Download pptx - UP Election 2017


By Sunil [email protected]


• Yes Perception can be change.

About us

• Partners in Excellence is an India based political consulting firm offering services to individuals and parties in the field of campaign management, political strategy, public relations, strategic communication and public policy advising, employing services of experts from diverse backgrounds such as political science, statistics and sociology. We work with our clients at local, state and national level.

• We also cater to the corporate world which requires specialized services such as product campaigns management, community outreach and crisis management.

• We offer our services on non-partisan basis. We don't profess any ideology- right, left or centre. We assist all our clients in the best way possible without compromising our integrity or our clients' interests.








Chart Title







SC Caste Sub Composition

OBC-Sub Composition

Yadav Kurmi Lodh Jat Gujar Mallah Teli Kumgar Nai Kachi Gaderia





2 21.5 1.3 1.4


assembly result 2012







Opinion Polls – March 2016 ABP News












Projection for 2017

Opinion Polls-April 2016 Partners in Excellence






Survey for the Most Preferred C.M. Candidate –April 2016, Partners in Excellence


Akhilesh Yadav21%

Varun Gandhi19%


Priyanks Vadra11%

No View16%

Obstacles for BSP

BJP in Centre and their 73 MP from UP.Patriotism/Hinduism image of BJP so called iconoclast

image will adversely impact the equation of vote share .Congress revival may be by projecting Priyanka Gandhi

Vadra as CM candidate in last moment may play a vital role for congress and it may hit the fixed vote share of parties like SP and BSP.

AAP- has started micro level management in UP since a year before but it has not considered by other parties as a challenge. Their micro level campaign and down to earth strategy may dent in lower income group voters.

Obstacles for BSP

Joining of Amar Singh and a few more steps like this before election may change the equation of vote percentage for SP and adverse impact on others.

Prashant Kishore and his team (around 1200 people) may cut some good percentage of votes by luring voters through different activities like he did in Bihar and Lok Sabha election 2014.

RSS- No one can underestimate the emerging role of RSS and their involvement in current scenario. In coming two years RSS has created a no of success stories in Haryana, Maharashtra and Assam and it may be grid for BJP in state UP election.

Obstacles for BSP

Caste Arithmetic – Given the fact the BJP’s stellar success in 2014 ,UP was driven by a non-Jatav Dalit and Non-Yadav OBC disenchantment , both the BSP and SP need to raise their credibility this constituency ahead of 2017.

Our expertise

Campaign message ConsultancyCampaign AdvertisingMedia ManagementMass meetings, rallies and protestsConsultancy for effective uses of Modern technology and the

internetHustingCanvassingLawn signs Micro targetingPersonalized audio messagingVote Bank managementResearch and survey

Campaign message Consultancy

• The message of the campaign contains the ideas that the candidate wants to share with the voters. It is to get those who agree with their ideas to support them when running for a political position. The message often consists of several points about policy issues.. The points summarize the main ideas of the campaign and are repeated frequently in order to create a lasting impression with the voters In many elections, the opposition party will try to get the candidate "off message" by bringing up policy or personal questions that are not related to the talking points. Most campaigns prefer to keep the message broad in order to attract the most potential voters. A message that is too narrow can alienate voters or slow the candidate down with explaining details. For example, in the 2014 Lok Sabh election Mr. Narendra Modi originally used a message that focused on his patriotism and political experience: "Modi wave"; later the message was changed to shift attention to his role as "Foreign relation policy" within the political establishment. Nitish Kumar ran on a consistent, simple message of "Bihar Me Bahar ho, Niteshe Kumar Ho" throughout his campaign. However, even if the message is crafted carefully, it does not assure the candidate a victory at the polls. For a winning candidate, the message is refined and then becomes his or her in office.

Campaign Advertising

• Campaign advertising is the use of paid media (newspapers, radio, television, etc.) to influence the decisions made for and by groups. These ads are designed by political consultants and the campaign's staff.

