Page 1: Universal Basis of Bank Failure – The Nigeria Case

Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


Universal Basis of Bank Failure – The Nigeria Case

Dr. O. P. Egbo

Department of Banking and Finance, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria

E-mail: [email protected]


Many nations have experienced bank failures with very high costs which can lead to systemic risks. The causes of

bank failure are numerous, in theory, and include regulation of banking activities such as forbearance; asymmetric

information leading to a moral hazard problem and connected lending. The history of banking system in Nigerian

has been occasioned with a lot of problem which resulted to distress. The recent consolidation and recapitalisation

exercise in the sector was in a bid to resolve this dilemma. In this paper we appraised the causes and outcomes of

bank failures. In this article, we looked at the theoretical level and other root causes, consequences of bank failure

and lessons within the Nigeria perspective. Finally, the options and measures to prevent further systemic hazards

were recommended.

Keyword: bank failure, Nigeria, mismanagement, corruption.

1. Introduction

The number of failing banks has been on the increase as reported around the world. Bank failures are usually

followed by unfavorable consequences on stakeholders outside the failed banks themselves. Sometimes the

consequences are felt by the non-banking system as a whole. A failure can result in much harm to employment,

earnings, financial development and other associated public interests. Smith & Walter (1997: 158). According to

Hooks (1994) and Benston & Kaufman (1996, cited by Kaufman, 1996), the failure of a bank has great adverse

effect on the economy and so is considered very important. The literature on banking crises identify that the

conventional banking structure is inherently unstable and, therefore, itself contributes to the occurrence of crisis,

Bryant (1980); Diamond and Dybvig (1983). Being a deposit taking institution the liabilities of a bank, at any

given point in time, are fixed and a fixed interest is promised on them. Whereas its assets are in the form of loans

earning variable interest and subject to credit risk. This also leads to interest rate risk. Similarly, its demand

deposits by nature are of shorter maturity while its loans are for longer duration. Therefore, there always exists a

risk of maturity mismatch. These features of the assets and liabilities render the banking sector prone to crisis in

wake of any shock or decreased confidence of the depositors.

The failure of banks and the related costs have also been emphasized by many writers. Kaufman (1996) explains

that banking crisis generates losses to stakeholders by disturbing the settlement system, and even has a systemic

effect on the entire economy. Caprio & Klingebiel (1999) also present information on 114 episodes of banking

crises in 46 countries. Given the focus on a Ghanaian bank, we think that the costs of failures of some African

banks (table 1) might be of particular interest. The costs of the failures shown in the table differ from country to

country. Different costs are included in total cost differently by each country. Examples of such costs are those

related to corporate restructuring and restructuring/recapitalization of the banking system. The estimated total

losses/costs shown in this table exclude the portion incurred by depositors and borrowers from non-performing

loans. Additionally, some of the figures exclude costs related to indirect methods used to bail out banks. Most

empirical studies on banking failures consider a financial institution (bank) to have failed if it either received

external support or was directly closed. Here, a financial institution will be considered to have failed if it fits into

any of the following categories (Bongini, Claessens, and Ferri 2001; Gonzalez-Hermosillo 1999); the financial

institution was recapitalized by either the central bank or an agency specifically created to address the crisis,

and/or required a liquidity injection from the monetary authority; the financial institution’s operations were

temporarily suspended (“frozen”) by the government; the government closed the financial institution; the financial

institution was absorbed or acquired by another financial institution. These categories involve a broader concept of

economic failure than the more restrictive concept of de jure failure (closure). One potential limitation is that

category (iv) could include banks that were merged or absorbed for strategic reasons during the crisis period, and

not due to insolvency reasons. As a result, a sensitivity analysis is performed that excludes this category.

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


2. A Literature Review on Causes of Bank Failure

It is useful for all stakeholders, that is, managers, depositors, borrowers and regulators in the financial sector to

know what causes a bank failure in order to help prevent the failure. The issue especially concerns managers and

external regulators. This is because most managers are dismissed and regulators are blamed when banks fail. It is

also very important for other stakeholders to understand the causes of bank failure, in order for them to help to

avoid it. We should also note that the social costs of the failure of a bank can be higher than the costs incurred by

the failed institution, the consumer can lose when an institution fails, even if there is no systemic impact and this is

the reason why all the interested party should be at alert regarding issues of bank failure. In this section, we will

examine and review some of the various theories which deal on the factors behind banking crisis and failures.

They are as follows:

Deteriorating Economic Factors

Hooks (1994: 5) points out that deteriorating local economic conditions (e.g. inflation, interest rates, and exchange

rates) cause bank failure. Eisenbeis (1986, cited by Hooks, 1994: 10) adds that macroeconomic factors (e.g.

sudden adverse movements in a country’s terms of trade and sharp fluctuations in world interest rates, real

exchange rates and inflation rates) worsened by regulations that are imposed on banks result in a bank failure. Like

Hooks and Eisenbeis, Goodhart et al. (1998: 47) emphasize that interest rate fluctuations contribute to banking


Regulation of Banks

O’Driscoll (1988, cited by Hooks 1994: 9), Eisenbeis (1986, cited by Hooks, 1994: 10), Dothan & Williams

(1980, cited by Hooks, 1994: 36) share the opinion that government intervention causes bank distress. Hempel &

Simonson (1999: 17) state that when governments intervene in saving banks from failing, creditors and customers

tend to rely on the government to protect their interests. The intervention, however, is a disincentive for other

institutions, creditors and customers to effectively monitor their interests in banks in an independent way.

