nicaragua Mission Trip shared some of their experiences with the group. The team consisted of representatives from both ABCOPAD and ABCNYC, but each of these group members call the Greenfield Baptist Church their spiritual home. When they finished sharing, they asked if there were any questions. Someone in the congregation asked, “Would you go back again”? Without hesitation, they all said, “In a heartbeat...” The ABWM is building layettes to send to AMOS for distribution to new mothers in Nicaragua. Many pregnant mothers refuse to go to a clinic to give birth because they are embarrassed that they don’t have any clothes to bring their baby home. The women of the Region are hoping to change that by building layettes to share with the young women of Nicaragua.


On the last Sunday of May, Dr. Glen Richardson (FBC, West Newton) baptized 17 people during the Sunday morning worship service! Twelve of them were from one family. Three of the 17 were triplets. This is the same baptistery that Jeff Johnson was baptized in, in his teens, nearly 40 years ago!

While visiting at FBC, Crafton this past Sunday, Jeffrey Johnson got to see Charlie Brown (yep, Charlie Brown) and his wife, Marie. After leaving the military in the mid-1960s, Charlie went to work in the ABC Mission

Center under the auspices of our denomination’s American Baptist Extension Corporation and then relocated to Pittsburgh by the end of that decade to be an ABEC field representative. He would finish out his professional career as an architect. Both he and his wife went through our regional school of ministry. Marie just retired as pastor of the church. Their interim pastor, Patricia ‘Pat’ Stetz led in communion, while Jeff provided the morning message. There was a great luncheon after worship. Jeff then met with the church leadership to continue their co::lab work from last year as well as facilitate their ongoing search process. Pastor Pat is a graduate of our CLI/ACTS regional school of ministry.

Franklin Park Baptist Church is busy assembling School Tool Kits. They plan to provide backpacks for the children in Grafton, WV, when school resumes in the fall. Backpacks contain all kinds of supplies like pens, crayons, scissors, notebooks and pocket folders.

The 2016 Penn Hills Memorial Day parade is now history, and Penn Hills Baptist Church was well represented. Twenty church members and friends marched along the route, handing out candy to the kids, along with flyers about the SHINE 2016 VBS, and water bottles to the police, fire and EMS personnel. Everyone had a great time in this outreach program.


Rev. Dr. Dale Miller met with Rev. Abreu (Emmanuel Hispanic Assembly of God) in Allentown, PA. Rev. Abreu and her congregation wish to become a part of ABCOPAD. It was a wonderful conversation. Dale is the moderator of the Reading Association. Associations welcome new churches into the region and denomination.


The Riverside Association met at the New Hope Christian Church, Broomall, for their yearly gathering. Pastor Marcos Almonte, Moderator of the Association, led the meeting. Following a fellowship dinner, they all gathered with Pastor Jeff Evans and the church family from the congregation for an inspiring concert by Bluegrass Gospel group, The Rockdale Boys.

Brandywine Baptist Church held a Jazz Vesper Service on June 5. What a great idea! Every once in a while we all need to slow down … to find that quiet place where we can rest our mind and our soul from our busy life.

The Summer Lunch Program will begin on July 5, at Upland Baptist Church. The church is opened to the neighborhood kids four days a week. They will serve a boxed lunch that is provided by the Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese program. After lunch, the kids can participate in a different activity each day … outdoor games, crafts, board games, library day and special speakers.

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News From our AssoCiAtioNs continued

AmeriCAN BAPtist ChurChes oF PeNNsylVANiA AND DelAwAre PAge 7

teN mile

The Rev. Dr. Richard “Dick” Visser was honored for his many years of pastoral service to the community of Waynesburg specifically and the Kingdom of God universally, with the conferment of the Doctor of Humane Letters honorary degree during Waynesburg University’s commencement on Sunday, May 1. Dick finished out his professional career before retirement in ABCOPAD where for 20 years he served as Senior Pastor of FBC, Waynesburg and then served as Interim Executive Minister of the Pittsburgh Baptist Association prior to its merger with ABCOPAD. Although both he and his wife, Carol, are originally from New England (where they have since retired) together they’ve shared 50 years of ministry in New England, West Virginia, and several churches in ABCOPAD. Dick has served on all levels of denominational life; associationally, regionally and nationally. Dick was a founding leader in our region’s school of lay ministry.

