  • From: To: Via:

    • "' ' . .. ' , U,S,S, VALLEY FORGE (CV-45)

    Care or Fleet Post ortice san Franctscol Cslifornia

    commanding Officer commander SEVENTH Fleet commander carrier Division THREE


    jly: oP..09B92Q

    Subj: Report of Operations 16 ~uly to 31 JUly 19Q~

    Encl: (l) CVG-5 conf ltr ser 059-5n dtd 2 August 1950, Report of Operations 16 July tn 31 J"uly 1950-E.":t.

    { 2) Intelligence sumr .. r>ry for period of 16 - 31 July, 1950 ~

  • \ . CV45/ A4-3 serial:

    e . '"; .. · ... , . D.EGJ.l\SSIFitD •

    appr~imately 100 milos west of tho Korean coast. ~ four-plcno

    F4U Combat Air patrol plus nn Anti-submarino Patrol co~sisting of one .ADW typo aircraft and crno J.D as invostigetor >!1:18 nnintainod throughout tho day. After recovery of tho afternoon striko gr0~p about 17")0 1 tho task force heodod southward to rondozvc:us Hi th t~10

    NiiVf,SOTA for tho purpose of rcf'uoling ovistion gasolino nn'1 fu-.::1

    oil. Tho rendezvous with tho N.;;Vl1SOTi1 was off'octod about 1100 1 30 miles northeast of nanjo-Gunto, on tho 23rd. Upon completion

    of refueling operations, tho task force heeded for tho Port of sasobo, Japan, to rearm fxom tho u.s.s. GRt.INGER, arriving at Snsobo at 0900 on tho 24th. After porticlly roarning 1 tho tnsk force loft soacbo about 2400 on tho 24t~ in accord~nco with conm

  • ' • CV45/A4-3 serial:


    the starboard side af't of tho island structure. This r::::~thod of spotting enabled tho jets to turn up for pro-flight ch,)ck prior to spotting on tho cotapults. when taxiing out th.::o six pl::;.nos 011 the port sidoJ tho after plano woe taxied out first in 8rd~r tc reduce bloat on pcrsonnol. Tho second jot swoop •·•as brought up to tho catapult in the same ~annor,

    ' .

    During tho lattur port of tho period, strikes ccnsis~od of a 12 to 16 propeller plene strike, then an 8 plano jut s\'TuoP, li hours later, followed by o 12 to 16 propeller plono strike 3 hours nftor tho first propollor launch. Tho first jot swoop

  • • ' CV45/A4-3 serial:


    • • • J)EGI.l\SSJ Fitb • available propeller aircraft, 8 F4Us and 8 ADs lDunchod ot 3 hour intervals. It was necessary to usa tho availcblo night oonriguratod F4U5s and ADs in ardor to provide a maximum nwnbor of circr2rt in tho support area. The most practical close support lood for the ADs was 1-500# Gp, 1-2,2"'# fragn.ontation bomb and 1 Napr::lru bomb plus o. maximum number of IDl .. lRs or 100# GP• Tho F~·US ccrriod a 500# bomb or Napalm end maximum HVJ,Rs cr 100# GP. All airoro:f't Cl]rriod o r,wxi ... mum loads of 20mm ammunition ot a ratio of 1 HEI, 1 J1P, and 1 !neon-diary, Tho }.Ds ''wro loaded ,;,ri th 2000# GP ond 1000# Gp on occasions when specific targets called for those typos of explosives.

    c. ordnance.

    (l} In order to save valua.bl0 time during operations an _.ssombly lino is sot up on the hr:lngor dock and ol~ HV.~R lug bonds Qro spaced properly as they oro lcodod obo8rd rroo tho orw:.unition shi:p.


  • • ' ·, V45/M•3 ~Jrio.l:



    1. Aviation supply,

    • •

    (a) nos pi to tho detail of' tLCn to arJ.nuni tion hc.ndlint;:: par-tics, issues ;voro Llado in nornal :mnnncr, Stock upkoor; in this branch is a continuing problem, but ovary effort is baing oxortod to prevent AOGs, Requisitions for ito~s in short sup;:ly hcvo boon f,_;:;l'·..:fardod by despatch to COMFlliR .1\lnn.oda, and IJ snell porcont6r,o is baing rocoivod by Air Moil. Inf'or:motion avnilnblo indicates thu balance is being shipped by air or surf'aco trans:portcti.Jll to CONSER"-'HOJJ 3 f'or fllrthcr transf'or to tho ship, The outlock is govd for rcpl~Jcc.nwnt cf criti-cal items,


