Page 1: Updated January 2016 - Longriders RV Park€¦ · Updated January 2016 IndustrIal GuIde 2016 Updated January 2016. City of Edmonton ... producing high-purity nickel and cobalt for

Located in the northeast Greater Edmonton region, Alberta’s Industrial Heartland is one of the world’s most attractive locations for chemical, petrochemical, oil, and gas investment. It is Canada’s largest hydrocarbon processing region with operating investments of over $30 billion. Approximately $15 billion in additional investment is proposed for the next decade.

The region’s 40+ companies, several being world scale, provide fuels, fertilizers, power, petrochemicals and more to provincial and global consumers. The region presently accounts for 43% of Canada’s basic chemical manufacturing.

Refining opportunities in Alberta are not limited to oil, gas and petrochemicals. Alberta also has an emerging industrial biochemical sector using biomass as an alternative feedstock to petrochemicals in the production of energy products and industrial chemicals.

Industrial development is strong supported by municipal and provincial governments. Alberta has a democratic and business friendly political system in addition to a favourable tax structure.

Alberta’s Industrial Heartland

Advantages & OpportunitiesAlberta’s Industrial Heartland is your opportunity to be part of a world-class energy centre.

Key attributes include:

Canada’s Largest Hydrocarbon Processing Region

• Petrochemicalproduction(Ethylene,Styrene,Fertilizers,Propylene,Iso-Octane,MEG,Butadieneandmore)

• Fractionationcapacity(360Mbdp)

• Petroleumrefining(400Mbdpcapacity)

• Bitumenupgrading(250Mbdpexpandingto400Mbpd)

• Readyaccesstopriceadvantagedhydrocarbonand petrochemical feedstock

Major Manufacturing Centre• Establishedcentreforsupply,serviceand

manufacturing for Canada’s oil and gas sector

• Oilandgaslogisticsandprocessing

• Approximately$1.5billioninannualexpenditures(excludingfeedstocks)

Logistics & Market Connections • Centreforpipelineterminalsfornaturalgas,

oil, bitumen, diluent and refined products

• Saltformationsunderlietheregionallowingfor natural gas storage and NGL storage

• HometobothCanadianNationalandCanadianPacificrailroads

• DirectaccesstomajorNorthAmericanportsprovides connections to world markets

Local Expertise • Regionishometomorethan1.3millionpeople

• Educatedandskilledlabour,technicaland professional expertise

Government Supported • Stable,democraticandbusinessfriendlypoliticalsystem

• Carboncaptureandstorageprojectsbackedby$2BGovernment of Alberta program

• Pastgovernmentincentiveprogramsaimedatgrowthindownstream sector

• Favourabletaxstructure(lowcorporatetax)


Municipal MeMbersIncorporated in 1998 Alberta’s Industrial Heartland is guided by a nonprofit association of municipalities dedicated to sustainable eco-industrial development. Ourfundingpartnersinclude:

contact us

alberta’s industrial Heartland association



neil shellyExecutiveDirector

[email protected] Ex. 1



Krysten bachmier BusinessDevelopmentOfficer

[email protected] Ex. 3


Updated January 2016

IndustrIal GuIde 2016

Updated January 2016

Page 2: Updated January 2016 - Longriders RV Park€¦ · Updated January 2016 IndustrIal GuIde 2016 Updated January 2016. City of Edmonton ... producing high-purity nickel and cobalt for

City of

Horsehills Industrial (ProPosEd)

HorsehillsIndustrialis526acresof prime industrial land in the very northeast portion of the Energy and TechnologyPark.BorderedbyHwy28atothewestandHwy37tothenorth, Horsehills Industrial is zoned for GeneralIndustrial,ManufacturingandLogistics. Hwy 37 is the new High Load corridor and offers companies’ access to the rest of Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and direct access through junction63tonorthernAlberta.

Walton Development and Management (Alberta) L.P. – Industrial Park (ProPosEd)

WaltonDevelopmenthasapproximately 419 acres of land located in the Edmonton Energy andTechnologyPark(EETP)withaccesstoAnthonyHendayDriveandManningDrivewithimmediateaccessto66Streetand195Ave.PropertywithintheEETPhaslandzonedformanufacturing uses and offers access to full City water and sanitary services, natural gas and overhead power. The development is in close proximity to existing residential communities of McConachie,BrintnellandHollick-Kenyon and the future Horsehills residential development with access to utilities and transit services.

Taurus Industrial Business Park(oPErational)

Thisstrategicallysituated25acreheavy industrial site boasts access totheHeavyHaulCorridor(Hwy15)making it a logical choice to marshal forlargeprojectsinWesternCanada.This secure site is graveled to heavy load standards and is equipped with engineered area lighting providing for the highest quality in a safe workplace. With rail access available andbeingadjacenttopipelinecorridors, the possibilities are limitless forthisHeavyIndustrialfuturePlantSite.

