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The Group that shows the OSI model in theCORRECT order (Layer I to Layer 7) is

1. 7'I:e following list gives the layers in the OSI model ( in random order).

I. Physical Layer 4II. Session Layer

III. Network LayerIV. Data Link Layer.V. Presentation Layer

VI. Transport LayerVII. Application Layer

faster and more efficienthave better resolutionable to store more files permanentlyinput data faster

2. Select the option that identifies the MAINstates that a process can be in.

7. Which type OfcOmPanY Provides people withaccess tq the Internet?

(A? Blocked,running, ready(A)(B)


(B) Blocked , moving, standing (C) ISP(C)(D)

Standing, running, blockedMoving, blocked, ready



3. When a process . is in the ready state, thismeans that it

(A) is executed to completion(B) can use the CPU if available(C) can change in priority(D) is waiting to continue

4. Which of the following devices allows



One benefit of a CD-ROM is that it is a directaccess media . Direct access would affect

(A) how much data can be Accessed(B) how fast data can be accessed(C) how fast data can be processed(D) how much data can be processed

6. In an attempt to update his computer system,John increased his RAM . This would makethe computer ,

(A) I, IV, III, VI, II, V, VII(A)

(B)(B) I,V, III, II, IV, VI, VII (C)(C) II, V, IV, VI, VII, I, III (D)(D) III, V, VI, VII, IV, II, I

workstation connectivity to the Internet withina network?

(A) Modem(B) Hub(C) Router(D) NIC

8. A sales company has branches throughout thecountry. The CEO wants information to beshared among all branches within thecompany. Which type of network is BESTsuited for this purpose?

(A) Local Area Network(B) Internet(C) Extranet(D) Intranet

9. A company has two' different networktopologies in use - a star in the accountsdepartment and a bus in the sales department.Which device would be BEST suited toconnect the accounts and sales departmentsto allow sharink of data?

(A) Hub(B) NIC card(C) Bridge(D) Gateway

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Page 2: Unit 2 MC 2008

3-"'any bytes would a 32-bit computer 14.transfer at a tune?

A language translator as it relates tocomputer science is software that changes

(A) 4 bytes(B) 8 bytes(C) 16 bytes(D) 32 bytes




English-like statements to machinecode

a foreign language to Englishlanguage

a f i l

I1. A computer network is BEST described as a(D)

ore gn anguage to machine codemachine language to English-like

statementssystem of

(A) internet based personal computers(B) computer systems, terminals and

communication links(C) interconnected nodes in a widely

dispersed geographical area(D) hardware, - software and

communication channels thatconnect devices on local premises

12. Which of the following occurrences caninclude deliberate attempts to corruptcomputers and computer systems?

I. Human errorII. Natural disaster

III. CrackingIV. Software errorsV. Data diddling

(A) I and V only(B) III and V only(C) I, III and V only ,(D) III, N and V only

13. Which of the following may be used toprevent unauthorized access to datatransmitted between internetworkedbusinesses?

I. Firewallll. Biometric security

III. EncryptionIV. Fibre optic cable

(A) I and II only(B) I and III only(C) I, II and III only(D) I, II, III and IV

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15. An IT professional wishes to offer privatetuition in Information Technology at his homeand has decided to set up a LAN. Which ofthe following sets of transmission media isthe MOSTLIKELY option available to him?

(A) Coaxial, microwave(B) Twisted pair, coaxial(C) Fiber optic, satellite(D) Radiowaves, microwaves

16. Which device converts digital signals intoanalog signals for transmission over telephonelines?

(A) Router(B) , Gateway(C) Modem(D) Client-Server

17. Which of the following pairs of transmissionmedia can be used to establish a wirelessnetwork?

(A) Twisted pair, satellite(B) Microwave, fiber optic(C) Microwave; telephone lines(D) Microwave, satellite


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Item i8 refers to the following list.