  • ' . ; •

    CV45/ !,4-3 serial:


    • . . • DEGLASSIFIED

    (1) Ship's porsonncl 1 other thon air department, vera o~ Condition 3 watches continuously fro~ 120A, 16 July to 1400 1 31 July 1 except f'or a period of 15 hours while a.t se.sobo, /;ir Do::crt-mont poraonnol 1-•rcro at Flight Quarters (Conditicn 1) 44 p•Jrccnt of tho tina, and at condition 3 tho rcnain~or of tho time. ordnance crows for bolting ammuniticn, asscnbling rockets, breaking out, and arming Dircraft wore required to operata in shifts oreund the clock,

    In spite of tho above conditions, all personnel opvo~~od alort 1 though obviously quito tired by tho and of tho 13 ~oy roriod. NO dock handling accidents resulted fran rorsonnol fat1eu8 1 end almost all strikes wore ro-armod on tir:;.c, t~tcugh ot tho and of tho period a maximum effort wos roquirod tv r..cot tho lounchiitg scllo-:;ulo.

    I ,, ' : '----· /C L. K. RICE



    _.,__ :·· '·-

  • ,_._

    ' The suppo.rt -rsprties ---iaunche·~:-.~~t- sawr_t --~:,;~;ti~- rcco,iled.·lillC{J. _ it .,wa-s ... obvious_-·_th&-t no e_ilqrlY. O:puo.Siti~n v[bUl,d ;'::,0_. cnpotu~~·1i:orcd in' th,e }an.d-ing ht Pohang. · J:n' .ld:I:, .. 2$ sn)opo~{')'i'"'' 5 dot,o;,si vc sorties: W"re lo:unche.d. · ·. ·' ··

    ";' ' ,_ --· , , _•' ·- ___ -:"t-. ___ ._.-.1 _ ·:;.A:r::'_- -·> ____ ._:~------'-.-~---- ._ ,::---... _;· .... . At: :ll)Q ,. the. :t'lrst· cox.p:rat s o;r;tie!l Of, the :cdcj~iwero lc. '\l~;o,;,,O'l'!. ~ cOin,pi>seq ot J,l' ,uJs; ,g 1!'4!J'S i;tndi},9 '; l"9Fl1; ;,'\' t~·;l:::• ,nul;.:.~ c:r.·uu :J.B.jl, ._, stro.fO'd, 1-Ji'-'.i,n-G'i·ilg: ·-it_ t~--- g ·st·-op ... a·¢: .i·~$_-t+lt·.tnc: ~1n '_u,_- ---~tcu:J

  • • ' ' l,, : .. .. ' .. ,• . ~ . • . • . . • hits toro Up track, o.nd SUbsequent stl:'~-filli&; i'l.fns· set .fire to o. e;roup of .3 tunl< curs, 2 tlilGs south of' ttu:.:::.s,Ori;:-:, 1 ctiiC! to n lone car further dovm tho true::. On· the afternoon str:Ll:o, tho c,rou;->

    of cars uor·c seen still burninc. Fran thoro 1 t;1eY .!rol:).ovred the traclm to the northeast to E·m10hon-ni { 38°-501!~ 127°w50 IE) wl1ore E:IS Hiiimrs· nude a direct hit on a RR briG.c,c Y.'i th u lOOOf.' bonb, Throe ether pilots verify the report that ono spnn wcs cOilplotely destroyed,

    Tho division north of the RR tracks hit t.'lo yards at Koson& with 1 1000/} bomb,· continuo;'! north up the coast to Kojo \Jlwrc they turned inland. Tho division loader reported 2-J roclwt hits on a snall bride a at 39°-45'H 127°'-36 •E. Hour lioOj.-anc {38°-45'H-127-40 'E) roclwts set fire to un cloc·tric power sub plant. Two o:::plosions v.rc.t'c observed o.nd thouc;llt to be U0.1'U.L::l hits until tflo division leader obsorvcd thut no nnpaln had boon cl:roppod. Hi t~'l Corso.irs 1 the field ut ?jrontl;{;un..::; \':8.8 then strafed~ o.nG. ciLht Yuk' s rrarc left burr:.ine ~n tll:: ficlc1.

