Page 1: Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Rebecca Hall Instructions ~ 100 words per box

Unit 1 – Improving Productivity

Rebecca Hall

Instructions ~ 100 words per box

Page 2: Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Rebecca Hall Instructions ~ 100 words per box

1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used?

Different methods that could have been used for the presentation are.White Board – Good reason is that you can rub and add things as you go along and bad reason is that it may look messy .On paper- Good thing is that it could be colourful but yet the bad thing is that is could get lost or screwed up..Display Board- Good thing is it could be colourful and can catch peoples eyes but the bad thing is it can be vandalised .Leaflet- Good thing is that people can read it when they like and save it but bad thing is that it could go missing and some people screw it up.The computer was used because its more reliable than writing on paper. It is easier and quicker to use and no one can rip in or vandalise it as long as they don’t access to you device. Some presentation look better if they have more pictures and more exciting and interactive to the audience. With a paper presentation if you make a mistake you have to start the whole thing over again and if it get wets you have to make a new one.

Page 3: Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Rebecca Hall Instructions ~ 100 words per box

1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint?

I would have has to use my ict skills to make my precreation and this involves adding text box and add pictures in to your PowerPoint. I have learnt the basic ict skills in primary school. I recently developed my skills further to a more advanced level. I needed to learn how to insert videos to my presentation. I have also used custom emanation, slide master and slid transitions. I have learnt the basic ict skills.

I would also need to know how to add slides, font and pictures and make my PowerPoint presentable.

I would need my creative skills by designing my slides by using colour and neatly doing me text and designs.

Page 4: Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Rebecca Hall Instructions ~ 100 words per box

1.2 What resources did you need to make the presentation successful?

The Resources I needed to use a good quality pictures and videos which made my PowerPoint more interesting. The animation worked on my work, the text was readable and made my work neatly.I also used times loops so the PowerPoint world naturally flow so they wouldn’t have to keep clicking the PowerPointI would have needed to use the internet for me information about the different subjects

Page 5: Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Rebecca Hall Instructions ~ 100 words per box

1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software)

The factors that may have been affected my power pint was my skills towards the PowerPoint and my attitude to it. I would make sure that I would not be so negative about my work so that means my work will be up to a appropriate scale. I would also go to my teacher and do catch up after school and add more towards my work.

What would of effected my presentation would be lack of concentration on my PowerPoint and my self not showing up to my lessons

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1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them?

I used PowerPoint because it contains suitable font to make my presentation presentable and appear strong to read. It also lets you add pictures and videos easily and they don’t go blurry. -I could of used word document or publisher I did not chose those because it don’t contain things I need for my PowerPoint.I could of used prezi which is an online site which you make a presentation on but I didn’t use this because it have a privacy issue and it didn’t match the mediator.

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2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation?

There wasn’t any legal containing in my PowerPoint. There's no copy right and that means I have not took somebody else's sentences in my presentation, its all my words.I got the animations from the school shared ict and I created it into my own style to meet my PowerPoint. I also used the school websites Smiths Wood Sports College for information about the school I was doing my PowerPoint about. I also used hyperlink so it takes less time to get through the presentation.

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1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes, AUP)

The tools that made my presentation appropriate would be that I used relatable animations so my presentation would not look messy, appropriate word art.

-I would need to use effective pictures which relates to content or subject I am talking about

-I used animations because it makes the PowerPoint more interesting and entreating for the target audience

-every time I took a picture of the internet I had to type where I got it from other wise I would have to type the link of where its from so I don’t get into trouble.

-I also had to make sure my video size was appropriate to my PowerPoint also my phots other wise I might not of been able to end my PowerPoint as a email or even to the exam board.

-when I first log into my computer I get a AUP to make sure all my work is done appropriately according to the school rules.

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2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation?

Some improvements that I would make my presentation would be that I would change the amount of information. I would add more pictures to catch people eyes. I would also add more appealing pictures and simple information.

I want to change the colour scheme so it matches with the school couloir theme

I would put more ideas into my PowerPoint so my PowerPoint can be better structured and readable information.

I would put more sounds into my PowerPoint so its not silent.

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3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate?(keyboard shortcuts, file names & locations, backups, work after school, templates, planning)

The improvement that I could have made to improve my work would be to focus on theme of my personation on PowerPoint. I would slow down my video so its longer to work. Do not Catch peoples eyes and don’t give false information.I would not let my self down on my work I would also research more information about the school on the school website so I do not give out false information otherwise this would make my presentation less formal.To make me work faster and make my PowerPoint presentation and be catching up after school and not talk as much and if I miss a day of school I go and ask my teacher about what I could do to catch up. I made sure that I saved my files appropriate file names.