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For the Infinite Benefit Of All

May all beings live in perfect balance and harmony.

Master Level I Of The Universal Reiki Series

Universal Reiki Series

Universal Reiki MASTER I

Love Inspiration

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

For the Infinite Benefit Of All

May all beings be liberated.

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Please ensure that before you begin this Universal Reiki Master I course you:

1) Have completed the four Universal Reiki’s as a pre-requisite:

• Animal Ascension Reiki• Earth Balance Reiki• Solar Reiki• Transfusion Reiki

2) Have practiced with the Universal Reiki energies for a minimum of 4 years. That is, you have waited 4 years from the completion of your first Universal Reiki ebook (whether it be Animal Ascension, Earth Balance, Solar or Transfusion Reiki).

3) Have activated (unlocked) the Universal Reiki Master I energies using the activation code & instructions on the next page.

Once you have unlocked the energies, you are ready to begin. With love, we wish you well on your Universal Reiki Master I journey!

If you have not already done so, please feel free to sign up for free Ascension Healing to help you on your Universal Reiki journey.

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Activating (Unlocking) The Universal Reiki Master I Energies: Before opening up to these beautiful Master I energies, it is very important that you firstly activate or ‘unlock’ the energies in this ebook. Once this is completed, you will then be ready to begin Transfusion Reiki!

The activation is a very simple process, done by yourself, using a specially embedded activation code to ‘unlock’ the energies in this ebook. The four step process is outlined below and should only take you around five minutes or so to complete.

(For more information about the activation codes or the activation process - please visit our Activation Codes FAQ's).

1) Preparation: Please sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you, and ensure that you will not be disturbed for at least 5 minutes or so. Perhaps you wish to play some so0thing or relaxing music, light some candles or burn some incense to create a nice ambience.

2) Invocation: Invoke the activation (‘unlocking’) by placing your hands together, fingertips touching in prayer position and saying the following:

3) Receiving: If you wish to, you can now just sit for a few minutes as the energies are unlocked for you. After this period of time, as you feel ready, you may wish to give thanks. The activation is now complete!

4) Understanding: Once you have completed your activation, we ask that you now read through - “Activation Codes and Suggested Timeframes". This will only take around a minute or so and will help you to receive the maximum benefits from all of these healing energies, attunements and practices. After this, you are now ready to begin opening up and receiving these beautiful Universal Reiki Master I energies! May you enjoy these with much love & light and with an intention to benefit all beings.


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“With infinite grace, I ask humbly and clearly to activate the energies for Universal Reiki Master I.

With the unique activation code 0̷0̷0̷947183 may this be so.May this activation benefit all beings.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

An Overview Of Universal Reiki: Before opening up to the beautiful Universal Reiki Master I energies, let us firstly point out here that these energies are an important part of the Universal Reiki tree. As in previous ebooks, we wish to start this course here by reminding you about the beautiful nature of these Universal Reiki energies with this loving message from the Guide Plion:

“Universal Reiki is a set of teachings and energies specifically designed to increase the flow of energy in the Universe. In this way, all energies are

joined and therefore once you affect one (even the smallest, tiniest one) it has an effect on the others.

Universal Reiki opens a direct channel of energy sources known as ‘The Obturion’ featuring an assortment of very high energetic

frequencies to help you on your Universal Reiki pathway. These high frequency energies are here to help your kind to open further to the light

of love and loving kindness for all infinite beings. Including those of which you do not know, or see. This is an important aspect for your healing pathway, for indeed to wish the great liberation for all beings means there must be comprehension of more than just the self.

Here we will be unfolding the tree of Universal Reiki in a simple set of complete teachings, encompassing the energy radiances required to expand the consciousness. Six sets of teachings shall manifest a great

abundance of love expansion within each and every one of you, however it is not a requirement that all six are taken. Here the importance is for you to choose which ones you feel drawn to at any time. In this way, there are no set order for the teachings and you may take as many or as little as you wish. Please simply complete

the required prerequisites as deemed necessary.