Llewellyn (1996, cited by Goodhart et al., 1998: 2-3) notes the following situations, which could cause a bank

failure: (i) Too many stringent rules could cause banks to disregard the measures as they may be seen by the

banking sector as superfluous. (ii) Some dangers that banks are exposed to may be too difficult to be addressed by

general laws. (iii) A rigid system of rules could inhibit banks from selecting the most efficient means of achieving

regulatory goals set for them and may serve as a disincentive for improvement. While Spollen (1997: 28)

concludes that ineffective regulatory system causes bank failure, White (1984, cited by Hooks, 1994:3, 36) also

notes that government regulation is neither needed nor advantageous.

Government Deposit Insurance Scheme

Goodhart et al. (1998: 45) observe that in the absence of any measure to rescue distressed banks, they could be

exposed to depositors’ runs. However, when complete deposit insurance schemes and other rescue measures are in

place, stakeholders other than banks are discouraged from controlling the activities of intermediaries. This is why

regulators protect the interest of the public by encouraging the reduction of risk-seeking behaviors. Kareken (1981,

1983, cited by Hooks, 1994: 3) and Kareken & Wallace (1978, cited by Hooks, 1994) state that a fixed-rate

deposit insurance motivates banks to engage in risky investment activities. Hooks (1994: 39) agrees with the

above by stating that a flat-rate fee deposit insurance is an incentive for banks to make risky investments.

Palubinskas & Stough (1999) stress that the scheme results in unpaid loans, since banks and customers have

nothing at stake when deposits are badly managed or lost through fraudulent actions. White (1993: 108-109)

concludes that a government deposit insurance scheme encourages unskilled management and fraudsters,

irrespective of the regulation.

Regulation as Regards Putting a Ceiling on Deposit Interest Rates

Selgin (1996: 211) states that the purpose of putting a ceiling on deposit interest rates is to prevent banks from

mobilizing deposits by giving borrowers big amounts of funds with high interest income to the bank. Dothan &

Williams (1980, cited by Hooks, 1994: 36) state that a limit on deposit interest rates motivates banks to make risky

investments. Additionally, banks often try to overrule the ceiling by rendering more services to depositors, which

results in higher transaction costs and lower income. Selgin (1996: 211) concludes that instead of decreasing the

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


prospects of bank failures, the ceiling reduces a bank’s capability to mobilize funds when it becomes illiquid. A

ceiling on deposit and loan interest rates, therefore, it is argued, can cause bank failure.

Prohibition of Banks from Establishing Branches and Limiting Bank Investments

Selgin (1996: 200) states that geographical limitations pose significant threats to banks. Additionally, such

limitations result in the following situations, which may cause bank failure: a bank’s vulnerability to different

threats is raised; systemic risk is encouraged and private market forces are hindered from preventing failures.

Hooks (1994: 8, 49-50) observes that branching restrictions could constrain banks from spreading their investment

activities in different locations. These geographic restrictions, coupled with prohibition from investments, result in

unsuccessful diversification by banks. Hooks also notes that limiting a bank’s investment chances could lower its

diversification operations. Goodhart et al. (1998: 38) add that lack of appropriate diversification causes bank

failure. Hempel & Simonson (1999: 18) argue that without branches, banks cannot mobilize substantial amounts

of stable retail deposits. Such a position compels banks to rely extensively on unstable funding bases attracted

from money market creditors. O’Driscoll (1988, cited by Hooks, 1994: 9) observes that banks may use flexible

investment freedom to focus on limited higher-risk categories. Selgin (1996: 210) adds that even though the

justification of geographical limitation is to stop banks from excessive clustering and avoid competition, this

perception misinterprets the impact of bank branching and the importance of competition. White (1986, cited by

Selgin, 1996: 209) states that branching limitation raises a bank’s vulnerability to risks for its liabilities as well as

its assets. In the same way that branching restrictions rules have motivated banks to high risk-taking investments,

some regulations have also constrained banks from engaging in many different banking operations. Selgin (1996:

208) concludes that regulation in respect of branching limitation contributes to the possibility of banks failing, by

constraining their chances to prevent risk and by supporting bank risky operations. To him, the worst regulation is

branching restriction.

Capital Requirements

The lower a bank’s capital, the higher the probability of its failure (Polizatto, year not given). Goodhart et al.