    The third c~ivisiol! hit· in unc1 o.rouncl :?yont:,[.)lnt;; C:.ropping a pov1or line ·1.vith rockets, just north of the cit· .. ·• In the sane vicinity n napaln J1i t sot f'iro to n striJJL of' 2 or 3 conl ours~ 1.vhioh ~;-rc:-.:c burninG on rotifcnont. No o..nti-ai:"cro.ft Yms enc~lnntorcG. ut uny of the targets.

    Tr:o divisions of Corsairs ncconpunio~l .iiDs into the ta.rt:;cts as fir_shcr -bonbors~~o The plcnos Y;"it:l tllo nort~1orn (l.ivision of /ws strafed Kojo nith rockets und 20mn· sottint, fire to u repair shop and. dUflaginc 2 looo.notivos. l~.t j?yonLSUnG t~.:.oy observed 8 pluncs burning, so st1~ufocl t:·lo; v;i th. tl1u rest of their rockets, possible fires boinc; sturtcC..,

    Tho ether division of Corsairs strafed. a ral.lrOa

  • . I I .

    .... '

    . 'A : -_,·. ··,,. " ..• ,• . . On'r9tirot1o11t1 .• ¢ strilcc c.rou:;> hcndoc sou. '· down tile

    canst, ldoltii'J.L .rot toollinf_. stock nnd other tarsct of opp·.)r-tWlitY to strafe. Tho ;,D with tllo hWlG 1000;;' bonb rcc\ClC u run on n vessel ( o.bout 100 '-150') T!hich \'Jets hoc.c~oc1 Doutll. I~is iJoab OXillodod just forward of' tho ship, cnvclopil1G tllc vessel in wntcr, Fran reports of other pilots und n pllotoernph, the shi:J was doacl in tho vrut6r and probably h.o-.;.vily rlb.nac.oCi., cvaJ.uc.t-oC. o.s a proJublc sinking. At Kojo, o. snc.ll cra.ft '"TGS stl~utcd nne~ Fu:rt~1or south, the c~cu;:u.ccd cur burn wo.s st~"tl:Loc~ o.r:;nin by ADs unO. Corsairs lri th bursts fror~ 20LlLl shells the onl:-· observed 0.11J'.tuc;c, Hero, they loft tho to rct~Jol to tho ship. r.rho only c.nti-uircro.ft oncountorcd vru.s so ... "lo 20:Jil nne! !r0J:10 fron a cunbont in the ho.rbor L~t Ylonsan, She v.rus "Jorl:cd o·t:-or by a. tovr F4Us viith unobscrvoc1 results.· No nircru.f't were cncou.tltcrod o.t any tiLw durinG tho d.GY•

    ACT I Ol'T ~c:;?OHT 19 Jt 'LY

    I d 1 ' . ' G F"""'" t 1 "\ J· "", 19''4Us n u pro- uwn nunc.!.:, JU.l"' roup r..~,. v J.:, so.:J. _. l..U~ JC o.n.c1 24 F9Fs against the C10H~{ f'~":.i.:·tllcr n.orth. r.rhc princ:r,y tnrgot for attack and i'ic;hter-bor.lccrs ' t~;.o Boncun C~lonico.l ?lur_t a. t Hn.rihung, YJi th soc Onc1ary iHportunc c G,i vcn t~,.c XOGCl1 RR bridt:;o. r.c.c.o jet swoops vroro la.m1chc.c1 ce:;c..i21St Yonr)o, So.r.:.-dolr, nnd !Cnn:ro \'lost_ airfields,

    Fin.dinc ·no planes c.t Knnl~o \"lost, the mvcep wont on to Yo::tpo 0......'1d Soldok. At tho for1_:cr 1 pilots sc~w up to 12 · :::ircrt1.ft on tho field, and ut tho lo:~tor,. ·tllcy sew up to 15. T~:!.o :'}1

  • . l ' ·' ''.; . ' \,.'., '\:, "'~· . ,• . .

    with one rocl::ctl ..,.isibilit~· once nc;

  • ··-.. ; ' .{ . . '

    · In tl).c_ o.ftornoo.n{ 1:0! Ans;,l6J.l'41Js 1::(~~!fcl;'~J.i'419'~~wt;)l:>~c ott. on st:ril:tt::s ::nct n photo ,:liss.i Irii'l.-·:''T_:·c c,ry tcrcct tqr tho i.Ds wus Jror;ur. :::m over Koren Wi'.s so btl.d til" t tlloy letcl¥ .,·;;:, cxco,t tor tuo thin s;,1ots one just sout!l c;f ::om:;oJ~ :~:.c. t:~c .