Umicore Canada Inc. (oPErational)

Umicore Canada is part of Umicore’s EnergyMaterialsbusinessgroupandproduces micron and sub-micron sized spherical fine cobalt powder for use as a binder in cutting tools. Umicore Canada makes its powder through a proprietary hydrometallurgical process that provides unique processing advantages for the

end customer and improved tool properties.ThefacilitymaintainsISO9001 and 14001 registration and is recognized by Alberta Environment as EnviroChampions.

Western Hydrogen Ltd. (oPErational)

Western Hydrogen Limited is a Canadian company, based in Calgary, Alberta dedicated to the development and commercialization of a new hydrogen manufacturing technology calledMoltenSaltGasification.The pilot plant construction was completedinAugust2013andfirsthydrogen production was achieved onSeptember5,2013.Asaresultof successful initial testing, the pilot plant will move into a long term testing phase to develop the data for a commercial sized plant. The MoltenSaltGasificationprocessisprojectedtohavesignificanteconomicand environmental advantages over current hydrogen manufacturing technologies including lower hydrogen supply costs, maximum feedstock flexibility, significantly lower GHG emissions, high pressure hydrogen productionandlowercostCO2capture.

Fort Industrial Estates(oPErational)This light/medium industrial park services the Heartland heavy industrial area as well as the agricultural community. IthasdirectaccesstoHighway15/21,adjacenttothehighloadcorridortoFortMcMurrayandisservicedbymunicipal water and sewer, natural gas and electricity. They also have building space for lease.

Keyera (KFS) (oPErational)

TheFortSaskatchewanFractionationandStorageFacilityreceivesnaturalgasliquids from connected pipeline systems and truck off loading. These streams are fractionated into ethane, propane, butane and pentane plus products. Followingfractionationtheproductsareshipped to customers through pipeline systems or truck loading facilities. Productsthatarenotimmediatelydelivered to customers are stored in deep underground storage caverns for subsequent delivery to markets.

MEGlobal (oPErational)

MEGlobalisaworldleaderinthemanufacture and marketing of merchant monoethylene glycol and diethylene glycol(EG).MEGlobalproducesabout1.0million metric tonnes per year of EG, and marketsinexcessof2.5millionmetrictonnes of EG per year. EG is used as a raw material in the manufacture of polyester fibers, polyethylene terephthalate resins (PET),antifreezeformulationsandotherindustrial products.

Oerlikon Metco (Canada) Inc. (oPErational)

OerlikonMetco(Canada)Inc.operationsatFortSaskatchewanincludemanufacturing,R&D,analyticalservices,engineering, sales and marketing, and administrationforallofOerlikonMetco’soperations in Canada. They produce a range of nickel-based composite powders for aerospace, power generation and electronics applications, as well as other specialty materials.

Petrogas EnergyCorp(oPErational)

OperatedasadivisionofPetrogasEnergyCorp.,thePetrogasEnergyServicesLtd.-FortSaskatchewanterminal provides the service of receiving, storing and loading products onto trucks and rail cars for the sale and distribution into Alberta’s petrochemical, refining and crude oil industry.

Plains Midstream Canada (oPErational)

TheFortSaskatchewansiteisafractionation and underground storage facility that brings in a stream of natural gasliquids(NGLs)tobetreatedorfractionated then stored for future shipments. The facility consists of three fractionationplants,aCarbonalSulphur(COS)removalplant,fivemolecularsieve units, ten storage caverns, unmanned propane truck loading and a control centre for the pipelines and the facilityplants.StorageforNGLproductsoccurs in solution mined salt caverns 1,800 metres below the facility. The facility also marks the termination point to the Alberta Ethane Gathering System(AEGS).Ethanestorageandtheability to redeliver as ethane demand warrants is key to the success of Alberta’s petrochemical business.

Praxair Inc. (oPErational)

Praxair,Inc.isthelargestindustrialgasescompanyinNorthandSouthAmerica, and one of the largest worldwide. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases, and high-performancesurfacecoatings.PraxairCanada Inc. has proudly served Alberta’s Industrial Heartland for over 30 years. TheFortSaskatchewanpersonneloversees the Heartland hydrogen pipelinenetwork(spanningover60km),two large air separation units, carbon dioxide purification facilities, and oxygen and nitrogen pipelines.

Sherritt International Corporation (oPErational)

SherrittInternationalCorporationis a world leader in the mining and refining of nickel from lateritic ores with operations in Canada, Cuba and Madagascar.TheCorporationisthelargest independent energy producer in Cuba, with extensive oil and power operationsacrosstheisland.Sherrittlicenses its proprietary technologies and provides metallurgical services to commercial metals operations worldwide.Sherritt’sFortSaskatchewanfacilitiesarea part of its integrated nickel business, producing high-purity nickel and cobalt for international markets. The site produces ammonia-based fertilizers and sulphuric acid for internal use and sale intolocalanddomesticmarkets.FortSaskatchewanisalsohometoSherritt’sglobal metallurgical technologies consulting business.