David Earnest, (Bethlehem, Prosperity) is taking his role as Joseph VERY seriously ... even going so far as to shave his head to portray the part. Each session Pastor David teaches on Joseph as part of their Egypt-based Vacation Bible School.

welsh wyomiNg

Ever been to a Pierogi Festival? It’s a two-day street festival featuring all types of vendors, food, merchandise and crafts. Immanuel, Edwardsville will be featured in the community parade, as well as an information and refreshment stand at the weekend event.

other items oF iNterest

Don’t forget to check out our website often at!


The ABCOPAD Regional Board met for their yearly face-to-face meeting in Breezewood. It was a full day of sharing how God is moving in our midst. A great time together with these partners in ministry from the Associations around the Region as well as our auxiliary organizations.

wAter oF BlessiNg

The Monongahela Baptist Association will host Laura Parajón, AB Missionary to Nicaragua on Monday, July 18, 6:30 p.m., at FBC, Connellsville (Will Hough). Laura is a family physician and has training in Public Health. She serves through AMOS to improve the health of impoverished communities by working alongside of them in health, education and development. On Tuesday, July 19, she will be speaking in the Pittsburgh Baptist Association (location open). For information, call 412-687-3940.

The ABWM of PA/DE are teaming up with AMOS for their Regional Project by raising funds to build and deliver water filters to families who have no access to clean water. To contribute, send a check to Susan Mahserjian-Smith, 1523 Smokey Corners Rd., Williamsport, PA 17701.

Whether it’s a vacation or a staycation,

have a safe and happy one!

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AmeriCAN BAPtist ChurChes oF PeNNsylVANiA AND DelAwAre PAge 8

July/Aug./sePt. 2016 DeADliNe

items to Be iNCluDeD iN the Next issue oF Notes & News NeeD to ArriVe By 5 p.m., Thursday, sepT. 8.

Please send all material to Denise Veselicky.

Mail: ABCOPAD 159 N. Bellefield Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2609

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 888-687-0883

Fax: 412-687-3941

Thank you!

Donna L. Schneff Designer/Editor [email protected]

CeleBrAtioN oF missioN giViNg

See you in September!

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American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

2016 Biennial Leadership Conference

Thirsty? Arranging Your Life for Spiritual Transformation

“…Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:37-38

October 27-29, 2016 -- Blair County Convention Center

Schedule of Events

Thursday, October 27, 2016

1 p.m. ............................... Registration / Exhibits 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. ............ Plenary 5:45 p.m. ........................... Pastors’ and BLC Banquets 7:30 p.m. ........................... Plenary 9:00 p.m. ........................... Reception

Friday, October 28, 2016

8:45 a.m. - 11 a.m. ............ Plenary 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. ........... Lunch – Staff Notes & News 1:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ......... Workshops: Session I and II 1:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ......... Prayer Summit 4 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. .............. Plenary with Teaching 7:15 p.m. - 9 p.m. .............. Plenary

Saturday, October 29, 2016

7:15 a.m. ........................... Biennial Breakfast Events: ABW Ministries Palmer Alumni 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. ................ Plenary 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. ...... Lunch with David Parajón AB Missionary to Nicaragua Water of Blessing

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Christopher Hall

President of Renovaré

Renovaré promotes and models intentional living among Christians desiring a deeper connection with God. The ministry advocates a balanced vision and practical strategy of spiritual renewal to encourage individuals and churches to develop revitalized, sustainable and enriched spiritual lives.

Additional Highlights:

Special Music, Praise and Worship

.5 CEUs

Exhibits and Displays

Family Christian Bookstores

Workshops Led by ABCOPAD Regional Pastors and Pastoral Leaders

Family, Friends, and Fellowship

Registration - Take Advantage of the Early Registration Discounts

Early Individual Registration Discounts:

$100 by July 30, 2016 ................. $115 by August 30, 2016 ..................................... $130 by September 30, 2016

Early Group Registration Discounts: 4 or More from the Same Church Received Together $85 by July 30, 2016 ................... $100 by August 30, 2016 ..................................... $115 by September 30, 2016

Registration On or After October 1, 2016, $155 Per Person

Special Breakfast Events are Not Included with the Registration Fee, Additional Nominal Charge

For More Information Contact: 1-888-687-0883/412-687-3940 Email: [email protected]

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American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Foundation

Harvest Fund: Supporting Regional Mission and Ministry

The Harvest Fund was established to support the vision of the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware (ABCOPAD) by providing current and long-term financial sustainability for the key Regional Ministries of today while securing funds for their future.

