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Table of Contents

Preface ....................................................................................................................................................xi

Part 1: Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

1: What is Alzheimer’s disease? ........................................................................................................ 3-4

2: The stages of Alzheimer’s disease…………………………………………………………………………………………………4-6


1: How do avoid Alzheimer’s disease?.................................................................................................6-8

2: Herbs, minerals and amino-acids that are thought to help with Alzheimer’s disease……….……....9-10

3: A short conclusion…………………………………………........................................................................... ......11

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This book is offered by the BR Publishing team which is composed of individuals specialized in the area

of nutritional supplementation that includes ingredients, manufacturing processes, and ways in which

they affect the human body with both positive and negative sides.


Whether you’ve only read about this term, watched something about it on television or it’s a part of

your life or someone close to you, in order to be able to help someone that suffers from this disease or

recognize its symptoms so you don’t blame someone that has it, you have to know what it is and how it

manifests. Most of you have watched movies like “The Notebook” or “Away from her” which portray a

character that suffers from this disease and they’re presented in a dramatic manner with a background

story that should determine people to see them in a different light, try to empathize, and feel lucky

because they’re not going through that pain.

While there are a lot of products on the market nowadays, from games to dietary supplements and

prescribed medication which are meant to improve the lifestyle of individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s

disease, only some of them work and it usually requires a combination between mental exercising and a

proper dieting and sleep schedule. By reading this book you’ll discover some alternatives for people that

have this awful condition, ways to avoid developing it, and how to behave with them. Additionally, there

will be some information about potential substances such as amino-acids, vitamins, and herbs that are

meant to positively influence people with this condition. So, take your time to read it and pay attention

if you do because by understanding this condition you could make the lives of some people better.

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Part 1: Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

1. What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is in fact the best known form of dementia. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure

for it and it progresses as the time passes. The end of this condition comes only at the death of the

patient. This condition was first presented by a neuropathologist and psychiatrist from Germany who

goes by the name of Alois Alzheimer. He first mentioned it in 1906 and because he was the one who is

accredited for it, the condition received his name.

Even though the disease characterizes individuals who are over 65 years old, the less-prevalent early-

onset of the condition can happen earlier. Some statistics suggest that there are somewhere around

thirty million people that suffer from it and it is predicted that in the year 2050 it will affect one of

eighty five individuals worldwide. As we’ve previously stated, there is currently no treatment for this

condition and even the prevention measures are vague because only some of them have been

scientifically tested. On the other hand, trials are still being conducted and every new discovery in this

area is a blessing, even though it is only linked to the symptom management and evolution delay.

As far as the causes behind the apparition of this condition go, there is none specific except for

approximately one to five percent in which the difference was made by some genetic differences.

Despite the fact that there is no concrete scientific evidence, there are plenty of articles that present

hypothesis regarding its occurrence. Only time will tell if there is a solitary cause behind its apparition

and if it proves to be so, chances for finding a cure will be massively increased.

The most popular of these hypothesizes are Cholinergic, Amyloid, and Tau. The Cholinergic hypothesis

points out proposes that Alzheimer’s diseases appeared due to a decrease in synthesis of acetylcholine

which is a neurotransmitter. However, drugs or supplements meant to increase acetylcholine

production seem to have no effect on people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, thus this hypothesis

has been proven wrong on several occasions, through every trial that was linked to acetylcholine


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Another hypothesis is the Amyloid one which was released in 1991 and described the beta-amyloid

deposits as the main cause behind Alzheimer’s disease. This was supported by the APP (amyloid

precursor protein) gene location which is on chromosome 21. Furthermore, individuals who possess

trisomy 21, hence having an extra gene copy generally develop the condition until reaching 40 years of

age. As with all hypotheses further research is needed in order to become the general source behind it,

but in comparison to the others, there are more chances for it to be true.

The last of the popular hypothesis is the Tau hypothesis which promotes the idea that the disease is

initiated through a protein abnormality. In this presumption, the hyperphosphorylated tau starts to pair

with other tau threads which finally form some neurofibrillary tangles within the bodies of the nerve


In addition to these hypotheses, there are others such as Herpes Simplex or Oxidative Stress that were

formulated in order to try to explain why this condition occurs. While there is no clear explanation

behind it, research is still being conducted and scientists desire to find a cure for it by finding its source.

2. The stages of Alzheimer’s disease

According to most sources, there are seven main stages linked to the development of this serious

medical condition.

These are:

1. No impairment

2. Very mild decline

3. Mild decline

4. Moderate decline

5. Moderate severe decline

6. Severe decline

7. Very severe decline

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On the other hand, people should keep in mind that not every individual experiences the same

symptoms as they may differ based on age, health and other environmental and social factors that come

in contact with the sick person. In this ebook, only general characteristics of these stages will be

presented. This model was created by Barry Reisenberg who is the clinical director for the New York

University School of Medicine’s Silberstein Aging and Dementia Research Center.


