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V-Commerce The Rise of Online Video

Featuring online video channels conceived, designed and managed

by Adjust Your Set and powered by Brightcove.

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Table of ContentsIntroduction: 2010 is the time to engage with v-commerce 3

The Market Landscape 4

Why Video? 5

Intelligent Content 5

The Acknowledgement Layer 6

The Engagement Layer 7

The Conversion Layer 8

Case Study: Marks and Spencer 8

Creating Intelligent Content 11

Online Video Platforms 13

Distribution and Syndication 14

Analytics and Measurement 14

Measurable ROI 15

Conclusion 16

About Adjust Your Set™ 17

About Brightcove 17

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By Linus Gregoriadis, Director of Research, eConsultancy

Introduction: 2010 is the time to engage with v-commerce

Online video can hardly be afforded the status of being a new medium amongst digital marketing and e-commerce

professionals, however the speed and extent that this flexible channel is evolving often comes as a surprise to many

within the industry.

Across the board, the statistics are in favour of visual content online: IPTV viewing is consistently rising month-on-

month and on-demand services are enjoying increasing popularity. Many successful online companies are emerging

based upon video content - ranging from the U.S.-based Hulu to the UK’s SeeSaw - and no one can deny the meteoric

rise of user-generated video content across the Internet.

Signs are pointing toward the fact that users are increasingly looking for engaging experiences online, and the more

personal, the better. Customer engagement needs to be effective and consistent across all channels in which a brand

is operating, and consequently, organizations are trying to understand the extent to which video plays a part in the

marketing mix.

Clearly, video can be used as an extension of engagement, but crucially, this goes much further than simply posting

to YouTube or having static homepage players. Marketing in 2010 is about reaching beyond simply pushing messages

at people, as content needs to be innovative, relevant and compelling. And it comes as no surprise that those who are

taking the time and effort to ensure this are seeing outstanding performance results, which more often than not have a

direct correlation with increased revenues.

Recent technological developments mean that video already has spawned a sprawling range of tools available to

marketers and e-commerce professionals, yet the uptake has been slow despite a very obvious appetite amongst users.

The likes of text overlays, hotspots, tagging, and video walls all ensure that e-commerce processes can be integrated

into video content, therefore creating a new, effective channel for direct selling.

However, it needs to be highlighted that creating this kind of content is challenging. Despite online video becoming part

of holistic marketing activity with the potential to engage users to a far greater degree than ever before, understanding

how to achieve this is difficult. Equally, there are numerous considerations to make in order to ensure that the correct

measurement and tracking is in place – against an achievable objective – and in order to deliver both measurable and

justifiable ROI. This can be a minefield for a lot of companies.

I’d suggest that those who are quick to engage will likely succeed in their video efforts, especially when e-commerce

is tied directly into any activity, as opposed to generic branding efforts. This is explored and communicated in an

impressively in-depth, coherent way in this document by Brightcove and Adjust Your Set™. Read it, learn from it and

seize the opportunity that exists.

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It’s no secret that media consumption has drastically changed in the last five years, shifting

from mass market print and broadcast outlets to highly fragmented and self-selected

communities of interest across websites, social networks and devices. The shift has

introduced significant challenges and opportunities for organizations across all industries,

and particularly in the retail sector.

The Market Landscape

Not only are consumer behaviors around accessing information and content changing, but so are

their shopping habits. More and more consumers are shifting both their small and large purchases

online as opposed to visiting traditional brick-and-mortar stores. In fact, according to MasterCard

Advisors’ Spending Pulse report for February 2010, online sales through retail websites were up 16.7

percent year-over-year. Consumers today are also more empowered to make decisions and form their

own opinions about brands, products and services thanks to the rise of resources like product review

websites and consumer-generated video content.

As a result, today’s retailers are striving to find new ways to capitalize on shifts in consumer shopping

habits and convert online shoppers into loyal buyers. Retailers are also developing new online

strategies to increase the total revenue per shopper and boost efficiencies across all parts of the retail

experience, such as reducing shopping cart abandonment and product returns. The result has been an

explosion of interest and innovation focused on online retail and website marketing strategies.

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Why Video?