“In all my prayers for you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership…” Philippians 1:4-5 (NIV)

Become a Friend of ABCOPAD

_______ Associate Friend of ABCOPAD ............................................... Gift up to $300 _______ Sustaining Friend of ABCOPAD ...................................... Gift of $301 – $999 _______ Transforming Friend of ABCOPAD ........................... Gift of $1,000 – $4,999 _______ Visionary Friend of ABCOPAD ................................... Gift of $5,000 or More

Your Gift Impacts the Kingdom

I/WE Commit to Give: _______ $25 _______ $50 _______$100 _______$250 _______$500 ______ Other

Every: _______Month _______Quarter _______Annual


Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: _______________

Phone: _______________________________________ Cell: ___________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________________________________________

_________ Please ADD My Email Address to the Region Email List

_________ Please Contact Me about Planned Giving and/or Estate Planning

_________ Please send an annual receipt

PAYABLE TO: ABCOPAD Foundation; SEND TO: ABCOPAD Foundation; PO Box 431; Hatboro, PA 19040

For online giving: and select donations for instructions.

For More Information, Contact us at: ABCOPAD Foundation: .......................................... Sue MacDonald 717-682-8516 / [email protected]

The ABCOPAD Foundation is in Partnership with the American Baptist Foundation.

For information on planned giving, please visit

THANK YOU for your partnership in supporting ABCOPAD Mission and Ministries!!

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After 25 years serving in local church ministry, The American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware called Kevin to serve as a Regional Pastor in 2010. On the staff Kevin teaches the Pastoral Leadership Course in our Academy (ACTS), is the lead teacher for our Clergy Ethics Course, assists our 21 associations with the credentialing processes, oversees our Leadership Learning Communities (15 study and support groups for over 90 pastors), oversees our Regional Interim Ministry program (Refirement), and is the staff advisor for the ABMen and Ministers Council. Kevin considers it a privilege and honor to serve our Pastors and Churches.



Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda, Revised and Expanded.

Authors: Henry Blackaby and Richard Blackaby ©2011


Growth Points (articles)

Author: Gary L. McIntosh.

© Permission for usage granted to The American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania & Delaware (ABCOPAD)

COURSEOBJECTIVESTohelpthestudents…Ô Explore the general role of pastor as shepherd and


Ô Explore the various stylesof leadershipand tobegintodevelophisorherleadershipstyleinlightofissuesofpersonality,giftsandcontextofministry.

Ô Explore the basic concepts of leadership,administration andmanagement as they apply to thevariousexpectationsofpastoralministry.

Ô Explore the basic issues of pastoral ethics as theyrelate to integrity, trust, morality, confidentiality,professionalism, personal faith journey, boundaries,conflict management and congregationalrelationships.

Ô Discerntheircallasabelieverandtheirsenseofcalltopastoral ministry or other areas of ministry service(spiritualformation).

Ô Explore the role of pastor as a leader among otherleadersinrelationshiptoothercolleaguesinministry,the larger denominational (American Baptist) familyandleaderswithintheirchurch.

Ô Exploretheconceptsofservantleadershipandsharedleadership.

Ô Exploremethodologiesinlayleadershipdevelopmentandcongregationaltransformation.

Ô Explore specific pastoral functions in worship,preaching, administration, pastoral care andadministration.



FEES AND TUITION $225.00 tuition per course ($25 per course deposit due immediately, remainder payable by Aug. 25) $10.00 late fee will be assessed for applications received after August 1, 2016. First-time Students must add a $25 enrollment fee.

Eleanor Siegrist, Dean of Academics 1331 Logan Blvd, Altoona, PA 16602 (814) 944-1468

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 12: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016
















Mark has been a pastor for over 30 years and currently serves the Wesleyville Baptist Church in Erie, PA. Prior to that Mark served Baptist congregations across Pennsylvania. Additionally, he serves as the credentials chairman for the Oil Creek association, and regionally on the Commission for Ministerial Leadership and the Conflict Mediation Network. Mark considers serving as a pastor both a privilege and a passion. His current congregation is amazingly diverse and wonderfully gifted. They are seeing a fantastic transformation underway both in the church and community with enhanced levels of joy, peace and excitement at what the Holy Spirit is accomplishing in their midst.