1. No impairment or normal functioning is the stage in which the individual doesn’t have any

type of memory problems, nor does he/she show any symptoms linked to dementia.

2. Very mild cognitive decline represents the stage that can either be related to normal aging

or signs of Alzheimer’s disease. During this stage, the individual forgets some familiar words

or locations of objects and often has memory lapses. However, people that are in this stage

don’t appear to possess the disease after any type of medical examination.

3. Mild cognitive decline is the first real sign of Alzheimer’s diseases and manifests through

some obvious problems when it comes to remembering normal things like people’s names

or words included in basic vocabulary. Even though there is the possibility for this one to

skip diagnosis as well, chances are that if an individual is in this stage, some measures will be

taken to enhance his lifestyle if she/ he seeks professional help. Other symptoms that are a

part of this stage include misplacing or losing an object, serious issues linked to organizing

and planning and presenting serious difficulties when performing a usual task.

4. Moderate cognitive decline, also known by the name of early-stage Alzheimer’s diseases can

be described through forgetfulness related to events that happened recently, one’s personal

history, an increased difficulty related to easy task performing like paying bills, planning a

dinner or calculating taxes. Throughout this stage, people become withdrawn or mood,

particularly when mental challenging and social situations are involved. This stage is

important because it makes the translation between an individual who has high chances of

not having this disease to the one who most definitely has it and who should follow a

treatment and be aware of dieting and mental exercising in order to avoid its worsening.

5. Moderately severe cognitive decline or mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease is generally described

through high memory and thinking gaps which negatively interfere with the daily activities.

During this stage, individuals have symptoms that include troubles linked to calculating easy

additions or subtractions, feelings of confusion when another person asks what day or year

it is, an inability to recall telephone numbers as well as addresses and in more advanced

situations, requiring assistance with toilet usage and eating. A positive feature of this stage

is that the person is still capable of remembering important details about oved ones and

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oneself. Therefore, the individuality is not completely loss, the person is still able to interact

with other people, but an additional assistance is generally required.

6. Severe cognitive decline, also known by the names of mid-stage or moderately severe

Alzheimer’s diseases is the stage in which the memory keeps worsening and in compared to

earlier stages, personality changes begin to become more bothersome. Individuals who

have reached this stage experience symptoms that include a loss in awareness linked to

recent experiences and surroundings, enhanced difficulties in remembering their name and

important aspects of their personal history and a tendency towards wondering around and

becoming lost. When a person has reached this level, he/she more likely require constant

assistance because of often forgetting how the toilet features such as flushing, washing

hands and tissue disposal work and due to this, there is an increased exposure to danger.

Unfortunately, the individual also experiences major behavioral and personality changes like

delusions or constant suspiciousness or surrounding things. This means that people who

have to take care of a patient that suffers from Alzheimer’s disease should understand the

difficulties related no normal functioning and give the responsibility to someone else if

they’re not too patient because no violence, screaming or any other type of brutal reaction

should exist.

7. This seventh stage is the high point of the diseases and it’s called either severe or late-stage

Alzheimer’s disease. During this final stage, people lose the ability to react to their

surroundings, control their movement or maintain a normal conversation with someone. In

best cases, they manage to remember some words or phrases and state them although they

may not know what they mean anymore. This is the period in which the patient requires

constant attention and assistance due to being unable of eating, using the toilet or following

a daily personal care. Moreover, swallowing becomes impaired, muscles weaken, and the

person may be unable to smile or keep their head straight anymore. The end of this stage is

death and there is no way around it. Therefore, when a loved one is in this late stage, the

only thing that can be done is make life easier by taking care, not judging their actions ad

understand that their brain and muscles are incapable of proper functioning which means

that it’s not their fault they can’t do certain things.

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Part 2:

What can you do to avoid its development and delay symptoms?

1. How to avoid Alzheimer’s disease?

While this is a rather controversial topic, particularly considering the fact that there are no specific

causes behind it apparition, one thing is for certain: chances of developing it are lower if a proper

dieting, exercising program, and sleep schedule are followed.

On the other hand, we keep hearing those words, but either believe we’re too special for something like

this to happen to us or consider that one more night spent without sleeping, skipping daily meals, or

having one more cigarette and one more drink won’t make a difference. Look, we’re not saying that by

doing this alone you’re instantly have a heart attack and die or you’ll wake up one morning suffering

from a severe form of Alzheimer’s disease, but they accumulate and at some point the organism won’t

be able to handle them.