    ·other just off Huncnao.. J.n but 2 C!f: tllo-!Jlr.·tcs ero::>:;•c:'l t:,~oir 1Jonbs o.t the snnll 'JI'id,_o, \'1:1crc tw:J Ecar nisscs \'lit:·, lOOO;i bo:tbs wore ro::ulc. Fron t:wro, t);cy flo\-: to Sondok rt5.:-fiolc1 "111;.:~c tJ:cy .snw 9 intact o.iroro.ft on'tl1c .sout.h sic1c of tCJ.c tiolC., .. skcccrcd. Also on· tlle field, tlio rono.ins of 3;..4 'f.lOl'C lH1.';.'ncC. . plnnos were sichtcc1.' On rotircnent, ti:oy lett J ~\Oro burn inc · rend 2' others suokind. · 011o of t!!o two plurtcs,·llit:J. lm,"!.C lOOQ-~$ · bonbs, dro:ppod his bodb. on a h«::~:..~-r c-,t; Sonaok, -rtl

  • •• •• ' ' • • ' '

    Tlw tllirc".. c1i7ision of .. us J_lit Ll!Ot.::lcr c-:x.:bilJ.CLti;:-m Im ~-.r~f' .. vohiculc:r bridcc 3! niles not>t21~7ost of Tos0l:r::;-ai. , 2 .:."' 1lits 1 1 000,_.~ ":"d 1 - ' ... 1/ L-,i,j, "' U-1 ··,I;' l, '""··"··J_~ -~-· Vh • .... .., .... sic1c i:'lt:ts G.ron;Jod. ~'Jot.os oh-:..~•;·; ;1 coL>:olct~ soctio.:.l ~-~issLlC. nc-J C~..i.l .I,'J. >J • ··~ "-.L V • >-) I .,!. ~i J{ ~ ./L • ,_. ·•· -·'-' ~?proacll.cs to t~10 hic;:J.1.--Ji"_',y bric..,_cc. Their O~:.'SGr7:tti.::J~1s ;_\Creer?:. '·rit'' t'r'"'c;., ·f t1·,,~.,.,ctu ... ·~-1n•· b';r·l~---r "ilots T'c··:· ·':J'.,.-I!·r· . .,Jrt:, • •• • '-''--''-' ,) -•'-' ~ ~ ..>..i-- (._, '--·-·'-'-' ,;;' .• -'--'- oi, •~ .rfl ;·rc·-,t1·cr c< ,_, v 'v.J. ~- •• i ~ •. !.~'-' vc,.,_ .. ~, .. ~.,. '"'"'-· • '· -· concl_iti::;ns. :F'ollovJJ.nr_: sll-Jrtly ;::oro J.d Jet .s~;r-t.icc;. Dof'Jl1.:d\'"C sorties- ·Jf' CA:- C:ilc1 :.s:- '.'.'f .. ::.-c c-Jntinuc,--~ ~Jvu: t:i· .. ::.-·crcC; tlJ.rou.,::;_~:lUt the dny.


  • • -~. ' . • • :?rinci!_)c.l, tf.'.rc~ct. ;;_r-cr.s ''Lc.r, sc;c~J..~.~l:u(:~~"'~il " storc,co tn.nks nne~. t...-ro sn;i.ll :J2.CG ~Jere r:.cstr-- ,_.... '-''-' ;. '-'~· w.~

  • ... • ,. • T~1ronchout tl10 .::1ost successful oporo.tion_s :_if t;~_:c. (,rcytr.:

    stl"il::cs, ph.Jtor;ro.l"'lllic plc·.r.:.os of r.'f..:' .. G-12 l)!'Oi.~iCcJ'. o:cccl1ont. co-lorr.C;o. r:o inc!.ic::ti::ms of OllO.Ll:C r.:-Lc~:::r \'.fC1< ·J;A;(;r·:c'~- b:_r ~lo.nos.



  • ' . ••

    ,, --.....