As the Internet gets increasingly crowded, brands are searching for new methods to

differentiate themselves and increase consumer awareness of, and engagement with, their

offerings. Social media, affiliate models and SEO are among the ways being used to attract

and keep the attention of consumers. But the most important and fastest growing of these

mediums is online video.

The rise of broadband connectivity has caused the Web to shift from being a largely static entity to

one where video has emerged as a pervasive means for communicating to customers online. Video-

commerce, or “v-commerce,” as opposed to e-commerce, will become part of common marketing

parlance in 2010, so any company wanting to connect in a significant way with an audience should be

investing in video. According to comScore, brands using online video have seen lifts of anywhere from

20 percent - 40 percent in terms of incremental buying.

It is undisputed that the Web is a significant driver of influence over people’s behavior, whether for

a political campaign, a charitable cause or a brand message. Of all the tools available to influence

behavior, video is ranked near the top for mass market communications.

So if video is such a brilliant communication device, why is it not more ubiquitous on retail sites? The

answer lies both in the way it is currently perceived, and the way it is currently used. At present, online

video is largely perceived as an expensive stand-alone piece of content to be inserted into a website,

with that content often originating from TV ads. To create compelling online video, an entirely new set

of narrative rules should be followed for a more interactive, accessible and sticky type of content that

can have high production values while at the same time highly cost efficient to produce.

One of the most powerful aspects of the Internet is its ability to connect huge groups of people in

shared experiences. How to successfully monetize this experience is still perceived as a black art, but

video presents opportunities to do so.

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Here is an example from

showing the interactive buy buttons

wrapped around the content to boost

click-throughs to purchase pages.

Intelligent Content is still in its infancy, but there are three defined genres of formats evolving. Each of

these is aimed at generating a specific consumer response along the customer value chain, ultimately

ending up in a conversion. We have dubbed these the Acknowledgement Layer, the Engagement

Layer and the Conversion Layer.

Content aimed primarily at brand building – “The Acknowledgement Layer”

Content aimed primarily at customer engagement – “The Engagement Layer”

Content aimed at driving sales – “The Conversion Layer”

Each of these types or “layers” requires a unique set of creative, functional and technical treatments

in order to deliver on its core functions. As the online video industry matures, specific content formats

will increase exponentially.

Intelligent Content

Developing content for online involves using a selection of editorial/narrative production techniques,

as well as taking functional and technical aspects into consideration.

What is required is content that achieves engagement with the viewer on a deep level. We call this

‘Intelligent Content,’ because it contains data that allows content to be delivered over a variety of sites

and platforms, and has built in calls-to-action that generate a response in the viewer. Online video

allows this bundling of creativity and technology together in a package that appeals to viewers, and

makes it a compelling proposition for marketers.

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The Acknowledgement Layer

Designed to build brand equity online, this layer seeks to connect

with the consumer on an introductory level. In its purest form,

this content sits very much in the sphere of marketers rather than

e-commerce professionals, but is a crucial driver to the more

product-focused sections of a website.

It tends to be tied in with broader marketing themes such as

corporate heritage or a cross channel marketing themes, and is

shot using the highest production values. It is well thought out in

terms of the brand story and the desired effect on the user. The

content is widely distributed over multiple syndication points.

Viral activity could also be included in this category.

It is also the closest to a traditional TV advertisement, however the

production process can be quite different. The content consists

of a range of short films, usually about two to four minutes long,

which over time develop a conversation with the consumer.

The other difference between this type of content and traditional

TV spots is in cost. It is possible to shoot as many as 40 short films

around a particular theme for the price of a single 30-second TV

ad. And, by distributing online the media costs are significantly

lower or even free. Once engaged, the audience can then be

encouraged to get more deeply involved with the brand and dive

further into what it has to offer.

For example, a brand could sponsor a major music event, but

rather than simply invite people to the event, it could broadcast

it live via its own website. The brand would be building equity in

terms of consumer loyalty.

Taking the example of O2, the brand already provides access

to concerts for customers via a priority pass system. It would

be relatively easy for the channel to offer online concerts to all

customers by allowing those who can’t get to the concert exclusive

access to the live experience via an own-branded O2 channel.

