
UNMJobs & Screening Questions10/20/09 & 10/22/09


Current statusSystem capabilities Best practices

Current Status

3500 questions currently in the UNMJobs Question Library

Only 2.1% of the 3500 questions required corrections

Currently seeing average of 100-200 applicants per pool (usually for entry-level positions) which makes it critical to effectively use screening questions

System Capabilities

• Navigating the system• Searching questions• Creating questions• Point values and disqualifying points

Navigating the system

Navigating the system cont’d

1. Search Existing Questions first by using Keyword:1. Search Existing Questions first by using Keyword:

Searching Questions

Search Keyword: Access (Microsoft Access)Search Keyword: Access (Microsoft Access)

Capture reference number for future useCapture reference number for future use

Searching Questions cont’d

Creating Questions

Creating Questions cont’d

Closed-ended questions defined:

A closed-ended question is a form of question which can normally be answered using a simple "yes" or "no,” a specific simple piece of information, or a selection from multiple choices.

Creating Questions cont’d

Closed-ended question examples:

– Are you familiar with ……– Do you……– Have you ever worked in…..– Knowledge of…..– How would you rate your skill level with…..

Creating Questions cont’d

Creating Questions cont’d

Closed-ended questions options in UNMJobs:Closed-ended questions options in UNMJobs:

Creating Questions cont’d

Certification: Experience: Ability:


NoneLess than 1 year1 – 2 years3 – 5 yearsMore than 5 years


Closed-ended sample responses:

Creating Questions cont’d

Open-ended question:

A question that has no prelisted answers, which requires the respondent to answer in his or her own words.

Creating Questions cont’d

Creating Questions cont’d

Open-ended question examples:

– Briefly describe your knowledge…..– Describe your working knowledge of …..– Tell me about your experience working in…..

Creating Questions cont’d

Open-ended question options in UNMJobs:Open-ended question options in UNMJobs:

Point Values and Disqualifying points

Point Values and Disqualifying points

Point Values and Disqualifying points

Change point structure; system recalculates points/percentageChange point structure; system recalculates points/percentage

Best Practices

Ask the right preference question to get the right candidate; screening questions and interview questions aren’t the same

Use standard responses to design consistent questions

Record question reference numbers for future use Refer to the UNMJobs Quick Reference Sheet

handout Use Mozilla FireFox to facilitate spell checking

Question 1: The Department Originator Guide never changes

A. True

B. False

Question 2: I know how to get to the “Writing Screening Questions” Quick Reference Guide

A. Yes

B. No

Question 3: Which internet browser has built-in spell-check?

A. Internet Explorer

B. Mozilla FireFox

Question 4: Can I base my screening questions on either preferred qualifications or KSAs?

A. Yes

B. No, you can base screening questions only on preferred qualifications

C. No, you can base screening questions only on KSA’s

Question 5: What’s the most efficient way to reuse questions from the UNMJobs Question Library?

A. Copy the questions on a separate page and re-enter them each time you need them

B. Record the reference number for each question; search the question library by this number

C. Search the question library using a keyword (e.g., “Access”)

D. All of the above

For Further Information

Link to UNMJobs Department Resource Page

Link to Department Originator Guide


Contact– Support Center: 277-HRPR (4777)– Call your HR Consulting Team– Attend a UNMJobs lab for hands-on help building

your questions

Next Steps

Bring misspellings or grammatical errors to our attention by writing to [email protected]

Share your best practices and questions

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UNMTemps and UNMJobs November 3rd & 4th We hope to see you there!
