Page 1: Understanding language-elicited EEG data by predicting it

Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2019, pages 43–57Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2 - June 7, 2019. c©2019 Association for Computational Linguistics


Understanding language-elicited EEG data by predicting it from afine-tuned language model

Dan SchwartzCarnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes AvePittsburgh, PA 15213

[email protected]

Tom MitchellCarnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes AvePittsburgh, PA 15213

[email protected]


Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings ofbrain activity taken while participants read orlisten to language are widely used within thecognitive neuroscience and psycholinguisticscommunities as a tool to study language com-prehension. Several time-locked stereotypedEEG responses to word-presentations – knowncollectively as event-related potentials (ERPs)– are thought to be markers for semantic orsyntactic processes that take place during com-prehension. However, the characterization ofeach individual ERP in terms of what featuresof a stream of language trigger the responseremains controversial. Improving this char-acterization would make ERPs a more use-ful tool for studying language comprehension.We take a step towards better understandingthe ERPs by fine-tuning a language model topredict them. This new approach to analysisshows for the first time that all of the ERPsare predictable from embeddings of a streamof language. Prior work has only found twoof the ERPs to be predictable. In addition tothis analysis, we examine which ERPs bene-fit from sharing parameters during joint train-ing. We find that two pairs of ERPs previouslyidentified in the literature as being related toeach other benefit from joint training, whileseveral other pairs of ERPs that benefit fromjoint training are suggestive of potential rela-tionships. Extensions of this analysis that fur-ther examine what kinds of information in themodel embeddings relate to each ERP have thepotential to elucidate the processes involved inhuman language comprehension.

1 Introduction

The cognitive processes involved in human lan-guage comprehension are complex and only par-tially identified. According to the dual-streammodel of speech comprehension (Hickok andPoeppel, 2007), sound waves are first converted to

Figure 1: The electrodes from which each event-relatedpotential was recorded in the data from Frank et al.(2015) (after figure 3 in (Frank et al., 2015)). The bot-tom portion of the figure shows a top-down schematicof the electrode locations with the nose facing towardsthe top of the page. Each ERP is the mean poten-tial from all of the indicated electrodes during a spe-cific time-window, creating a single scalar value perERP per word. Overlapping circles indicate multipleERPs recorded from the same electrode. The ELANis measured from 125-175ms after stimulus onset, theLAN from 300-400ms, the N400 from 300ms-500ms,the EPNP from 400-600ms, the P600 from 500-700ms,and the PNP from 600-700ms.

phoneme-like features and further processed by aventral stream that maps those features onto wordsand semantic structures, and a dorsal stream that(among other things) supports audio-short termmemory. The mapping of words onto meaningis thought to be subserved by widely distributedregions of the brain that specialize in particularmodalities — for example visual aspects of the

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word banana reside in the occipital lobe of thebrain and are activated when the word bananais heard (Kemmerer, 2014) — and the differentrepresentation modalities are thought to be inte-grated into a single coherent latent representa-tion in the anterior temporal lobe (Ralph et al.,2010). While this part of meaning representa-tion in human language comprehension is some-what understood, much less is known about howthe meanings of words are integrated together toform the meaning of sentences and discourses.One tool researchers use to study the integrationof meaning across words is electroencephelogra-phy (EEG), which measures the electrical activ-ity of large numbers of neurons acting in con-cert. EEG has the temporal resolution necessary tostudy the processes involved in meaning integra-tion, and certain stereotyped electrical responsesto word presentations, known as event-related po-tentials (ERPs), have been identified with some ofthe processes thought to contribute to comprehen-sion.

In this work, we consider six ERP componentsthat have been associated in the cognitive neuro-science and psycholinguistics literature with lan-guage processing and which we analyze in the datafrom Frank et al. (2015) (see Figure 1 for spa-tial and temporal definitions of these ERP com-ponents). Three of these — the N400, EPNP, andPNP responses — are primarily considered mark-ers for semantic processing, while the other three— the P600, ELAN, and LAN responses — areprimarily considered markers for syntactic pro-cessing. However, the neat division of the ERPresponses into either semantic or syntactic cate-gories is controversial. The N400 response hasbeen very well studied (for an overview see (Ku-tas and Federmeier, 2011)) and it is well estab-lished that it is associated with semantic complex-ity, but the features of language that trigger theother ERP responses we consider here are poorlyunderstood. We propose to use a neural networkpretrained as a language model to probe what fea-tures of language drive these ERP responses, andin turn to probe what features of language mediatethe cognitive processes that underlie human lan-guage comprehension, and especially the integra-tion of meaning across words.