This idea harkens back to the 1950’s when major consumer

brands actually had their own TV production units, like P&G,

which originally created the soap opera. There will be a growth of

specially commissioned and sponsored programming by brands

showing this content via their own online media channels in order

to capture and own the relationship with the audience. A good

example of this is the success seen by Ikea’s “Easy to Assemble”

strand of programming ( that

regularly garners more than six million viewers for each episode.

Without a doubt, it is all about capturing the hearts and minds

of the consumer in order to develop a conversation. Once that

conversation has begun, the consumer can then move into the

next layer of the journey where they become far more engaged

with the brand.

Content that is specifically about brand

building can be used both on a marketer’s

own site but also can be easily syndicated

to third parties.

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The content works particularly well when it promotes social value in the brand. By encouraging viewers to engage with

the stories beyond the corporate face and involving them in something meaningful, it also has the ability to raise their

profile amongst their peers. So this content sits particularly well within social media websites.

Popular videos found in this layer include “how to guides”, as seen on Thomas Pink’s site, e.g. “how to tie a bow tie”

( This type of content works extremely well online as it imparts information of value, which

in turn increases the likelihood of people sharing it with others in their network. Consumers can satisfy their own

interest on a topic while gaining a better understanding of the quality of the brand. By sharing this content amongst

their peers they raise their social value, courtesy of the brand. This builds loyalty and will convert customers into brand


The types of formats that are currently being developed to help engage consumers in this way include:

How to guides and tips and tricks

Ask the experts

Popular opinions

Humorous stories

It is worth noting here that all of the above have been hugely popular on the Web since its inception, but it has usually

been consumers generating the content, not brands.

You can expect to see significant growth in this layer very quickly as online video grows in importance, and as brands

continue to adopt the methods of media businesses in order to deepen engagement with consumers and keep them

coming back for more. Through careful integration of interactivity around this content, it can be used to drive significant

click-throughs to the next layer, which is where final conversion occurs.

The Engagement Layer

At this point the user recognizes the importance of the brand to their daily life, and through involvement with the brand

they gain recognition from their peers. This layer involves both building audiences, and building enough influence to

start the process of directly connecting those audiences with a purchase.

The illustration shows a screen shot from

Thomas Pink’s “how to guide” showing

how to tie a Windsor Knot.

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The Conversion Layer is the point at which the consumer actually gets involved in the v-commerce process by clicking

through to product-specific content that is highly focused on showing the product in the best possible light. It provides

only one function, and that is to allow customers to make an informed purchase decision. It comes with a range of

additional functionality such as “add to basket,” 360° views, user comments and ratings, all aimed at enhancing the

buying process.

These videos are the cheapest to produce, the shortest in length, and for most major retailers, the largest in volume.

They are highly integrated into the retailers’ website including comments and ratings, stock levels, product information

feeds, viral distribution tools, cross-sell and up-sell related videos, and ‘add to basket’ functionality.

The kind of content formats used to deliver this experience include:

360° views of product

Detailed product specifications

Assembly instructions

Customer service videos (returns policy, FAQs etc)

Related cross-sells and up-sells

Testimonials/customer endorsements

Buying instructions

Product specific content is generally the easiest to produce and the most cost effective, but this can scale with the unit

costs of the item. For example, a car may well have a significantly higher budget spent per film as the unit costs far

outweigh the additional budget required.

In order to produce effectively, it is important that the production company involved has exceptionally well-defined

processes to make sure that content can be filmed quickly and efficiently, as well as loaded onto a system capable of

handling large volumes with minimal fuss.

This is particularly true for retail, where products can come in and out of warehouses at incredible rates, so it is crucial

to have a fast turnaround filming methods while maintaining high quality.

The Conversion Layer

This image shows an e-commerce

page with a product detail video pop

up designed to provide greater clarity

around the product to help boost

conversions and reduce returns.

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Case Study: Marks and Spencer


Marks and Spencer has pioneered online video with ‘M&S TV’ ( – a great example of

v-commerce in practice, and proof positive that compelling online video increases sales. One year old in March 2010,

M&S TV is delivering a new form of customer engagement, delivering longer dwell times, repeat site visits and a

significant uplift in conversions.


