
Unit 14 ReadingHe’s already visited the place where his

ancestors lived.

Unit 14 ReadingHe’s already visited the place where his

ancestors lived.

中文名: 任贤齐   外文名:  Richie Jen 

别名: 小齐 民族: 汉族 

出生地: 台湾省彰化县 

出生日期:  1966年 6月 23日

 籍贯:湖北省武汉市职业: 歌手,演员 

His ancestors(祖先 ) were in Jiangxia a long time ago.So his root(根 ) is in Jiangxia.

Have you ever talked about your ancestors

with your family?

Yes.My ancestors lived in Shanxi Province.My root is in Shanxi.

• 李小龙,原名李振藩,乳名细凤,为美籍华人 (Chinese American),祖籍中国广东省佛山市顺德区均安镇  ,出生地美国加州旧金山。

• 李小龙生前曾自信地在一张便笺上写道:“我的明确目标是,成为全美国最高薪酬的超级东方巨星。

• My biggest goal is to become a super Chinese star in America.

• 2011年“寻根之旅——相约北京”海外华裔青少年夏令营为期 8天,来自美国、葡萄牙、西班牙、比利时、德国、蒙古、斐济等7个国家的 12个团组,共 138名营员来京参加了夏令营活动。

Scan and skimming:Does Robert have a good time in China?

Careful Reading

Read and answer the following questions.

1.Where is Robert from?

2.Where did his ancestors live many years ago?

3.Has he ever been to China before?

a Chinese Canadian (华裔加拿大人) an overseas Chinese (海外华人)

4.Why is it the most exciting to go to their ancestors’ village for the overseas students?

5.Does Cathy Qin love the program “In Search of Roots”?

“Thanks to In Search of Roots,I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am .It has been a great trip , and I have so many memories of China to take with me.”

Because it can make students feel that they are part of the village ,and experience village life.

Yes , she does

Thanks to In Search of Roots, I’m beginning

to understand my Chinese roots and who

I am.

thanks to 是一个固定短语 , 多表达一种 原因,意为“由于 ; 多亏了…… ; 幸好……” ,

to 在此是介词,其后常跟名词或代词。eg: Thanks to this treatment , her condition

has improved.( 幸亏采用了这种治疗法,她的病情已经好转了。)

6.What’s the purpose of the In search of Roots summer camp program?

7.What do you think “ purpose” mean?

It is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themselves.

It means the aim that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve.( 目的,意图)

Guessing Meaning

1The phrase “in search of ” in the reading means? A. plant B.look for about

2 The phrase “look forward to” in the reading means?

A.give up ['fɔ:wəd] B.expect

C.afraid D.annoyed

... and I’m looking forward to finding out

more about my roots during my time here.

我希望在我呆在这儿的这段时间里能更多地 了解我的祖籍。(1) look forward to 意为“盼望 ; 期望” , 其中 to 是介词 (preposition) ,后跟名词或动名词形

式。e.g. Jim is looking forward to your party on



(2) look forward 表示“向前看”时,后可跟动词 不定式。例如: Through the window, he looked forward to see

what was happening.

他透过窗户向前看发生了什么事儿。【体验】 I haven’t seen my old friends for years.

I’m really looking forward ____ them.

A. meet B. met C. to meeting D. to meetC

Memorize the important information.

• ancestor • be like• a tall tree with long roots• overseas• homeland• as• in search of • be organized• government• so far• thousands of

• hardly• two-week• Chinese culture• the most exciting• experience village life• go for walks• daily activities• thanks to • so many memories• believe strongly• step

Make sentences using the words or phrases by yourselves after class.

Imagine you are Robert. After returning from

China, you write a letter to your good friend

about the “In search of Roots”.

Homework 1!

Draw your family tree. Present it to your group.Tell them what you know, and share your experiences.

Homework 2

3. After You Read

3a. There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct the sentences according to the reading.

1.“In Search of Family” has helped students like

Robert Qian find out about their homeland.

2. Most overseas Chinese students in the

program have visited China before.

3. Cathy and Robert are still in China, and they

think the program was helpful to both of them.

4. The worst part of the trip is going to the village.

5. Watching the villagers makes the students

feel embarrassed.

6. Robert Qian was in China.

7. The program begins in 1980.

8. This program helped Cathy Qin understand

her roots better.

The right words 1. family roots2. have haven not3. was is4. worst best5. embarrassed happy6. was is 7. begins began8. helped has helped

3b. Number the sentences in the correct order according to the reading.

“In Search of Family” has helped students like

Robert Qian find out about their homeland.

Most overseas Chinese students in the

program have visited China before.

Cathy and Robert are still in China, and they

think the program was helpful to both of them.




The worst part of the trip is going to the


Watching the villagers makes the students

feel embarrassed.

Robert Qian was in China.

The program begins in 1980.

This program helped Cathy Qin understand

her roots better.






Draw your family tree. Present it to your group.Tell them what you know, and share your experiences.

4. Go For It!

If you have time !

Imagine you are Robert. After returning from

China, you write a letter to your good friend

about the “In search of Roots”.

Dear Cathy, I have just returned from a two-week trip to Guangdong Province in Southern China. In the past fourteen days,… I have been to my ancestors’ village. There, we studied Chinese culture, saw changes that had happened in that area, and visited the interesting things. Thanks to this trip, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots,Now I am proud of being a Chinese boy.



1. This program started in 1980, and so far

has brought thousands of overseas Chinese

students to China to look for their families’


so far 意为“到目前为止” , 相当于 up to now

或 till now, 可用于句首或句末 , 在句中用作 状语 , 表示范围、程度或距离。


2. Most, like Robert, can hardly speak any Chinese and

have never been to China before.

大多数人都像罗伯特一样 , 几乎不会说汉语 , 以前也 从未来过中国。(1) hardly 是一个具有否定意义的副词,意为“几乎不; 简直不” , 常位于行为动词前,情态动词或助动词 之后。例如: I was so angry that I could hardly speak.

我气得几乎连话也说不出来。 We can hardly believe it.


(2) 在反意疑问句中 , 陈述部分有 few, hardly ,

never, nothing 等表示否定意义的词时, 简略疑问句部分要用肯定形式。例如: There is hardly a cloud in the sky, is there?

天空几乎没有一片云彩,是吗?【体验】 Can you speak a little louder? I can

______ hear you.

A. hard B. really C. hardly D. clearly


3. Thanks to In Search of Roots, I’m beginning

to understand my Chinese roots and who

I am.

thanks to 是一个固定短语 , 多表达一种 原因,意为“由于 ; 多亏了…… ; 幸好…

…” ,

to 在此是介词,其后常跟名词或代词。

4. ... and I’m looking forward to finding out

more about my roots during my time here.

我希望在我呆在这儿的这段时间里能更多地 了解我的祖籍。(1) look forward to 意为“盼望 ; 期望” , 其中 to 是介词,后跟名词或动名词形式。e.g. Jim is looking forward to your party on



(2) look forward 表示“向前看”时,后可跟动词 不定式。例如: Through the window, he looked forward to see

what was happening.

他透过窗户向前看发生了什么事儿。【体验】 I haven’t seen my old friends for years.

I’m really looking forward ____ them.

A. meet B. met C. to meeting D. to meetC

Dashan and his son

Dashan’s parents.

After searching some information about Dashan’s

root, try to write a short passage for it.

