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GSMA OneAPI Gateway

It's a Cross Carrier play

Here's where APIs get really exciting!

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OneAPI — Registration

1. Register at:

2. Confirm email3. Log in

Provides access to dashboard and developer documentation

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Creating an Application

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Manage Application

You can find this page from the Dashboard:

1. Go to Dashboard2. Click on the company

name link below Developer Profiles (bottom of page)

3. Click on the Manage Application button next to your application name.

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Application Specific Info

Note the two application profile buttons: “Endpoints” — Important application settings necessary

for using the APIs “Manage Whitelist” — Phone numbers for testing with


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Necessary Information

Application Profile — Endpoints– Application User Name & Application Password– The URI prefixes (excluding the “.*” suffix, shown, if

any) for each API-type PDF documents describing API sets’ usage

– “Common Information Guide” some error codes– “Sandbox Data service” prereq for Payments APIs

described in “Payment Developer Guide”– “Privacy Developer Guide” prereq for Location APIs

described in “Terminal Location Developer Guide”

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API Protocol

HTTP / REST (mostly) HTTP Basic Access Authentication Form-data or JSON Input XML or JSON output Some APIs Accept Callback URIs

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curl — Unix, Linux, OSX, cygwin/Win RESTClient — Firefox plug-in Chrome debug console — Chrome Browser (GET method testing) Coding

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APIs Supported

Sending SMS from short code to phone Receiving SMS (to short code) Location (latitude/longitude) Payment — Charge to phone bill

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Send SMS to Phone

1. Add test phone number to Whitelist

2. Create request JSON in a file

3. Call HTTP

4. Receive Transaction ID

Use Transaction ID to check delivery status

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SMS Send JSON Example

{ "outboundSMSMessageRequest": { "address": ["tel:+16045551212"], "clientCorrelator": "10002", "outboundSMSTextMessage":

{ "message": "Test SMS from 7511" }, "senderAddress": "tel:7511", "senderName": "Super Send" }}

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SMS Send Response{ "resourceReference" : { "resourceURL" :

" /SendSmsService/OneAPI_REST_v2_0 /routing/2_0/smsmessaging/outbound /tel:7511/requests/222405168"


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Checking SMS Status{ "deliveryInfoList" : { "resourceURL" :


"deliveryInfo" : [ { "address" : "tel:+16045551212", "deliveryStatus" : "DeliveredToNetwork" } ] …

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Location Query

1. Whitelist phone number

2. Get permission to retrieve position (once only, per app, privacy API)

3. User authorizes

4. Retrieve user’s location

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Location Response{ "terminalLocationList" : { "terminalLocation" : [ { "address" : "tel:+16045551212", "locationRetrievalStatus" : "Retrieved", "currentLocation" : { "latitude" : 49.248688, "longitude" : -123.19475, "altitude" : 0.0, "accuracy" : 769, "timestamp" : "2012-05-30T17:41:37.000-04:00" } } ] …

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Location API Example

1. Add phone number to Whitelist

2. Ask permission to retrieve location

POST HTTP/1.1Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedaddress=tel%3A%2B16045551212&

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Location API Example

3. User responds to text with “ALLOW”4. Check status (or use callback)<?xml version="1.0"

encoding="UTF-8"standalone="yes"?><PrivacyResponse status="ALLOWED"/>

All future location requests are enabled for the app for that user.

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Location API Example

5. Retrieve location { "terminalLocationList" : { "terminalLocation" : [ { "address" : "tel:+16045551212", "locationRetrievalStatus" : "Retrieved", "currentLocation" : { "latitude" : 49.248688, "longitude" : -123.19475, "altitude" : 0.0, "accuracy" : 769, "timestamp" : "2012-05-30T17:41:37.000-04:00" } } ] }}

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Payment API

1. Create Payments Sandbox Group (if not already created)

2. Add “subscribers” to the group, by phone number

3. Call Payment API to “charge” money

4. Call Payment API to detect status

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Payment Example

1. Create Payments Sandbox Group

2. Add phone numbers to group

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Payment Example

1. Create payment request JSON{ "amountTransaction": { "clientCorrelator": "100003", "endUserId": "tel:+16045551212", "paymentAmount": { "chargingInformation": { "amount": "10.01", "currency": "CAD", "description": [”Our product"] }, "chargingMetaData" : { "onBehalfOf" : "Viafo Inc", "purchaseCategoryCode" : "Game", "taxAmount" : "0" } }, "referenceCode": "REF-NJD-12345a", "transactionOperationStatus": "CHARGED" }}

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Payment Example

2. Call Payment function API

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Payment Example

3. Payment call’s response{ "amountTransaction": { "clientCorrelator": "1234569", "endUserId": "tel:+13107486358", "paymentAmount": { "chargingInformation": { "amount": 5.0, "currency": "CAD", "description": [ "Alien Invaders Game" ] }, "chargingMetaData": { "onBehalfOf": "Example Games Inc", "purchaseCategoryCode": "Game", "taxAmount": 0 }, "totalAmountCharged": 5.0 }, "referenceCode": "REF-005", "resourceURL":


"serverReferenceCode": "REF-005-175", "transactionOperationStatus": "CHARGED" }}

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Payment Example

4. Check payment request status

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Speakers & Your Developer Evangelists

Caroline Lewko Bill Lee David O’Neill

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