Page 1: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 2: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Start with needs**user needs not government needs

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 3: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

Focus on user needs

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 4: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

h"ps://­‐to-­‐voteTuesday, 24 March 15

Page 5: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


User stories

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 6: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


As  a  ...I  want  to  that  I  can  ...

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 7: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

@pnplondonPersis 7

As  a  UK  residentI  want  to  get  my  details  on  the  electoral  registerso  that  I  can  vote

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 8: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

@pnplondonPersis 8

As  someone  who  lives  in  2  places  (like  a  student)I  want  to  know  where  to  registerso  that  I  can  vote  without  breaking  the  law

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 9: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


As someone who is registered to vote

I want to apply to vote by post

so that I can vote even if I am away


Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 10: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Validate needs

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 11: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Is this a user story?

As a voter I want to understand first past the post so that I can vote


Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 12: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


As a voter I want to understand how the election system worksso that I can judge if the system is fair


Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 13: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Acceptance criteria

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 14: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

@pnplondonPersis 14

Story is ‘done’ when the user can:•register online•download a form to register to vote by post

•post the formTuesday, 24 March 15

Page 15: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 16: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Track your user needs

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 17: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

h"ps://­‐to-­‐voteTuesday, 24 March 15

Page 18: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

h"ps://­‐to-­‐voteTuesday, 24 March 15

Page 19: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 20: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 21: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Ask users....

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 22: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

@pnplondonPersis 22

As  a  UK  residentI  want  to  get  my  details  on  the  electoral  registerso  that  I  can  vote

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 23: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


The benefits

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 24: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


•The ‘irreducible core’

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 25: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

@pnplondonPersisTuesday, 24 March 15

Page 26: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final

@pnplondonPersisTuesday, 24 March 15

Page 27: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Book a driving test

£6.62 - post£4.11 - phone£0.22 - online

Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 28: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Why user needs?• shared language and goals• less wasted effort• spreadsheets• measurable results• find what’s broken (and fix it)• save money


Tuesday, 24 March 15

Page 29: User stories agile content 24 march 2015 final


Persis HoweGOV.UK@pnplondon

Tuesday, 24 March 15
