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Unit 4: Westward ExpansionUnit 4: Westward Expansion The period 1800 – 1860 saw the U.S. grow in The period 1800 – 1860 saw the U.S. grow in

several ways:several ways:

A.A. Geographically:Geographically:the nation expanded all the way to the Pacific, the nation expanded all the way to the Pacific, acquiring new land thru purchase, war, and by acquiring new land thru purchase, war, and by treatytreaty

B. Building “infrastructure”: B. Building “infrastructure”: expanding the network expanding the network of roads, canals, and especially railroads opened of roads, canals, and especially railroads opened new marketsnew markets

C. Population:C. Population:Immigration continued, growing to a tidal wave in Immigration continued, growing to a tidal wave in the 1840’sthe 1840’s

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A. Geographic Growth: A. Geographic Growth: The The Louisiana PurchaseLouisiana Purchase

1803…during Thos. Jefferson’s admin.1803…during Thos. Jefferson’s admin.

A.A. French ruler Napolean Bonaparte French ruler Napolean Bonaparte envisioned a North American empireenvisioned a North American empire

B.B. Anticipating war with England (again), Anticipating war with England (again), Napolean sold LA Territory to U.S. for Napolean sold LA Territory to U.S. for $15 million$15 million

C.C. Purchase doubled size of U.S.Purchase doubled size of U.S.

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The Louisiana PurchaseThe Louisiana Purchase

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New States: 1803 - 1819New States: 1803 - 1819

Ohio (1803)Ohio (1803) Louisiana (1812)Louisiana (1812) Indiana (1816)Indiana (1816) Mississippi (1817)Mississippi (1817) Illinois (1818)Illinois (1818) Alabama (1819)Alabama (1819)

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As new states were added:As new states were added:

At issue was this question:At issue was this question:

Will each new state come into Will each new state come into the Union as a the Union as a slave stateslave state or or free statefree state??

(we’ll return to this issue in the next unit…)(we’ll return to this issue in the next unit…)

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What to do about native Americans?What to do about native Americans?

Widely believed by the 1820’s that Widely believed by the 1820’s that Indians Indians could notcould not be assimilated into be assimilated into white culturewhite culture

Indian Removal Act (1830)Indian Removal Act (1830)1.1. Andrew Jackson’s presidencyAndrew Jackson’s presidency

2.2. Remove tribes to fed’l. lands (present day OK)Remove tribes to fed’l. lands (present day OK)

3.3. The “Trail of Tears”…The “Trail of Tears”…Cherokee Nation of NC Cherokee Nation of NC forced to march to res. In OK…thousands diedforced to march to res. In OK…thousands died

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The “Trail of Tears”The “Trail of Tears”

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B. Building Infrastructure: B. Building Infrastructure: Roads, RR’s, & CanalsRoads, RR’s, & Canals

During the ½ century 1,000’s of miles of During the ½ century 1,000’s of miles of new roads, RR’s, and canals were builtnew roads, RR’s, and canals were built

Effect / Impact:Effect / Impact: possible to move people possible to move people and goods over great distancesand goods over great distances

farmers in rural areas could get goods to distant farmers in rural areas could get goods to distant marketsmarkets

New, expanding market for finished goodsNew, expanding market for finished goods

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Farmers of the Ohio Valley now linked to Farmers of the Ohio Valley now linked to east coast and its seaportseast coast and its seaports


The National RoadThe National Road (linked MD to ILL) (linked MD to ILL) The Erie CanalThe Erie Canal (linked Albany to Lake Erie) (linked Albany to Lake Erie)

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The Erie CanalThe Erie Canal

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C. Population growthC. Population growth

1. Immigration:1. Immigration:Immigrants came mainly from northern Europe Immigrants came mainly from northern Europe (from Asia, too, a little later)(from Asia, too, a little later)

a.)a.) immigrantsimmigrants migrated to eastern cities, providing migrated to eastern cities, providing a cheap labor force for an emerging factory system a cheap labor force for an emerging factory system of productionof production

b.)b.) many headed west in search of opportunity many headed west in search of opportunity

c.)c.) the greatest wave came from Ireland in the the greatest wave came from Ireland in the 1840’s b/c of the “Potato Famine”1840’s b/c of the “Potato Famine”

IMPACT? An ever-expanding pool of cheap laborIMPACT? An ever-expanding pool of cheap labor

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““Manifest Destiny”Manifest Destiny”

A popular belief from roughly 1840 to 1860 A popular belief from roughly 1840 to 1860 that westward expansion of the nation was that westward expansion of the nation was inevitable because it was inevitable because it was God’s willGod’s will to do to do so…so…

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Why was this belief so popular?Why was this belief so popular?

1.1. There was plenty of land available There was plenty of land available (cheap!)(cheap!)

2.2. Expansion would create new marketsExpansion would create new markets3.3. Harbors of the west coast would make Harbors of the west coast would make

trade with China easiertrade with China easier4.4. Moralistic reasons: to spread the virtues Moralistic reasons: to spread the virtues

of “our” values (our values were the of “our” values (our values were the “right” ones and we had a “right” ones and we had a dutyduty to share / to share / spread them)spread them)

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More land acquired:More land acquired:

Florida: ceded by Mexico in 1819Florida: ceded by Mexico in 1819 Texas: Texas: need a new slide for this one!need a new slide for this one!

