Page 1: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Unit 6 Room Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ)Service (Ⅱ)

Period 4Period 4

Vocational Vocational Education Hotel Education Hotel EnglishEnglish

Page 2: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Words and Expressnions


Text Reading

Text Learning


Page 3: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

RevisionSay and act! (Who says it!)1.What else can I do for you?2.By the way, do you want these shirts to be starched?3.I have some laundry to do, please.4.I’ll tell the operator to call you up at 6 o’clock.5.Is that OK?6.What kind of call do you prefer, by phone or by knocking at the door?

Page 4: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Words and Expressions

deal/di:l /v. 处理 , 对待employer /ɪm ‘ plɔɪə(r) / n. 雇主hardworking /hɑ:d'wɜ:kɪŋ / adj. 勤劳的holiday/‘hɒlədeɪ / n. 假日的honest / ‘ ɒnɪst / adj. 诚实的 kitchen /‘kɪtʃɪn / n. 厨房 polite /pə ‘ laɪt / adj. 礼貌的 privacy / ‘ prɪvəsi / n. 私事 , 隐私

Page 5: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

To be continued

public /‘pʌblɪk /adj. 公共的replace /rɪ‘pleɪs / v. 替换 , 更换respect /rɪ‘spekt / v. 尊敬shift/ʃɪft / n. 轮班timekeeper / ‘ taɪmki:pə(r)] /n. 守时的

人uniform /‘ju:nɪfɔ:m / n. 制服wear /weə(r) /v. 穿 , 戴weekend / ‘ wi:k’end /n. 周末as well as 以及 ; 和

Page 6: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Pre-reading Activities Choose the correct answer. 1. Room attendants must be ____ when

dealing with guests. A. early B. polite C. comfortable 2. What does not a hotel room usually

have? A. A bed. B. A bathroom C. kitchen

Page 7: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Text Listening Working in a Hotel Room Hotel room attendants make sure that

hotel rooms are clean, tidy and comfortable for guests. Their duties would include: changing bed sheets, making beds, cleaning rooms, and replacing drinks in the mini-bar. They usually work shifts, including early starts, as well as some weekends and public holidays.


Page 8: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

To be continued

They must wear uniforms while working. Employers will expect them to be honest, hardworking and a good timekeeper. Room attendants should respect for guests’ privacy and have a polite and helpful manner.

Page 9: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Exercises 1.Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1) By the way, do you want these shirts to be

starched/starch? 2 ) I’d like this sweater wash/washed by hand in cold

water. 3) I would like to request/requested a morning call. 4) What kind of call do you prefer, by phone or by

knocked/knocking at the door? 5) Room attendants should respect / respected for

guests’ privacy.

Page 10: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

2. Match Guest’s Inquiry or Requirement Housekeeper’s


1.Is there early morning A. I’ll tell the operator call service? to call you up at 6

o’clock. Is that OK?2.Yes. I must get up earlier B. Sure, would you like

to to catch the 7:30 flight request one? tomorrow morning. 3. How long does it take C. Yes, sir. What else

can to go to the airport I do for you? by taxi? 4.Then call me at 5:40, D. About half an hour. please?

Page 11: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1).starched 2). washed 3). request 4). knocking 5). respect

2.Match 1).B 2). A 3). D 4). C

Keys to the exercise:

Page 12: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Translate these sentences1.Hotel room attendants make sure that

hotel rooms are clean, tidy and comfortable for guests.

酒店客房服务员确保客房干净整洁及客人舒服 .

2.They usually work shifts, including early starts, as well as some weekends and public holidays.

他们通常轮班工作,包括早班,以及一些周末和公众假期 . 

Page 13: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

To be continued

3.Employers will expect them to be honest, hardworking and a good timekeeper.

老板期望他们诚实 , 勤劳并且是个守时的人 .4.Room attendants should respect for

guests’ privacy and have a polite and helpful manner.

客房服务员应对客人的私人物品负责并有礼貌及乐于助人的态度 .

Page 14: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Language Points

1.make sure 确保 , 确信 We should make sure all the rooms

are clean and well as 像…一样 , 作为习语用作介词

时, as well as 的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”

They speak English as well as Chinese.

Page 15: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

Read article loudly and try to translate it into Chinese.

Copy new words and expressions.

Summary & Summary & HomeworkHomework

Page 16: Unit 6 Room Service (Ⅱ) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

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