(1998: xvii, 49, 57) agree with this statement and add that as a bank’s capital decreases, the higher its motivation

for actions towards survival. This leads to more dangerous risk-taking operations. Therefore, the risk of failure

rises with the decline of equity. Palubinskas & Stough (1999) also observe that one of the measures used to stop

the increase of bank crisis is to increase the ceiling as regards capital held by banks. This requirement compels

banks to hold much capital, or combine their businesses with other banks, or forfeit their licenses. According to

Polizatto (year not given) capital is essential to cushion losses incurred by banks. When banks have inadequate

capital, they usually conceal the situation for fear of exposing the illiquidity. If stakeholders such as bank

management and regulators do not effectively address a capital erosion situation early, it could result in

bankruptcy. A similar view as the above has been expressed by Goodhart et al. (1998: 57) who state that adequate

funds reduce risk-taking while insufficient capital motivates banks to engage in actions towards survival at all


Inadequate Reserve Requirements

A reserve requirement is a portion of cash to total deposits which banks are obliged to maintain. This ensures

prudential and fiscal control of the activities of banks ( White (1999) adds that a government

obliges banks to reserve the funds in order to improve the actual need for base money. Friedman (1960, cited by

Hooks, 1994: 37) states that bank failures arise because banks do not keep all their deposits in statutory reserve



Hempel & Simonson (1999: 18) note that some regulatory bodies exercise forbearance. This contributes to bank

crisis by permitting distressed banks to continue their operations instead of liquidating them. This action aims at

assisting banks to make profits. Its effect is rather disadvantageous to banks because usually when banks lack

adequate funds, and remain in operation, their capital situation deteriorates (Hempel & Simonson, 1999: 18).

Lender of Last Resort

Selgin (1996: 214) and White (1999: 74-77) state that governments use the lender of last resort mechanism to help

some stakeholders of banks which are failing. When bank failures rise, any money reserved to deal with the

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


situation decreases. The only option then is to either replenish the reserves or combine the operations of distressed

banks. However, if prospective beneficiaries of this approach perceive that the central bank may intervene when

every bank fails, the measure could rather encourage banks to engage in more risky activities.


Management is a key to a successful business. Mismanagement caused many banks to fail in the 1980s and early

1990s. Banking crisis mostly comes from the absence of good managerial ideas in management decision-making.

Therefore, competence and focus play a major role in banking (Spiegel, et al. 1996: 51). According to Pantalone &

Platt (1987, cited by Hooks, 1994: 41- 42), mismanagement, especially excessive risk-taking, is the main cause of

bank failure. On the other hand, White (1993: 110) notes that even though bankers are accused of misconduct, it is

difficult to prove that the negligence of management is the only cause of bank failure. Spollen (1997: 25-26, 32,

51) has however, listed the following as underlying the failure of businesses which, to us, are also relevant to the

purpose of this study:

• Inability of management to appreciate and control a business.

• Inability of management to ensure compliance with laid down procedures. In many situations where there is a

loss of a business, the failure is attributed to either lack of policies, and if policies existed at all, they are

inadequate or existing policies are not observed.

• Insufficient number of staff, particularly middle management, which can subject a small number of

employees to over-time work, which could eventually result in the failure of a bank. The issue is whether an

organization has adequate staff complement and whether it appreciates their interests and addresses them

(Spollen 1997: 86, 94).

• The situation when fundamental control procedures are ignored.

• The situation when internal audit does not play its role in the formulation of a board of directors’ policy and

its procedures.

• The situation when the board of directors does not effectively address audit queries.

• Over-reliance on one member of staff. Most of the time organizations are defrauded by some of their own

workers, mostly those who have been with organizations for long periods of time and whose work is not

supervised. Excessive authority is given to an employee because he seems to be very effective on his

schedule. Individuals in this category are trusted, devoted to duty and work extra hours under the guise of

showing much commitment Spollen (1997: 20, 34-36, 90-91). Like Spollen, Heffernan (1996: 282-288)

states a practical case of such a situation that contributed to the failure of Barings Bank.

Goodhart et al. (1998: 49) add that if worker compensation is tied to performance and output is below expectation,

the managers could manipulate the output for fear of being dismissed. This risk behavior could eventually cause a

bank to fail (e.g., Barings Bank failure). Palubinskas & Stough (1999) state that a shortage of competent bankers

as regards loans’ risk appraisal, scrutiny of financial information of customers, appraisal of cash flow, or

calculation of fundamental profitability, contributes to many of the loan defaults. They continue saying that lack of

skills leads to a situation where there is no credit evaluation - where bankers only enforce and supervise the credit

manual, which is not updated to reflect varying periods. Goodhart et al. (1998: 38) agree with this perception.

White (1993: 110) notes that currently it is not easy for banks to attract skilled managers.

Fraud and Corruption

Smith & Walter (1997: 157) stated that fraud causes banks to fail as happened in the case of Banco Ambrosiano,

BCCI, Crédit Lyonnais and Herstatt. Heffernan (1996: 293) adds that corruption and fraud have been the general

causes of many failed banks. White (1993: 108-109) argues that bank failures are seen by many to be caused by

mismanagement, fraud and deregulation. However, fraud is not the primary cause of banking crisis, since

according to White, bank failures were rampant in the 1930s when there was no fraud.