Media Management

• The public media (in India parlance "free media" or "earned media" may run the story that someone is trying to get elected or to do something about certain aspects regarding their specific country.

Mass meetings, rallies and protests

• Holding protests, rallies and other similar public events (if enough people can be persuaded to come) may be a very effective campaign tool. Holding mass meetings with speakers is powerful as it shows visually, through the number of people in attendance, the support that the campaign has.

Consultancy for effective uses of Modern technology and the internet

• The internet is now a core element of modern political campaigns. Communication technologies such as e-mail, web sites,whats’s up and podcasts for various forms of activism to enable faster communications by citizen movements and deliver a message to a large audience. These Internet technologies are used for cause-related fundraising, lobbying, volunteering, and community building, and organizing. Individual political candidates are also using the internet to promote their election campaign. In a study of Lok Sabha election 2014 campaigns, politicians reported they used social media for marketing and for dialogue with voters. Facebook was the primary platform for marketing and Twitter was used for more continuous dialogue.


• A husting, or the hustings, was originally a physical platform from which representatives presented their views or cast votes before a parliamentary or other election body. By metonymy, the term may now refer to any event, such as debates or speeches, during an election campaign where one or more of the representative candidates are present.


• A modern election canvass is conducted either by a candidate, volunteers, or by paid canvassers. The canvassers are given lists known as canvass sheets . These are a list of households to be contacted, generated from a voter database. Some campaigns today have replaced paper sheets with tablet or smartphone apps.

• The canvasser will attempt to reach each of the households on their list, and deliver a script containing questions and persuasive messaging provided by the campaign. Almost all election canvassing includes asking how a person plans to vote. Upon completing the canvass, the results will be entered into the voter database. This will update the campaign's list of voters, removing those who have moved or are deceased and adding new residents who may have been found.

Lawn /park signs

• Lawn Sign

Micro targeting

• . Micro targeting is the use by political parties and election campaigns of direct marketing data mining techniques that involve predictive market segmentation (aka cluster analysis). It is used by BJP and a few candidates to track individual voters and identify potential supporters.

• They then use various means of communication—direct mail, phone calls, home visits, television, radio, web advertising, email, text messaging, etc.—to communicate with voters, crafting messages to build support for fundraising, campaign events, volunteering, and eventually to turn them out to the polls on election day. Micro targeting's tactics rely on transmitting a tailored message to a subgroup of the electorate on the basis of unique information about that subgroup.

Personalized audio messaging

• Personalized audio messaging is the compiled, personalized voice messages that individually address recipients by name. These voice messages can be delivered through a myriad of channels, the most popular of which include phone transmission, email, web, and social media sites such as Facebook. Traditionally these messages are recorded by recognizable figures or people of notoriety to enhance the impact the message has on its audience. Because of demanding schedules, automated computer systems are generally used to help compile separate recordings by the recorder, to reduce recording times.

Vote Bank Management

A vote bank is a loyal bloc of voters from a single community who consistently back a certain candidate or political formation in democratic elections. Such behavior is often the result of an expectation of real or imagined benefits from the political formations, often at the cost of other communities. Vote bank politics is the practice of creating and maintaining vote banks through divisive policies. As this brand of politics encourages voters to vote on the basis of narrow communal considerations, often against their better judgment, it is considered harmful to the principles of representative democracy.

Research and survey

• The overall purpose of conducting election campaign communication research is to reveal how election campaigns are organized with regard to communicational aspects as well as to show how and with what effect election campaigns are covered by media reports. A further goal refers to examining if and how country-specific context variables (e.g. history, political system) affect election campaign communication. In comparative election campaign communication research the objective is to analyze whether different countries share common practices with regard to the organization of campaign or the news coverage of elections.

• When conducting election campaign communication research, the specific objective needs to be defined, going along with phrasing the research question. The objective as well as the research question is directly linked to the scope of a study.

Activities Vs. Votes Percentage

Traditional G

round compaigning

Door to door K


banner w

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Activities li

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22% 10% 5% 5% 8%