Marks and Spencer is known for its innovative online approach, and with online predicted to plateau in growth over the

coming years, the retailer was keen to find ways of growing its online business while retaining the customers already

visiting the site. In addition to enhancing the experience, the channel had to ultimately drive sales.

M&S TV was launched in March 2009 with a range of objectives, including:

Raise the level of customer engagement on

Illustrate the hidden stories beyond the shop floor, for example interviewing the people responsible for making M&S

cakes, or the farmer who supplies the company with milk

Provide an elevated customer experience by raising the level of information available around key product ranges

Allow deeper insight into the company’s social and environmental responsibility programme, Plan A

Streamline the shopping experience through sympathetic integration of e-commerce tools

Raise awareness of the brand beyond

Provide a deep range of content to the consumer that informs, educates and entertains

Increase sales

Fig 1: m&s tV

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the solution

M&S TV is a collection of over 500 films divided into 12 channels. Each channel focuses on a particular

company theme or business vertical, be it womenswear, menswear, home or the M&S sustainability

pledge, Plan A. To maintain brand consistency, the channels are managed by a central commissioning

team consisting of staff from both M&S and Adjust Your Set. This team also plans future content and

measures the consumer response.

Fig 2: marks and spencer tV homepage

The videos tend to be under two minutes long in order to fit the consumption patterns associated with

branded channels. In order to maximize engagement and conversions, links are weaved throughout the

editorial, and displayed prominently next to the player. Engagement levels are constantly measured

and regular refinements are made in order to improve the quality of the editorial and the rates of

conversion. For example, if the channel manager sees that users are dropping off significantly within

the first 10 seconds, the content will be examined in order to understand why this may occur. Similarly

if viewers are dropping off before the end, or certain links are not being clicked, then further changes

are made.

The type of programming that works best on M&S TV draws the viewer in to the experience and

encourages them to interact with the site, rather than simply sitting back and watching passively.

To do this, the editorial style of content production for M&S TV is more akin to “visual radio” rather

than “TV on the Web.” Visual radio adopts many of the broadcast techniques of radio but with added

pictures and clickable elements. Radio DJs are always encouraging listeners to send in emails or

phone in or text for a competition. The language used is highly inclusive and all about interaction,

drawing the listener in and painting pictures with words. Increasingly this style is crossing over to TV,

in particular on news bulletins when users are asked to send in their opinions or pictures/videos of a

particular story.

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the solution (Continued)

Fig 3: video player with integrated click to buy buttons to the right of the player.

M&S TV uses those same techniques, but instead of telling people

to click, interaction is driven via visible cues, delivered by the

appearance of clickable links next to the video. This closes the gap

between the call-to-action and the reaction, driving a significant

increase in conversions without detracting from the quality of the


For particularly busy periods such as Christmas 2009, a range of

clips shot for M&S TV were re-packaged into pre-roll ad placements,

and targeted to online media titles frequented by the M&S

audience, including The Sun, GMTV, BSKYB, Hello and so on. This

process turned these publishers into a point of mass syndication,

further extending the reach of the brand. Click-through from these

bespoke ads shot specifically for online achieved rates of over 5

percent, which is up to five times the industry average for pre-roll.

Finally, in order to start the conversations within social media

networks, M&S TV developed a stripped-down version of its video

player, complete with click-to-buy links, and embedded it into

Facebook. Customers can view content as a shared experience

amongst their peers, discuss what they like and don’t like, and even

click-through to the M&S purchase pages from within Facebook.

In the future, M&S hopes to get more involved in community

shopping initiatives online, as it is a great way to work with

customers to deliver the right kind of products in the right way.


M&S TV has been a huge success. More than three million minutes

of content has been viewed, and delivered the following results:

Three times as many product views when supported with


Up to twice as many repeat visits by customers who watched

M&S TV as opposed to those visiting the site alone

Up to twice as long dwell time for customers who watch M&S

TV as those who don’t

Average uplift in basket size roughly 23 percent

In order to explain this in more detail we have created a film that

illustrates many of the points mentioned above. To see that please

see the following link on the Adjust Your Set™ website:

m&s tV player embedded into Facebook page complete with click to buy links for e-commerce.