    ACTION SU:m~mY, 25 JULY 1950 ·

    With the mission of stpping ·tho' advaAC:9 o1 north Koreo.n ground forces In th~,. cri tionl, so\lthwostern;J:'' qf:~qrpu_; cul•ri_er J.lle.nos · .. _ arrived :over $Ml1!Y4

  • . ·:·--: . _ ·: -~- ._7·_·, ,. -. ,_- __ ·_-: --~'::· -· :'' .. ___ : ·, _ -;--~~-~:~~~t~~~:?;-~~{1o~cc s;;r;hton-ni (OcJ:;out 12 niles .so~th __ of Chonju) worc.-bo.mbod r\nd 1:rErnfod. On{) 100~~ .. boDb i1it .·nnli·' · sovoral 500t;~ bomb ncc.r nissos o.nd .. 'sor:io. ·rocl::ot hitS aOIJ.rtgocl tho RR -· bridge breaking tios. Tho hir"'1v1ay bridg0 stlf'forcd ninor dO.Ut\go. ·

    . . . . ' . , .· - . II •

    A largo pov;cr plant south of J:ri vKvs nttackod ·by. 3 500;i bombs. One hit destroyed nbottt a quarter of tiw.instqllution, A llli tucmcl at about 35°-2S'N' 126°;.52'E was' bonllod :30 o;:libor hnlo in tho wing •on ~turn.

    . . . . z~ . . . Dl:CLOSUP.E ( 2) .

    • .. :c ' .

    .. ,,, ;, ·:;:;;;);;b~;~;f.,::.~~- -'·i'io!/:.'; ___ ~, ;,;_;~---/;:;;;_:;.\{/,·.- . ."·

  • i· ' '

    A ro.ilroM bridge, south 9f.To.on was. c;o~troynd by 500/,f bo:tibs, Ono sp8.ll yv-o.s knocked out OllOe. Wurning and is now judged to be 5~b o.ostreyod.. . ,

    ' ' . ' ' ( ; Once ago. in, the only 1.:.. obsorirod. wdts.uctll 1'urns ':ri:ro •. ' 6nc 'leD

    ciC!Llc. bee!; with c .)O cclibcr b,olc in t\1.9 right hori?.oiltrrl stal>:U:Lzor. ' ' ', ' ' ' - --- - -,

    . .· ' . ', ' . ' ,' ' '·- -Ensign ::. E, T)lom.son, VF-53.; hnd· o. tore ad· ltc.ftdin{;~c.l;o to loss of ~u (cause unknown)..ttt about J4~58ll, 127-lJE O:t· J:)J;o; iio r,1c

  • ~·The second jet- SJi."P consb~~'··"'~~ei~ or~;!.V'e scr't'!.es• _ ua · -. ··, · military activity v•noted nlong li®'s of' bat •• icntfon• .. T::o purkei! coo.nnnd curs at Kwnngju Air Fiol.d were_ 4~Ge4' 1'\tld the loconotivo and camouflaged boxcars 'previously dao.dged w~rrJ.y bridc;o \'-i

  • J ' .

    Shifting to tho cast and nort)1~ tho onrrtor . .ln)'· off Pohang-dong, on the oust coast of !Coren, early "on_ tho norning of' 26 Jul:;r"' FrOI:l hore,sho launched the Navy's contribution to close air suppo,:t't over tho rapidly changi.llg'front lines, Two Cor.suir nisht fie>lltors, three night llDs, four llDs, five F4Us. and an F4U :photo pltWO consti-tuted tho of:f'onsivo so;rtio~ on tho 0730 launch, Four. otJ:i.,r Corsairs nade up tho. rescue sorties, and one AD3ll tanned ''' t;.;o .1'-irofl)''S :f'ron HUS TRIUHPH for tho single defensive sortie,

    Tho r1issions for tho Various divisions wore c. rcsul t of 1nforna-tion concerning onotl.Y dispositions issued by ifhci Arny o..r..C. Air ForDe at Taegu last night. Tactical Control parties br1scd on Korea established com1unicCLtions vrith tho strike pla.ncs a.nd o.ssir;nod then Vnl'i9US targets in or neccr tho north Korean front lillOS.

