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  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)

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  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)











    Designer:Stefan Lucas

    Contributors:Jessie Yang

    Student Experience Center

    Advertisements:Our Sponsors

    Our Partners


    UOAA 2012-2013 Team

    2011-2012 Events

    Career Tip

    BITSOC Message

    UOAA Elite Team

    2012 Recruiting Session

    Resume Tips

    Cover Letter Tips

    DID YOU KNOW?UOAA won Best BITSOC Group ofthe Year Award for the academicyear 2011 - 2012.

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  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)



    Dear Readers,

    To be elected as the president of the UOIT Accounting Association

    (UOAA) for a second term is a great honour and privilege. It

    demonstrates that students have instilled trust in my ability to assist inthe development of the University of Ontario Institute of Technologys

    (UOIT) growth. In addition, it offers me the inspiration and motivation

    to continuously seek partnerships with companies to provide UOIT

    students opportunities to obtain employment. The support that the

    UOAA received from students during 2011-2012 is a signicant

    reason as to my decision to run for presidency for a second term.

    However, I cannot overlook the dedication of UOAA executive

    members whom continuously strive for further achievements. Lastly,

    the Faculty of Business and IT has evidently proven its devotion to

    the UOAA.


    Michael Nicolaou

    UOAA President, 2011-2013

    Current economic times have led to increasingly competitive job markets. Unfortunately, students are

    consistently faced with the pressures of academic excellence and seeking employment. The UOAA strives

    to ensure that students are provided with the opportunities to achieve employment upon graduation at

    UOIT. Business commerce students are strongly encouraged to attend events that will assist students

    develop their professional networks. In addition, students should attend workshops that focus on

    improving and strengthening professional skills and techniques that will be sought after by employers.

    The UOAA has established initiatives to assist students succeed in their academic studies. Developments

    such as the UOAA Website and UOAA Video Blogs have been created to ensure students have unlimited

    resources to excel academically.

    The UOAA was awarded with the Business and IT Society (BITSoc) Group of the Year award for the 2011-2012 academic year. An award of this stature demonstrates the level of commitment and dedication that is

    required from UOAA executive members. These individuals do not simply complete tasks; these student

    volunteers develop initiatives and strategies to assist in the growth and reputation of the university. The

    UOAA is pleased to have obtained this award and will work toward achieving it for the 2012-2013 aca-

    demic year.

    Outlook 2012-2013 will outline the upcoming initiatives and events that students should expect to see

    throughout the course of the current academic year. In addition, students will be able to enjoy articles and

    advertisements from our sponsors of 2011-2012.

    On behalf of the UOAA, I would like to thank those who have continuously supported the UOAA in itsendeavours and achievements. As the UOAA enters its 8th year of operation; the association would like to

    continue to develop and strengthen its relationship with UOIT faculty and students, sponsors, and partners

    for the 2012-2013 academic year.


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)



    Connecting Beyond Boundaries

    Daniel Ibanez & Sarah Famme

    Conference Co-Chairs, 2012-2013

    About the Conference Event

    The UOAA Conference aims to provide delegates with a fun and positive experience. The invaluable opportunitiesare endless! The Conference will help to showcase UOIT students academic talents and leadership skills to industryprofessionals throughout the entire event; during workshops, networking sessions and the case competition itself. Ourobjective is to further educate students knowledge of the accounting industry through practical case challenges. Newfor this year and residing with our theme of Connecting Beyond Boundaries is the opportunity to engage other schools,fostering a new element of competition. We encourage our students to embrace the endless opportunities to promote theileadership and social abilities throughout the entire event.


    The fourth annual UOAA Conference will be held on Friday, March 15th to Saturday, March 16th at the Ajax ConventionCentre and UOITs North Campus. The rst day will be comprised of workshops and team building in preparation for theCase Competition. The following day will be an early start as students will be engaged in a wide variety of activities - thecase breakout, presentations, networking sessions, a formal dinner and an evening social.

    Delegates have the option of purchasing tickets either a) for the Conference only or b) the Conference and two nightsaccommodation at the Hilton Garden Inn, located next to the Ajax Convention Center.

    Benets of attending the UOAA Conference

    As it is becoming increasingly competitive in businesses and industrys throughout Canada, it is important for studentsto continuously demonstrate their talents to employers and business leaders.The UOAA Conference strives to providestudents with the utmost exposure to some of the top company representatives and recruiters. We recognize the valueUOIT students have to offer and always aim to add more to our delegates experience at this annual event.

