Page 1: Unit 1, Lesson 1.5 - Laboratory Tools


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LESSON OUTLINEIntroductionUses of Laboratory ToolsLaboratory ToolsFeature: Filipino Scientist of the Week!

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USES OF LABORATORY TOOLSContainers Measure and TransferSupportHeatingSafety

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Erlenmeyer Flask-heat and store liquids-bottom is wider so it will heat up quicker because of the greater surface area exposed to heat

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Florence Flask-for heating substances that needs to be heated “evenly” (notice its circular base)

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Volumetric Flask-measures an specific volume-used mostly in preparing solutions

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Reagent Bottle-for storage, mixing, and displaying(Chemicals that react easily to sunlight are placed in the dark bottle to avoid exposure)

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Beaker-holds and heats liquids

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Test Tube-for holding, mixing, and heating “small” amounts of liquid

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Test Tube Brush-for cleaning test tubes

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Test Tube Holder-for holding test tubes while being heated

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Test Tube Rack-to hold test tubes upright while observing reactions or when they are not used

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Buret-used to deliver solution in precisely-measured volumes-used mainly in the process “titration”-placed in a ring stand for support

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Pipet-moving “small” amounts of liquid from one container to another

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Funnel-transfers liquids into another container to avoid spillage (not only limited to laboratory use)

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Stirring Rod or Glass Rod-for stirring solutions to dissolve substances

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Bunsen Burner-for heating and exposing items to flame(connected to a gas source [see top image])

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Crucible-for heating small amounts of substances in very high temperatures

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Clay Triangle-holds crucibles when being heated

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Evaporating Dish-heats and evaporates liquids

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Mortar and Pestle-crushes or grinds solids into powders

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Micro-spatula-or “spatula” is used for transferring small amounts of “solid” from one container to another

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Tongs-holds many different things (crucibles, flasks, evaporating dishes) when they are hot

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Ring Stand-to support items being heated-clamps or rings can be used so that other items may also be placed above them

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Cork or Stopper-for sealing test tubes and flasks

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Thermo-meter-measures temperature of solids, liquids, and gases

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Commonly Confused Tools

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Commonly Confused ToolsERLENMEYER FLASK

-bottom is wider

Why wider?

-To heat liquids “faster”

FLORENCE FLASK -bottom is round

Why round?

-To heat liquids “evenly”

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Commonly Confused ToolsBEAKER

-for holding, storing, and heating “medium to large” amounts of liquid

-mostly for stirring and combining liquids

TEST TUBE -for holding, storing and heating “small amounts” of liquid

-mostly for observing a chemical reaction

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Commonly Confused ToolsCRUCIBLE

-mainly for heating substances (usually solids) at very high temperatures


EVAPORATING DISH -mainly for evaporating


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Filipino Scientist of the Week!

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Fabian M. Dayrit (born ?)

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Fabian M. Dayrit Rank: Professor (Full-time) Education:BS Chemistry, Ateneo de Manila University (Top 10 Chemistry Licensure Exam 1975)M.A. and PhD. Chemistry, Princeton University

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Fabian M. Dayrit Notable Scientific Accomplishment:Has worked on medicinal plants such as lagundi, ampalaya, malunggay, achuete, and other plants with support from his group NIMPROMP.

Because of this research, it is established how effective lagundi (vitex negundo) is for colds