Universal Energy and Universal Reiki are two frequencies of very pure light and from this, we shall burst forth into a new dimension of egoic-lacking consciousness. Here we open our hearts through these teachings to a

more expanded understanding of oneness and unity through the field of love. In all situations where love prevails, the greater good of all instantly and overwhelmingly benefits.

We do trust that the Universal Reiki energies will meet your love-filled passions with great plight. Go well and open to the Universal Reiki energies with much love. For this you shall be optimally rewarded.”


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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

An Outline Of The Universal Reiki Series: With much love, please find below the overview table of the ‘Universal Reiki’ Series.

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Universal Reiki SeriesName Pre-Requisite Timeframe

Animal Ascension


Usui Reiki Level 2 +

Have waited the minimum 21 days after any previous attunement

35 days (Approx. 1 month)

Earth Balance


Usui Reiki Level 3a (Reiki Master Healer) +

Have waited the minimum 21 days after any previous attunement

52 days (+ 3 - 5 months daily practice)

= Min. 5 months

Solar ReikiUsui Reiki Level 3a (Reiki Master Healer)

+ Have waited the minimum 21 days after

any previous attunement

29 days (+ 7 - 21 days of

self healing practice) = Min. 1 month

Transfusion Reiki

Advanced Usui Reiki (Levels 4,5 & 6) +

Have waited the minimum 21 days after any previous attunement

94 days (Approx. 13 weeks /

3 months)

You must have amassed 4 years minimum time practicing with the Universal Reiki energies before commencing the Master Levels.

Universal Reiki Master I

Have completed all four Universal Reiki ebooks +

Have been practicing with the Universal Reiki energies for no less than 4 years (i.e. from the date

of completing your first Universal Reiki ebook)

Approx. 20 months

9 months rest

Universal Reiki Master II

Have completed Universal Reiki Master I+

Have waited the minimum 9 month timeframe after completing Universal Reiki Master I

128 days (Approx. 18 weeks /

4 months)

Minimum Total Completion Time for the Universal Reiki Series = 81 months / 6.75 years [4+ years (to reach Master I) + 20 months for Master I + 9 months rest + 4 months for Master II]

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

An Introduction To Universal Reiki Master I: With much love, we wish to welcome you here to these expansive, ascensional and transformational energies.

Having now completed Animal Ascension Reiki, Earth Balance Reiki, Solar Reiki and Transfusion Reiki and all of the accompanying pre-requisites that attach to each of these courses, plus having waited a minimum of four years from the completion of your first Universal Reiki ebook, we are delighted to welcome you here to this first Universal Reiki Master Level with much love in our hearts. Thank you!

This first step on the Universal Reiki Master journey is indeed very profound and divinely important. Here, you will be guided into much expansion, growth and ascension as you open up to receiving a myriad of Universal Reiki healing energies for the infinite benefit of all.

To start with then, the Master I Level will be helping to bring together and combine all four Universal Reiki frequencies into one simple symbol. This will be happening through Part A of the course and as part of this, you will be required to complete a simple set of healing practices which help to prepare you for the energetic expansions to come.

During Part B, you will be invited to expand your consciousness very significantly as you open up to receiving the Universal Reiki Master I Symbol - CellIgon. This symbol will be helping you to call on a whole plethora of individual Universal Reiki energies with just one simple practice.

At this advanced stage of your healing journey and after receiving this truly divine Universal Reiki Master I Symbol, you will now be guided towards using these energies creatively, expansively and wisely for the infinite benefit of all. This is a truly remarkable gift and a wonderful divinely healing tool that you have most certainly earned. Congratulations!

Therefore, this first Universal Reiki Master Course will be offered to you here with much love over two main parts. Part A helps you to bring together and call on

the four sets of Universal Reiki energies and then Part B will be a period of significant expansion, growth and ascension

as you open up to accessing many different Universal Reiki frequencies through the Master Symbol CellIgon.

It is therefore with much love, joy and hope that we offer this Universal Reiki Master I Level here. May it help to bring a great many blessings into your life and may you use these energies creatively, benevolently,

lovingly and wisely for the infinite benefit of all beings!