1. Easy and inexpensive to installII. Ifone cable fails the network will not

be affectedIII. No need for a serverIV. Easy to add new workstations

18. Which of the above is/are an advantage of aring network?

(A) III only(B) I and II only(C) III and IV only(D) I, II, III and IV

19. A company uses a monitoring and controlsystem in its Production Line. The BESTdefinition of such a system is one that




checks how much is produced by theProduction Line

controls speed ofprocessing by theProduction Line

checks the time of production

tracks processes and takes certainactions

20. Data mining is when





data is stored in a database/datawarehouse

data in a database/data warehouseis analyseda specific piece of data is searchedfor in a databasea database/dita warehouse iscreated

21. Which of the following systems can a doctoruse to diagnose an illness in a patient?

(A) A monitoring and control system(B) A database management system(C) An expert system(D) A communication system

22. Security of data is a major concern to acompany. ONE example of a physicalsecurity method is using

(A) passwords(B) biometrics(C) anti-virus software(D) a firewall

23. To reduce the effects of data loss or datacorruption, the MOST suitable option acompany can take is to

(A) back-up the data(B). encrypt the data(C) print the data(D) secure the data

24. In a company's administration office,automation may BEST be used to improvethe

(A) quality of products(B) speed of data entry(C) speed of production(D) design of products



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25. The middle manager in a company needsaccess to information to make decisions.Which of the following systems can BESTassist the manager?

(A) A Transaction Processing System(B) An Executive Support System(C) A Decision Support System(D) A Management Information System

26. In order to improve security and assessworker performance , the manager of acompany has configured the computers togather information on workers ' activities whenthey are at their computers . This isCOMMONLY referred to as


computer matchingcomputer monitoringdata skimmingdata surveillance

27. Which of the following BEST protects againstelectronic eavesdropping?



Parity bits

Validation checksEncryptionRoll back procedures

Item 28 refers to the following table.

Information System Feature

1. Management P: Analytical models andInformation Systems data analysis tools

2. Decision Support Q: Generates summarySystems transaction data

3. Transaction Processing R: Data from day-to-daySystems business operations

28. Match the information systems above witha feature of that system.

(A) IP 2R 3Q(B) IR 2Q 3P(C) lQ 2R 3P(D) IQ 2P 3R

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29. To reduce its overhead, the ABCXYZCompany has offered its workers the optionof working full-time at home while maintaininga constant contact with the office. This shiftin the way people work is referred to as

(A) teleconferencing(B) telemarketing(C) telecommuting(D) telecommunications

30. A computer programmer employed with abank modified the computerised savingssystem to withdraw a small amount from eachaccount held by the bank and deposit it in hisown account . This is an example of

(A) hacking(B) privacy violation(C) computer fraud(D) cdpyright infringement

3.1. A car manufacturing plant replaces humanswith robots on one assembly line. However,the spray painting process continues to bedone by humans.

If the assembly process increasesproduction without hiring new staff, which ofthe following is an initial effect on the spraypainting personnel?

(A) Retraining(B) Extra work to do(C) Retrenchment(D) Resistance to change


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32. Which of the following statements is trueabout expert systems?

(A) Expert systems will replaceprofessionals on the job in the nearfuture.

(B) Expert systems are great at solvinga range of problems in a broaddomain oflmowledge.

(C) Expert systems may be difficult and


costly to develop and maintain

properly.Expert systems are ableto.leam anddevelop on their own without theneed for human intervention.

33. Harry was fired from his company. A monthlater, he was able to access important companyfiles from his computer at home. This is anexample of

(A) logical access controls being violated(B) physical access controls being

violated(C) unauthorized disclosure of company

information(D) administrative controls being violated

35. A transaction processing system is MOSTused by the following employees.

(A) Sales Personnel(B) Middle manager(C) CEO(D) Head Accountant

•36. In the event of data loss due to naturaldisaster, which of the following securitystrategies is the LEAST effective?

(A) Standby systems .(B) Real time updating of files(C) Levels of security(D) Systems backup and archiving

37. Why would you MOST likely choose aspreadsheet package to keep track ofquantities of goods sold and the cost of thesegoods?

(A) It can perform calculations easily.(B) It can give reports easily.(C) It can store data easily.(D) It camfmd data easily.

34. Which of the following is the result of a hackeraccessing a computer system and alteringcustomers' records?

38. When the currency of information is ofpriority, which of the following is the BESTsource?

(A) Data loss (A) Television(B)(C)

Data misuseData security



(D) Data corruption (D) Magazines


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39. Arrange the following information sources inorder of the LEAST current source to theMOST current source.

(A) Magazine, book, television,newspaper

(B) Book, magazine, television,newspaper

(C) Newspaper, book, television,magazine

(D) Book, magazine, newspaper,television

40. The MOST likely reason for the Internet tobe considered a good source of informationis that it

is up to dateis easy to accesshas a wide range of informationis inexpensive to use

41. Place the following teens in CORRECTorder, to represent the stages of the problem-solving process.

1. Select best optionII. Design solution .,

III. Investigate and understand problemIV Implement solutionV. Define and analyse problem

(A) I, II, III, IV and V(B) III, IV,II,IandV(C) V, II, I, III and IV(D) V, III, I, II and IV

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Items 42 - 43 refer to the following situation.

