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United Nations in Bosnia and HerzegovinaAnnual Consultations 2012

Council of Ministers / Entity Governments

June, 2012Sarajevo/Banja Luka

BiH Programme Steering Board

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BiH Programme Steering Board





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• Joint BiH – UN/WB annual consultations with government agreed and initiated in early 2011 following the general elections and government formation process;

• First meetings with Entity Governments organized in June 2011 (Council of Ministers meeting delayed due to on-going formation process);

• Provides institutionalized mechanism to consult with BiH Council of Ministers and Entity Governments of the annual UN/WB BiH programmatic and financial targets and seek recommendations on progress;

• Aligns UN/WB interventions with BiH governments’ annual activities within the agreed UN Development Assistance Framework 2010-14 (UNDAF);

BiH Programme Steering Board

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• Support provided by 9 resident agencies (ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNICTY, UN Women, UNV, WHO), 6 regional agencies (FAO, IFAD, UNEP, UNECE, UN-Habitat, UNIDO) and IOM;

• Activities closely coordinated with the Breton Woods Institutions: WB and IMF;

• Activities aligned with the EU integration process and state/entities priorities;

• UNDAF 2010 – 2014 total UN allocation envisioned: USD 178,000,000. (Currently exceeding target by 19%)

BiH Programme Steering Board

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World Bank Portfolio and Disbursement 2010-11 (US$ million)

A Bretton Wood Institution and a Specialized Agency of the UN - Coordinates closely with UNCT members on UNDAF preparation and delivery

Currently 13 active projects;

A total of US$ 462.3 million (of which 38% disbursed);8 IDA credits, 3 IBRD loans , and 3 GEF grants;strong disbursement performance over the last 3 years

UNCT/UNDAF 2010 2011

Governance/Local Dev/ SMEs

24.1 56.6

Social Inclusion* 111.9 2.7

Environment /Climate Change

33.5 22.3

TOTAL: 169.5 81.6

*Includes US$111 Mil. Development Policy Loan

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World Bank: some results from the current program

Investment projects continue to improve people’s lives:

• Improved access to water for over 300,000 people in 6 municipalities.

• Six regional sanitary landfills – best practice in the region.

• Effective primary health care – 70% of population will be covered through family medicine model by 2014.

• Production of electricity increased and environmental impact improved.

• 209 kms of roads rehabilitated.

• Backlog of land registration cases eliminated.

• 105 SMEs provided with easier access to credits – 1,120 new jobs created and an estimated 4,000 jobs sustained during the period August 2010 – February 2012, thanks to the WB financed SME line of credit.

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WB: New Country Partnership Strategy 2012-2015

• Goals of the new CPS: Competitiveness; Social inclusion; and Sustainable use of natural resources. EU integration – cross cutting theme

• Pillar I – Competitiveness

• Improve competitiveness of the agriculture sector and access to EU markets ;• Energy - increases production of electricity while reducing pollution;• Efficient land market development.• Business environment regulatory reform, and improved investment climate,

and improved access to finance for SMEs. • Pillar II – Social inclusion

• Further improvement of quality and access to primary health care• Effective and better targeted job-brokerage services• Improved targeting of non-insurance cash transfers

• Pillar III – Environmental sustainability – partnership with EC• Effective solid waste management – more regional landfills and less wild

dump sites.• Reduced river pollution and better water management.

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WB Program 2012-15

CPS 2012-15 Lending Program:• Two projects already approved in 2012: Irrigation

Development (US$ 40m); and additional financing for Enhancing SME Access to Finance (US$ 120m)

• Pipeline: Sava River Navigability (US$ 31m); Real Estate Registration (US$ 30m)

• Lending envelope 2014-2015: about US$ 40m – IDA credits, about US$ 200m IBRD loans (DPL series);

Analytical Work 2012: • Public and Institutional Expenditures Review (PEIR)• SEE Economic Report• Social Exclusion in BiH and the Global Crisis

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Key Outcome Areas:





United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2010 - 2014

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UNDAF 2010 – 2014 Financial Overview

AGENCIES (alphabetically) 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL USD

FAO 11,539 628,100 1,357,932 1,997,571

IFAD 6,537,630 2,281,369 2,888,086 11,707,085ILO 67,063 242,128 216,000 525,191IOM 631,740 3,146,467 3,456,341 7,234,548UNDP 23,263,500 28,172,715 29,172,724 80,608,939UNECE 55,000 60,000 115,000UNEP 313,695 420,000 400,000 1,133,695UNESCO 833,500 888,000 550,000 2,271,500UNFPA 759,000 922,518 1,115,283 2,796,800UNHCR 2,823,368 2,790,000 2,560,000 8,173,368UNICEF 5,410,250 5,373,844 6,648,525 17,432,618UNIDO 159,753 205,000 125,000 489,753UNV 108,000 208,678 338,034 654,712UN WOMEN 175,643 300,000 411,500 887,143WHO 370,000 160,000 100,000 630,000

TOTAL $41,46 M $ 45,78 M $49,24 M $136,48 M

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2011 Financial Overview

*Multilateral Fund for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol**Global Environmental Fund***Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria

2011 Donor

Indicative Total Planned Budget per Outcome for


Indicative Budget Delivery per

Outcome in 2011

Governance / Local Develop.

