
US Map East to Mid US Map South West to East coast Helping Verbs Adjectives Wild Card What is this state? Delaware What state is in red? Answer 1 20 Virginia What state is highlighted in Red Answer 1 30 Vermont What state is highlighted in red? Answer 1 40 Illinois What state is highlighted in red? Answer 1 50 Arkansas What state is highlighted in red? Answer 2 10 Oklahoma What state is highlighted in red? Answer 2 20 New Mexico What state is highlighted in red? Answer 2 30 Utah What state is highlighted in red? Answer 2 40 Colorado What state is highlighted in red? Answer 2 50 Nebraska List the first 5 helping verbs Answer 3 10 Am, is, are, was and were, List the last five helping verbs! Answer 3 20 May Might Must Can Could Identify the helping verb in the sentence I could have tripped over Gelles backpack Answer 3 30 Have What kind of verb is the bolded word? Sudarnah was hating to use the stairway. Answer 3 40 Helping List all 23 Helping Verbs Answer 3 50 Am, is,are Was and were Being, been and be Have, has, had Do, does, did Shall, should, will and would May might, must, can and could What do adjectives do in a sentence? Answer 4 10 They describe a noun What kind of adjectives are a, an and the? Answer 4 20 Articles Words like some, many, and few are what kind of adjectives? Answer 4 30 Indefinite What is the adjective in this sentence? What kind of Adjective is it? The big, ugly Italian car is yellow. Answer 4 40 Big and Ugly Descriptive Question Come up with a sentence that has an article and a descriptive adjective. Answer 4 50 Answers will vary What state is highlighted in red? Answer 5 10 Washington Name the kind of literary device used in the sentence: the big bad wolf blew a hole in the house Answer 5 20 Alliteration Name a possessive noun. Answer 5 30 his, her, its, our, their, my, your What is the state highlighted in red? Answer 5 40 Indiana What are the 7 ways theme can be developed? Answer 5 50 1.Character 2.Dialog 3.Setting 4.Recurring mortifies 5.Conflict resolution 6.Word choice 7.Symbol