    ' Support I, consistirig of tho night olOI:1onts of t;lc Group,

    tho photo plano o.nd his escort split into two gro•>ps ,over tho aroa, ·rho0:f'our tighter tyuo aircraft suw action only bctw9on Yonpuag (36 -1>6 IN, 128000 tE) and Mungyong ( 36°.;.1J-4'!T, 128"-oo•.r:) whore 11Picklcba.rrcl 11 , an L-17, vootorcd ·then on 8 vehicles wilich _wore pa.rkod along the side of tho roo.d. Five trucks, one Qrno1~ca. jeep, one roconnaissa.nco cur, nnd whnt o.ppc.:::~rs to- bo -h trUJ.k v1or~, stra.i'od with rockets and nachino guns by tho four nireru:rt, snoldne throe trucks ana inflicting do.mngo to tho others.· Tho pilots reported o. :possible hit and a noo.r rJ.iss rfith rockets, followod"by runs, . with 20n.o.. Tho c1,ao.ue;cd truclcs showocl holes fron runs, nltb.oUGh tho targets did not burn, and :photos show bursts loilcUnc; to tho vo-

    . hie los~ Tho arnorod jeep and, ta..:."!.lc WOl'C cnnou:tlngcc~ ·.-.ri th- trees una. shrubs, o.nd tho roconnuissnnqc cur ·with cloth spread o?or it. .r:-..11 tho vehicles wore parked on the shady side of tl'lo roc.G. n,t.ilizing tho deception afforded b)' shadow to· t,ho r:ct:tllll\Do

    Tho'throo AD:JNs of tho otl1or group followoc1 tho l'lrong roc,d to To.cjon, novor finc1ing a target. Their bonbs were nll jettisoned in tho nountuins, r-.nd they returned t-o ~he sllip ~;.'lth t; __ ,ci:r r-Jckcts.

    Four lll)s reporte-d over T.ncgu

  • ~. 'L .· '~1 .·.}.·Of·'Z. :~~-' '"t:'~':;~::.'':f~';C::~ --~(Q~!r2'~~s~~i~?~~·t?7:,7~~~~r?~~-::J-o10~-;,·.~::,:~: ' I:, "' ~ 1':: • ·,,, • - .... - .•l'"

    .J: r

  • • .~ , - · .- -~:- _-...'#·---;·-:~·- :·.- • "--~~·,~~~~~~~~~~~r~:''\~!~;,~:·[~f~~~\~s-~;_":-·:~-,

  • -·- -~ ·--~,.,. ~:, ;·--f grouhil,. This first launch sent 'out.l6 ·offensive sdrtl0s (?AD, 9 F4U), l.d

  • --'

    • . on•~the. ;otux:n tJ."ip: artoon t~nfu':,;f+, t>ho' IUQVC: Ale hQ~dcd N'/l • . •, .. from Taej on { ~howing"!ft> pnnclSJ,

  • . .. ~-. ·-: .. · .. ~ __ -:, ,:,·-_ -\_· ": ---~-~--,~~_~;-,~·::~::~::~:~rr;t·:y~~~(';~~~~~ffit~*~~k~~!~~:s~f~~T~n~::,~-_,.,: _ ·:·-~--:-~n~ . · •; 'The otll~r _divi,s_iA !1ow.f:l,rSt- tj>~ioh~!*"t;•~-)~•N, l.~58EY' '

    where they bux-ne~t~ -~uok' 1lnd da);ed'' 2 ;,'~¥''~>or · ~ o _k t ,Y ~rli.o.d l'' truelj'(ond .;rt ~ow· do!>t_i:oyed 1 more, Hera, they fUrther :Strerfeq J coal c'nrs ~11oops, Just ncrth, j;ttoy probably destroyed 1 truol

  • · • · ·".' Fou·; .ADs re.po;rta

    ~~= ~~~a:" .. ' o~,it~·~'~";~o~~~~ii~~t::~~:l~~i!~;:~,.: 'i'nu:r i'ltttl>ofi:i: into tho tunnel,, ;; o.~:• eqnf.irm two diroct'hits wit]). lO()f/ bombs. on two warehouses a't; Yongdong. West of Yongdong a bar,;o was bur nod on retirement. · ·· · • •

    Four Corsairs reported to Ti!C at Hamchartg (37°-JJ'N, 148°-.l?'E) and mado runs on 5 uncamou:!:'lagod tunks, two of which ware olre~