City of fort

Agrium Fort Saskatchewan Nitrogen Operations (oPErational)

Occupying227hectaresalongtheNorthSaskatchewanRiver,thisfacilityproduces465,000grosstonnes(192,000net)ofanhydrous ammonia, 430,000 tonnes of granular urea and 95,000 tonnes of29%aquaammonia.Rawmaterialsfor production include water, air and natural gas. Water is obtained from the adjacentNorthSaskatchewanRiverandnatural gas is purchased from Alberta producers. The primary end consumer is the agriculture market — in particular, growers of grains, oilseeds and other crops who want to enhance crop yields and quality.

Aux Sable Canada Ltd. Heartland Offgas Plant (“HOP”) (oPErational)

AuxSableisamidstreamgasprocessingcompany headquartered in Calgary, Aberta. AuxSableownsandoperatestheHeartlandOffgasPlant(HOP).ThefacilityprocessesoffgasfromShell’sScotfordComplex and produces methane, hydrogen, ethane and a propane-plus mix.

Chemtrade West Limited Partnership(oPErational)

AttwoplantsinFortSaskatchewan,Alberta, Chemtrade produces and supplies sulphur-enhanced chemicals tothemajorityofpulpandpaperandoil and gas manufacturers in western Canada. Chemtrade also supplies water treatment chemicals to municipalities and industries throughout Alberta, BritishColumbiaandSaskatchewan


Alberta Midland Railway Terminal Ltd(ProPosEd)

AlbertaMidlandRailwayTerminalisa private company, with the primary developers having ownership of a similar rail logistics site in southern Albertabuiltin2001(TransmarknearLethbridge).ThedevelopersofAlbertaMidlandRailwayTerminalalsoledthe development of a modern grain terminaladjacentTransmarkin2006known as Lethbridge Inland Terminal. AlbertaMidlandRailwayTerminal,through its alliances is planning to provide key third-party rail services within Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.

Canadian Heartland Lamont Industrial Park(ProPosEd)

TheParkofferslight/mediumindustrial lots that vary in size from 8acresandup.Featuresincluderegional water line, 3 phase power, internal road infrastructure and storm water management, easy access to highway 45 and 15, potential for CN rail sidings onsite, access to CN Rail, andwithinminutesofBruderheimand the town of Lamont for staffing requirements.

Cenovus (oPErational)

Cenovus is committed to being a responsible developer of one of Canada’s most valuable resources – the oil sands. They apply fresh, progressive thinking to minimize the impact on the environment while safely producing energy resources the world needs.Cenovus is focused on creating value through the development of their vast oil sands assets in northern Alberta, where they drill for oil and use specialized methods to pump it to the surface. The company also has established conventional natural gas and oil production in Alberta andSaskatchewanand50percentownershipintwoU.S.refineries.Cenovus is based in Calgary, Alberta and has more than 4,000 staff members across their operations.

Dow Chemical Canada ULC (oPErational)

ServingNorthAmerica,LatinAmericaandthePacificRim,Dow’sFortSaskatchewanmanufacturingsiteforms one of the largest petrochemical facilities in Canada. It uses natural resources in the area to make olefin monomers and plastics for a wide range of industries and customers. With four world-scale production unitson2128acres,Dowproduceshydrocarbons, ethylene, polyethylene, andelectricity.Morethan1.4milliontons of product leaves the site each year by rail and truck, with over half of it bound for customers outside of Canada.

Eastgate Business Park(oPErational)This mixed use commercial/light/medium industrial park services the Heartland heavy industrial area as well astheagriculturalcommunity.TheParkhasdirectaccesstoHighway15/21,adjacenttothehighloadcorridortoFortMcMurray.It is serviced by municipal water and sewer, natural gas, and electricity.

Ferus Inc. (oPErational)

ThefacilitycapturesgaseousCO2,aprocessby-productofSherritt’snearbyammonia process, liquefies it and stores itforsaleandtransporttoFerus’energyindustry customers located throughout theWesternCanadaSedimentaryBasin.Commercial operations of the facility beganinlate2009andtheplanthasbeen operating at or near full capacity ever since.

Field Upgrading Limited(undEr ConstruCtion)

FieldUpgradingLimitedisdevelopinganewtechnologycalledDSUtoremoveacids, metals and sulphur from heavy oils. DSUhasmanyapplicationsworldwide,including upgrading bitumen into a refinery feedstock, processing refinery intermediate streams such as sour coker diesel, and producing low sulfur marine fuel oils from a variety of sour feedstocks such as bitumen, vacuum residuals and asphaltenes. Fieldisconstructinga10bpdpilotplantto collect the design data for a 1000 bpd demonstration facility. The pilot plant will operate for approximately 18 months.

Graymont Western Canada Inc. (oPErational)

Graymont is a family owned business that has been in the lime business for over 50 years. Their operations in Lamont County includes a lime hydrating and distribution facility.