Even though the cause behind Alzheimer’s disease isn’t known, there are theories that suggest a genetic

implication, meaning that individuals that have a family history in which this condition is present is more

likely to suffer from it in the future. There is hope as well for individuals who are more susceptible

towards this condition. In fact, an American medical journalist named Jean Carper discovered that she

has a gene known by the name of ApoE4 that makes her particularly vulnerable to suffering from

Alzheimer’s disease after 60 years old. Because she wanted to go against all odds, she tried to find

various ways in which she could avoid “destiny” and remain healthy for as long as possible.

After an enhanced period of research, she wrote a book in order to advice people that are in the same

situations and not only, in hopes they lead a better life. The book is called “100 Simple Things You Can

Do To Prevent Alzheimer’s.” Due to limited space only twenty five of these will be mentioned and those

who want to learn more about it can read her book or others on the same topic. Let’s begin.

*Because the blood flow that passes through one’s foot can point out a trouble in the brain, in most of

the cases a test may show cognitive issues as well as chances to suffer from strokes or dementia.

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*As everybody knows, dieting is also very important, thus individuals who desire to avoid cognitive

issues should eat as many oxidants as possible because they decrease memory decline. Some examples

of these are vegetables and fruits such as elderberries, black raspberries, blueberries and raisins.

*On the same note, fats that are viewed as bad should be avoided. Hence, one shouldn’t eat fast food,

nor foods that are too rich in cholesterol. While it is important to maintain a balance, that doesn’t mean

you can’t treat yourself with something sweet once in a while or eat some junk food, just don’t

exaggerate, particularly if issues already exist.

*Considering the statistics which suggest that 68% from the patients that suffer from Alzheimer’s

disease are represented by women, it is believed that estrogen production plays a key role in this

process. Because the estrogen amounts in the organism decrease throughout menopause, women

should immediately regulate these quantities even before noticeable issues appear.

*Another mandatory feature of this process is brain enhancement that ranges from thinking abilities to

memory improvement. In order to reach a better concentration stage while also working the memory,

one can daily study something new, research some new things on various websites, play some brain

stimulating games and have some contradictory discussions with other people, but without the drama

and yelling that there are sometimes involved.

*One of the things that are generally ignored by individuals is a good night’s sleep. Due to a wide array

of reasons that vary from stress at work, ignorance coming from your own child or missing deadlines on

projects and having to struggle in the least minutes, people forget that a proper night’s sleep is the one

that actually gives the body a chance to breathe and relax. Without it, the brain becomes confused and

if the sleeplessness is prolonged, hallucinations and confusion may also appear. Therefore, think about it

twice before you decide to lose a good night’s sleep and keep in mind that even though you sleep during

the day, it doesn’t offer the organism the same beneficial effects as the one during nighttime does.

*There are plenty of examples of shy people who are unable to feel like they’re a part of the society and

because of this become more awkward to handle and lock themselves in their own world. This generally

created depression which eventually leads to one’s desire to stop living or caring too little that memory,

thinking and judgment are directly affected. Therefore, in order to avoid even the slightly possibility of

this happening, you have to cut the root and socialize, even it’s only medium socializing. Go out with

your friends once per week, eat at a new restaurant, give new people a chance to know you and see

how wonderful you are as an individual. Just try it, you have nothing to lose in this process.

*By taking care of your teeth, you avoid the possibility of self-poisoning your brain. Research revealed

that individuals who suffer from gum and tooth diseases have a tendency towards scoring lower in

cognitive and memory tests due to the fact that infection which is believed to be the cause of gum

diseases determines certain inflammatory byproducts which go to the region of the brain generally

involved with memory loss. Hence, flossing, brushing as well as preventing gum diseases can help you

keep your teeth and gum healthier and implicitly your memory sharper.

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2. Herbs, minerals, and amino-acids that are thought to help

with Alzheimer’s disease

Aside from the general advice and research that pointed out certain features so that people suffering

from Alzheimer’s disease suffer less and have a chance at living a prolonged and relatively good life,

there are also some prescribed medication, natural remedies and other type of products based on some

substances which are believed to have a positive impact in these cases.

When it comes to herbs, the ones that can be beneficial in these cases are:

*Hurpezina serrate or Chinese club moss is claimed to have a positive influence on patients that

suffer from Alzheimer’s disease if the acetylcholine theory is accurate because it stops its


*Rosemary might help due to the fact that if features more than two dozen of antioxidants

which should remove the negative effects of free radicals within the body. Moreover, it is

suggested by aromatherapists to be utilized in the form of oil because it can benefit the

organism. However, these claims haven’t been scientifically studied.