2 Background

While a full discussion of each ERP componentand the features of language thought to trigger

each are beyond the scope of this document (forreviews see e.g. Frank et al. (2015), Kemmerer(2014), Kutas and Federmeier (2011), Kuperberget al. (2003), and Van Petten and Luka (2012)),we introduce some basic features of ERP compo-nents to help in the discussion later. ERP compo-nents are electrical potential responses measuredwith respect to a baseline that are triggered by anevent (in our case the presentation of a new wordto a participant in an experiment). The name ofeach ERP component reflects whether the poten-tial is positive or negative relative to the baseline.The N400 is so-named because it is Negative rela-tive to a baseline (the baseline is typically recordedjust before a word is presented at an electrodethat is not affected by the ERP response) and be-cause it peaks in magnitude at about 400ms aftera word is presented to a participant in an exper-iment. The P600 is Positive relative to a base-line and peaks around 600ms after a word is pre-sented to a participant (though its overall durationis much longer and less specific in time than theN400). The post-N400 positivity is so-named be-cause it is part of a biphasic response; it is a pos-itivity that occurs after the negativity associatedwith the N400. The early post-N400 positivity(EPNP) is also part of a biphasic response, butthe positivity has an eariler onset than the stan-dard PNP. Finally, the LAN and ELAN are the left-anterior negativity and early left-anterior negativ-ity respectively. These are named for their timing,spatial distribution on the scalp, and direction ofdifference from the baseline. It is important to notethat ERP components can potentially cancel andmask each other, and that it is difficult to preciselylocalize the neural activity that causes the changesin electrical potential at the electrodes where thosechanges are measured.

3 Related Work

This work is most closely related to the paper fromwhich we get the ERP data: Frank et al. (2015).In that work, the authors relate the surprisal ofa word, i.e. the (negative log) probability of theword appearing in its context, to each of the ERPsignals we consider here. The authors do not di-rectly train a model to predict ERPs. Instead, mod-els of the probability distribution of each wordin context are used to compute a surprisal foreach word, which is input into a mixed effects re-gression along with word frequency, word length,

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word position in the sentence, and sentence posi-tion in the experiment. The effect of the surprisalis assessed using a likelihood-ratio test. In Haleet al. (2018), the authors take an approach simi-lar to Frank et al. (2015). The authors compare theexplanatory power of surprisal (as computed by anLSTM or a Recurrent Neural Network Grammar(RNNG) language model) to a measure of syntac-tic complexity they call “distance” that counts thenumber of parser actions in the RNNG languagemodel. The authors find that surprisal (as pre-dicted by the RNNG) and distance are both signif-icant factors in a mixed effects regression whichpredicts the P600, while the surprisal as computedby an LSTM is not. Unlike Frank et al. (2015) andHale et al. (2018), we do not use a linking func-tion (e.g. surprisal) to relate a language model toERPs. We thus lose the interpretability providedby the linking function, but we are able to pre-dict a significant proportion of the variance for allof the ERP components, where prior work couldnot. We interpret our results through character-ization of the ERPs in terms of how they relateto each other and to eye-tracking data rather thanthrough a linking function. The authors in Wehbeet al. (2014) also use a recurrent neural networkto predict neural activity directly. In that work theauthors predict magnetoencephalography (MEG)activity, a close cousin to EEG, recorded whileparticipants read a chapter of Harry Potter andthe Sorcerers Stone (Rowling, 1999). Their ap-proach to characterization of processing at eachMEG sensor location is to determine whether itis best predicted by the context vector of the re-current network (prior to the current word beingprocessed), the embedding of the current word, orthe probability of the current word given the con-text. In future work we also intend to add thesetypes of studies to the ERP predictions.

4 Method

Data. We use two sources of data for this analy-sis. The primary dataset we use is the ERP datacollected and computed by Frank et al. (2015),and we also use behavioral data (eye-tracking dataand self-paced reading times) from Frank et al.(2013) which were collected on the same set of205 sentences. In brief, the sentences were se-lected from sources using British English with acriterion that they be understandable out of con-text. We use the ERP component values as com-

puted by Frank et al. (2015) which have been high-pass filtered at 0.5 Hz to reduce correlation be-tween ERP components and modulus transformed(John and Draper, 1980) to make the distributionof component values more normal. We do not usethe 100ms pre-trial baseline which is made avail-able by Frank et al. (2015) and which they use asa separate input to the mixed effects regression.For more information about the ERP datasets anddata collection procedures we refer the reader tothe original papers. For the behavioral data, weuse self-paced reading times and four eye-trackingmeasures. Self-paced reading time is considered asignal of integration difficulty (i.e. as it becomesmore difficult to integrate the meaning of the cur-rent word into the context, the amount of time areader spends on the current word increases). Theeye-tracking measures are intended to capture bothearly effects (effects modulated primarily by prop-erties of the word independent of its context, suchas word frequency and word length) and late ef-fects (effects modulated by the context in whichthe word is found, i.e. comprehension difficulty)in word processing (Rayner and Pollatsek, 2006).In both cases, the eye-tracking measures providea signal of overt visual attention, which is thoughtto strongly correlate with covert perceptual atten-tion in normal reading (Rayner, 2009). We log-transform the self-paced reading time and the eye-tracking measures.