JFSL Fabrication Services Inc. (oPErational)

Located on a 75-acre lot east of Bruderheim,JFSLFabricationoffersaunique execution strategy in module construction. The company focuses on maximizing efficiencies, safety measures and product quality by constructing within the 47,000 square feet of its fabrication facility and reducing the outdoor exposure associated with traditional methods.

MEG Energy Corp(undEr ConstruCtion)

MEGisintheprocessofbuildingandoperatingtheHI-QFieldDemonstrationPilotFacility.Thefacilitywouldallow bitumen to be shipped in pipelines without blending with light hydrocarbons. The facility is planned on processing between 1,500 and 3,000 barrels of bitumen per day. Anticipated completiondate–2017.


Air Liquide Canada Inc. (oPErational),oxygenandnitrogengases are produced for local industry along with liquid oxygen, nitrogen and argon for broader distribution throughout Alberta andtheU.S.AcogenerationplantproduceselectricityandsteamforShellChemicalsandAir Liquide’s internal uses, while supplying anysurpluspowertotheAlbertagrid.ACO2plant recovers and purifies by-product carbon dioxidefromShell’splantforenhancedrecovery of oil and gas, and food-grade applications.

Air Products (undEr ConstruCtion)

AirProductsisbuildinganewworld-scalehydrogenproductionplantadjacenttoShellCanada’sScotfordfacility.Thenewfacilityisscheduledtobeinoperationin2016andwill produce over 150 million standard cubic feet/day of hydrogen and will be connected totheexistingAirProductsHeartlandhydrogen pipeline.

ATCO Energy Solutions(oPErational)

ATCOEnergySolutionsbuilds,ownsand operates industrial water and NGL infrastructure and storage facilities.The company has an established multi-userwatersystem,theATCOHeartlandIndustrialWaterSystem,connectedtothe

NorthSaskatchewanRiverthatprovidesthe foundation for integrated water and wastewater services to industry, including pipeline transportation, treatment, recycling and disposal. FortheNGLandpetrochemicalsmarkets,ATCOEnergySolutionsdevelopscustomertailored infrastructure solutions, such as gas processing, salt cavern storage, NGL pipelines, and fractionation and terminalling services. Currently the company is developing four salt caverns, with the capacity to store approximately 400,000 cubic meters of propane, butane and ethane. The storage facilityislocatedatATCO’sHeartlandEnergyCentrenearFortSaskatchewan.

ATCO Pipelines(oPErational)

ATCOPipelinesownsandoperatesanintegrated high-pressure pipeline system and cavern storage facility that supports growthintheFortSaskatchewanarea.ATCOPipelineshasapproximately8,500km of high pressure natural gas pipelines inAlbertaofwhich280kmareintheAlberta’sIndustrialHeartlandarea.ATCOPipelineshasnaturalgasstoragecavernswithinjection&withdrawalfacilitieslocated in the Heartland.

ATCO Power (ProPosEd)

ATCOPowerisproposingtobuildandoperatea400megawatt(MW)naturalgas-firedpowergenerationstationcalledtheATCOHeartlandGeneratingStation.TheproposedATCOHeartlandGeneratingStationwillbebuiltasacombinedcyclegasturbine power station using state of-the-art gas and steam turbine technology to achieve high energy efficiency while producing low air emissions for the amount of electricity produced.

ATCO Power - Scotford(oPErational)

TheScotfordCogenerationPlantprovidessteam and electricity to meet the thermal andpowerneedsoftheAthabascaOilsandsUpgrader.The170megawatt(MW)ScotfordCogenerationPlant,constructedattheShellScotfordRefinerySite,ispartoftheUpgrader facility.

Canadian National Railway – Oil & Gas Distribution Centre(oPErational)

StrategicallylocatedinScotfordon230acresof land, the facility has the capability to move anything from pipe and frack sand to crude oil diluents, machinery, construction materials and dimensional loads to Alberta. Also, when paired with CN’s extensive rail network, the centre will assist the ability to move liquefied petroleum gases, sulphur and diesel to end markets.

Canadian Pacific Railway – Strathcona Logistics Centre (ProPosEd)

CanadianPacific(CP)providesrailfreightservice to the Industrial Heartland. Trans loading services for construction materials, liquids, steel, aggregates, and bulk commoditiesareprovidedatCP’sScotfordTransferFacilityatElkIslandsiding.CPisfurther proposing to expand trans loading capability by development of its new “StrathconaLogisticsCentre.”InadditiontoStrathconaLogisticsCentreCPhasthepotentialtoconstruct16milesofnewrailline on existing right-of-way to service new orexistingcustomersinStrathconaandSturgeonCounties.