Ô Preaching with Purpose Author: Jay Adams

Ô Biblical Preaching Author: Haddon Robinson

Ô The Preacher and His Preaching Author: A.P. Gibbs

Ô The Supremacy of God in Preaching Author: John Piper


Ô VarietiesofSpeakingGifts


Ô KnowingYourAudience

Ô TheHolySpiritandTeaching1.TheRoleoftheHolySpirit2.TheHolySpiritandthePreacher3.TheHolySpiritandPreparation4.TheHolySpiritandProclamation5.TheHolySpiritandThePeople

Ô TheRoleofPrayer1.ThenecessityofprayerforSpirituality2.ThenecessityofprayerinsermonsoftheBible3.ThenecessityofPrayerforPowerinpreaching

Ô StepstoPreaching1. Determine the passage or topic upon which topreach2.Studythepassageortopic3.Preparethesermon4.Preachingthesermon

Ô TypesofSermons1.Expository2.Topical3.Textual

Ô HowtoPrepareaSermon1.TheMainThingistoKeeptheMainthingtheMain2.StudythePassageorTopic3.PreparetheSermon4.PreachtheSermon



FEES AND TUITION $225.00 tuition per course ($25 per course deposit due immediately, remainder payable by Aug. 25) $10.00 late fee will be assessed for applications received after August 1, 2016. First-time Students must add a $25 enrollment fee.

Eleanor Siegrist, Dean of Academics 1331 Logan Blvd, Altoona, PA 16602 (814) 944-1468

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 13: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016

Volume 28 Issue 6 PO Box 892589, Temecula, CA 92589-2589 June 2016

Growth Pointswith Gary L. McIntosh, Ph.D.Growth PointsGrowth Points

Fellowship has been an important part of Christian gatherings since the first century. Scripture tells us that the early believers “devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42 NIV).

Today's effective churches continue to encourage and prioritize fellowship as an important part of the gathering of the saints.

Order Dr. McIntosh ‘s new book

Much of the fellowship in churches occurs after the Sunday worship service. The space available near your worship facility, for people to gather following the service, is key to whether this vital function actually happens in the life of the church.

Why worry about the fellowship space that is easily accessible from your sanctuary? Here are a few reasons:

1. The #1 factor influencing a guest’s decision to return is “the friendliness of the people.” When asked when they determined whether the church was friendly or not, most guests say it was immediately after the worship service. When does most of the fellowship occur in a church? Immediately following the conclusion of the service. If you have a place where such fellowship can occur, it is much more likely that it will occur. If you have no facility for such fellowship, it is likely that most people (including visitors) will head for the exit.

Do You Have Enough Fellowship Space?

“Effective churches encourage

and prioritize fellowship as an important part of the

gathering of the saints.”

2. Fellowship is the grease that keeps relationships in the church growing. One study found that the average new member who joined a church and remained active had made 7 new friends in the church during that first year. The average dropout had made an average of just 2 friends.

3. The farther away fellowship space is from your worship center ingress/egress, the less likely newcomers will seek it out. Be assured that visitors will not go out of their way to seek out the fellowship space on their own. However, if someone in the church approaches and invites the visitor/guest to join them in the fellowship area, chances are good that they will go…even if they wouldn't have on their own.

Growing God’s Church: How People Are Actually Coming

to Faith Today.

Available for today on from

Available in soft cover or e-book versions.

Page 14: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016

Churches need 6-8 square feet per person for fellowship.

Consider the following ideas.

First, determine whether you have any fellowship space available. This does not mean any space anywhere in the church. The fellowship space must be very close, and easily accessible, to the worship center. The space for the post-service fellowship must be in the natural path people take on their way to and from the worship service.

Second, calculate your functional room size by figuring 6-8 square feet per person. So, if you have 200 people in worship, and you want fellowship space for 60% of that (120), you would want a room that is between 720 - 960 square feet.

Third, if you do not have enough fellowship space, think of ways to remodel or enlarge the current space to accommodate more guests, it may be worth the investment. Some churches in warmer climates may use space outside of the worship center.

If you do have adequate fellowship space, use the following suggestions to invite people

1. Supply the room with a nice variety of food and drink. Include a coffee bar with various quality coffee options. Include hot chocolate, lemonade, hot water and tea bags, ice water, and whatever other creative things you want to include.