Model. To predict the ERP signals in the data,we start with a 3-layer bidirectional LSTM-basedlanguage model encoder using the architecturefound in Merity et al. (2017) and pretrained onthe WikiText-103 dataset (Merity et al., 2016) (weuse the pretrained model from Howard and Ruder(2018)). The pretraining objective is to minimizethe negative log-likelihood of the next word forthe forward LSTM and the previous word for thereverse LSTM. The word-embeddings (input em-beddings) in the encoder have 400 components,the hidden layer outputs have 1150 componentseach, and the context-embeddings output fromthe encoder have 400 components. The forward-encoder and backward-encoder are independentlyfine-tuned on the baby version of the British Na-tional Corpus (Consortium, 2005) to help withprediction of British English (both the ERP dataand eye-tracking data use British English). Duringtask training the two encoders’ output embeddingsare concatenated together and fed into a causal-

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convolution layer which combines each pair ofadjacent timepoints into a single pair-embeddingwith 10 components. The causal-convolution (i.e.convolution which is left padded) ensures that thepair-embeddings are aligned so that the predictiontargets correspond to the later word in the pair.In other words the pair can be thought of as rep-resenting the ‘current’ and ‘previous’ words to-gether. A ReLU is applied to the pair-embeddingbefore it, along with the word length and the logprobability of the word, is fed into a linear outputlayer to predict each ERP and behavioral measure(see Figure 2). The convolution and linear layersare initialized using the default PyTorch (Paszkeet al., 2017) initialization, i.e. the initializationproposed in He et al. (2015). The encoder por-tion of the model includes dropout as applied inMerity et al. (2017), but we use different dropoutprobabilities when we fit the neural and behavioraldata (the dropout probability on the input embed-dings was 0.05, 0.4 on the input to the LSTM, 0.4on LSTM hidden layers, 0.5 on the output of theLSTM, and 0.5 on the recurrent weights). We didnot find dropout in the decoder to be helpful. Weuse the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014)with β1 = 0.95, β2 = 0.999 for training and weuse mean squared error as the loss.

Procedure. We begin our training procedure byfine-tuning the forward- and backward-encodersindependently on the baby version of the BritishNational Corpus (Consortium, 2005). This cor-pus has British English that may help in modelingthe University College London corpus, while notoverlapping with it.

After the model fine-tuning, we estimate howwell the model predicts each of the ERP signalsand eye-tracking measures by training the model100 times with different train/test splits and de-coder parameter initializations. We use 10% ofthe data for testing and the remainder for training.The sentences in the ERP data are split at random.After we split the data, we compute the mean andstandard deviation of each ERP signal (and eacheye-tracking measure and the self-paced readingtime) within participant on the training data. Weuse these values to standardize the training datawithin participant, and then average the data fromall of the participants together. After we average,we again compute the mean and standard devia-tion to standardize the average. We follow a simi-lar procedure for the test data, but we use the mean

Figure 2: The model uses an encoder based on thearchitecture and regularization in Merity et al. (2017)and pretrained by Howard and Ruder (2018). Withinthis architecture 2 independent 3-layer LSTM mod-els encode a sentence. The context-embeddings out-put from each encoder are then concatenated togetherto give a single representation to each word in thesentence. These concatenated context-embeddings arefed into a causal-convolution, which learns a func-tion to combine each pair of context-representationsinto a pair-embedding. A rectified linear unit (ReLU)non-linearity is applied to the pair-embedding, af-ter which independent linear layers map the pair-embedding along with the log-probability of a wordand the word-length to a prediction of each ERP or be-havioral signal.

and standard deviation from the training data whenstandardizing. Note that we use the log of the be-havior measures, and the log is taken before thedata-standardization.

In the loss function (and when we evaluatemodel performance) we only consider contentwords. We mark as a content word any word thatis an adjective, adverb, auxiliary verb, noun, pro-noun, proper noun, or verb (including to-be verbs).All other words are considered function words.

During the first 20 epochs of training, only theparameters of the decoder are modified. Follow-ing this, we train the model for an additional 15epochs during which the parameters of the decoderand the final layer of the encoder (the final LSTMlayer in both the forward and backward encoder)can be modified. We also experimented with addi-tional training epochs and allowing all parametersof the model to be modified, but we found that thiscaused overfitting.