Enbridge Pipelines Inc. – Athabasca Inc. – Stonefell Terminals (undEr ConstruCtion)

As part of a planned expansion of Enbridge Athabasca’sWaupisooPipeline,anewpumpstationisplannedfortheStonefellterminal.Additionally, Enbridge is also proposing to construct and operate a new pipeline, Norlite PipelineprojectthatwouldstartattheStonefellTerminal and end at Enbridge’s Athabasca and NorealisTerminalsnearFortMcMurray.

Federal Power Strathcona Inc. (ProPosEd)TheproposedFederalPowerStrathconaInc.power plant will be a natural gas-fired power generation facility serving the fast-growing industrial, commercial and residential customer base in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and the Alberta Capital Region.

Gibson Energy Partnership Ltd.(ProPosEd)

Gibson Energy is planning to build out a crude and NGL terminal along with truck, rail, and related pipeline connectivity.

Keyera - Josephburg Rail Terminal (oPErational)

Thisprojectcameonstreamduringthesecondhalfof2015.Theprimarypurposeof this development is to load propane on rail cars for export to a variety of markets. It will be pipeline connected to other Keyera infrastructure in the region.

MEG Energy – Stonefell Terminal (oPErational)

MEG’s900,000barrelStonefellTerminalwascompletedinlate2013.ItisconnectedtoMEG’sproductionfacilitiesthroughtheAccessPipelinesystemwithfurtherconnections to regional pipeline and rail-loading facilities planned or already in place. Withtheseconnections,Stonefellservesasthe launch point for large volumes of blended products to multiple markets, diversifying MEG’ssalesofcrudeandpurchasesofdiluentover a much larger market segment.

Pembina Pipeline Corp. – Strathcona (undEr dEvEloPmEnt)

Pembina’scrudeoilmidstreambusinessincludesthePembinaNexusTerminal(PNT),which connects key infrastructure in the Edmonton/FortSaskatchewan/NamaoareaviapipelinestootherPembinainfrastructure.Pembina’srecentacquisitionoftheHeartlandHubTerminalinStrathconaCountyservesasafurtherbuild-outofPNT,servicingcrudeoil and diluent customers for terminalling, storage and rail. The site is in close proximity tomajoroilsandspipelinerights-of-way,existing crude oil and petrochemical infrastructureandPembina’sRFSfractionation facility near Redwater, Alberta.

Sasol Canada (ProPosEd)

SasolCanadaownsa50percentworkinginterestintwonaturalgasfieldsinBritishColumbia, Canada and is pursuing the opportunity to build the country’s first Gas-to-Liquids(GTL)facilitytoconvertnaturalgasinto high-quality transportation fuels. GTL is a proven technology that harnesses clean, abundant natural gas resources to make diesel, naphtha and petrochemical feedstocks.

Shell Canada Ltd.(oPErational)

ShellScotfordcelebratedits30thanniversaryintheFortSaskatchewanregionin2014.Scotfordcomprisestwobusinesses-theScotfordUpgraderandScotfordManufacturing.TheUpgrader,ajointventureprojectwithpartnersChevronCanadaandMarathonOilLP,startedprocessingbitumenfromShellAlbianSandsin2003andhasadesigncapacityof255,000bpd.TheUpgraderconverts the bitumen into synthetic crude beforefurtherrefiningattheScotfordManufacturingfacilities.TheManufacturingbusinessis100%Shellowned and includes refining and chemical production. The Refinery manufactures a suite of products that includes gasoline, lowsulphurdiesel,jetfuel,propaneandbutane. The Chemical plant produces styrene monomer(primarilyusedtomanufacturehardplastics)andethyleneglycol(usedforthe production of soft plastics, polyester fabrics,andantifreeze).In2015,theQuestCarbonCapture&StorageprojectbeganinjectingcarbondioxidecapturedfromtheScotfordUpgraderintoa rock formation more than two kilometers underground. Quest will reduce emissions fromtheScotfordUpgraderbymorethanone million tonnes a year which is equivalent totaking250,000carsofftheroad.

TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. (ProPosEd)

TransCanada has proposed three separate projectsinAlberta’sIndustrialHeartland:TheGrandRapidsPipelineProjectwillconnect crude oil resources from the west Athabasca oil sands area to the Heartland and Edmonton areas to meet growing energy demands.

TheTransCanadaTerminalsprojectwillfacilitate the efficient movement of crude oil from northern Alberta and will help provide a connection to access markets elsewhere in Alberta, Eastern Canada, and theUnitedStates.TheHeartlandPipelineProjectwillassistin the movement of crude oil from Alberta’s Industrial Heartland area to the Hardisty, Alberta hub, and will be a key development to safely connect important crude oil resources in northern Alberta to markets in Alberta, Eastern Canada and the UnitedStates.