And finally, to help us introduce this course more formally, let us now share the welcome message that was received from the

Guide Aamon:

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Universal Reiki

Master I

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

“Greetings dearest, cherished Universal Reiki blessed beings. It is with much delight that we have now reached a perfect multidimensional timing in order to bring through this most

valued and precious level of the Universal Reiki Series.

The Master Level energies are indeed paramount to your Earth’s divine healing and it is with great hope

and determination that we present these to you today. For with great love in our hearts we are entrusting you

with the divine CellIgon Light, one which is pure and stable enough to be used infinitely on your planetary Earth.

The essential pathway to completing and receiving the CellIgon energies is indeed somewhat similar to the previous Universal Reiki energies, however there is one stand alone point that must be adhered to. In order to receive the most precious

and sacred energies [of CellIgon], one must have been practicing with the Universal Reiki energies for no less than four years and within that time, one must have been attuned to all four systems

[Animal Ascension Reiki, Earth Balance Reiki, Solar Reiki and Transfusion Reiki]. We understand that this is a large task at hand, however the broad depth of energies encompassed by the

CellIgon symbol is truly spectacular and infinitely invaluable.

We must therefore seek only those who are steadfast and deeply committed to be attuned to the symbol, knowing that the hearts blessed by this symbol will be profoundly and undeniably

sprouted forth into a new ascension. A great and infinite blessing.

Go well with splendid vigour on this precious Master pathway, for your energies are deeply required to help raise the vibration of light on your planetary Earth. The consciousness

must shift. Be brave, devoted and loving and the Universal Reiki energies shall work through you for the infinite benefit of all.

Blessings with Universal Light.” Aamon.

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

An Overview Of Universal Reiki Master I: As we’ve already mentioned, the Universal Reiki Master I Level is received over two main parts and will be helping to guide you towards much expansion, growth and ascension. We kindly refer you to the below summary table for the various practices and completion timeframes for this course:

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Universal Reiki MASTER I

Part Day(s) Practice Completion Timeframe


1 Igon Attunement

Approx. 12 months

2 - 22 Igon Symbol Practice (21 days)

23 -112 Self Practice (90 days / 3 months)

- 8 months rest

PART B:CellIgon

1 CellIgon Attunement

Approx. 8 months

2 - 4 3 days rest

5 - 52 CellIgon Self Healing Symbol Practice (48 days)

- 6 months (minimum) Daily CellIgon Practice

After completing the six months of daily CellIgon practice, you are ready to start using the CellIgon symbol on yourself and others.

Total Time For Universal Reiki Master I = Approximately 20 months

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series


Get The Most Current Version Of The Master I Ebook! Please note that this ebook is updated as further information comes to light, therefore before you begin, and periodically throughout this ebook if you wish, please visit our website to check you have the most current version. The version number and date are listed in the bottom right hand corner of each page of the book and only the version on the website will always be the most current.

Content Page

Dedication II

Activation Note III

Activating (Unlocking) The Universal Reiki Master I Energies IV

An Overview Of Universal Reiki V

An Outline Of The Universal Reiki Series VI

An Introduction To Universal Reiki Master I VII

An Overview Of Universal Reiki Master I IX

Contents X

Welcome To Part A - Igon 1

1. An Overview Of Part A - Igon 5

2. The Part A Practices 5

Welcome To Part B - CellIgon 9

1. An Overview Of Part B - CellIgon 12

2. The Part B Practices 12

Final Comments 19

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

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Part A: Igon

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Part A: Igon

Welcome To Part A - Igon: With much love in our hearts, we welcome you here to this first step on your Universal Reiki Master journey. To start with, let us introduce the beautiful Igon energies with a loving welcome message from the Guide Triom:

“The first part of the Universal Reiki Master I energies involves the prime and ripened energies of the frequency Igon. With great delight we shower you in blessings for this attunement for it is our

greatest honour to be here at this point in your ascension with you. You have indeed walked a long pathway to be here and for this we are most grateful. Please accept our gift of Igon as your primary

entrance into the Universal Reiki Master Level. With love.” Triom

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

1. An Overview Of Part A - Igon: Part A is received over a period of 12 months and during this time, you will be receiving an attunement and then completing symbol practices to help assimilate the new energies. Following your practices, you will be invited to move through an extensive period of growth and expansion as you are prepared for the energies of Part B and The Universal Reiki Master I Symbol - CellIgon.