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Comparing models trained with different lossfunctions. To better understand the relationshipbetween ERP signals, and between ERP signalsand behavioral data, we train the model with dif-ferent loss functions that include mean squared er-ror terms corresponding to various combinationsof the ERP signals and behavioral data. For ex-ample, one of the training variations includes amean squared error term for the P600 and a meansquared error term for the N400 in the loss, butdoes not use the other signals during training. Inthis variation, for a mini-batch of size B, whereexample b has Tb content tokens and the super-scripts p and a denote the predicted and actual val-ues for a measure respectively, the loss functioncan be written as:

1∑Bb=1 Tb



(P600pb,t − P600ab,t)2

+ (N400pb,t −N400ab,t)2


For each of the training variations, we repeatthe training procedure described above (but fine-tuning the language model on the British NationalCorpus is done only once). We use a consistenttrain/test split procedure, such that the split for theith run of the 100 runs is the same across all train-ing variations, but the split changes between run iand run j. This enables us to use paired statisticaltesting when we test for significance.

We test for whether the proportion of varianceexplained (computed as 1 − MSE

variance on the vali-dation set) on each ERP and behavioral measureis significantly different from 0 using the singlesample t-test controlled for false discovery rate us-ing the Benjamini-Hochberg-Yekutieli procedure(Benjamini and Yekutieli, 2001) with a false dis-covery rate of 0.01.

To test whether the proportion of variance ex-plained is different between different training vari-ations (for example training with just the N400signal included in the loss vs. training with boththe N400 and the LAN included in the loss), weuse a paired t-test. We then adjust for the falsediscovery rate again with a rate of 0.01.

5 Results

All ERP components are predictable. In theoriginal study on this dataset, the investigatorsfound that when surprisal was used as a link-ing function between the language model and the

mixed effects regression, the only ERP for whichthe surprisal showed a significant effect in the re-gression was the N400 (Frank et al., 2015). Incontrast, we find that when we directly predict theERP signals we are able to predict a significantproportion of the variance for all of them (see Ta-ble 1).

Joint training benefits ERP component predic-tion. To explore the relationship between ERPcomponents, we train 63 =



)+ · · ·+


)different models using all of the possible combina-tions of which of the six ERP signals are includedin the loss function during training. For each ofthe six ERP components, we look for the best per-forming models (see Table 1). The N400 is bestpredicted when the model is trained on that com-ponent independently, but every other ERP com-ponent prediction can be improved by including asecond ERP component in the training. Thus mul-titask learning has a clear benefit when applied tothe ERP data and some information is shared be-tween ERP component predictions via the modelparameters. We also note that it is not the casethat training with more ERP components is alwaysbetter, or that the signals which are most corre-lated benefit each other most (see Appendix A).The relationship between components clearly im-pacts whether the prediction of one ERP compo-nent benefits from the inclusion of others in modeltraining. The results suggest that 8 pairs of ERPsignals are related to each other: the LAN is pairedwith the P600, EPNP, and PNP, the ELAN withthe N400, EPNP, PNP, and P600, and the EPNP ispaired with the P600. We discuss these relation-ships in the Discussion section.

In an additional analysis, we modified our train-ing procedure slightly to probe how jointly train-ing on multiple ERP components compares totraining individually on each ERP component. Inthis analysis we compare only training on eachERP component individually to training on all sixERP components together. We also train for a totalof 60 epochs (rather than the 35 epochs used else-where). During the first 20 epochs we allow onlythe parameters of the decoder to be modified. Dur-ing the next 20 epochs, we allow the parameters ofthe decoder and the final layer of the encoder (i.e.the final recurrent layer) to be modified. Duringthe last 20 epochs, we allow all of the parametersof the model to be modified. The mean squared er-ror for each of the ERP components from this anal-

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Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE

ELAN 0.20 LAN 0.30 N400 0.26ELAN + EPNP 0.22 LAN + EPNP 0.31ELAN + N400 0.22 LAN + PNP 0.32ELAN + PNP 0.22 LAN + P600 0.32ELAN + P600 0.22 LAN + PNP, N400 0.33

EPNP 0.34 P600 0.27 PNP 0.33EPNP + LAN 0.35 P600 + EPNP 0.30 PNP + LAN 0.36EPNP + GROUP A 0.36 P600 + LAN 0.30 PNP + GROUP B 0.36

Table 1: Proportion of variance explained (POVE) for each of the ERP components (mean of 100 training runs).The second column in each cell shows which ERP components in addition to the target ERP component wereincluded in training. All combinations of training signals were explored. Shown is the best combination for eachERP target as well as every combination which is (i) significantly different from training on the target componentalone, (ii) not significantly different from the best training combination, and (iii) uses no more than the numberof signals used by the best combination. The N400 is predicted best when only the N400 signal is included intraining. All values are significantly different from 0. GROUP A refers to (PNP, ELAN, LAN, P600) and GROUPB refers to (EPNP, ELAN, LAN, P600).

ysis is shown for each epoch in Figure 3. From theloss curves, we make a few observations. First, wesee inflection points at epochs 20 and 40, when weallow more parameters of the model to be modi-fied. The first inflection point indicates that allow-ing the recurrent layer to be modified benefits theprediction, while the second inflection point showsthat overfitting becomes more severe if we allowall parameters of the model to be modified. Wealso see from these curves that part of the benefitof joint training is that it helps reduce overfitting –we see less of a climb in the validation loss afterthe minimum point in the joint training. Beyondthis reduction in overfitting severity, we note thatfor some of the ERP components (the LAN, EPNPand PNP components) joint training actually givesa better overall minimum in prediction error.