Value Creation Inc. Value Chain Solutions – Heartland Complex (VCS-H) (ProPosEd)

Value Creation received AER approval ofitsCleanOilCracking(“COCTM”)AmendmentApplication.TheVCS-Hwill include an independent merchant crude customization complex with an approvedcapacityofupto260,000bpdofdilutedbitumen.TheVCS-HwillutilizeVCI’s previously approved Accelerated De-contamination(“ADCTM”)andCOCTMtechnologies, which transforms extra-heavyhydrocarbons(includingbitumen,extra-heavy-oils,residues,etc.)topremiummedium crude oil under the brand Clean OilLaFit,bestfittingthemajorityofrefineries globally, at lowest costs and higher environmental performance.COCTMis a VCI proprietary, low cost cracking process that can achieve very high conversion of the Clean Resinous Heavy Hydrocarbons produced by VCI proprietary ADCTMprocess.TheADCTM transforms bitumenintoCleanHeavyOilbyveryselective and almost complete removal of micro-carbonaceous particles in form ofasphaltenes(assolidaggregates).Thisallows for solid carbon sequestration and

reduction of Greenhouse Gases. VCIintendstoaddaspecializedCleanOilRefinery synergistically integrated with ADCTMandCOCTM, to produce Ultra Quality FuelProductsinanenvironmentallyresponsible manner.

Williams Energy Canada ULC (PDH) (ProPosEd)

WilliamsisplanningtoconstructaPDH(propanedehydrogenation)facilitywhich will produce 1.1 billion pounds (500KTA)ofpolymergradepropylenetargetedtogointoservicelate2018.This will be Canada’s first and only PDHfacility.Initially,approximatelytwo thirds of the propane feedstock will be sourced from Williams’ own oil sandsoffgassource(RedwaterOlefinsFractionatorinSturgeonCounty),withthe potential for more propane from offgas sources used in the facility in future years. Williams is working to secure a polypropylene(plastic)manufacturerasa partner to take most of its propylene production and turn it into plastic right here in the Heartland. This complex will provide important and significant added value to Alberta’s propane.


Access Pipeline(oPErational)

AccessPipelineisownedbyDevonNECCorporationandMEGEnergyCorporation, each with an undivided 50% working interest. They operate bitumen blend and diluent pipelines betweentheirOwners’Conklinarea production sites and Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.TheAccessPipelineRegionalOfficeislocatedinFortSaskatchewan.

Agrium Redwater Fertilizer Operations (oPErational)

Occupying372hectaresalongtheNorthSaskatchewanRiver,this facility is the largest fertilizer complex in North America, producing approximately680,000tonnesofammoniumphosphate(MAP)andclose to 1.4 million tonnes of nitrogen based nutrients. Raw materials for production include: natural gas, air, water, sulphur and phosphate rock. The water comes from the nearby NorthSaskatchewanRiver,naturalgas and sulphur are purchased from Alberta producers, and the phosphate rockisimportedfromMorocco.

Thefacilityhas22kmoftrackcapableofstoring600railcars.Agriculturalbuyers account for the largest amount of their customers, with a small percentage the urea and ammonia products marketed for industrial use.

CN Sturgeon County Support Yard (dEfErrEd)

The new CN Rail yard will be sized and developed over time to support growth in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. The new five track SturgeonSupportYardislocateddirectly north of the highway 15 overpass. Here, regional trains will drop off blocks of rail cars to local industry customers.Timing of the support track constructionisTBD.

Evonik Canada Inc. (oPErational)

This facility manufactures and distributes hydrogen peroxide. The chemical is widely used in the pulp and mining industries and also has environmental applications.The Gibbons site is a key part of the EvonikActiveOxygensbusiness,aglobalsupplier of hydrogen peroxide, operating production facilities in more than ten countries and supplying customers in every region in the world.

Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership (dEfErrEd)


North West Redwater Partnership (Sturgeon Refinery) (undEr ConstruCtion)

NorthWestRedwaterPartnership,anAlberta-basedPartnership,isbuildingphase 1 of an independent heavy oil bitumen refinery with a total planned capacityof231,000bpdofblendedfeedstock(150,000bpdofcrudebitumen)overthreephases.Thisfacility will produce high quality Ultra LowSulphurDieselfuelanddiluent,through the process of hydrocracking and hydrogen addition. The process will utilize gasification to make hydrogen

from the heaviest liquid components, thereby maximizing the production of high value components, minimizing waste products, and enabling the capture and sequestration of pure carbon dioxide, which will be used by others for enhanced oil recovery and then sequestration in Alberta. Phase1mechanicalconstructioncommencedin2014,andwillcontinuethrough to commissioning. The first phase willcommenceoperationsinlate2017.

Northern Lights Partnership (dEfErrEd)

TotalE&PCanadaandSinoCanadahaveanequaljointinterestintheNorthernLightsUpgraderProject.TotalactsastheManagingPartner.TheUpgraderproposed for this site is under review to assess its compatibility with the partners’ corporateinterestsandprojects.