Poor Risk Management Procedures Such as Lending Practices of Banks

Hempel & Simonson (1999: 388) state that the main activity of bank management is not deposit mobilization and

giving credit. Effective credit administration reduces the risk of customer default. The competitive advantage of a

bank is dependent on its capability to handle credit risk valuably. Bad loans cause bank failure. Palubinskas &

Stough (1999) note that the failure of a bank is mainly seen as a result of mismanagement because of bad lending

decisions made with respect to wrong appraisal of credit status, or the repayment of non-performing credits and

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


excessive focus on giving loans to certain customers. Goodhart et al. (1998: xvii, 38) also state that poor credit

control, which results in undue credit risk, causes bank failure. Goodhart et al. (1998: xvii, 38) connected lending

to the causes of bank failure. Again, Palubinskas & Stough (1999) note that lack of dependable financial

information on borrowers to help in assessing creditworthiness causes a bank failure. Yet mismanagement is not a

result of immaturity all the time. Most of the time, principals and agents know that major faults in the banking

regulation in respect of internal changes permit them to exploit a bank’s funds. Sometimes these two groups of

stakeholders attempt to accomplish their short term earnings objectives by acquiring high risks in the bank.

Polizatto (year not given) points out that financial information disclosed by banks is often false. He explains that

the absence of existing and adequate financial data underlies the keeping of security based credit because bankers

are unable to assess creditworthiness. Goodhart et al. (1998: 49) state that re-stating financial earnings from

previous years to current years could lead to the falsity of financial information of banks.

Polizatto again observes that in many cases asymmetric information exists between banks and investors. Goodhart

et al. (1998: 13-14, 46) also add that the common problem of prudential rules is the asymmetric information issue

between the customer and the bank. Heffernan (1996: 2, 22) adds that bank structures generate asymmetric

information leading to moral hazard and adverse selection. These writers further state that organizations give

extended agreements whose worth to the customer is based on the organization’s attitudes and performance

subsequent to the date of the agreement. The problem and rigidity of rules are because every stakeholder (e.g.

government, bank, depositor and borrower) has dissimilar information, incentives and positions. For instance, how

can savers or the government discern the risk actions of banks? If the authorities could monitor the total risks of an

intermediary inadequately, is it feasible to initiate laws that minimize runs on banks?

Spollen (1997: 9, 30, 58-60) states that irregular meetings of loans committees, false loans, large treasury losses,

high sums of unrecorded deposits and money laundering in large amounts, contribute to bank failure. He adds that

some lending decisions involving high amounts of money are made by an individual worker because of the status

of the recipients of the loans. Kindleberger (1989, cited by Hooks, 1994: 37-38) observes that over-investment is

directly related to high risk-taking and this causes bank failure. Additionally, some employees disregard laid down

procedures and rather work according to instructions from certain areas. In some cases a worker of a Credit

Department of a bank obtains signatures from every member of the loan committee in irregular ways sanctioning a

loan. Hempel & Simonson (1999: 16-17) mention loans to the “energy producers and commercial real estate

developers” as examples of risky investments, especially when the economy is good and the lending decision is

based on improper projection. White (1993: 12) adds that the failure of banks is mainly due to risky credits they

give. Hempel & Simonson (1999: 390) conclude that all banks incur certain loan losses when some borrowers

default in repaying their loans. Irrespective of the extent of the risk involved, good credit management can reduce

the default.

Deregulation of Banks

Hooks (1994: 3-4) states that deregulation results in higher risk-taking by banks and could lead to bank failure.

Chu (1996) emphasizes that free banking encourages banks to engage in deceptive operations and over-expansion,

which makes banks fail. With respect to deposit insurance schemes, Kareken (1981, 1983, cited by Hooks, 1994)

notes that deregulation is unsafe for banks. He explains that when banks have freedom of investment and

diversification, the situation leads to higher risk-taking. Like Kareken, Hooks (1994: 49) adds that if regulatory

authorities eliminate the application of strict maximum deposit interest rates imposed on banks, resulting in the

increase of deposit interest rates, banks will engage in high risk investments. He therefore concludes that

deregulation results in more risky investments.

Political Interference

Goodhart et al. (1998: 38) point out that politically directed lending leads to banking crisis. To buttress this

assertion, Caprio & Honohan (1999) observe that governments can cause banks to fail in many ways. Some

dishonest leaders exploit the funds of banks as happened in the Philippines in the 1980s. In most cases,

governments influenced banks to give loans to certain borrowers that discouraged banks from properly assessing

the creditworthiness of borrowers and eventually destabilized banks’ financial standing. The implication of this is

that such loans are not paid off. Occasionally, the credits are given to government suppliers leading to the failure

of the banks involved.