    Tho other four F4Us could not ooht~ct oontro.llor over Yong~ dong or sangju, although ·the latter was .soQn to hQvo n11r1crous · true~ and tmks spotted below hin;, Continuing na-rt.h, they contacted TLlCP .throe niles sonth.6f Homchang,:vmo·diroctodth.;m to hill at :>6°-Jl. 'N'-128°-0l'E. 1, whcr.e m.~ny tr.DPlJS. h. nCI bae.n sight-d, Hera 1 they dropped Z '!50if lnccndinries and _f'irod 20t:Jm enG 21 HVriRs.. TilOP said that tho tr.oops wore getting out ot 'their cover and running all. over 1 so they. strefod end rockotctl the positions ega in, ·

    VC~3 flow 1 F4U•.5N ond 2 ilDJN .til Yongdong where they 'ilct firo to 3 vill~os within .J ,milo.ll or tho 9ity to the uBSh On.tnnolwith napalm. In a vallqy to tM n0at, .tu:rnY strufing "UQ." wa~e l:JI'ld.o, C:uriJCg 20t:Jm and 14 HVJ.ijs ware firod; TAO .seiq 200 troops were lccatcd ,: thol;'o. On tho l1Ulia riony pi>J;'soJ!,nOl. wore soon to fall•, .Other strafing .runs wore a"l(tQ on cnnt:ut'_log_cd tctrgots -with undoterfuined '~ resulta.. · · · ·

    llt ·1630, the lnst.lounch for the "c:ay sent 1.4 offcnsiyo (8'F4 U, 6 .AD-) and 1 defensb>:e (AEJW-l ovor tho target eroo in tli·oir rob as close support aircraft, ·

    ' Si:lc liDs· reported to T.I.P at H~mcMng, tram wh;>ro they w

  • ,. ~'; -,.,~~~ -t,,- .. ,'.•;r-"~-·YC"\'·c.,-~)'\.!'''·'c•.'-"-''{\'l~,..~~~~···-"~' •< ,_,. --·_:-' ~:· : ~--" _- --·~'~-, -~~:_ ~~; ~_.rt~~j-:;~!:!:~~Jt:.:~'f ;}!::-~;~~-:_~?: __ -~rE--:. •. V .. ~.· ... •.· ~.~.• .. t. Q.l.}\.'itha···!!· . :. O.ftl'>.·.W.e.:a. t. roo~ • < l who had bEIAA 1>oth~g ~ t'rQq~ tn:•tb;l'l. ~lib ... ''!lhoy .. aro~:ped . everything but thir inoe'lidie'titis' en ;the ·hill& do, f'oUow1ng these runs with straf'ing ·runs usj,cng all. tlioi:r nJJllllU:nition on th a roe. Oil the west side of a lltll., they destroyed tl sma:j.l vilJ.ogo with incendiaries.. · . · . · . .

    The 8 F4Us wore directed to Namwon (J50-21,'Nil.27°~23'Jl:) whore T.l\C directed them .to bUrn as J;Uuoh as p6ssib:W of the . town, keaping a shllrp lookout fo11 parked vohio]$ s. · Two .trucks were· .dost;royoo. .wi t)l 2 direct. WTJ.R hits;. Ono trUck ond .l .jeep were

  • " ' ' - ~· .~ , \:'~·_., __ ~· ""··' :-~--:?r'~'-?~~:z~:~,~~~~~~;~f~Y~~~-y-~~:~~~~:"J"-~~~~7~~p

    Strafing wit!l mach. guns and'lrook~~. t)tgx ~od·tt; tJ:'U.elt~ lilila''. •·•• damaged lO Jl!Oro •.. · 'h tlloy dro;Pwa 4 !>G!raad mdly, Other rockets fired into the town may have caused damaga:,. ·but-smoke- obscuted -results·; 1 t-ovm dam-aged. Many people alo!lg tho road woro strofod with undetorl'lined results. In the vehicle area, a tcmpore.rY gun -e.m.plecGreont, throw-ing up heavy IIl/Jchino gun firo was· strafed and silencodt, l~round the town, t!loy saw tho ADs hitting tho target also • .