Pembina Pipeline(oPErational)

WithRFSII(RedwaterFractionator&StorageProject–PhaseTwo),Pembinawill essentially be twinning the Company’s existingRedwaterFractionatortoaddressa portion of the anticipated shortfall in fractionationcapacitywithintheFortSaskatchewanarea.EthaneproducedatRFSIIwillbesoldunderalong-termarrangementwithNOVAChemicalsCorporation.PembinaexpectsRFSIItobein-servicein2016atanestimatedcostof$415 million.Pembinaannouncedplanstospendapproximately$25milliontoupsizecertain facilities associated with its second fractionator to accommodate the future


Williams Energy Canada ULC (oPErational) fractionates an NGL/olefins liquids mixture sourced from oil sands upgrader offgas into components of ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, butane, butylene and condensate. This liquids mix arrives at the site through WilliamsBorealPipeline.Thepropylenemade at this facility is a high purity polymer grade, the only facility producing polymer grade propylene in Canada. Separatingpropaneandpropyleneisadifficult task, because the boiling points are only 1 ½ degrees apart. Williams accomplishesthiswiththeir320foot,213traysplitter–thedistinctiveredandwhite tower on the site. It is the tallest fractionation tower in western Canada. The facility has recently been expanded to receive an ethane/ethylene stream from the oil sands. The new de-ethanizer splits these products, supplying ethane and ethylene to Alberta’s petrochemical producers.WilliamscontractsPembinaPipelinestooperatethefacility.

strathCona industrial

IndustriesarelocatedinbothStrathconaCounty and the City of Edmonton. The SIAhascloselinkstotheHeartlandregion via pipelines, trains and trucks. SeveralcompaniesinSIAalsohaveoperationsintheAIHregion.Severalofthe companies in the area belong to the StrathconaIndustrialAssociation.Referto their website for further information.

Air Products Canada Ltd. (oPErational)

AirProductsCanadaLtd.manufactureshydrogen.Theirfacility,adjacenttoSuncor,supplieshydrogentoSuncor,Imperialandothercustomersfrom a 45 km pipeline network.They are planning to expand their hydrogen system to be located next totheShellScotfordFacilityandanextension pipeline to provide hydrogen toNWRP’sRedwaterFacility.

AltaSteel Ltd. (oPErational)www.altasteel.comAltaSteeloperatesascrap-basedsteelmini mill with melting and continuous casting facilities. They are the largest recycler in Alberta and the largest steel plant in Western Canada with a production capability of over 350,000 tonnes of steel billets annually.

Edmonton Rail Terminal(undEr ConstruCtion)

KinderMorganEnergyPartnerswithits50-50jointventurewithImperialOilLimited announced a planned expansion projecttoaddincrementalcapacityof110,000barrelsperday(bpd)attheEdmonton Rail Terminal. The Edmonton Rail Terminal will increase its capacity toover210,000bpdandpotentiallyupto250,000bpd.Theterminalwillbe connected via pipeline to Kinder Morgan’sadjacentEdmontonstorageterminal and will be capable of sourcing all crude streams handled by Kinder MorganfordeliverybyrailtoNorthAmerican markets and refineries. The rail terminal is being constructed and willbeoperatedbyKinderMorgan,andwill connect to both Canadian National andCanadianPacificmainlines.

Edmonton Waste Management Centre(oPErational)

TheEWMCisNorthAmerica’slargestcollection of modern, sustainable waste processing and research facilities. Facilitiesincludeamodernwasteprocessing and recycling centre, North America’s largest co-composting facility,

a landfill gas recovery system, bio solids lagoons, an electronics recycling facility, and a paper and glass recycling facility.

Enbridge Pipelines Inc. – Athabasca Inc. (oPErational)

The Edmonton Terminal, the starting point of Enbridge’s mainline system has 31 tanks ranging in size from 10,000 barrels to 390,000 barrels and a total capacity of approximately 5 million barrels on site.

Energex Alberta Biofuels (oPErational)

OnJune4,2014Energexofficiallyinaugurated its first full-scale municipal waste-to-biofuels and chemicals facility in Edmonton, Alberta. The breakthrough technology uses residual materials such as non-recyclable and non-compostable waste instead of fossil sources for the production of chemicals and liquid transportation fuels. This facility, operated by Energex AlbertaBiofuels,isamongtheworld’sfirst commercial facilities to be built for the production of renewable chemicals and advanced biofuels.

Gibson Energy Partnership Ltd.(oPErational)

Gibson is engaged in the movement, storage, blending, processing, marketing and distribution of crude oil, condensate, natural gas liquids, water, oilfield waste and refined products. Gibson transports energy products by utilizing its network of terminals, pipelines, storage tanks, and trucks located throughout western Canada and through its significant trucktransportationandinjectionstationnetworkintheUnitedStates.

Imperial (oPErational)

Imperial is one of Canada’s largest corporations and a leading member of the country’s petroleum industry.Thecompanyisamajorproducer of crude oil and natural gas, Canada’s largest petroleum refiner and a key petrochemical producer. The refinery processes approx. 185,000 barrels per day.