    Students will get the opportunity to network with industry professionals which will allow for invaluable feedback onteam presentations, meeting potential recruiters and gaining a better understanding of the profession;

    The chance to compete and build relationships with students from other universities; As an added bonus, the top three teams will be awarded cash prizes.

    UOAA 2013 Conference Theme

    Connecting Beyond Boundaries is the theme for this years Conference. The theme coincides perfectly with the notionof inviting other universities to participate in the UOAA 2013 Conference. Furthermore, organizations are continuouslymerging and taking part in joint ventures as a business strategy to achieve goals. The case presented to delegates willchallenge students to determine whether seeking opportunities beyond the boundary of the companies internal roots isthe right decision.

    Launch Party

    The Launch Party for the UOAA 2013 Conference will take place in February. The purpose of this Party is to share details

    of the various activities associated with the conference such as workshops, the case competition as well as showingappreciation towards our Platinum Sponsor. Business faculty members will be present to witness the ofcial launch to theconference. In addition, we will ensure to have our Platinum Sponsor(s) in attendance in order for students to begin theirnetworking experience. This is a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Conference and speak with pastparticipants who are keen to participate again. Representatives from the Conference Team will be happy to answer anyquestions and provide further details. Please join us in kicking off another fun and challenging Case Competition!

    Be sure to visit

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    Video PromotionsCoordinator


    Video Promotions




    Shannon Sawtiz Alyssa Fry

    Samantha Sinn Eric Devenyi

    David Belcastro

    Andrew Hawling

    Michael Nicoloau Danyal Sardar









    Maawra Nasir

    Justin Linton Maha Akhtar Stefan Lucas


    Sandi Leung


    Nicolas Montana


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)



    2nd YearLiaison

    1st YearLiaison



    Rohan Christachari Luke Guthrie AC Gray Lucas Morgan

    Gary Kerr Eric Denyeni

    3rd YearLiaison

    3rd YearLiaison

    Senior ICAOAmbassador

    Junior ICAOAmbassador

    Stefan Lucas Maawra Nasir

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    Director ofFinance

    Director ofLogistics

    Reno Tryphonas Michelle Creighton Andre GoddardRene


    Gala DinnerCoordinator


    Bryanna Cooke Sarah Wong

    Marketing& IT

    Samantha Sinn



    Co-Chair Co-Chair


    Casey Stanford

    Visit to seeExecutive Bios and the Advisory Committee


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)


    Accounting Firm Visits:

    PwC and KPMG Recruiting Session

    In our PwC and KMPG recruiting session, students were able to meet and network with associates, seniors,managers, and partners rom the rms. Students gained expert insight about the career opportunities availableat the two rms and ound out what it is really like to work in a particular position, or a particular client, or in aparticular eld! Networking enables students to learn about the organization and industry rom the representa-tives point o view. Most importantly, the event was held or students to market their talents and communicationskills beore application deadlines or both summer internships and ull time positions. Te connections made at

    the recruiting session are vital towards the uture o students at UOI.

    Local Firms Recruiting SessionDuring our local rms recruiting session, students were given an opportunity to speak to associates, seniors,managers and partners rom Hobb and Company as well as rom other local rms (BDO Oshawa and Iernoand Associates). By meeting with representatives rom local rms, students are exposed to learn more about localrms in terms o job engagement, work environment, and career development. Te advantage to attending thisevent is that students can gain insight into working at a local rm opposed to a large rm. Students were veryimpressed by the exibility and working hours that the local rms provide.

    Deloitte Meet and GreetTe Deloitte Meet and Greet session was an interview style event that was held by Deloitte representatives. By

    ocusing on meeting representatives and recruiters rom Deloitte, students are able to obtain a better and deeperunderstanding o Deloitte and its mission and culture. In addition, the session prepped students or the upcom-ing recruiting season.

    CA Gala

    Te CA Gala was one o the larger-scale events held by UOAA this past year and was dedicated towards estab-lishing a platorm o communication between rms and UOI talents. CA Gala 2012 gathered current students,UOI Alumni, proessors and rms representatives to network or all parties uture benet. With the recruitingseason in September in mind, UOAA organized this event aimed at providing students a chance to be recognized

    by companies; recognition that could be benecial to developing their careers. UOI students also benetedrom using their networking skills to orm and strengthen relationships with potential recruiters rom the indus-try.