    .At A~ui, a control-ler took tho ""Ds to a road which nco-dO-d cutting. With their bombs they aeoomplished the .l'lission by storting rookslidea· in tho c·anyon with 2000# bombs, !!Urthor dispatched to Hado!lg, they burned l reconnoisssnoo cor in· the cantor of a bridge, l!'ollowing runs damo~;:od tho bridge with a hole· from a 500# bomb on the SW end. As ·the Corsairs hit t!lo town, tho i>Ds also started fires with their. nape l.Oi, SonlO 100# bombs and rockets hit 2 school houses containing troo:ps,. 1 truck was strafed and danagoC.. Three mil as $'11 of' Hadong a 100# bomb burnod and dostroyod another truck. Other vohiolos d&fl':\gbd were 1 jeep and a truck. Still another truck bearing troops was burn-ed, At 35°-25'N, 127°-351E a flat-bottomod _boot was darwgod and many people killed by strafing runs, Fivo miles SW of.Namwon l truck was destroyed, and in the to1Ml a 25D# frop,mcntotion boob was dropped, Many 'targets aro to be found no

  • \ .

    ·'-":. -. ·"'"' ~ ~ . -- . :-- . ~ . ...,.,~ - .. .- -_ ,,_- -,- - - ' ·- "' .... - ,... ...

    < ·The jots sent tv.Aii'O'{sions 'On' tli~llili' l:l;3() sap.

  • ,. • -~""'''"'-" "

    ' Tho sovan ADs hooO.od north f'.,.., 4 a:t Sunchon long.anough to ignite a long buildinG on tho· north side ot ,town wi;th ·a 500# bomb, destroying. 1 truck, and ~alll!lgirig 2 oth

  • \'

    "' ' - '

    ~ed to tad as do~troyod, set it· afiro nnd • ·+ mDrd-~- truCks· wcl:c b'ur:i2d,_ l by stra:rin:;, tho other bY nap3lm: An obsor1(od field picoo · ·. pro sent moy ba dtunneod, but no pilots saw hi til en it, 40n.\lll anti-.. aircraft wee oncountorod, and one JlD was hit in tho win;::, . Tho gun omplaoement was not spotted, J . · ... , ,· _.

    CAP wos furnished by the Spitfii'os of Hl'.IS TRIUl\!PH~

    ' /,

    . -;'-

    ·-.. '\.) '--~

    ', .-_,

  • ' •· '

    P.WIJ • .BLY , !¥_FE. ' DESTROYED DESTllOYJ!:D :P.i.l;;.GED --------- ·---~- . ______ _, _ __.,..._ - ~-·· ··----...-~-:"""""------JJ.rort:{t RR Cars Locoaoti vc-s Trucks TanJ::::s l~orsooa.rts other vehicleS{24 curs, qil or ruu1o) \'fonso.n Oil Refinery Oil Storngo Tunl:::s Power Stations (Transforners) Fnct:)ries · ' Chonicnl Plnnt Conant Plant Refinery ( Slcwll) RR Bridges RR Tannels liic;irm:·.y Bridge Gunboats Burgos J"u.nlcs (largo) Vessels ( s;;wll) Fishinc Bouts IlR Carbarns Rnily·2rC.s l'/nro~J.OUSGS Villages .. ~:u-a.o Dunp Freighters Tugboats GW1 Euulucor1onts Rocd • 75%

    33 9

    27 75

    3 9 ll

    1 75-100%

    . 13 4

    1 2

    -2 --


    2 2


    13 1 2

    25 2


    -e ----

    8 43

    5 62 4 2


    -2 8 5. 1 1 1

    10 5 4 3 3

    13 1 2 4 1 2 6

    22 1 -1' -

    ildc~itionc.l undctor£linoc1· G.c.rt:o.c;o •.-,r~~s inflict~;d on rc.ilroctc1 Y"-dS °CVor·' r•'l•·•n•T C--" 1"8 '·'~""~ t~·~l-· C 'l'S ;~;:.:nr·.··~~ '"'""'0"''"'·~ "'"'Q' ) u..c~ oil st orc.c. o ~~re-ns. ·

    ·. 2-26


  • l11illilunition Exponded 16 July ... 31 July 1950. GonorQl Purpose Bomba No pn ltl


    HV /iRS smoko

    20MM Ammunition

    Number of hours flown:

    Jot aircraft Prop aircraft

    ~mount of aviation gcsolino consumed:

    J'ot aircrnft Prop aircraft

    Amount of Navy spacial Fuol:

    Milos stonmod:

    ].41 Tcms 106 Bonbs

    1843 Rcckots 22 Rookots

    160,662 Rounds

    260.3 :rrours 1344.1 Hours

    112,855 Gnllons 139,280 Gollcns

    19 1 262.1 Barrels

    5700 Milos

    ENCLOSURE ( 3)