2. The Part A Practices: The practices for Part A are outlined on the next few pages with much love. Enjoy!

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Part A - Igon

Day(s) Practice

1 Igon Attunement

2 - 22 Igon Symbol Practice (21 days)

23 -112 Self Practice (90 days / 3 months)

- 8 months rest

Total Time For Part A: Igon = 112 days (+ 8 months rest) = Total Approx. 12 months

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Igon Attunement (Day 1)Please complete the following three steps on day one:

Step 1 - PreparationSit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you, ensuring that you will not be disturbed for at least 35 minutes.  Perhaps you wish to light some candles or burn some incense to create a nice ambience. (If you wish to see the Igon symbol before invoking the energies, please see the symbol practice section, on the next page).

Step 2 - Connect with Universal ReikiRaise the energetic vibration within your body by practicing with the Universal Reiki energies from the four teachings (Animal Ascension, Earth Balance, Solar & Transfusion Reiki). There is no set formula here, however do try to open and use all four sets of energies, in any order you wish. The Guides explained that 15 minutes should suffice however up to 30 minutes is also possible.

Step 3 - Invoke the Igon attunementWith hands in prayer position, please say the following invocation:

Sit for 18 - 20 minutes after the invocation to allow the energies to be summonsed and collated and then integrated within your heart. Please note that this symbol only works for those who have been attuned to Universal Reiki and here, these frequencies will be cemented in the attunee’s heart. If you wish to, you can visualise a great light pouring into your heart, symbolising the entrance of Igon.

Step 4 - Give thanksAs always we close our attunement with love and gratefulness. You may wish to say something like:

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“With great and infinite love, I call upon the energies of Universal Reiki to grant me the attunement to Igon. May the

four radiating Universal Reiki energies shine through the symbol and me, for the infinite benefit of all beings.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

“With ultimate love and compassion I open my heart to the Universal Reiki energies. I am eternally grateful for their light,

their healing and now their unified energy in Igon. With my deepest gratitude I promise to honour and serve the infinite all

with these divine energies. With grace and Universal light, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Igon Symbol Practice (Days 2 - 22)

Igon For twenty-one days, please place the symbol Igon (pronounced I - gon) into your Heart Chakra, four times per day for 3 - 5 minutes each time.

“Feel the infinite expansion as you are opened to the unified frequency”.

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Practicing With Igon (Days 23 - 112)

For a period of three months (90 days) please complete your Igon Symbol Practice daily, for a minimum of 15 minutes each day. For more information about how to do this, the Guides have brought through some additional information which we are delighted to share here with love:

“With love, we now congratulate you dear ones on receiving your Igon attunement and energies. You are now ready to begin practicing with this divine frequency in order to expand your oneness vibration

for the benefit of all. Please use the symbol daily for a period of three months to completely surrender your heart to the frequency. Great things will come from this.

For a minimum of 15 minutes per day, please use the Igon symbol. You may choose any or all of the uses below or you may choose to follow your heart and use the symbol as you feel. Remember to set a strong and clear

intention (and extend it for the benefit of all).

• Tap it into your Heart Chakra • Tap it into your Crown Chakra • Tap it into all seven chakras, starting at the Base Chakra and working up • Tap it into everything that needs healing i.e. earth, countries at war etc. • Give healing to others - send to the Third Eye during distance healing or

tap into the heart during hands on healing

Know that the divine frequencies of each of the four Universal Reiki energies will be called upon and sent in accordance with the divine need of the situation. For example, you do not need to worry that ‘this

situation requires Earth Balance and Solar Reiki only’ or ‘just Transfusion Reiki’. You simply need to trust that the correct energy, volumes and proportions will be called upon in line with your intention.

Enjoy and be creative with the use of these energies.”