    KPMG Case Analysis and Presentation Workshop

    KMPG representatives held the KPMG case analysis and presentation workshop to pass on their perspective onanalyzing, preparing and writing a case to UOI students. Tis workshop was held beore UOAA Conerence2012 so that students could apply what they learned rom the workshop to the UOAA Case competition, earninghands-on experience. From the KMPG case analysis and presentation workshop, students learned how to ana-lyze business cases rom a practical perspective and how to approach various situations in business in an eectivemanner. Te workshop also gave the students tips on good presentation skills and how to be team players.


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    Designation Events:

    Skills Workshop Presented by CMA

    Tis CMA workshop helped business students develop strategies to get noticed by top employers. By attendingthis workshop, students learned how to emphasize experience on a rsum, execute a strategic career search, anduse other useul resources to nd a career in the eld o their choice (i.e. Accounting, nance, etc). Te presenta-

    tion covered topics such as mass customization o rsums and cover letters, personal branding, and leveragingsocial media tools. Te materials gained rom this presentation will prove to be valuable or graduate and under-graduate students looking or accounting-related employment.

    Information Session CGA

    It is important or accounting students to determine which designation suits them best. Te UOAA recommendsstudents research all the designation options available to make an inormed choice that would benet the careerpaths they would one day pursue. Tis is why designation inormation sessions, such as CGA Industry Night,are emphasized so much. Attending the CGA industry night allowed students to obtain crucial inormationabout accounting and the CGA designation. At this event, students gained valuable personal advice rom a panel

    o CGA Proessionals and CGA students about careers they would like to pursue.

    Catered for Success Dinner Presented by ICAO

    Tis was a great opportunity or students to network with representatives rom KPMG, PwC, and Hobb &Company, as well as CAs rom General Motors o Canada, ICAO, and the Oce o the Auditor General oOntario! Members o our accounting aculty were also in attendance, giving UOI students a chance to learnabout their proessors background experiences. Te event consisted o a brie presentation on the CA Designa-tion, round table discussions, as well as a CA rotation period. Clearly, a great event or students to network withproessional CAs!Attending events such as this dinner gives students direction in mapping their academic and career paths. It alsogives students a chance to network and meet important people in the accounting proession. Te UOAA recom-

    mends you take advantage o events such as the Catered or Success Dinner as it will take you one step closer toyour desired career!

    Professional Development Dinner Presented by CGA and CMA

    Te Proessional development dinner, sponsored by CGA and CMA, was a workshop on proessional man-nerisms. Te event consisted o two presentations: Networking Basics presented by CGA and Dress to Impresspresented by CMA. Local companies Strut Noveau and Murray Johnston`s Mens Wear gave wonderul pre-sentations on dressing to impress. Tis event demonstrated to students the importance o succeeding in theproessional worldby learning how to stand out rom a crowd and present themselves positively in an account-ing proession. Te mingling session afer the presentations allowed students to network with CGA and CMAproessionals.


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)


    Other UOAA Events:

    Annual General Meeting

    An Annual General Meeting is held every year to inorm our members o past and uture activities. UOAA hadits Annual General Meeting on September 13th, 2011. UOAA has grown larger each year and its success can beattributed to the strong participation and support o sponsors, aculty and students. Students success is UOAAstop priority and students eedback helps it improve its events. Students who attended the meeting asked valu-able questions regarding the uture direction o UOAA. Oncoming events were outlined and the various servicesprovided by the association to students were detailed during this meeting. Te UOAA highly recommends at-tending this event as it will clearly outline the benets the association provides and will give valuable advice torst year students.

    Holiday Food and Toy Drive UOAA, Pre-Medical Student Association, UNICEF at DC/UOIT

    Te UOAA, Pre-Medical Student Association, and UNICEF held a Holiday Food and oy Drive on uesday,November 29th 2012 collecting non-perishable ood items, toys, and monetary donations rom students. A-terwards, the ood and toy proceeds were donated to Feed the Need in Durham and monetary donations wereorwarded and accepted by UNICEF. In total, 5 boxes o toys and ood were collected and $800 in monetary

    donations was received. Well done and thank you to those who contributed towards the event! UOAA is notonly committed to providing students proessional opportunities; however, the association strives to ensure thatit gives back to its local communities.