UN, EU, Swiss, Germany, Netherlands, Lichtenstein, Italy, Sweden, Norway, BIH

9,397,106 10,702,510 24%

Social InclusionUN, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Swiss, Lichtenstein, Turkey, Sweden, USA, Slovenia, UK, EU, BIH

17,481,446 13,781,532 30%

Environment / Climate Change

UN, MP*, Spain, Netherlands, GEF**, Norway, France, EU, BIH 7,482,181 4,291,024 10%

Justice/Human Security

UN, GFATM***, EU, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Sweden 20,923,809 17,018,753 36%

TOTAL : $55,28 M $ 45,78 M 100%

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2011 Financial Overview

AGENCIES (alphabetically)

Governance/Local Dev. Social Inclusion Environment /

Climate Change Justice/HS TOTAL USD

FAO 550,337 77,763 628,100

IFAD 2,281,369 2,281,369

ILO 242,128 242,128IOM 325,502 2,820,965 3,146,467UNDP 4,266,126 7,477,593 3,538,261 12,890,735 28,172,715UNECE 30,000 25,000 55,000UNEP 420,000 420,000UNESCO 888,000 888,000UNFPA 315,630 229,230 377,658 922,518UNHCR 440,000 2,300,000 50,000 2,790,000UNICEF 1,063,418 3,610,406 700,020 5,373,844UNIDO 205,000 205,000UNV 164,303 25,000 19,375 208,678UN WOMEN 140,000 160,000 300,000WHO 160,000 160,000

TOTAL $10,70 M $13,78 M $4,29 M $17,01 M $ 45,78 M

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2012 Annual Priorities Overview

• Technical assistance for EU integration

• Implementation of Revised Annex VII Strategy (Displacement)

• Reconciliation through culture and education

• Analytical and technical support to new global agenda on sustainable development (Rio + 20)

• Increased government co-funding of joint activities ($1.75 M – 2011)

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2012 Overview – Annual Outcomes & Budget


Annual Outcomes

• Developing local development strategies and Plans;

• Investment and job creation for existing municipal development strategies with primary focus on agricultural sector;

• Support policy and budgetary planning (focus on Roma, children, women, elderly, returnees/IDPs);

• Support cultural policy coordination and labor dispute mechanisms in accordance with international obligations.

BudgetState RS FBiH

$1,34 M $5,51 M $4,25 M


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2012 Overview – Annual Outcomes & Budget


Annual Outcomes

• Support of implementation of the Revised Annex VII Strategy

• Expand quality preschool education and inclusive intercultural education

• Youth Employment and Education

• Data and analysis on situation of children and women in BiH

• Implement social protection and inclusion model in targeted municipalities

• Integration of international health regulations into legislation and practice

• Early childhood development services (health, immunization, nutrition, etc).

BudgetState RS FBiH

$2,04 M $8,17 M $6,04 M


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2012 Overview – Annual Outcomes & Budget


Annual Outcomes

• Technical support for the 2012 Earth Summit (Rio+20) and compliance with international UN/EU obligations

• Harmonization of legal and policy framework for energy efficiency and protection of environment and natural assets

• Environmental research data and climate modeling

• Environmental and energy efficiency planning in targeted municipalities (LEAP/SEAP)

• Financing of local environmental and energy efficiency projects

BudgetState RS FBiH

$1,98 M $1,42 M $1,89 M


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2012 Overview – Annual Outcomes & Budget


Annual Outcomes

• Judicial Reform in areas of witness support, free legal aid, war crimes processing, juvenile justice. Ensure fulfillment of EU requirements in judiciary sector.

