Page 1: Understanding storage class using nm

Prepared by Mohammed Sikander Technical Lead Cranes Software International Limited

Page 2: Understanding storage class using nm

int g_var = 5; int main( ) { int l_var = 8; }

[email protected] 2

00000000 D g_var 00000000 T main

• Symbol table does not contain the entries of local/automatic variables. • gl is stored in Initialized Data Segment • main is stored in Text / Code Segment

Page 3: Understanding storage class using nm

int global = 5; static int stglobal = 9; int main( ) { int local = 8; static int stlocal = 3; }

[email protected] 3

00000000 D global

00000000 T main

00000004 d stglobal

00000008 d stlocal.0

• d stands for Internal Linkage

• External variables will not have any

name mangling.

• Internal Linkage variables might have

name mangling.

Page 4: Understanding storage class using nm

1. Can we have two static variables with same name but different functions.

2. What is the memory segment of x.

3. How does the compiler avoid name clashes.

[email protected] 4

void print( ) { static int x = 5; } void display( ) { static int x = 8; } int main( ) { }

00000005 T display 0000000a T main 00000000 T print 00000000 d x.0 00000004 d x.1

Compiler uses different names for x.

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int x = 5; int main( ) { int x = 10; printf(“x = %d \n “ , x); }

[email protected] 5

static int x = 5; int main( ) { static int x = 10; { static int x = 12; printf(“x = %d \n “ , x); } }

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int x = 5; void func( ); int main( ) { func( ); }


int x = 8; void func( ) { printf(" x = %d \n" , x); }

[email protected] 6

• Compile file1.c • Compile file2.c • Link file1.o and file2.o • Observe the output

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[email protected] 7

• [sikander@localhost nm]$ gcc file1.c -c • [sikander@localhost nm]$ gcc file2.c –c • [sikander@localhost nm]$ gcc file1.o file2.o • file2.o(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `x' • file1.o(.data+0x0): first defined here • collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

[sikander@localhost nm]$ nm file1.o U func 00000000 T main 00000000 D x [sikander@localhost nm]$ nm file2.o 00000000 T func U printf 00000000 D x

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static int x = 5; void func( ); int main( ) { printf(__func__ ); printf(" x = %d \n",x); func( ); }


static int x = 8; void func( ) { printf("%s x = %d \n" ,__func__ , x); }

[email protected] 8

• Compile file1.c • Compile file2.c • Link file1.o and file2.o • Observe the output

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[email protected] 9

• $ gcc -c file1.c • $ gcc -c file2.c • $ gcc file1.o file2.o • $ ./a.out • main x = 5 • func x = 8

$ nm file1.o U func 00000000 r __func__.0 00000000 T main U printf 00000000 d x

$ nm file2.o 00000000 T func 00000000 r __func__.0 U printf 00000000 d x

080495dc d x 080495e0 d x

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int x = 5; void func( ); int main( ) { printf(__func__ ); printf(" x = %d \n",x); func( ); }


extern int x; void func( ) { printf("%s x = %d \n" ,__func__ , x); }

[email protected] 10

• Compile file1.c • Compile file2.c • Link file1.o and file2.o • Observe the output

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int x = 5; void func( ); int main( ) { printf(__func__ ); printf(" x = %d \n",x); func( ); }


extern int x; void func( ) { printf("%s x = %d \n" ,__func__ , x); }

[email protected] 11

• Compile file1.c • Compile file2.c • Link file1.o and file2.o • Observe the output

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[email protected] 12

• $ gcc -c file1.c • $ gcc -c file2.c • $ gcc file1.o file2.o • $ ./a.out main x = 5 &x = 0x8049618 func x = 5 &x = 0x8049618