    Case Analysis and Writing Workshop Presented by Jane Bowen, FCA (UOIT Professor)

    Jane Bowen, FCA and UOI Accounting Proessor, was a seminar leader at the Institute o Chartered Accoun-tants o Ontarios School o Accountancy or many years and is currently the Co-ordinator or the ProessionalPractice portion o the School. In the area o standard setting, she is a member o the Canadian AcademicAccounting Association Financial Accounting Exposure Draf Response Committee. Jane was the star o thisworkshop, ensuring attending students received all the tools required to be successul in case writing!Tis event was or all business students who wanted to gain experience in case writing. Te workshop bettered

    students understanding o how to approach cases, what inormation is relevant to analyze, and how to write thenal report.

    UOAA Conference 2012

    UOAA Conerence 2012 was a two-day event organized by the UOAA Conerence Committee and held at theAjax Convention Centre. Te delegates were shown a conerence experience unlike any other at UOI beore.Te Conerence consisted o a case competition and various workshops. Te theme or this years Conerencewas Developing Strategic Partnerships. Tis was based on emphasizing how signicant partnerships have be-come or many organizations success, especially in recent years.Te case competition aimed to provide students with an opportunity to apply critical thinking, problem solving,

    teamwork and analytical skills to tackling a business case in a proessional setting. Tis was also a great opportu-nity or delegates to improve their public speaking and presentation skills in a team environment. Various work-shops presented by industry proessionals rom KPMG, D and ProFitness Advisors Group also gave studentsa new perspective on innovative thinking and team work. Te Conerence was ollowed by a networking sessionwhere students met with representatives rom accounting bodies, large corporations and local businesses, gain-ing exposure to potential recruiters.

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    KPMG & PwC

    Recruiting Session

    Location: Oshawa Golf and Curling Club

    Time: 9:00am 11:00am

    Date: September 6th

    , 2012

    Case Analysis Workshop

    With Jane Bowen

    Location: J121

    Time: 5:10pm 7:00pm

    Date: September 18th, 2012

    The CA Advantage

    Location: Dining Room G213

    Time: 7:00pm 9:00pm

    Date: September 28th, 2012

    Case Presentation Workshop

    With William Thurber

    Location: TBD

    Time: 5:10pm-6:30pm

    Date: October 3rd, 2012

    Selling Your Skills

    Location: UB Mezzanine

    Time: 5:10pm-6:30pm

    Date: October 23rd, 2012

    Keys to Success

    (UOAA Members Only)

    Location: Dining Hall G213

    Time: 5:10pm-7:00pm

    Date: November 27th

    , 2012

    UOAA Bowling with


    Location: Nebs Fun World

    Time: 11:30am-2:30pm

    Date: November 18th, 2012

    Visit and subscribe to our events calendar!


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)























    2012 KPMG LLP, a Canadian limited liab ility partnership and a member frm o the KPMG network o independent

    member frms afliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

    You and


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  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)


    What an experience! This summer I had the opportunity to

    take on a posion as a Summer Intern at KPMG. Let me say

    rst o- best summer ever! Here is why:

    Rotaonal Internship

    KPMG summer interns have the opportunity to work in anaudit rotaon and a non-audit rotaon (Advisory, Tax, Com-

    munity Leadership, etc.). As I am sll considering my career

    opons and the future I will have, the rotaonal program

    really helped me experience accounng and a professional

    career in a new light!

    Rotaon 1| IT Risk Consulng: As I walked into a KPMG

    boardroom on the rst day and discovered that I was go-

    ing to be working in the IT Risk Consulng department

    my rst thought was IT Risk Consulng?! I am NO IT

    expert. As the rotaon began I was instantly assigned

    to a client in the nancial instuons industry where Iconducted control tests of the clients IT system busi-

    ness processes. The most excing aspect about work-

    ing in this group was the independence my managers

    provided me. As there was a major client engagement

    during the month of June, I was working independently

    on my assigned client. This was a very excing and re-

    warding experience for me!

    Rotaon 2 | Telecommunicaons, Media, and Technol-

    ogy: The second rotaon consisted of working on cli-

    ent engagements in the TMT audit pracce. During this

    me, I had the opportunity to increase my knowledge

    of companies that rely on technological innovaon as

    a business success factor. Being assigned clients of this

    nature gave me an inside look at the accounng issues

    and policies that must be considered. For someone who

    is not too tech savvy, this rotaon was a great learning


    Intern Socials/Ulmate Frisbee

    Everyone has heard of the accounng moo work hard,

    play harder. Well; lets just say that as a summer intern,

    manager, or partner, accountants live by this! During the

    summer, the interns had the opportunity to take part inbar and club socials and the intern boat cruise. One intern

    event in parcular was the Me to We leadership day which

    consisted of workshops that focused on areas such as in-

    creasing self realizaon, the ability to work in teams, and

    building courage. It was a lot of fun to get together with all

    the interns any day during the week and have a blast!