8 months rest

After completing your 90 day period of Igon practice, we now invite you to undertake the important 8 month ‘resting period’ to allow for the appropriate expansion to take place prior to receiving Part B. The Guides explained “These are strong and divinely powerful energies. The prolonged rest period is essential to fortifying the energy system for the next ascension steps (CellIgon).” Enjoy!

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

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Part B: CellIgon

Welcome to

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Part B: CellIgon

Welcome To Part B - CellIgon: Having now fully assimilated the Igon energies and after completing the important 8 month period of expansion, growth and ascension, you are now ready to receive the truly profound and inspiring CellIgon energies for the infinite benefit of all.

To start with then, we would just like to reiterate here the importance of completing the 8 month resting period. Therefore, for those who have not yet completed this full ‘rest and expand’ phase, we strongly recommend that you to please take the appropriate time now to ensure that this has been completed. This is very important!

As we mentioned during the introductory sections of this course, the CellIgon symbol will be helping to bring together a whole plethora of different Universal Reiki energies into one very special and divine healing symbol. As the Guides explained, this is also a truly wonderful sign of progress here on the Earth as we continue to move into higher realms and dimensions of consciousness.

We trust that you will enjoy these divinely uplifting healing frequencies and we would like to share our deep gratitude here for all of your dedication, hard work and purification to reach this point.

Of all people, we understand just how difficult this kind of personal growth work can be at times and it is therefore with much sincerity, love and humility that we bow down to all of your wonderful energetic work, accomplishments and ascensions so far! We hope this journey continues to bring many new realisations, awakenings and love into your life for the benefit of all!

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

With all this being said, let us now share the introductory message that was brought through for these Celligon energies by the Guide Acqueem:

“Greetings dear sweet CellIgon angels, you are welcomed here with great love and sincerest gratitude.

Thank you deeply and warmly for your continued perseverance

on this Universal Reiki pathway, for if you are reading this then you have indeed journeyed a long way to be here.

Firstly, please ensure you have completed the eight month waiting timeframe after completing Igon. This is truly essential and we cannot emphasise the

importance of this time-step. For during this time your body has undergone a great ascension and expansion, readying you to receive the almighty and pure CellIgon upgrade.

Without this time-step, this most precious interval, your energy body would be overloaded with this new frequency.

Moving ahead now and we must congratulate you on your current point of ascension. For arriving at this very special point you have indeed grown and ascended far. A point very much worth

reflecting upon. Well done.

The energies here at the CellIgon level will continue to build upon your Universal Reiki frequencies, accelerating the energetic absorption and reflection ratio to enable a vast shift in consciousness

and energy interlude. In simple terms, there will be great expansion on your energetic front at this divine Master Level. It is well earned.

In order to receive the expansive CellIgon energies, there are a number of steps to complete. Nothing complicated or too intensive, however please know

that the energies you are receiving are quite the opposite. This is a divine step in your awakening and should be treated as such.

Go well and master the Universal Reiki energies.

With love, Acqueem"

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

1. An Overview Of Part B - CellIgon: The CellIgon energies can be received in around 8 months and can help to bring about much expansion, growth & ascension in your life. And to help ensure that you receive these energies successfully, let us now offer the summary table below to help outline the CellIgon practices and completion timeframes:

2. The Part B Practices: The practices for Part B are outlined on the next few pages with much love. Enjoy!

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Part B - CellIgonDay(s) Practice

1 CellIgon Attunement

2 - 4 3 days rest

5 - 52 CellIgon Self Healing Symbol Practice (48 days)

- 6 months (minimum) Daily CellIgon Practice

After completing the six months of daily CellIgon practice, you are ready to start using the CellIgon symbol on yourself and others.

Total Time For Part B: CellIgon = 52 days + 6 months Self Healing= Total Approx. 8 months

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

CellIgon Attunement (Day 1)Please complete the following three steps on day one:

Step 1 - PreparationSit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you, ensuring that you will not be disturbed for at least 35 minutes.  Perhaps you wish to light some candles or burn some incense to create a nice ambience. (If you wish to see the CellIgon symbol before invoking the energies, please see the symbol practice section, on the next page).