2. Give people a good reason to drop in. Cookies, donuts, and pastries are nice, but for healthier options add an assortment of fresh fruit, veggie sticks, health bars, popcorn, or cheese sticks. It's

OK to charge a nominal fee for the goodies, but better if they're free. If you do charge, be sure visitors and guests know the goodies are on the house.

3. Be sure to announce the refreshment room at the conclusion of the worship service, and invite members and guests to attend. Portable freestanding signs should point the way to the fellowship room.

4. Encourage your members and regular attendees to introduce themselves to anyone near them whom they do not know. If they turn out to be visitors, members should invite the guest to the fellowship hall and introduce them to friends and church staff.

5. Appoint fellowship room hosts to be on the lookout for people standing alone, particularly newcomers. A good host is skilled in social exchange and will engage the person(s) in casual conversation. Introducing the guests to the pastor and other members is also good hospitality.

Gary L. McIntosh and Charles Arn. For more ideas see What Every Pastor Should Know (Baker Books. 2013).

Growth Points is published twelve times a year. The subscription price is $20

(Bank or World Money Order) per year.Permission is granted for use in a local

church. For other reprint usage, advancepermission must be obtained.

Formerly published under the titleChurch Growth Network.

Copyrighted 2016 ISSN 1520-5096

Fellowship is the grease that keeps relationships growing.

Page 15: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016

Partners In Ministry




in the World

Depending upon your age and your church’s style of worship

you may have grown up singing “Count Your Blessings” a

hymn written by Johnson Oatman, Jr. back in 1897. Some of

the words in the hymn are old-fashioned and certainly not the

language we use today in speaking or writing. The truth of the

words hasn’t gone out of style though, no matter what age we

are, how we serve in our congregation, or where we are in our

Christian journey.

It’s easy to think of a blessing as what has been given to us.

We are grateful to a God who watches out for us and takes

care of those smallest of needs. But there is also the blessing

that comes when we give. Our gifts bless ministries that are

only able to happen because as a group of believers we come

together – partner together to serve in our communities, in our

country and in countries around the world. Through Partners

in Ministry, your gifts bless other congregations with

resources, with pulpit supply, assistance during pastoral

searches, training, mission trip opportunities and the support

and encouragement of pastoral leaders.

The old hymn says,” Count your blessings, see what God hath

done!” Be a part of those blessings with your gifts to

Partners In Ministry.

Partners In Ministry

Fulfilling Christ’s Mission in the World

You can give to Partners In Ministry through:

1. Your local congregation’s weekly offering by

designating your gift to

ABCOPAD – Partners in Ministry.

2. ABCOPAD’s Online Giving option, available on the

Regional website ( Your church can

receive mission-giving credit for your online gift.

3. Sending your check (made payable to ABCOPAD) to

ABCOPAD; P.O. Box 421; Hatboro, PA 19040.

Thank you for your giving to Partners in Ministry and for

your partnership as we minister together

in Pennsylvania and Delaware.




Page 16: umBer uNe reetiNgs iN oNDerFul Ame oF - ABCOPAD · called into leadership in Christ’s Church. And if they are ... Baptist Women’s Ministries woman ... THRIVE” conference 2016

American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Pittsburgh Baptist Association 159 N. Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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ABMOPAD Retreat for Men and Young Men Theme: “God, Our Ever-Present Help!” (Psalm 46:1)

Friday, July 29 – Sunday, July 31, 2016

Shippensburg University; 1871 Old Main Drive; Shippensburg, PA 17257

Keynote Speaker:

Rev. Dr.

Larron Jackson

Minister, Teacher, Author, and Motivational Speaker

God's Power Sweep to Success! Youth Program 4th Grade through High School

AB Men Praise Band Blended Contemporary & Traditional Music

Relevant and Challenging Workshops

Discipleship - No More Excuses

Freedom Awaits: Overcoming Our Attachments

Intentional Integrity: The Resolve of Mighty Men of God

Mentoring - Now What?

No Man Left Behind All-Inclusive Ministry to Men

The Nuts & Bolts of Bible Study

Pressing Toward the Prize: Embrace the Challenges of Living for Christ

Cost: $175 - First-Time-Pastor Discounts Available / Youth: $100 - The First 25 Youth Pay Only $50!

For More Info Contact Bob Coats 484-459-9185 / [email protected]
