
David hall

Unit 19 writing for creative media

Finished screenplays are a blueprint they are a starting point in the production process rather than an end point in their own right Screenwriting is very technical and does not come naturally to anybody it is a skill and craft that has to be acquired and developed Fully formed screenplays do not fall onto the page following a burst of creativity they must be developed and nurtured


Like film TV is scripted in the same way just not as much needs to be written as television is much shorter than most films


Video is basically just a format like YouTube mainly its never script based and just flows much like improve you never know what's next for example a random you tubers video:


Radio does not have a script but it dose tell you when to do something like an interview or a competition a piece of paper will tell you what to do and when but not what to play or say


Many magazine's have different writing stiles as some are big and flashy to grab your attention while others are plain and more factual this is so that he is a magazine for every type of person


Just like magazines the are multiple types of paper from sports to girls o even cooking papers and all the in-between some of the more business papers will have more complex writing while the sporty more common paper will be simple writing


The internet has loads of different forms of getting info from blogs to forums these are simple and easy ways of getting info on almost anything no difficulty writing on the web as you need next to nothing to have a good blog

worldwide web

Today comics are not as popular however they still sell as a form of entertainment keeping people reading for hours the writing is not greatly difficult to do as it is basic to put together a comic

comic books

Possibly one of the most common and popular forms of entertainment to pass the time games are very hard to make as you have to script, draw and design everything from scratch computer games