Step 2 - Invoke the CellIgon attunementWith hands in prayer position, please say the following invocation:

Please sit for a few minutes after the invocation, to allow the energies to manifest.

Step 3 - Give thanksAs always we close our attunement with love and gratefulness. You may wish to say something like:

3 Days Rest (Days 2 - 4)

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“With infinite abundance, I secure the CellIgon energies within me. With infinite humbleness I

secure great depths of Universal Love within me. And with infinite light I hereby ask for the

CellIgon attunement to secure the infinite Universal Reiki energies within me.

With love & gratitude I open to this ascension and

expansion with the intention of raising the vibration of light, for the infinite benefit of all. And so it shall be.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

“With deep and humble gratefulness, I offer my sincerest thanks for receiving the CellIgon attunement. May the light of CellIgon radiate through me, with the intention of raising the

vibration of light here on Earth, for the benefit of all. With grace and Universal light, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Daily CellIgon Self Healing Symbol Practice (Days 2 - 22)

CellIgon For forty-eight days, please place the symbol CellIgon (pronounced Sell - ih - gon) into your Heart Chakra, three times per day for 4 - 8 minutes each time. As the Guides explained “Yes, this is a significant time investment, but it is required!”.

(Please note also that the Guides have written the spelling of CellIgon with a capital I in the centre, so we have continued to present this in the same way. It does not change the pronunciation or any other characteristics but it does look a little different when written.)

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Daily CellIgon Practice (6 months)

As per the Guide’s recommendations, we invite you to now complete a 6 month daily practice with the CellIgon symbol. And to help you with this, let us now share the information that was received from the Guides as they explain a little more about the daily practice and the CellIgon symbol:

“Due to the intensive nature of the CellIgon energies, only relatively short bursts are required for most situations. Please understand that by calling on

CellIgon, you are in fact calling on a multi-dimensional set of energies, Universal Energies. You have received but a small ‘taste’ of Universal Reiki

frequencies (Transfusion, Solar, Animal Ascension, Earth Balance) but in fact there are thousands of these Universal Reiki frequencies. We therefore find it

more appropriate and beneficial to bring you the divine Master Symbol CellIgon than to bring through many, many teachings of individual frequencies.

Your Earth at this time will now support such a diverse Master Symbol. For this you should be most grateful. Use the divine CellIgon frequency

anywhere your heart supports, for its expansive nature is quite extraordinary in helping to heal almost anything one can creatively think of. These energies are diamonds, precious and astute and we trust you will treat them as such.

Trust in your heart and set a universally beneficial intention when using CellIgon. For its benefits are indeed universal and

multi-layered throughout all consciousness.

For a period of no-less than six months, you shall use the CellIgon energies daily, 4 - 8 minutes shall suffice however please push your creative juices to find ways and places to use the energy.

Open expansively and you shall be rewarded.”

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Some basic ways to use the symbol CellIgon:The symbol CellIgon can be used in much the same way as the symbol Igon. For example, CellIgon can be used as follows:

Tap it into your Heart Chakra.

Tap it into your Crown Chakra.

Tap it into all seven chakras, starting at the Base Chakra and working up.

Tap it into everything that needs healing i.e. earth, countries at war etc.

Give healing to others - send to the Third Eye during distance healing or tap into the heart during hands on healing.

Some other ideas for using CellIgon:

Tap it into an animal’s Heart Chakra for ascension and healing.

For healing others, tap the symbol into their Heart Chakra or put outside their body and let it radiate and go to where it is needed. Be aware that where it is needed may not be inside the person - it may be an external circumstance that needs healing, so the energies will go there.

Put it into your Third Eye and ‘beam’ it from there.

From the term ‘short bursts’, we leave this up to you to decide what feels like the right amount of time when using the symbol. The Guides have not specified a timeframe, therefore we kindly ask that you trust your intuition in any given moment.