    What would the internship be without a lile friendly com-

    peon with the other rms? The ulmate Frisbee tour-

    nament was denitely a memorable event. Seeing your

    colleagues in a sporng event is a dierent experience

    SUMMER INTERN EXPERIENCEMichael Nicolaou, Summer Intern 2012

    and atmosphere. KPMG really came out strong during

    the tournament and competed against some of the bes

    Frisbee players. It was great to hear everyone cheer each

    other on throughout the day!

    People and Atmosphere

    Every day when I went into work I always had a smile on

    my face. For one, I was working for the rm that I wanted

    to work for that was enough to make me smile. More

    importantly, I was working with people that were outgo

    ing and friendly which really set the tempo for the rest o

    the day. The atmosphere at work is always high energy

    and joyful; just what anyone needs to get through the

    day! Whether I needed assistance with work or wanted

    to talk about career advice and opportunies, the people

    at KPMG always took the me to be there when I need

    ed them. This started during the recruing process when

    KPMG would reach out to me to see how I am doing or to

    invite me to events. Now, once Ive started working for the

    rm, this hasnt stopped. Someone is always looking out

    for my best interest and ensuring that my summer with

    KPMG is a memorable one!


    This summer has been remarkable and will be unforget

    table! I have met so many wonderful people and know

    that going forward into my future I will have the privilege

    of working with these interns and individuals again. I rec-

    ommend to anyone and everyone to take advantage o

    the benets KPMG provides and to keep in touch with the

    KPMG individuals you meet!


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)

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    / Registered Trade-Marks/Trade-Marks are owned by

    The Society of Management Accountants of Canada. Used under license.

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    n a few short years, Katie Rogers, CMA, has helped growLicious Living from a small business run out of an apartmento a major supplier of delicious and healthy fast food. Alwayshe entreprenurial spirit, Katie was attracted to the idea of growing

    a small start-up into a big sucess and uses her CMA designation tohelp ensure the companys future, like their food, is a tasty propositionTo learn more about becoming a CMA visit


    Create Possibilities.TM

    Katie Rogers, CMAPrincipa

    Licious Living

  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)


    Where do you see yourself in ve years?By Patricia MacLean

    There are many witty and sarcastic replies to such a question; but, alas such replies will only serve to quickly

    turn your job interview in to an exit interview interview over, please exit right.

    Reective job seekers may be perplexed at the proper way to address such a question in an age where some

    occupations/industries are becoming obsolete, credentials are changing from provincial to national to interna-

    tional, technology is advancing almost exponentially and hierarchies are being attened.

    So, where does one see oneself in ve years? Employed, continuously learning and continuously adapting.

    That is the realistic answer. Nonetheless, the answer that is interview-appropriate is one that demonstrates

    your aspirations and determination to advance within an organization; this is, if the organization itself is for-

    ward-thinking enough to be relevant in ve years!

    This question is a small part of the interview process and shouldnt be pondered to a degree that borders on

    the realm of science ction. The answer lies within the reality of the present career path for a particular pro -

    fession, not what may become the reality in ve years, next year, tomorrow or even the moment the interview

    ends. You can qualify your projected career path by acknowledging the potential for change due to technologi-

    cal advances, for instance; thereby, demonstrating to the interviewer that your vision is not static and you will

    be adaptable to change, perhaps even leading it!


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    CGA: The DO MORE designation

    When considering a future in nance or accounting, itis important to equip yourself with the necessary skillsand knowledge to succeed. No one will question yourcompetencies or abilities with a strong designationbehind your name; the CGA designation is recognizedas the designation of nance and accounting excel-lence.

    There are many reasons why all sorts of people areenthusiastic about their careers as CGAs and whyit is a great choice for you. Here are six reasons why

    the CGA designation is an excellent choice for youand your future in accounting and nance.

    We earn while we learn.The CGA program of professional studies includes awork place experience component that puts your edu-cation to work while you are a student. As a studentyou will earn a salary, build your resume and acquirevaluable work experience.