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Creating Intelligent Content

In order to produce impactful video content, there are a number of considerations to be

taken into account, not just in the creative execution but the technical ones too. The main

areas of consideration when producing intelligent content are as follows:

The creative treatment

The production quality

The distribution pathways

The technical environment

The metrics to be measured

Here follows a breakdown as to how these considerations are applied within the three layers outlined earlier.

The information shows the considerations required for a typical online retailer, with variations being defined for other verticals including

automotive and luxury. Over time, these layers will form a blue print to help merge creative and technical processes together into

channels complete with predictable return on investment metrics.

Production considerations for the acknowledgment layer:

Acknowledgement content tends to be the most expensive to produce, can often be widely syndicated to multiple platforms, and has

generally low interactivity but maximum reach. It also benefits most from broadcast standard production values where possible. While it

is better if this content is shot bespoke for the Web, brands will often substitute made-for-TV ads here, but distribute them online rather

than on TV alone.

FaCet Considerations

Creative Identify the big stories about the brand, key messaging and company-wide

themes. Low level calls to action.

Production High-value, professional cast and crew. HD-quality filming, multi-camera

shoots, outdoor locations and studio facilities.

Distribution Wide syndication to major web destinations, mainstream media partners

and web portals. Also email in boxes and Ad networks.

Technology High volume traffic, integration to third-party distribution services, widgets,

multi-bit streaming for high-quality playback, advanced analytics for

distribution reporting, manual playlists, ad servers, direct email products and

multi-platform distribution (mobile phone, outdoor, internet TV etc.)

Metrics Consumer reach, recall, returns to main site and brand reputation.

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FaCet Considerations

Creative Interrogate the product to find the stories within, create films that generate

social value in the user, and help promote conversation and sharing amongst

peers. High levels of calls to action.

Production High - mid production values, some handheld, professional crew with a

mixed cast of professionals, brand ambassadors and public, single and multi-

camera shoots, predominantly in-store and studio locations.

Distribution Focused distribution to main website, social media sites, and big media-

branded content relationships.

Technology Integrated click-to-buy and other interactive functions, deep linking of

content, dynamic playlists. Syndication tools, alongside links to Twitter,

Facebook etc

Metrics Dwell time and drop offs, engagement metrics, reach analytics, no of clicks

to product pages, related videos and customer journey analysis.

Production considerations for the engagement layer

This content is in the mid-price range to produce, and what distinguishes it from the other layers is that it is largely concerned with

generating activity online, engaging users within social networks, influencing consumer behaviour and encouraging those consumers to

interact in some way.

FaCet Considerations

Creative Product-focused, 360° views, close-ups, audio descriptions, product

demonstrations, related products, aftercare.

Production Mid - low production values, heavily automated, turntables, rapid turn-


Distribution Mainly on retailers’ own site.

Technology Integration to analytics, e-commerce functionality, comments, ratings,

sharing tools (eg. get code, email a friend, send link etc.), cross-sell and

up-sell tools.

Metrics Products sold, products returned, quality of comments, ratings, related

product views.

Production considerations for the Conversion layer

This is generally the lowest cost to produce and for many retailers involves high-volume production-line techniques. Often formats for

the products will be defined beforehand in order to impart the most information to the consumer while filming in the most automated

way. This is all about helping the consumer reach an informed decision to allow them to buy something they really want, and reducing

returns due to dissatisfaction.

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Online Video Platforms

With a strategy in place and a plan for how you want to create and use online video, you

need to address the key challenges around publishing, distributing and monitoring your

video content.

Today, there are many options available to integrate online video

into a website, including solutions that organizations build in-

house, or simply posting video content to a destination site like

YouTube. YouTube is an extremely powerful and effective means for

generating awareness around an organisation’s video content, but

it is much less effective in delivering a true in-shop experience.

On the flipside, organizations that build their own solutions for

publishing and managing their video content often underestimate

the complexity and reliability issues associated with running

an effective video business. To stay ahead of the fast-changing

online video landscape, in-house solutions also require a continual

technology refresh and staff training as the industry develops.