• Decrease surplus high hazardous ammunition and illegal weapons in BiH

• Trends in trafficking and impact of EU integration on migration in BiH and region

• Protection and referral mechanisms against child and gender-based violence

BudgetState RS FBiH

$7,92 M $3,75 M $4,87 M


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2012 Financial Overview

AGENCIES (alphabetically)

Governance/Local Dev. Social Inclusion Environment /

Climate Change Justice/HS TOTAL USD

FAO 177,932 1,180,000 1,357,932IFAD 2,888,086 2,888,086

ILO 216,000 216,000IOM 385,871 3,070,470 3,456,341UNDP 5,266,136 7,477,592 3,538,261 12,890,734 29,172,724UNECE 25,000 35,000 60,000

UNEP 400,000 400,000

UNESCO 550,000 550,000

UNFPA 417,823 301,323 396,137 1,115,283

UNHCR 400,000 2,100,000 60,000 2,560,000

UNICEF 547,905 5,401,980 698,640 6,648,525

UNIDO 125,000 125,000

UNV 286,639 25,000 26,395 338,034

UN WOMEN 184,500 227,000 411,500

WHO 100,000 100,000

TOTAL $11,11 M $16,26 M $5,30 M $16,56 M $49,24 M

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2012 Financial Overview

2012 Donor Indicative Total Planned Budget per Outcome for 2012 %

Governance/Local Development

UN, EU, Swiss, Lichenstein, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Austrian, BIH, UN

$11,11 M 21 %

Social Inclusion UN, Netherlands, Switzerland, EU, Spain, Turkey, BIH

$16,26 M 33 %

Environment Protection / Climate Change

UN, Spain, GEF, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, MP, EU, France, BiH

$5,30 M 11 %

Justice / Human Security

UN, GFATM, EU, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, UK, USAID, NATO PfP

$16,56 M 34 %


$49,24 M$14,31 M $18,36 M $16,56 M

30 % 37 % 33 %

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JPs Annual Targets 2012 Budget Institutional Partners

MDG-F Culture $8 M + $0,20 M (BiH)(2009-2011)UNDP/UNICEF/ UNESCO

• Adopt and integrate new methodology for cultural statistics • Promote new BiH Tourist and Culture Guide and new BiH publication on medieval cities promoted• Reconstruction of Mostar’s Spanish square • Launch of the publication ‘Learning to Live Together’

$ 0,63 M

• BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs• RS Ministry of Culture/Educ.• FBiH Ministry of Culture/Sp.• BiH Statistical Agencies

MDG-F Environment$5,5 M + 0,34 M (BiH)(2010-2012)UNDP/UNEP/FAO/ UNESCO/UNV

• Implement 9 innovative pilot energy efficiency projects • Develop 7 additional LEAPs and 25 LEAP-supoprted grants• Finalize BiH State of the Environment Report• Develop Management Plan for Abandoned Land• Implement 2 Sustainable Energy Action Plans

$1,56 M

• BiH MOFTER• RS Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Environment• FBiH Ministry of Environment and Tourism

MDG-F Youth & Jobs$6,3 M + 0,16 M (BiH)(2010-2012)UNDP/UNICEF/UNFPA/IOM/UNV

• Develop sustainability modalities for CISO centers;• Provide certified IT and English language skills trainings for 1,500 unemployed youth;• Modernize curriculum in 50 primary and 50 secondary schools • Strengthen capacities of state and entity actors in the field of migrations.

$1,50 M

• BiH Ministry of Cvil Affairs• RS Ministries of Education/Employment• FBiH Ministries of Education/Employment

MDG-F Water.$4,6 M + 0,32 M (BiH)(2010-2012)UNICEF/UNDP

• Water Supply Studies adopted by targeted municipal ities;• Improved water supply services in 13 partner municipalities;• 13 municipal Action Plans for Social Protection developed and adopted.

$ 0,62 M

• BiH MOFTER & Civil Affairs• RS/FBiH MoAFWM• FBiH MoLSP• RS MoHSW

Domestic Violence$ 1,1 M(2010-2012)UNFPA/UNDP

• Conduct state-wide GBV prevalence survey ;• Develop Gender Based Violence database;• Formalize Referral Mechanisms • Disseminate research ‘s results on sexual harassment in the private sector.

$0,41 M

• BiH Gender Equality Agency• Entity Gender Centres• RS Ministry of Interior• FBiH Ministry of Interior• RS/FBiH Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centres

TOTAL $5,77 M

2012 Overview – Joint Programmes & Budgets

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Criteria for allocation of programmes resources

•National/Entity priority initiatives

•UNDAF 5-year objectives and sector priorities as defined with governments in 2009 and agency programs

•Reports, analysis and field research

•Availability of UN or Donor resources for particular objectives and country entitlements (f.ex. GEF, Trust Funds, MDG-F);

•Demand from authorities at all levels;

•Ability of counterpart to absorb;

•Regional initiatives where BIH participates.