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012



3.1.Biggest Global Bank Failures

Many important industrial nations have experienced upsetting bank failures such as the following: Banco

Ambrosiano in Italy (Smith & Walter, 1997: 157; Heffernan, 1996: 272-273), Barings Bank in the United

Kingdom (Gray et al., 2001: 23-24; Heffernan, 1996: 282-288), Rumasa in Spain (Caprio & Honohan, 1999),

Crédit Lyonnais in France (Smith & Walter, 1997: 157; Heffernan, 1996: 387-406; and Daiwa Bank in Japan

( The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), founded in Karachi, Pakistan in

1971 and once the 7th largest private bank in the world and holding over $20 billion USD in assets failed in July

1991 because of widespread fraud (Smith & Walter, 1997: 157; Heffernan, 1996: 280-282).

Herstatt Bank of Germany has a special place in bank failure lore, triggering a debacle that resulted in a new

international regulation. German regulators seized the ailing Herstatt and forced it to liquidate on June 26, 1974.

The same day, other banks had released Deutsch Mark payments to Herstatt, which was supposed to exchange

those payments for US dollars that would then be sent to New York. Regulators seized the bank after it received its

DM payments, but before the US dollars could be delivered. The time zone difference meant that the banks

sending the money never received their US dollars.(Smith & Walter, 1997: 157; Heffernan, 1996: 271). There is

also the case of Hokkaidō Takushoku Bank, Ltd. Japan which is possibly the most notable failure of the Asian

financial crisis, “Hokutaku” went bankrupt in 1997, almost 100 years after its inception as a “special bank” To

Promote development on the island of Hokkaido. The bank specialized in long term, low-interest loans and debt

insurance that would help grow specific sectors on the island, like fishing and agriculture. In 1939, the government

deregulated Hokutaku, allowing it to offer short-term financing and bank accounts. The bank grew and eventually

became involved in risky real estate investments during Japan’s late-1980s real estate bubble. In 1991, the

Southeast Bank of Miami, the second largest bank in Florida failed. This was caused by a slump in the regional

commercial real estate market, combined with 1980s S&L Crisis fallout. Also in December of 1931, New York’s

Bank of the United States fell victim to “contagion,” when a string of unrelated banks fail for unrelated reasons.

The bank’s name had something to do with it. Many New Yorkers felt that if the bank of the United States could

fail, then any bank could fail. At the time of the collapse, the bank had over $200 million in deposits, making it the

largest single bank failure in the nation’s history. There is also the case of Franklin Square National Bank, founded

in 1926, the bank piloted now-standard features such as hiring high school students as tellers, building drive-up

teller windows, and offering bank credit cards. The bank’s integrity went out the window when shady financier

Michele “The Shark” Sindona purchased a controlling stake. Sindona used Franklin to launder money and build a

Mafia-linked banking empire in the United States. Within two years, currency speculation, bad loans, and fraud

drove Franklin into a fire sale. While the Great Depression may not have affected European banks as badly as

those in the U.S., the Creditanstalt-Vienna is one notable example of a large healthy bank that failed. Founded by

the Rothchild family in 1855, Creditanstalt became the largest bank in Austria-Hungary. A poor economy and

failure to deal with dwindling deposits forced it into bankruptcy in 1931. Its failure sent shockwaves through in

Europe, causing bank failures in Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Long-Term Credit Bank of

Japan LTCB was one of the top three banks in Japan responsible for postwar economic growth. In 1989, it was

considered the 9th largest company in the world by asset value. Then Japan’s asset bubble burst, poisoning LTCB

with more than $19.2 billion in bad debt. In 1998, the Japanese government nationalized LTCB, and then

restructured it as a commercial bank named Shinsei Bank. (

Sachsen LB, Germany, in August of 2007, board members reported that even though Sachsen was involved in Irish

and US mortgage markets, they were not exposed to sub-prime loans and held sufficient liquidity for the long term.

Then, in September, worldwide markets crashed. Within the next three months, most of the board was fired or

resigned. Inside consultants accused Sachsen LB of blatant accounting errors and no “visible action” to reduce

risks. On the 13th of December 2007, Sachsen LB was taken over by Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (LBBW),

with financial guarantees of roughly EUR2.75 billion by the state of Saxony. Bank of New England (BNE), along

with its two sister banks, Maine National Bank and Connecticut Bank and Trust, failed on January 6, 1991. In a

surprising move for the time, the FDIC decided to insure all deposits- even if they exceeded the $100,000

insurance limit. BNE was the largest bank in the New England area. With its sister banks, it had assets totaling

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


$21.8 billion and deposits totaling $19 billion. Bad loans and heavy ties with bond creditors BNE led to its

downfall. A settlement provided $140 million to creditors. Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust, The

concept of “too big to fail” started with Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust. In 1984, it was the 6th

largest bank in the U.S., with nearly $40 billion in assets. The bank collapsed in 1984 due to losses stemming from

recently acquired Penn Square Bank. In response, the FDIC infused capital and bought preferred shares, basically

nationalizing the bank. Continental’s huge number of assets, which included the largest commercial and industrial

loan portfolio in the country, made it too big to fail. In addition to giving guarantees to depositors, the FDIC

infused billions of dollars to recapitalize the bank. IndyMac, Los Angeles-based IndyMac used to be the largest

loan originator in the country. Founded in 1995 as Countrywide Mortgage Investment, IndyMac fueled its

aggressive growth through risky loan products like Alt-A mortgages, concentrating on inflated real estate markets

like California and Florida, and relying heavily on borrowed funds, especially from the FHLB (Federal Home