Many e-retail organizations and their agencies are instead choosing

to develop their v-commerce initiatives on top of a proven online

video platform, such as Brightcove, which provide on-demand

systems with all of the capabilities required for simplifying the

managing, publishing, distributing and measuring of high-quality

online video across the Web, Internet-connected TVs and mobile

devices. By removing much of the underlying technological

complexity to delivering online video, the platform allows

customers to focus on the important aspects of the service such

as developing, managing and measuring compelling customer


The online video platform you select should have the following


Streamline the upload and management of online video content

easily – whether you have a few video clips or thousands of full

episodes, online video platforms help you upload, manage, and

organize your entire media library.

Create and publish players customized to the specific needs

of your site and your brand – take control of the viewer

experience and develop bespoke experiences to let your brand

shine through.

Enable viral sharing and distribution to build community

around your content – find new viewers and expand your reach

by delivering your video through social networks and third-

party sites.

Provide analytics that allow you to monitor and optimize video

initiatives – identify your best content and discover audience

behavior with comprehensive built-in analytics and reports.

Deliver high quality user experiences and a highly-reliable

service – protect your content while ensuring the best possible

quality across every device and bandwidth profile.

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Distribution and Syndication

As the volume and demographic profile of the people who access online video changes, organizations

should experiment with a variety of online distribution strategies. To develop a video distribution

strategy that fits your v-commerce goals, it is essential to fully understand the range of options


Viral distribution

The most open form of online video distribution. You can allow viewers to publish content

anywhere on the web by acquiring a publishing code, sharing via email, or posting directly to a

blog or social network like Facebook. The key benefit of this strategy is to increase the velocity

at which your content is shared and discovered online by viewers, who can then be easily drawn

back to your own website.

managed syndication

Under this model, you or your agency can create your own audience network by selecting a set

of trusted affiliates who push your content within their site or application. Managed syndication

relationships can take various forms and can range from small partners to major portals.

mobile distribution

More and more organizations are placing emphasis on delivering their video content across three

screens – personal computers, televisions and mobile devices. Organizations of all sizes are seizing

the opportunity reach new audiences and deepen viewer engagement, particularly on mobile

devices. As a result, it is important that e-commerce organizations have a solution in place that is

able to streamline the delivery of video content across three screens, as well as to social networks

and third party websites.

From viral and three-screen distribution to advanced syndication, online video platforms give you

complete control over which distribution strategies you choose for each piece of content you publish,

as well as offer a unified platform for delivering the best possible video experience across both PCs

and devices such as the Apple iPad.

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Analytics and Measurement

Today’s online retailers must measure everything to ensure they are generating the highest value in

these low margin times. This is especially true when it comes to online video. It is imperative that

you are able to identify your best and most effective v-commerce initiatives and discover audience

behavior toward your video content.

Online video platforms have a range of tools to help you provide comprehensive analytics and reports

that help track drop-offs and player interactions, monitor performance bandwidth and utilization, and

integrate with other leading analytics and audience measurement solutions like Omniture, Google

Analytics, TubeMogul and others.

The chart below shows a simple set of analytics generated from the Brightcove platform that shows

where the organization’s viewing audience is located and how long the audience is engaged. By

integrating this information into a retailer’s pre-existing website analytics, such as Omniture or

Webtrends, retailers can also tell what products customers clicked on after viewing a video and if

they actually went on to purchase the product.

Analytics and measurement tools enable retailers to continuously fine-tune their online video initiatives

to maximize formats that work, move away from ones that are not working, and ultimately provide

a better end user experience and drive increased sales. These analytics can be further developed by

agencies to deliver bespoke reports such as detailed customer journeys and conversion metrics.

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Measurable ROI

E-commerce websites and organizations are taking notice of how online video can help in increasing brand awareness,

building online communities and fostering a more engaging sales process. As consumer demand for video in the online

shopping process increases, it is likely that even stronger ROI metrics will emerge that help to drive the next level of

online video adoption in the e-commerce and retail industry.