]$ nm file1.o U func 00000000 r __func__.0 00000000 T main U printf

00000000 D x

]$ nm file2.o 00000000 T func 00000000 r __func__.0 U printf

U x

$nm a.out 08049618 D x

Page 13: Understanding storage class using nm


static int x = 5; void func( ); int main( ) { printf(__func__ ); printf(" x = %d \n",x); func( ); }


extern int x; void func( ) { printf("%s x = %d \n" ,__func__ , x); }

[email protected] 13

• Compile file1.c • Compile file2.c • Link file1.o and file2.o • Observe the output

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[email protected] 14

• $ gcc -c file1.c • $ gcc -c file2.c • $ gcc file1.o file2.o • file2.o(.text+0xb): In function `func': • : undefined reference to `x‘ • collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

]$ nm file1.o U func 00000000 r __func__.0 00000000 T main U printf

00000000 d x

]$ nm file2.o 00000000 T func 00000000 r __func__.0 U printf

U x

Page 15: Understanding storage class using nm

static int x = 5; int main( ) { int x; printf(“x = %d \n”,x); }

Page 16: Understanding storage class using nm

static int x = 5; int main( ) { extern int x; printf(“x = %d \n”,x); }

Page 17: Understanding storage class using nm

int a = 5; int b; static int c = 7; static int d; int main( ) { }

• Mention the memory segments of variables after compiling (.o file) and after linking (a.out) • What is the difference between a and c. • Use nm utility to view the memory segments $gcc –c file.c $nm file.o $gcc file.c $nm ./a.out

Page 18: Understanding storage class using nm

$ gcc file.c -c $ nm file.o 00000000 D a 00000004 C b 00000004 d c 00000000 b d 00000000 T main

[email protected] 18

•“C” The symbol is common.

• Common symbols are uninitialized


• When linking, multiple common

symbols may appear with the same


• If the symbol is defined anywhere, the

common symbols are treated as

undefined references. $ nm a.out 08049534 D a 08049544 B b 08049538 d c 08049540 b d

Page 19: Understanding storage class using nm

int x ; int main( ) { printf(“Main &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); func( ); }

int x ; void func( ) { printf(“Func &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); }

$ nm file1.o U func 00000000 T main U printf 00000004 C x

]$ nm file2.o 00000000 T func U printf 00000004 C x

$nm a.out 08049600 B x

Page 20: Understanding storage class using nm

int x ; int main( ) { printf(“Main &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); func( ); }

int x = 5 ; void func( ) { printf(“Func &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); }

$ nm file2.o 00000000 T func U printf 00000000 D x

$ nm file1.o U func 00000000 T main U printf 00000004 C x

$nm a.out 08049600 D x

Page 21: Understanding storage class using nm






Multiple Definition

d d

No Conflict, two different variables

b b

No Conflict, two different variables

d b

No Conflict, two different variables

b d

No Conflict, two different variables

b D

No Conflict, two different variables

Page 22: Understanding storage class using nm

void func( ); int x = 5; //D int main( ) { printf(“Main &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); func( ); }

int x = 10; //D void func( ) { printf(“Func &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); }

void func( ); static int x = 5; //d int main( ) { printf(“Main &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); func( ); }

int x = 10; //D void func( ) { printf(“Func &x= %p” , &x); printf(“x = %d \n”, x); }

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const int gc = 10; static const int gsc = 12; int main( ) { const int lc = 5; static const int lsc = 8; }

00000000 R gc 00000004 r gsc 00000008 r lsc.0 00000000 T main

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const int gc = 15; //Read Only int main( ) { const int lc = 5; //Stack printf(“Enter the value for local const variable : “); scanf(“ %d”,&lc); printf(“Local Const = %d \n” , lc); printf(“Enter the value for global const variable : “); scanf(“ %d”,&gc); printf(“Global Const = %d \n”,gc); }

[sikander@localhost ~]$ ./a.out Enter the value for local const variable : 89 Local Const = 89 Enter the value for global const variable : 6 Segmentation fault

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[sikander@localhost ~]$ nm f1.o 00000000 t display 0000000a T main 00000005 T print

static void display() { } void print() { } int main( ) { display( ); print( ); }