Loan Bank). The U.S. woke up to the first and largest bank failure in recent memory on July 11, 2008, when the

FDIC seized the bank’s assets (over $30 billion) and closed its doors, (

3.2 Bank Failures in Nigeria – An Overview

The health of Nigerian banks cannot be divorced from their antecedents. As could be recalled, when modern banking

business commenced in Nigeria by 1892, it was solely a business for foreigners. The skewness in the ownership

structure in favour of foreigners largely contributed to the observed lack of access to banks' credit by indigenous

Nigerian entrepreneur during that period. Nigerian entrepreneurs who came into banking from the late 1920s to early

1950s did so with the principal aim of redressing the situation and meeting the financial requirements of Nigerian

businesses. Due to problems such as inadequate capital, mismanagement, overtrading, lack of regulation and unfair

competition from the foreign-owned banks, 21 of the 25 indigenous banks that were established up to 1954 failed. The

failures were resolved mainly through self-liquidation. The mass bank failure was a bitter experience for the economy

as it brought untold hardship to depositors who lost their money and lost confidence in the ability of Nigerians to

manage a banking business.

It was not until government started to regulate banking through the Banking Ordinance of 1952 and the establishment

of the Central Bank in 1959, which was followed by the promulgation of the Banking Degree of 1969 that the banking

system started to stabilise in the country. The oil boom, which commenced in 1973, and the economic growth, which

ensued, made banking to thrive and to be very lucrative. The economic downturn, noticeable from mid-1981, brought

strains to the Nigerian economy that soon became depressed. As economic agents were not able to moderate their boom

consumption habits in line with the realities of the depressed economy, the financial condition of individuals, firms and

governments worsened and they were unable to honour their contractual obligations of loan repayment to banks thus

impairing banks’ portfolio quality. This economic predicament, combined with other factors such as mismanagement,

adversely affected the health of many banks. Tables 1 and 2 below show the trend of bank liquidation and acquisition.

Table 1: Banks Under Liquidation As At December 2009


1 Financial Merchant Bank Ltd 21-Jan-1994

2 Kapital Merchant Bank Ltd 21-Jan-1994

3 Alpha Merchant Bank Plc 8-Sep-1994

4 United Commercial Bank Ltd 8-Sep-1994

5 Republic Bank Limited 29-Jun-1995

6 Abacus Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

7 ABC Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

8 Allied Bank of Nigeria Plc 16-Jan-1998

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


9 Amicable Bank of Nigeria Plc 16-Jan-1998

10 Century Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

11 Commerce Bank Plc 16-Jan-1998

12 Commercial Trust Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

13 Continental Merchant Bank Plc 16-Jan-1998

14 Cooperative & Commerce Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

15 Credite Bank of Nigeria Ltd 16-Jan-1998

16 Crown Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

17 Great Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

18 Group Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

19 Highland Bank of Nigeria Plc 16-Jan-1998

20 ICON (Merchant Bankers) Ltd 16-Jan-1998

21 Ivory Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

22 Lobi Bank of Nigeria Ltd 16-Jan-1998

23 Mercantile Bank of Nigeria Ltd 16-Jan-1998

24 Merchant Bank for Africa Ltd 16-Jan-1998

25 Nigeria Merchant Bank Plc 16-Jan-1998

26 North-South Bank Limited 16-Jan-1998

27 Pan African Bank Limited 16-Jan-1998

28 Pinacle Commercial Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

29 Prime Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

30 Progress Bank of Nigeria Ltd 16-Jan-1998

31 Royal Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

32 Victory Merchant Bank Ltd 16-Jan-1998

33 Premier Commercial Bank Ltd 20-Dec-2000

34 Rims Merchant Bank Ltd 20-Dec-2000

35 Peak Merchant Bank Ltd 28-Feb-2003 Under Litigation

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


36 Allstates Trust Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

37 Afex Bank Limited 16-Jan-2006

38 Assurance Bank Nig. Limited 16-Jan-2006

39 City Express Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

40 Eagle Bank Limited 16-Jan-2006

41 Fortune International Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006 Under Litigation

42 Gulf Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

43 Hallmark Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

44 Lead Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

45 Liberty Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

46 Metropolitan Bank Limited 16-Jan-2006

47 Trade Bank Plc 16-Jan-2006

48 Triumph Bank Limited 16-Jan-2006 Under Litigation

Source: NDIC Annual Report 2009

Table 2. Closed Banks Under Purchase and Assumption (P&A)