    The benets of your employment experience go be-yond the income. As CGA Katherine Chan says, Ap-plying on the job what you are learning in your studies

    improves both your work and your marks.

    We have high earning potential.Plenty of people want a career that will bring them agood income and CGAs enjoy this benet. A recentsurvey has shown that CGAs earnings are in the top5% of all Canadian earners, with average incomeswell over twice the average Canadian salary. Em-ployers value and respect the CGA designation andalways recognize it nancially.

    We are licensed public accountants.

    Since 2010, CGA Ontario is authorized to licensequalied members to practise public accounting.CGAs and students in the CGA program now have aclear path to a career in public accounting.

    We achieve comfortable work-life balance.CGAs have the luxury of having great jobs and satis-fying personal lives. When you hold a designation thatemployers value, you can arrange your schedule to tyour life not the other way around.

    As a CGA, there are plenty of opportunities to maketime for what drives you. As a student in the CGA

    program of professional studies, you have the op-portunity to set a study schedule that accommodatesyour lifestyle.

    We have international opportunities.Think of the CGA designation as your passport toglobal experiences. CGAs are in demand around theworld. Currently, you can nd CGAs working in over80 countries.

    We are everywhere.CGAs understand the real-world implications of thegures on a balance sheet. CGAs see the opportu-nities and capabilities beyond the numbers. Theirinsight makes CGAs valued members on any team in

    all sorts of organizations. CGAs work in large audit-ing rms, in sports, entertainment, and the arts, andthe private and public sphere. CGAs are entrepre-neurs and CFOs. CGAs are everywhere nancial andaccounting expertise is needed and that is every-where.

    By providing invaluable advice on efciency, produc-tivity, nancial risk management and more, CGAsidentify opportunities and yield sustainable growth.For more information about the designation visit


  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)


    1748 Baseline Rd. W., Suite 200, Courtice, ON L1E t: 905-579-5659 f: 905-579-8563

    We are Durhams leading

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    Assisting clients to improve their

    bottom line Advising them on growth

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  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)





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  • 7/31/2019 UOAA Outlook (2012-2013)



    The UOAA elite team is comprised of a group of passionate and determined UOIT business students whowish to test themselves and showcase their skills by participating in external conferences held across Ontario.It is a great opportunity for students to network with leaders across the accounting profession and createlasting relationships with students from various schools. Being part of the elite team is a great way to challengeyourself and apply what you have learned in the classroom to a business simulation that emulates a real worldsituation. It is an exciting experience for the students who attend as they get to showcase their presenta-tion and case skills and more importantly, have the chance to represent UOIT. The UOAA elite of 2011-2012achieved great success as they placed 3rd at the Brock University Accounting Conference and received great

    feedback from the students that attended.

    Benets and Details

    To ensure that the UOAA Elite team consists of dedicate UOIT students, each student wanting to be an elitemember will try out in front of a panel of carefully chosen judges. Once the elite team has been selected,they will all receive training before events to further enhance their skills and feel more condent working asa team. The training will be a minimum of 6 hours with assistance from a professor at UOIT. Since the UOAAunderstands the time commitment needed to be an elite member, the UOAA will reimburse 70% of conferencefees!

    These members will be providing a great service by assisting in the building of the universties reputation andour outstanding Commerce program at a grand stage. If you would like more information about the elite teamor the experiences that await you, please contact the External Coordinator for the UOAA at nick.montana2@

    Elite Team of 2012-2013

    Congratulations to Wayne Rousell (4th year), Rene Cumpson-MacDonald (4th year), Luke Guthrie (3rd year),and Jon Mayer (3rd year) for successfully obtaining a position on the 2012-2013 UOAA Elite Team! Theseindividuals participated in a try-out held by the UOAA to demonstrate their case analysis and presentationskills in front of experienced judges. These individuals will now take part in 6 hours of training before eachconference. The rst competition they will participate in is the annual Brock University Conference we wish

    them the best of luck!


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    We recruit students into

    Audit and Assurance,

    Tax Services, and

    Consulting & Deals.

    2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the Canadian member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network.

    Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. 2866-02 0712

    Discover how the skills, experiences, and relationships

    you build at PwC are career defining.