Behavioral data benefits the prediction of ERPcomponents. We are also interested in whetherbehavioral data can be used to improve ERP pre-diction since it should signal both the amount ofovert attention required at various points in a sen-tence as well as integration difficulty. To studythis question, we again train models using differ-ent combinations of training signals that includeor do not include the behavioral data predictionsin the loss function (see Table 2). We see that self-paced reading time indeed can improve predic-tion of a target ERP component relative to train-ing on the target ERP component alone by aboutthe same amount as the best combination of ERP

components for all but the N400. Eye-trackingdata can also improve the prediction accuracy ofthe ELAN, P600, and PNP components.

Insensitivity to choice of architecture. One po-tential concern about our results is the degree towhich the relationships we see between ERP com-ponents and between ERP components and be-havioral data is an artefact of our rather arbitrarychoice of network architecture. We partially ad-dress this by running the same analysis using (i)only the forward direction of the encoder, and (ii)only the word-embeddings (the input embeddings)and not the context-embeddings (the output em-beddings) of the encoder. The proportion of vari-ance explained for each ERP component is lowerusing these variants of the analysis than using thebidirectional variant (see Appendix A), but quali-tatively the relationships are similar. We leave fur-ther analysis of the sensitivity of our qualitativeresults to choice of architecture for future work.

6 Discussion

In this work we find that all six of the ERP com-ponents from Frank et al. (2015) can be predictedabove chance by a model which has been pre-trained using a language modeling objective andthen directly trained to predict the components.This is in contrast to prior work which has success-fully linked language models to the N400 (Franket al., 2015) and P600 (Hale et al., 2018) but notthe other ERP components. We also note that con-

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(a) Independently trained (b) Jointly trained (c) Joint - Indep.

Figure 3: The mean squared error (MSE) for prediction of each of the ERP signals during each epoch of training(mean of 100 training runs). The first 2 epochs have been omitted for clarity. During the first 20 epochs (lavenderbackground), only the decoder parameters are modified. During the next 20 epochs (light blue background), theparameters in the final layer of the encoder are also modified. During the last 20 epochs (pink background), all ofthe parameters are modified. Note that in this model architecture, information can be shared between ERP signalseven when only the decoder is modified. The figure shows the MSE when separate models are trained for eachERP independently (a), the MSE when a single model is trained on all ERPs jointly (b), and the difference betweenthese two scenarios (c). The top row in each column shows the MSE on the training data while the bottom rowshows the MSE on the validation data. In the bottom row right, the dotted vertical lines indicate the epoch at whichthe minimum MSE is reached in the lower of the independent or joint training. The LAN, EPNP, and PNP allshow modest benefits from joint training before overfitting sets in (the minimum value occurs in the joint trainingscenario), while all ERP signals other than the N400 show reduced overfitting in joint training.

Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE

ELAN 0.20 LAN 0.30 N400 0.26ELAN + ERP 0.22 LAN + ERP 0.33 N400 + ERP 0.26ELAN + READ 0.22 LAN + READ 0.31 N400 + READ 0.27ELAN + EYE 0.22 LAN + EYE 0.30 N400 + EYE 0.25

EPNP 0.34 P600 0.27 PNP 0.33EPNP + ERP 0.36 P600 + ERP 0.30 PNP + ERP 0.36EPNP + READ 0.35 P600 + READ 0.29 PNP + READ 0.34EPNP + EYE 0.34 P600 + EYE 0.29 PNP + EYE 0.34

Table 2: Proportion of variance explained (POVE) for each of the ERP components (mean of 100 training runs).+ERP indicates the best combination of ERP training signals for the target ERP component, + READ indicates theinclusion of self-paced reading times, +EYE indicates the inclusion of eye-tracking data, and bold font indicates asignificant difference from training on the target component alone.

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trary to Hale et al. (2018), we find that an LSTMdoes contain information that can be used to pre-dict EEG data, and in particular that it can pre-dict the P600. We speculate that the analysis usedin Hale et al. (2018) did not find reliable effectsbecause the language models were related to theEEG data through functions chosen a priori (thesurprisal, and the ‘distance’ metric). These func-tions, though interpretable, might be interpretableat the cost of losing much of the information in therepresentations learned by the network.