*Ginkgo Biloba’s leaf extracts are believed by many people to be very helpful in areas like poor

circulation and memory enhancement.

*Fava beans are known due to their increased lecithin composition.

*Brazil nuts are generally recommended because they represent one of the foods that contain

the highest quantity of lecithin which is approximately ten percent per dry-weight basis.

*Fenugreek has beta-carotene and choline which may slow the Alzheimer’s disease

development in the early stages and not only.

*Dandelion also makes a reliable lecithin source

*Horsebalm features a compound called carvacrol which was discovered by Austrian scientists.

It is believed that it provides help for the organism by preventing acetylcholine breakdown.

Moreover, some of the Horsebalm’s components surpass the BBB or blood brain barrier, hence

its effects are faster and better.

*Stinging nettle is a plant that has reliable quantities of boron (a mineral) that can enhance

estrogen levels that circulate throughout the blood. The reason behind the importance of

estrogen is that it elevates mood of some people who suffer from Alzheimer while also

improving short-term memory.

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Current studies don’t reveal any specific vitamin that can help individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s

diseases. However, there are some opinions that point towards Vitamin B12. The reason behind it is the

vitamin’s supposed property of maintaining the red blood cells count as well as healthy nerve cells.

Furthermore, people that suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency have experienced memory decline and

other symptoms that can be connected to increased chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Even

though the evidence behind it is not elaborated and there are high chances of no connection between

them, if one feels that daily diet doesn’t consist of sufficient amounts of Vitamin B12, a doctor should be

consulted. This advice targets mostly old adults and vegetarians.

Other substances that are thought to have a positive impact as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease are

Vitamin D and Omega 3 because they’re thought to clean the amyloid plaques in the brain which are

associated with the condition (but only in theoretical state).

When it comes to potential amino-acids that come with a good influence for individuals with this serious

condition, Acetyl-L-Carnitine may be the closest mention so far. Some research revealed that it may slow

down or actually reverse brain deterioration. Therefore, the onset of this degenerative condition can be

delayed, according to “Prescription for dietary wellness,” written by Phyllis A. Balch. The impact of

Acetyl-L Carnitine on the organism comes in three ways. First it’s the ability to travel throughout the

BBB, second the help given to mitochondria by clearing the fatty-acids metabolites and last the

regeneration of neurons that have been damaged by free radicals. Although further studying is required

on the functionality of this amino-acid, there are high hopes linked to it. This means that hope shouldn’t

be lost and there are still things that can be tried out for people that either want to avoid developing

Alzheimer’s disease or those who already suffer from it, but want to lead a normal life for as long as


In the past decades, the nutritional industry developed a wide array of supplements that are meant to

treat people with Alzheimer’s disease. Whether they’re based on herbs, amino-acids, vitamins, or

Omega 3, they often promise the delay of symptom apparition and a moderate improvement of

lifestyle. Even though we don’t strongly suggest consumption of these types of natural remedies, there

may be an alternative for those who are strong against following a prescribed treatment. In the majority

of cases, these supplementation forms come with few to no side-effects and can be harmful for those

who either have an allergy linked to one of the product’s components or are taking a powerful

prescription drug that may interact with it. In order to avoid these cases, a person should carefully read

the supplement’s labels to see which is the recommended daily dosage and if there are any issues that

should be taken in sight during the treatment. As always if any type of unwanted effect appears we

advise to immediately contact the personal healthcare provider so further complication is avoided.

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3. A short conclusion

If you had the patience and curiosity to read this ebook, you should know by now the stages of

Alzheimer’s disease, how the symptoms of this condition evolve, what are the things that can be done in

order to prevent it, and what substances or ways may be reliable as a treatment. Even though there is

no specific cure at this moment for this brain degenerative condition, hope shouldn’t be lost. Research is

still being conducted and there are over thousands of scientists that want to discover a cure so millions

of individuals can receive the help they so hardly crave for.

On the other hand, if you’re the relative, close friend or even wife or husband of a person that suffers

from it, try to be a little more understanding towards her/his forgetfulness, mood change, and possible

dependence and in case you feel like you aren’t strong enough to take care of that person, leave it on

good hands. By taking care of an individual with Alzheimer’s disease, the symptoms can be delayed and

there are better chances for that person to live a normal life for few more years. Although some feel like

chances are astronomical when it comes to developing this disease, by not taking care of you, neglecting

what the brain needs and ignoring cognitive functions, they become more common. This is why it is

estimated that until 2050, one in 85 people will suffer from a form of Alzheimer’s and this statistics can

only be worrying. So, live your life at fullest, but don’t forget that the body can crush if it’s left

neglected. We hope you enjoyed our presentation and that it helped you enlightened some features of

this condition you weren’t aware about.

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