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    Provided by the UOIT Student Experience


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    Think of a resume as building a pyramid. The top of the pyramid (your objective) is very specific and

    relevantto the position you are applying for. The next level of the pyramid you will display yourhighlights of qualifications that will support the objective. The foundation of the pyramid/resume is

    made up of your work, education, project as well as volunteer experiences that are relevant to

    highlights of qualifications and your objective.


    Your resume should display a header at the top detailing the following elements:

    Your name and address, professional email and phone number

    Objective Statement

    Five words or less that gives direction to the employer to tell them what position you are

    interested in at the company name

    It should be the first statement on your resume, no matter what type of resume style you


    Be specific; e.g. To obtain a full-time Junior Accountant position at Deloitte upon graduation

    and pursue my CA designation

    The objective is directing the employer on what the resume will be about

    Highlights of Qualifications

    Think of this section as a newspaper heading about how you are relevant to the employer. You have the

    benefit of only saying 5-7 things about yourself that will show the employer you are qualified for the


    It is an opportunity to show your fit for the position to grab the employers attention

    Decide which points to put here by reviewing the job description and/or core competencies in

    field start the point with an action verbparticipated, performed, distributed, analyzed

    Use bullets to clearly lay out your points for example:

    Quality time management skills developed through project management in school and

    in a fast paced work environment

    If you stated it in your highlights of qualifications section it will need to be revealed specifically in

    the body of the resume

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    Student Experience Centre-Career Services


    A one page cover letter provides an overall picture of you and how you as an individual are best suited for the

    position. A cover letter is used to introduce yourself to a potential employer by highlighting your skills,qualifications and achievements. When you are writing your cover letter make sure you keep in mind the

    qualifications and/or the job requirements the employer has outlined and tailor your letter to show your fit

    and passion for the job.

    Structuring your Cover Letter

    Start by creating a header. A header is text which is separated from the main body of text and appears at the

    top of a printed page. It is easier for an employer to keep track of your cover letter, resume and references if

    you customize your name and contact information on all documents. Your header could look like this:

    Angela Brown

    4500 Cedarbrook Street | Oshawa, ON | L5Z 1D3 | 905.555.2222 | 647.555.4000 | [email protected]

    Current Date

    Name of Person Youre Sending Your Resume To

    Title of the Person

    Company Name

    Full Address of Company

    Dear _______, Use a personal name (first and last name), if possible, or use ATT: Human Resources or Hiring


    RE: Job Title or Application No.

    First Paragraph:

    Why are you writing this letter? (e.g. Please accept this letter as application for ...)

    What position are you applying for? Are you enclosing your resume? (e.g. I am applying for the

    summer internship available with William & Touche, LLP.)

    How did you hear about this position? (e.g. Newspaper, a friend, random contact)Why are you applying to the position and/or company? (e.g. With my accounting and managerial

    background I believe that this position would allow me to further my experience as well as offer

    excellent service for the clients of William & Touche, LLP.)


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    Student Experience Centre - Career Services

    Resume Rubric: Faculty of Business and IT - Accounting

    General Resume Aspects

    Excellent Satisfactory Needs work

    Appearance Format consistent throughout

    Appropriate font type/size Length does not exceed 2 pages

    (name/page number on page 2) Sections are in appropriate order (as

    defined by industry)

    Format mostly consistent Appropriate font type/size Length slightly exceeds 2 pages (or

    name/page number not on page 2) Some sections seem out of order

    Formatting inconsistent Font is inappropriate Length is too long or too short


    Industry-specific wording usedappropriately

    Skills and accomplishments are well-articulated

    Appropriate verb tenses used Action words/phrases used

    effectively used to describeaccomplishments

    Language is professional Variety in wording used No spelling/grammar errors No punctuation errors

    Industry-specific wording not usedappropriately

    Skills and accomplishments are fairlywell-articulated

    Appropriate verb tenses used most ofthe time

    Action words/phrases used but do notalways effectively describeaccomplishments

    Language could be more professional Variety in wording could be improved 3 or less spelling/grammar errors 3 or less punctuation errors

    Industry-specific wording not used Skills and accomplishments not well-

    articulated Verb tenses are inappropriate Action words/phrases not used,

    accomplishments not describedeffectively

    Language is unprofessional No variety in wording More than 3 spelling/grammar errors More than 3 punctuation errors


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    We recruit students into

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    Tax Services, and

    Consulting & Deals.

    2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the Canadian member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network.

    Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. 2866-02 0712

    Discover how the skills, experiences, and relationships

    you build at PwC are career defining.


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