1 Afex Bank Plc UBA Plc 9 October 2007

2 Allstates Trust Bank Plc ECOBANK Plc 16 October 2006

3 Assurance Bank Nig. Ltd Afribank Plc 16 August 2006

4 City Express Bank Ltd UBA Plc 9 July 2007

5 Eagle Bank Ltd Zenith Bank Plc 14 January 2008

6 Gulf Bank Plc UBA Plc 14 January 2008

7 Hallmark Bank Plc ECOBANK PLC 24 July 2007

8 Lead Bank Plc Afribank Plc 11 August 2006

9 Liberty Bank Ltd UBA PLC 23 June 2008

10 Metropolitan Bank Ltd UBA Plc 11 June 2007

11 Trade Bank Plc UBA Plc 15 January 2007

Source: NDIC Annual Report 2009

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


4. Consequence of Bank Failures

According to a number of empirical studies, examine not only what causes crises but also how crises affect the rest

of the economy. For example, summarizing several case studies, Lindgren, Garcia, and Saal (1996) conclude that

bank fragility has adversely affected economic growth. Measures of output loss relative to trend during financial

crises have been used to compare the severity of these events. For instance, Bordo et al (2001) show that financial

crises (currency crises, banking crises, or both) entailed similar-sized output losses in recent years as compared to

previous historical periods. Crises, however, are more frequent now than during the gold standard and Bretton

Woods periods, and are as frequent now as in the interwar years. Hoggarth et al (2002) make the point that output

losses associated with banking crises are not more severe in developing countries than in developed countries.

An obvious question raised by these studies is whether causality goes from output losses to banking crises or the

other way around. The answer has obvious policy implications: if crises indeed have real costs, then the case for

generous bank rescue operations is strengthened, even though these policies have large fiscal costs and adverse

incentive effects ex ante. Conversely, if the output slowdown is mainly the result of exogenous shocks, then

bailouts might not be beneficial. Sorting out causality, however, is a challenging task. As the literature surveyed in

the preceding section shows, crises are accompanied by worsening macroeconomic performance triggered by

adverse shocks, such as a tightening of monetary policy, the end of a credit boom, or a sudden stop in foreign

capital inflows. A distressed banking sector, in turn, may be a serious obstacle to economic activity and aggravate

the effect of adverse shocks. For instance, when banks are distressed, firms may be unable to obtain credit to deal

with a period of low internal cash flow. In fact, lack of credit may force viable firms into bankruptcy. Similarly,

lack of consumer credit may worsen declines in consumption and aggregate demand during a recession,

aggravating unemployment. In extreme cases, bank runs and bank failures can threaten the soundness of the

payment system, making transactions more difficult and expensive. These mechanisms suggest that fragile banks

hinder economic activity (the credit crunch hypothesis).

On the other hand, there are several channels through which exogenous adverse shocks to the economy might

cause a decline in credit and economic activity even if the banking sector itself is relatively healthy. For instance,

adverse shocks may trigger a fall in aggregate demand, leading firms to cut production and investment and

consequently, credit demand. Increased uncertainty may also cause firms to delay investment and borrowing

decisions. Finally, adverse shocks might worsen agency problems and complicate lending relationships, for

instance by reducing the net worth of borrowers. This, in turn, might cause banks to abandon high risk borrowers

(flight to quality) or raise lending spreads. So output and bank credit may decelerate around banking crises even if

there is no feedback effect from bank distress to credit availability. Existing studies of individual country

experiences have found conflicting evidence on the relationship between bank distress and real activity. In a study

of the so-called capital crunch in the United States in 1990, Bernanke and others (1991) argue that a shortage of

bank capital had little to do with the recession. Domaç and Ferri (1999) reached the opposite conclusion for

Malaysia and Korea during 1997–8. They found small and medium-sized firms to have suffered more than large

firms during the crisis. Since these firms are usually more dependent on bank credit than large firms, this is

evidence of a credit crunch. Data from a survey of Thai firms, on the other hand, suggest that poor demand rather

than lack of credit caused the decline in production, although many firms complained about high interest rates

(Dollar and Hallward-Driemeier, 2000). For Indonesia and Korea, Ghosh and Ghosh (1999) test an aggregate

model of credit demand and supply and find evidence of a credit crunch, but only in the first few months of the

crisis. Finally, using firm-level data from Korea, Borensztein and Lee (2002) show that firms belonging to

industrial groups (chaebols) lost their preferential access to credit during the banking crisis, although this was not

necessarily evidence of a credit crunch.

A few studies have used cross-country empirical analysis to study which intervention policies can minimize the

costs of a banking crisis. This question is as important to policymakers as it is difficult to answer through

empirical analysis. One problem is that compiling accurate information on intervention policies for a large enough

sample of crises is a laborious task. Another difficulty is that the sequence, timing, and specific modalities of a

bank support strategy are crucial to the outcome, and it is difficult to capture these complex dimensions through

quantitative measures of policies. Honohan and Klingebiel (2003) construct a database with estimates of the fiscal

cost of 40 banking crises and catalogue the policies adopted in each episode, classified according to five broad

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


categories: blanket guarantees to depositors, liquidity support to banks, bank recapitalization, financial assistance

to debtors, and forbearance. With this database, the authors explore how the different intervention policies affect

the fiscal cost of the bailout, after controlling for country and crisis characteristics. They conclude that more

generous bailouts resulted in higher fiscal costs.