In addition, we show through our multitasklearning analysis that information is shared be-tween ERP components, and between ERP com-ponents and behavioral data. Although these rela-tionships must be viewed with caution until theycan be verified across multiple datasets and withmore variation in neural network architectures,here we consider some potential reasons for ourfindings. The broad point we wish to make is thatby better understanding which ERP componentsshare information with each other and with behav-ioral data through the type of analysis we presenthere (multitask learning) or other means, we canbetter understand what drives each ERP compo-nent and in turn the processes involved in humanlanguage comprehension.

Relationship between ERPs. Our findings thatthe LAN and P600 are related, and that the ELANand P600 are related are expected from both a the-oretical perspective and from previous work exam-ining the interactions of ERP components (Gunteret al., 1997; Hagoort et al., 2003a; Hahne andFriederici, 1999; Kutas et al., 2006; Palolahti et al.,2005). Since the ELAN and LAN have been the-orized by some to mark word-category (i.e. part-of-speech) or morpho-syntactic (e.g. subject-verbnumber agreement) violations (Friederici, 2011;Hahne and Friederici, 2002; Hagoort et al., 2003b)and the P600 is considered a marker for syntacticeffort (Coulson et al., 1998; Huettig, 2015; Kem-merer, 2014; Kuperberg, 2007; Kuperberg et al.,2003; Van Petten and Luka, 2012), these signalswould naturally be related to each other.

The other relationships we find are more sur-prising. Some researchers have speculated that theLAN and ELAN are markers for working mem-ory demands (King and Kutas, 1995; Kutas et al.,2006), and that indeed these might be part of sus-tained negativities that are frequently masked bythe P600 (Kemmerer, 2014). If we take this view,

then we would expect to find them in the pres-ence of semantic and syntactic complexity, andthis might explain why they seem to benefit fromjoint training with the other ERP component sig-nals (and benefit prediction of other ERP signalswith which they are trained). However, it is no-table that predictions of the LAN and ELAN donot benefit each other in our analysis, and that theN400 (a marker for semantic complexity) is notbenefited by the prediction of any other ERP com-ponent. This absence is by no means definitive,but it undermines the argument that all of theserelationships can be explained by complexity andworking memory demands alone.

The relative isolation of the N400 from otherERP components in our analysis is interesting. Ifthe N400 is a marker for semantic memory re-trieval (Kutas and Federmeier, 2011), then it mightbe expected to be somewhat isolated from theother components, which may involve syntacticprocessing or later integration effects.

Alternatively, the relationships we find in ouranalysis might be an artefact of the way the ERPsare operationalized in Frank et al. (2015). Severalof the pairings we find overlap spatially and arenear to each other in time, so the ERP componentsmight spill over into each other. Further work isrequired to disambiguate between these possibili-ties.

Relationship between behavioral data andERPs. It is reassuring to see that jointly trainingmodels to predict behavioral data along with a tar-get ERP component benefits the prediction of theERP component compared to training on the tar-get ERP component alone. The benefit to predic-tion in this case cannot be explained as an artefactof how the ERP components are operationalized inthe datasetes we use for analysis.

Self-paced reading times widely benefit ERPprediction, while eye-tracking data seems to havemore limited benefit to just the ELAN, LAN, andPNP ERP components. It’s difficult to know whythis might be the case, but perhaps it is not a co-incidence that these three ERP components alsoshow up frequently in the pairs of componentsthat benefit from joint training. If indeed the PNPmarks semantic role irregularities (Van Petten andLuka, 2012) and the ELAN and LAN mark work-ing memory or look-forward or look-back oper-ations (Kutas et al., 2006), then its possible thateye-movements might be more related to these

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types of operations than to general semantic andsyntactic complexities marked by other ERP com-ponents. Self-paced reading might better cap-ture these generic difficulties. This explanation ishighly speculative, and further work is required todetermine whether the relationships between theERP components and behavioral data are consis-tent across datasets, and if so, what the explanationis for these relationships.