Please also remember what the Guides have said about using this symbol:

“Use the divine CellIgon frequency anywhere your heart supports, for its expansive nature is quite extraordinary in helping to heal

almost anything one can creatively think of.”

Therefore please be as creative and as loving as you can be when using the symbol!

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Additional insights from Marty and Gerry:When Gerry first starting using CellIgon, she noted that the energies tended to radiate out from the symbol automatically. Therefore when tapped into the heart, the energies seem to radiate outwards quite beautifully. This is the sort of symbol you could put on the floor or wall of a house and just let it radiate out continually (in accordance with your intention).

Also, it doesn’t always need to be ‘activated’ by tapping it in. For example, you might like to imagine or feel that the symbol sits in the centre of the earth and just let it radiate outwards, or you could imagine, place, tap or visualise the CellIgon symbol in the centre of your heart and just let it radiate outwards from there.

In many ways, it felt to Gerry that the symbol was like a portal of some sort. Once opened, it then allows all of the thousands of divine Universal Reiki energies to flow through and begin their healing. In addition, after working with the symbol for some time, Gerry understood the following diagram about the drawing of the symbol:

After viewing the above diagram, we can see why the one extra line in the symbol (between Igon and CellIgon) makes such a difference and is crucial to the CellIgon symbol. It opens the energies through the Soul Star Chakra, allowing the connection with ALL the Universal Reiki frequencies, rather than just the four attuned frequencies.

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The Representations Within The CellIgon Symbol

Soul Star ChakraCrown Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Base Chakra

Earth Star Chakra

Attuned Universal Reiki Frequencies

- [IGON](Animal

Ascension, Earth Balance, Solar &

Transfusion Reiki)

All other Universal Reiki Frequencies -


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Congratulations! You have now

completed Universal Reiki Master I!

Once you have completed your 6 months of daily CellIgon practice, you are now ready to use the symbol anywhere you wish, for the infinite benefit of raising

the vibration of light for all!

Thankyou for your service to the light!

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

Final Comments: Having now completed this first Universal Reiki Master Level, you have now learned how to call on many different Universal Reiki frequencies by using just one symbol. This is the beauty and expansive nature of this first Universal Reiki Master Level. Wonderful!

The next step forwards from here then is to receive The Universal Reiki Master II level which can be commenced after a minimum of 9 months from completing Universal Reiki Master I. In the second Master Level, you will be guided towards receiving a new Universal Reiki Master symbol, RomIgon which acts like a super-amplifier to all of the CellIgon energies.

As such, this next step forwards into the Universal Reiki Master II Level represents another round of expansion and growth on your Ascension Pathway as you open up to a new dimensional layer of the Universal Reiki frequencies for the infinite benefit of all.

At the end of the Universal Reiki Master courses, the Guides recommended that anyone who is “hungering for more energies” can continue to move forwards on their chosen Ascension Pathway. Therefore, if you would like to, we lovingly suggest that you use this 9 month waiting timeframe here to continue moving forwards, upwards and onwards on your beautiful ascension journey, whether it be Pathway To Light, Or The Unified Pathway.

It is most certainly true that the Ascension Pathways (which lead into the ‘Ascended Pathway’ and then the ‘Crystal Pathway’) offer very pure and very high ascension based frequencies. So again, for anyone wishing to access and work with the highest vibrational frequencies that Love inspiration offers, the Ascension Pathways are the best option for you to continue with!

For now, for those who would like a certificate for completing Universal Reiki Master I, we warmly invite you to click on the link shown here where you can download a certificate for this course in PDF format. Simply print it out and fill it in as you wish. Congratulations!

We hope that you have enjoyed receiving these beautiful Universal Reiki Master I energies and may you now radiate, shine and share these for the benefit of all - and with much love and benevolence in your hearts. May all beings benefit f rom your divine heal ing channel and may you be inspired to share these energies with an intention to liberate the

infinite all.

With Love Inspired Blessings,Marty & Gerry Donnelly Love Inspiration

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Universal Reiki Master I Universal Reiki Series

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Blessings & Thankyou,

Marty & Gerry

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For the Infinite Benefit Of All

May all beings be liberated.

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