Page 1: Urban civilisations (Ancient History)



Page 2: Urban civilisations (Ancient History)

Urban civilizations are those who first developed the city. This event took place during the fourth millennium BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia, both regions are located in river valleys and plains with large rivers (Nile, Tigris and Euphrates) and fertile soils.

Page 3: Urban civilisations (Ancient History)

The transition from village to city is called urban revolution and is characterized by these features:

An abundant agricultural crop production that allowed the accumulation of surpluses to feed the urban population and exchange agricultural products.

A very hierarchical society divided into different groups: rulers, soldiers, priests, farmers, artisans, traders ..

Page 4: Urban civilisations (Ancient History)

A very advanced culture (mathematics, medicine ..), that the invention of writing helped spread.olute power.

A political and administrative organization based on the authority of rulers (kings and pharaohs) who possessed absolute power.

An official cáracter art in the service of kings and pharaohs.