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1.1. Following a revolution in which it won Following a revolution in which it won independence from Spain, Mexico independence from Spain, Mexico opened its northern lands to settlement opened its northern lands to settlement by Americans (1821)by Americans (1821)

2.2. In 1830, Mexico closed new settlementIn 1830, Mexico closed new settlement b/c:b/c:

Too many Protestants coming inToo many Protestants coming in Many brought slaves (slavery outlawed in Many brought slaves (slavery outlawed in


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Texas (con’t.)Texas (con’t.)

3. (1835) Texas claimed 3. (1835) Texas claimed independence from Mexico… independence from Mexico… “Republic of Texas”“Republic of Texas”

4. Mex. Army under 4. Mex. Army under Santa Santa AnnaAnna overwhelmed a small overwhelmed a small band of Texans at band of Texans at the Alamo,the Alamo, but the Texans later won but the Texans later won indep. & TX was recognized by indep. & TX was recognized by

Pres. Andrew JacksonPres. Andrew Jackson as a as a sovereign nation.sovereign nation.


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Texas (con’t.)Texas (con’t.)

Sought annexation (to be added to) by the Sought annexation (to be added to) by the U.S.U.S.

Texas finally came into the Union in Texas finally came into the Union in 1845…why did it take so long? 1845…why did it take so long?

Heated debates in Congress over its Heated debates in Congress over its admittance to the Union as a free…or admittance to the Union as a free…or slave stateslave state

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The Oregon TerritoryThe Oregon Territory

James K. PolkJames K. Polk won 1844 election largely won 1844 election largely on his promise to add TX and the Oregon on his promise to add TX and the Oregon TerritoryTerritory

JKP negotiated deal w/Britain for 49JKP negotiated deal w/Britain for 49oo N to N to separate U.S. and Britain’s claims…added separate U.S. and Britain’s claims…added present day present day Wash., Oregon, and IdahoWash., Oregon, and Idaho

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U.S. territorial expansion to 1853U.S. territorial expansion to 1853

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The Mexican-American WarThe Mexican-American War

1846-18471846-1847 Polk Polk wanted warwanted war

w/Mexico w/Mexico (to add more (to add more land)land)

The TX-Mexico border The TX-Mexico border had been disputed for had been disputed for 10 yrs (Mex claimed it 10 yrs (Mex claimed it was the was the Nueces RiverNueces River… … TX and now U.S. said TX and now U.S. said Rio Grande River)Rio Grande River)

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The Mexican-American WarThe Mexican-American War

Polk sent troops into disputed area…Polk sent troops into disputed area…provoked a fightprovoked a fight

“…“…Mexico has…shed American blood Mexico has…shed American blood upon American soil…”upon American soil…”

The war itself was very one-sided: the The war itself was very one-sided: the U.S. had most of the advantages… U.S. had most of the advantages… industry, army, navy, military leadership, industry, army, navy, military leadership, etc.etc.

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The Americans won every major battleThe Americans won every major battle::

1.1. Gen.Stephen W. Kearney took N. MexicoGen.Stephen W. Kearney took N. Mexico

2.2. Col. John C. Fremont org’d. the Bear Col. John C. Fremont org’d. the Bear Flag Revolt (CA)Flag Revolt (CA)

3.3. Gen.Zachary Taylor invaded lower Gen.Zachary Taylor invaded lower Mexico…took MonterreyMexico…took Monterrey

4.4. Gen. Winfield Scott took Veracruz…Gen. Winfield Scott took Veracruz…marched to Mexico City…bitter marched to Mexico City…bitter resistance at Chapultepecresistance at Chapultepec

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The end of war and the spoils…The end of war and the spoils…

Mexico surrendered Sept., 1847Mexico surrendered Sept., 1847 Treaty of Guadalupe HidalgoTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico gave up northern third of nation...U.S. Mexico gave up northern third of nation...U.S. added 1.2 million sq. milesadded 1.2 million sq. miles

U.S. added the “Mexican Cession”…present-U.S. added the “Mexican Cession”…present-day CA, AZ, NM, CO, UTday CA, AZ, NM, CO, UT

U.S. paid $15 millionU.S. paid $15 million

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U.S. territorial expansion to 1853U.S. territorial expansion to 1853

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The Gadsden PurchaseThe Gadsden Purchase

Supporters of a southern route for a Supporters of a southern route for a transcontinental RR agitated for U.S. to transcontinental RR agitated for U.S. to acquire land south of the acquire land south of the Salt River…Salt River…

1853: U.S. bought that land…1853: U.S. bought that land…

The continental U.S. is complete…The continental U.S. is complete…

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U.S. territorial expansion to 1853U.S. territorial expansion to 1853
