Download pdf - Unit 16 pp week 2


Learning Aim


All students will be able to: • Identify how to use computer based activities and IT safely with children

• Discuss the IT environment• Describe the role of the adult when children are involved in computer based activities

Many students will be able to: • Explain the implications of not using your role as an adult effectively

Some students will be able to: • Give detailed discussion about age appropriate games and websites


• 52 weeks in a year

• 32 degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes

• 24 hours in a day

• 29 days in February in a leap year

• 90 degrees in a right angle

What is the adults role when children

are using computer based activities?

In pairs list ALL responsibilities of the adult during

computer based activities

15 minutes

Adult’s role in these aspects;

Equipment, Environment,

Programmes, Encouragement,

Language, Instruction and


Equipment and Environment

Internet Safety

Read the handout carefully – Highlight information that you

DIDN’T already know

Circle Time

• Reflect and discuss your thoughts

Have you met your objectives yet?


• Write on a post it note something you have learnt today

Knit me a scarf

Throughout this year we will be creating a learning scarf.

We will each have a turn at knitting a stitch which signifies

what we have learnt in a lesson.

Lets see how long this scarf will get and lets see which

group has the longest by the end of the year

Homework- How to stay safe on the internet

• Find a website that teaches e-safety messages.


All students will be able to:

• Explore how to keep yourself safe on the internet

• Discuss the importance of E-Safety

• Describe IT activities you can do with children aged 3-5 years

• Many students will be able to:

• Explain the benefits of IT activities

Some students will be able to:

• Formulate an activity to show understanding of children’s development


•Words from the letters in-

•Cyber bullying


On your white boards:-

What is the role of the adult when children are involved in

computer- based activities?


• What did you find out from your homework.

• What resources are there available for teaching e-safety


Using the internet safely


PosterMake an exciting poster using as many describing words as you can to warn parents about the effects of letting children use over age sites and computer games.

Be clear about the impact it has on children

Cyber Bullying

0 1 2 3

Signed on with someone else’s screen name to gather info?

Sent an e-mail or online greeting card from someone’s account?

Impersonated someone over IM or online?

Teased or frightened someone over IM?

Not told someone who you really are online, telling them to “guess”?

Forwarded a private IM conversation or e-mail without the permission of the other person?

Changed your profile or away message designed to embarrass or frighten someone?

Posted pictures or information about someone on a Web site without their consent?

Created an Internet poll, either over IM or on a Web site, about someone without their consent?

Used information found online to follow, tease, embarrass or harass someone in person?

Sent rude or scary things to someone, even if you were just joking?

Used bad language online?

Signed someone else up for something online without their permission?

Used an IM or e-mail address that looked like someone else’s?

Used someone else’s password for any reason without their permission?

Hacked into someone else’s computer or sent a virus or Trojan horse to them?

Insulted someone in an interactive game room?

Posted rude things or lies about someone online?

Voted at an online bashing poll or posted to a guestbook saying rude or mean things?


0 – 5 Points:

Cyber SaintCongratulations! You’re a cyber saint! Your online behaviour is exemplary! Keep up the good work!

6-10 Points: Cyber RiskyWell, you’re not perfect, but few people are. Chances are you haven’t done anything terrible and were just having fun, but try not to repeat your behaviours, since they are all offenses. Keep in mind the pain that your fun might be causing others!

11-18 Points:

Cyber SinnerYour online behaviour needs to be improved! You have done way too many cyber no-no’s! Keep in mind that these practices are dangerous, wrong, and punishable and try to be clean up that cyber record!

More than 18: Cyber BullyPut on the brakes and turn that PC/MAC/text-messaging device around! You are headed in a very bad direction. You qualify, without doubt, as a cyberbully. You need to sign off and think about where that little mouse of yours has been clicking before serious trouble results for you and/or your victim(s), if it hasn’t happened already!

Have you met your objectives yet?

IT activities for children

• Board Blast

Complete the handout sheet in your assignment workbook

Time to play

Bee-Bot Floor Robot

Using Bee-Bot for numeracy

Using Bee-Bot for Literacy

Create your own Bee-Bot activity

• Use an activity plan to create an interesting activity for

children aged 3-5


Plan- Task 3

Plan an Ebook activity with children aged 3-5yrs

What will your Ebook be about?

Think about the environment

What will they learn?

How can this activity be exciting?

How can you meet all the children’s needs?


Why is communication important when providing

an IT learning experience?


All students will be able to:

• Explore how to produce a ebook for children

• Demonstrate your interactive ebook

• Many students will be able to:

• Identify the benefits of an interactive ebookactivity

Some students will be able to:

• Critically evaluate the activity and assess the benefits of an IT activity.

In relation to IT what is a cookie?

Devise your ebook

• Remember it needs to follow a theme and be suitable for

children aged 3-5

• Remember your literacy skills it has to have a beginning,

middle and an end

• Remember to make an interesting, exciting ebook

• Remember you will be showing this to the nursery


Read your ebook to the class

Book review

Review the book of your peers.

Did it have a good introduction?What did you like the most? What was the best part?What made it exciting?Did it have a good ending?

Evaluation and reflect

Complete your evaluation sheet.

Remember to really reflect and think

about your own competencies

Have you met your objectives yet?