In addition to driving conversions and customer engagement, online video also provides a host of other benefits for


increased site traffic. Engaging online video content is a powerful tool in driving site traffic, particularly for

organizations that are also syndicating their content to third-party sites and social networks

improves the chances your customers will find you online. Video as part of an e-commerce online presence helps

improve organic search engine ranking. Many online retailers have seen a substantial increase in their organic search

results after adding product videos to their websites. Also, according to Forrester Research, on the keywords for

which Google offers video results, any given video in the index stands about a 50 times better chance of appearing

on the first page of results than any given text page in the index.

greater prospect and customer engagement. Retailers who have used online video on their site have seen prospects

and customers spend a greater amount of time on the site, a greater number of return visits, as well as a larger

amount of unique site visits. Video has also been instrumental in increasing click through rates across e-commerce


improved customer satisfaction. Retailers who have video on their site have seen customers make more informed

purchases, resulting in fewer product returns and happier customers

decreased merchandising and support costs. Fewer product returns and more happy customers equal a reduction

in costs associated with returned merchandise and less burden on telesales staff.

advertising cost savings. Online video content is much cheaper to produce than your typical television ad.

Producing content specifically for online consumption also gives organizations more freedom and flexibility in the

type, amount and length of content they want to create and can show significant increase in conversions over made

for TV advertising.

E-commerce organizations and retailers that have been early to adopt a comprehensive

v-commerce strategy and integrate their video content into the overall shopping experience

are already seeing substantial ROI from their initiatives. Though v-commerce is a relatively

new phenomenon, the noticeable increase in conversion rates, site-traffic, video-views and

customer engagement, such as what M&S TV has generated, is hard to ignore.

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©2010 Brightcove, Inc. and Adjust Your Set™ All Rights Reserved.



How retailers interact with consumers is, and always will be, driven by the needs and desires of the

customer, and those customers now expect more from a retailer’s website than just images – they

demand engaging and interactive content. However, technology is also driving the creative process

and in-turn, the customer journey. For example, it is a fact that mobile apps will continue to flourish

and give us handy help in ways we never even knew we wanted. And augmented reality (AR) will be

ubiquitous for the foreseeable future. AR is in its infancy, and currently has a lot of pitfalls, but once

these have been ironed out it will have a spectacular impact on the retail industry.

This paper shows that the benefits of using v-commerce are hard to ignore, particularly in the wider

context of smart phones, the iPad, faster broadband and the ongoing fusion of technologies.

If you’re a retailer and you have no current or future plans to enter into the world of v-commerce and

capitalize on the appetite for online video, then you will miss out on one of the most compelling ways

to engage with consumers, as well as a huge opportunity to see a significant uplift in sales.

V-commerce gives you economies of scale – you can reach more people with more

engaging communications. It is cheaper than TV and yet the editorial and production

values are just as high. It’s an innovative, non-intrusive way of marketing, and because it

doesn’t feel like advertising, people are more responsive. All this, coupled with the fact that

v-commerce provides measureable ROI, makes a compelling case.

Page 20: V-Commerce: The Rise of Online Video

©2010 Brightcove, Inc. and Adjust Your Set™ All Rights Reserved.


About Adjust Your Set™

Adjust Your Set™ is a pioneer of brand television for the web.

Throwing the old agency structure out of the window when the

company was founded in January 2008, Adjust Your Set™ is a new

breed of agency specialising in V-Commerce – multi-platform video

with high production values to drive brand awareness, customer

engagement and revenue for the likes of Marks & Spencer, Thomas

Pink, Sotheby’s, The Royal Opera House and

The agency provides an end-to-end service including brand,

consumer and technical strategy; design and build of bespoke

players; conception, creation, distribution and syndication of

content; channel management, analytics and technical support, as

well as e-commerce integration.

The team is a powerhouse of skilled specialists from each corner of

the industry with directors, producers, brand strategists, creatives,

writers, designers, developers, programmers, digital strategists

and account management.

Adjust Your Set™ closes the gap between content, the call-to-

action and the action itself.

Here are a few links to some of our work:

Marks and

For more information, visit www.AdjustYourSet.TV or follow us on

Twitter @AdjustYourSet.

About Brightcove

Brightcove is a cloud-based online video platform. Media companies,

businesses and organizations worldwide use Brightcove to publish

and distribute video on the Web. Founded in 2004, Brightcove has

offices across North America, Europe and Asia and customers in

45 countries. For more information, visit