Further evidence on the determinants of the fiscal costs of crises is provided by Keefer (2001), who focuses on the

political economy of crises resolution. He finds that when voters are better informed, elections are close, and the

number of veto players is large, governments make smaller fiscal transfers to the financial sector and are less

likely to exercise forbearance in dealing with insolvent financial institutions. Thus, transparency, information

dissemination, and competition among interest groups play an important role is shaping crisis response policies. In

Nigeria, unethical practices, regulatory failure, poor governance structure, small capital base, macro-economic

instability caused by large and sudden capital inflows and weaknesses in the business environment were some of

the factors that triggered the weak financial system. The current CBN Governor admitted that internal structure

within the Apex bank was weak. While Professor Charles Soludo, the former CBN Boss, tried to resolve the

capital inadequacy by recapitalizing Nigeria banks the Governance issues in banks and at the Apex banks were not

adequately handled. Unchecked governance malpractices at consolidation within the banks became a way of life

with Chairman/CEO possessing unfetter powers over the bank. The board committees were inactive maybe

because ‘the cake’ in their mouths couldn’t make them talk. It was also discovered in the recent bank examination

conducted that several abnormalities were done in the consolidation exercise. Mallam Sanusi put it this way: “One

bank borrowed money and purchased private jets which we later discovered were registered in the name of the

CEO’s son. In another bank the management set up 100 fake companies for the purpose of perpetrating fraud. A

lot of the capital supposedly raised by these so called “mega banks” was fake capital financed from depositors’

funds. 30% of the share capital of Intercontinental bank was purchased with customer deposits. Afribank used

depositors’ funds to purchase 80% of its IPO. It paid N25 per share when the shares were trading at N11 on the

NSE and these shares later collapsed to under N3. The CEO of Oceanic bank controlled over 35% of the bank

through SPVs borrowing customer deposits. The collapse of the capital market wiped out these customer deposits

amounting to hundreds of billions of naira. The Central Bank had a process of capital verification at the beginning

of consolidation to avoid bubble capital. For some unexplained reason, this process was stopped. As a result, there

were a lot of malpractices which led to the discovery that many banks never raised the capital they claimed they

did (Okubadejo, 2010).

5. Conclusion, Lessons and Recommendations

Bank failures and financial crises are economic hazards. While their direct economic costs are the dead-weight

loss. The indirect costs in the form of derailed economic policies and damage to the growth of banking and finance

are even greater. There are many other causes that are common with conventional banking industry. We have

experienced cases of exchange rate shock coupled with liquidity crunch and eroded depositor confidence in the

banking system which precipitated a run on banks in Nigeria. Stakeholders should be on alert to pre-empt some

symptoms of distress as indicated by Ogunleye (1993), they include; late submission of returns to the regulatory

authorities, falsification of returns, rapid staff turnover, frequent top management changes, inability to meet

obligations as and when due, use of political influence, petitions /anonymous letters, persistent adverse clearing

position, borrowing at desperate rates, persistent contravention of laid-down rules and persistent overdrawn

current account position at the CBN.

Banks also have to be careful not to invest in any interest bearing asset, even if this means foregoing lucrative

short-term investment opportunities. This will not only ensure their stability at the time of financial crisis but also

increase their credibility with the depositors. Measures which are taken by banks for ensuring its liquidity needs

may not be enough during the time of crisis and this calls for collective efforts, pooling of liquidity, and reaching

out for outside institutional support if need be. In equity based financing it is natural for the funds to flow where

monitoring costs are lowest. Therefore banks tend to invest in their affiliated and connected companies where their

control is greatest. In doing this, the banks should be careful not to increase maturity and currency mismatch

between assets and liabilities. It is very easy to increase such risks because the banks’ interests get locked in with

these firms.

There should be some criteria for membership in the Board of Directors of Banks so that those selected are people

who have sense of responsibility towards improving corporate governance in the institution. They should not be

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Developing Country Studies

ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online)

Vol 2, No.10, 2012


rubber stamp members and should have knowledge of the financial and economic facts and experience of working

in the financial sector. They should also be well informed of the country specific and international regulatory rules

and laws which have implications for the bank, and above all, people of proven and impeccable integrity.

Moreover, in order to minimize the effect distress on banks clientele and the economy as a hole and also avoid the

encroachment of the factors responsible for distress into the banking system, the regulatory authorities may have

to use better measures of evaluating the features of distress at an early stage. This will no doubt create sufficient

lead-time to apply remediable solution before serious damage is done. The Apex banks should also put in place

procedure to ensure that credits are only granted to credit worthy customers. Credit scoring systems of banks

should be integrated with the Apex bank’s Credit Rating Management System (CRMS). Let’s ask if the CRMS of

the Apex bank is even working effectively? Credit scoring agencies should be made CBN consultants and be paid

by the Apex Bank. By so doing, they have regulatory backing. Data capturing should be robust and reflects high

level of integrity. Governments must also move more quickly to balance their budgets, although, this is easier said

than done but nevertheless, real economic growth cannot be sustained with borrowed money.


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