Choice of bidirectional architecture. We em-phasize that the neural network architecture wechose for these analyses was motivated primar-ily by its success on downstream NLP tasks, pub-lic availability of pre-trained models and code,and prior work studying how best to fine-tune themodel (Howard and Ruder, 2018; Merity et al.,2017). We do not claim that this architecture re-flects human processing. We experimented witha forward-only model variant of our analysis, andfound that the bidirectional model predicts brainactivity better than the forward-only version (seeAppendix A). Although the bidirectional modelhas access to ‘future’ language input, it does nothave access to future brain-activity, so the bidirec-tional model is not ‘cheating’ when it makes pre-dictions. There are at least three possible expla-nations for why the bidirectional model performsbetter than the forward-only model. First, it is pos-sible that when a human reads a sentence, he or shepredicts the upcoming language input. Under thishypothesis, a model with access to the future lan-guage input can do a better job of predicting thecurrent brain activity because the future languageis reflected in that brain activity. Second, it is pos-sible that a bidirectional model is simply able toproduce better embeddings for each word in theinput because it has more context than a forward-only model. For example, the bidirectional modelmight be (implicitly) better at anaphora resolu-tion given more context. Under this hypothesis,the additional context given to the model partiallycompensates for its relative deficit of real-worldknowledge compared to a human. Where a hu-man can in many cases solve the anaphora resolu-tion problem by using background knowledge anddoes not need to see the future language input, amodel benefits from additional context. Finally,in our setup, the bidirectional model has more pa-rameters than the forward-only model, and the ad-ditional degrees of freedom might give the modelan advantage in predicting brain activity. Explo-

ration of why the bidirectional model is better thanthe forward-only model is an interesting question,but it is left to future work. Additionally, as wenoted earlier, the qualitative results of our analysis(e.g. how ERP components relate to each other)should be viewed with caution until they are repli-cated across multiple choices of architecture.

7 Conclusion

We have shown that ERP components can be pre-dicted from neural networks pretrained as lan-guage models and fine-tuned to directly predictthose components. To the best of our knowl-edge, prior work has not successfully used statis-tical models to predict all of these components.Furthermore, we have shown that multitask learn-ing benefits the prediction of ERP componentsand can suggest how components relate to eachother. At present, these joint-training benefit re-lationships are only suggestive, but if these rela-tionships ultimately lead to insights about whatdrives each ERP component, then the compo-nents become more useful tools for studying hu-man language comprehension. By using multitasklearning as a method of characterization, we havefound some expected relationships (LAN+P600and ELAN+P600) and several more surprising re-lationships. We believe that this is exactly thekind of finding that makes multitask learning aninteresting exploratory technique in this area. Ad-ditionally, we have shown that information canbe shared between heterogeneous types of data(eye-tracking, self-paced reading, and ERP com-ponents) in the domain of human language pro-cessing prediction, and in particular between be-havioral and neural data. Given the small datasetsassociated with human language processing, usingheterogeneous data is a potentially major advan-tage of a multitask approach. In future work, wewill further explore what information is encodedinto the model representations when neural andbehavioral data are used to train neural networks,and how these representations differ from the rep-resentations in a model trained on language alone.


We thank our reviewers for their valuable feed-back. This work is supported in part by NationalInstitutes of Health grant number U01NS098969.

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A Appendix

Here we present a visualization (Figure 4) of theresults presented in Table 1 of the main paper, anda visualization (Figure 5) of a more complete setof results from which the information in Table 2of the main paper is drawn. We also show sup-plemental results for variants of our primary anal-ysis on multitask learning with eye-tracking, self-paced reading time and ERP data. In the variantswe modify the input representation to our decodernetwork to see whether the relationships betweenthe behavioral data and neural activity appear tobe consistent with different choices of encoder ar-chitectures. Additional (and more varied) choicesor architectures are left to future work. The resultsin Table 3 reflect using only the forward-encoder(rather than the bi-LSTM) in the encoder network,while the results in Table 4 reflect using only theword embeddings (i.e. bypassing the LSTM en-tirely). While the results are clearly worse for eachof these choices of architecture than for using a bi-LSTM encoder, the relationships between the be-havioral data and the ERP signals is qualitativelysimilar. Finally, 5 shows the Pearson correlationcoefficient between different measures. We notethat the patterns of correlation are different thanthe patterns of which measures benefit from jointtraining with each other.

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Figure 4: The proportion of variance explained for prediction of each of the ERP signals (mean of 100 trainingruns). The target ERP is indicated by color; each group of bars shows performance for a different target ERP. Thetop bar in each group shows the proportion of variance explained when the model is trained using only the targetERP. The bottom bar in each group shows the maximum proportion of variance explained over all combinations oftraining ERPs (or in the case of the N400, the second best). Also shown in each group are any training combinationsthat (i) used no more than the number of ERP signals used by the combination that achieved the maximum, and(ii) which were not significantly different from the maximum. Bars are statistically different from each other if ablack dot on one bar is connected by a contiguous vertical line to a white dot on the other bar. The bars in the N400group are not significantly different from each other. The N400 signal is best predicted when the model is trainedon just that signal. In every other group, there is at least one ERP that, when combined with the target ERP duringtraining, improves the prediction of the target ERP. The results suggest that these pairs are related: (LAN, P600),(LAN, EPNP), (LAN, PNP), (ELAN, N400), (ELAN, EPNP), (ELAN, PNP), (ELAN, P600), (EPNP, P600).

Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE

ELAN 0.20 LAN 0.23 N400 0.20ELAN +ERP 0.22 LAN + ERP 0.26 N400 + ERP 0.20ELAN +READ 0.22 LAN + READ 0.25 N400 + READ 0.20ELAN +EYE 0.21 LAN + EYE 0.24 N400 + EYE 0.18

EPNP 0.28 P600 0.24 PNP 0.28EPNP + ERP 0.28 P600 + ERP 0.25 PNP + ERP 0.31EPNP + READ 0.29 P600 + READ 0.25 PNP + READ 0.30EPNP + EYE 0.29 P600 + EYE 0.24 PNP + EYE 0.29

Table 3: Proportion of variance explained for each of the ERP components when using only the forward directionof the encoder (mean of 100 training runs). +ERP indicates the best combination of ERP training signals for thetarget ERP component, + READ indicates the inclusion of self-paced reading times, +EYE indicates the inclusionof eye-tracking data, and bold font indicates a significant difference from training on the target component alone.

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Figure 5: The proportion of variance explained for prediction of each of the ERP signals (mean of 100 trainingruns). The target ERP is indicated by color; each group of bars shows performance for a different target ERP.The top bar in each group shows the proportion of variance explained when the model is trained using only thetarget ERP. Moving down, the next bar in each group, labeled ERP shows the proportion of variance explained bythe best combination of ERP signals for the target ERP. The other bars in each group moving from top to bottomshow training variations that use behavioral data with either just the target ERP, or with the best combination ofERP signals. READ denotes self-paced reading data, and EYE denotes all four eye-tracking measures (in thisanalysis we use right-bounded pass time, gaze duration, go-past time, and first-fixation duration). Pairs of barsare significantly different from each other (paired t-test, false discovery rate ¡ 0.01) if a black dot on one bar isconnected to a white dot on the other bar by a contiguous vertical line. Self-paced reading time benefits predictionof all target ERP components except the N400. In the case of the ELAN, LAN, and PNP, self-paced reading timealso has marginal benefit compared to the best combination of ERP training signals. Eye-tracking data benefitsprediction of the ELAN, P600, and PNP components.

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Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE Target Additional POVE

ELAN 0.15 LAN 0.17 N400 0.05ELAN + ERP 0.18 LAN + ERP 0.19 N400 + ERP 0.05ELAN + READ 0.18 LAN + READ 0.19 N400 + READ 0.08ELAN + EYE 0.19 LAN + EYE 0.19 N400 + EYE 0.10

EPNP 0.18 P600 0.10 PNP 0.20EPNP + ERP 0.20 P600 + ERP 0.13 PNP + ERP 0.23EPNP + READ 0.20 P600 + READ 0.13 PNP + READ 0.22EPNP + EYE 0.21 P600 + EYE 0.14 PNP + EYE 0.23

Table 4: Proportion of variance explained for each of the ERP components when using only the word embeddingsas input to the decoder and bypassing the LSTM entirely (mean of 100 training runs). +ERP indicates the bestcombination of ERP training signals for the target ERP component, + READ indicates the inclusion of self-pacedreading times, +EYE indicates the inclusion of eye-tracking data, and bold font indicates a significant differencefrom training on the target component alone.


ELAN 1.00 0.27 0.32 0.11 0.10 0.24 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.26 -0.04EPNP 0.27 1.00 0.66 0.41 0.50 0.83 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.17 0.02LAN 0.32 0.66 1.00 0.58 0.33 0.47 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.01N400 0.11 0.41 0.58 1.00 0.47 0.33 -0.04 -0.04 -0.02 -0.03 0.11P600 0.10 0.50 0.33 0.47 1.00 0.69 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.10PNP 0.24 0.83 0.47 0.33 0.69 1.00 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.25 0.03FIX 0.27 0.17 0.12 -0.04 0.14 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.04PASS 0.26 0.17 0.11 -0.04 0.14 0.24 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.04GO 0.27 0.19 0.13 -0.02 0.16 0.26 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.05RIGHT 0.26 0.17 0.12 -0.03 0.14 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.04READ -0.04 0.02 0.01 0.11 0.10 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 1.00

Table 5: Raw Pearson’s correlation coefficients (computed on content words after the standardization andparticipant-averaging) between each neural and behavioral measure and each other measure. FIX indicates first-fixation time, PASS indicates first-pass time, GO indicates go-past time, RIGHT indicates right-bounded readingtime, and READ indicates self-paced reading. Many of the measures are highly correlated, but the pattern of cor-relations is different from the pattern of benefits that we find during joint-training. In particular we note that theN400 is correlated with the other ERP signals, and yet we do not see benefit in prediction of the N400 when jointlytraining a model to predict it and other signals.