You are looking for information on theInternet and have found a site that mayprovide help. To evaluate this site you usethe following characteristics.

I. CredibilityH. BiasIII. AccuracyIV. CurrenyV. Relevance

42. If you ask yourself the following questions:

Is the information presented objectively?Are ALL sides of the issue represented?

Which characteristic are you checking?

(A) I otily(B) II ony(C) III only(D) IVonly

43. You also ask yourself these questions:

Is there an author listed?Does the information support your research?Does the author have credentials listed?Does the siteprovide the information needed?

Which characteristics are you checking?

(A) I and II only(B) I and V only(C) III and IV only(D) III and V only


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44. A teacher at. your school has been given theresponsibility of tracking students'performance . Students' personal informationas well as their grades in the various subjectsmust also be stored . From this, reports mustbe created including graphs showing studentperformance in different subjects over periodsof time . Which two packages would beMOST suitable?





Database software , spreadsheet,softwareWordprocessing software,spreadsheet sofiware.

-Database software , wordprocessingsoftwarePresentation software , database

(A) Type of storage(B) Type ofretrieval-,(C) Nature of solution(D) Type of data

48. Anna has recently finished high school and

45. A bank needs to send out monthly statementsto customers on their credit card transactionsfor that month . Which ofthe following is theBEST type of processing for gen*rating themonthly statements?


Real-time processingBatch processingOn-line processingOff-line processing 9.

46. A medical doctor attempts to dissuade apatient from purchasing a brand of computer.Which of the following should be the MAINbasis for rejection of the information?

(A) Bias(B) Currency(C) Completeness(D) Authority


47. Joseph Bishop is a mechanic, and for the pastthree (3) years he has been storing his salesin a spreadsheet . He has now decided thathe will reward his most frequent customerwith a free oil change . However he is findingit very difficult to determine from thespreadsheet who is his most frequentcustomer. What tool selection criterion wasMOST likely not considered when thespreadsheet was chosen as the tool to recordsales?

would like to find a job inherlocal community.Which of the following information sourcesis the MOST appropriate?

(A) library(B) Radio(C) Newspaper(D) Internet

Which of the.following characteristics of theinformation regarding an approachinghurricane is MOST critical? .

(A) Cost(B) Currency(C) Format(D) Breadth of Coverage


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SO. You are accessing a website to gather 52.information on statistics for a project oncomputer literacy in your country . All of thefollowing are reasons to accept or reject theinformation from this site EXCEPT it is

A manager wishes to present a report to theboard of directors concerning the financialperformance of a company over a three-yearperiod. What is the best software tool thatcan be used for the presentation?


refereed'currentbiasedfree to use


SpreadsheetWord processorMultimedia presentation softwareDatabase management software

Item 51 refers to the following information.

Missy Elworth received an e-mail listing thesocial, environmental and health risks of aproposed environmental smelter in her area.She was shocked at the number ofdrawbacks as she always thought the projectwas good for development . She thereforeproceeded to peruse the e-mail but it was aforwarded message and the original sourcewas not stated . However, she rememberedsome of the points in the e -mail were exactlythose raised by a political activist.on atelevision news report . The sources of hisinformation, however, were not confirmed byindependent analysts.

51. Which issues regarding the informationsources are raised in the above paragraph?

(A) Bias, accuracy, cultural context,completeness

(B) Authority, bias, refereed vunrefereed , accuracy

(C) Authority, relevance, refereed vunrefereed , currency

(D) Bias, accuracy, authority, culturalcontext



Which of the following activities are part ofthe implementation phase of the systemsdevelopment life cycle?

1. Convert files to new systemsU. Acquire software and hardwareIII. Test the systemIV. Decide best method to acquire

systemV. Process and system modelling

VI. Train the users

(A) I, II and III only(B) I, II and V only(C) I, III and IV only(D) I, III and VI only

Which of the following statements are true?

I. The Internet is always a very reliableinformation source.

II. Journals are generally yery reliablesources ofinformation.

III. Information from television is alwaysreliable. '

IV DVD-ROMs can store greateramounts of information than CD-ROMs.

(A) I and II only(B) II and III only(C) II and IV only(D) III and IV bnly


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