Inter Pipeline Fund(oPErational)

InterPipelineoperatesapproximately6,600kilometersofpetroleumpipelinesand 4.8 million barrels of storage in western Canada. These systems transport approximately 950,000 barrels per day of oil sands bitumen and conventional crude oil, representing approximately 15% of total western Canadian conventional volumes and approximately 39% of oil sands volumes.

Keyera Alberta Diluent Terminal (oPErational)www.keyera.comTheAlbertaDiluentTerminal(ADT),owned by Keyera, is located north of the Edmonton Terminal in the Edmonton/FortSaskatchewanenergyhub.ADTfeatures a rail offloading rack, rail storage spurs, a truck loading rack and above ground storage tanks. The rail offloading rack can handle up to 80 cars per day and the above ground storage tanks have the capacity to store over 400,000barrelsofproduct.In2014theadjacentAlbertaCrudeTerminal(ACT)became operational to load crude oil on rail cars for shipment to market.

Keyera (KAEF)(oPErational)

KeyeraAlbertaEnvirofuels(KAEF)isthe largest iso-octane manufacturing facilityintheworld.Iso-Octaneisahighoctane gasoline blending component. The facility produces enough product to fuel approx. 45,000 vehicles per day. ProductissoldtorefineriesinWesternCanadaandtheUnitedStatesforblending into their premium gasolines.

Keyera (KET) (oPErational)

Keyera’s Edmonton Terminal includes a rail and truck loading/offloading facility, propane treating and storage facilities, and a number of incoming and outgoing pipelines. The Edmonton Terminal is a distribution hub for propane, butane and condensate in the EdmontonandFortSaskatchewanarea.

Kinder Morgan Canada Inc. (oPErational)

This location comprises both of Kinder MorganCanadaTerminals’(KinderMorgan)EdmontonSouthandNorthFortytankfarmsinSherwoodPark,AB.TheEdmontonSouthandNorthFortyterminalshavemorethan20feeder lines from across Alberta while featuring 19 legacy and 9 new tanks, respectively, with a combined storage volumeof761,867m3(or4,792,000bbls).

Owens Corning Insulating Systems Canada LP (oPErational)

OwensCorningisagloballeaderinresidential, commercial and industrial building materials ranging from insulation to roofing. It invented fiberglass and fiberglass insulation over 70 years ago, and is best known forits“Pink”insulationproducts.

Pembina Pipeline Corporation (oPErational)

Calgary-basedPembinaisawell-managed and responsible transportation and service provider to western Canada’s energy industry. Today the company also provides transportation support to Alberta’s oil sands industry, has a network of liquids terminals and storage facilities and offers natural gas gathering and processing.

Plains Midstream Canada (oPErational)

TheEdmontonStorageTerminal(EST)sitecontainsfourNGLStorageSpheresplus above ground infrastructure to support surge capacity, storage and pumping to/from connecting pipelines.ESTisconnectedtotheCOEDPipeline,theFSPLtothePlainsMidstreamFortSaskatchewansiteandthepipelinefromthePlainsMidstreamFortSaskatchewansitetoEST,andtoEnbridge.

Rio Tinto Alcan(oPErational)

Rio Tinto Alcan produces 180,000 metric tons of calcined product and shipsbyrailtoRTAplantsinBritishColumbia and Quebec, as well as Alcoa plants in Quebec, Washington State,andNewYorkState.

Suncor Energy Edmonton Refinery(oPErational)

SuncorEnergy’sEdmontonRefineryhasbeenoperatinginStrathconaCounty since 1951. The refinery processesapproximately142,000barrels per day of crude oil into a wide range of consumer products.Suncorhasconverteditsrefineryto upgrade and refine oil sands feedstock exclusively.

Superior Plus Corp (SPB.TO) (ProPosEd)

SuperiorPlus,throughits100%equityinterestinERCOWorldwide,ownsstrategically located property in the Lamont County area. The industrial zoned property is situated with direct access to both Canadian Class 1 railroads andwithinmajorpetroleumlogisticscorridors. The site is well suited for an energy midstream facility development.ServingNorthAmericanandinternationalmarkets,SuperiorPlushas a portfolio of diversified businesses including energy services, specialty chemicals and construction products distribution. As one of the largest buyers of propane in Canada, the primary activitiesoftheSuperiorenergyservicesbusiness include the procurement, aggregation, marketing, and wholesale & retail distribution of natural gas liquids.

Western Asphalt Products (oPErational)

WesternAsphaltProductsopenedastateoftheartAsphaltEmulsionFacilitylocatedinBruderheimAlbertainSpring2013.AsphaltEmulsionisusedintheprocess of recycling existing roadways and also preventative road maintenance extending the life of our current infrastructure. Asphalt Emulsion is a environmentally friendly cost effective alternative to hot mix asphalt. Western Asphalt is pre-qualified to supply all Western Canadian provinces.

Updated January 2016
