
Foundational FrameworkValor Collegiate Academy

Foundational Framework


The Valor Foundational Framework provides a balanced set of beliefs, values, disciplines, and commitments to govern the mindsets and behaviors of educators and scholars in their roles as teachers, learners, leaders, and members of our community. The framework supports our belief that having a strong culture is critical to developing a high-trust and high-performing school and that building a strong culture happens intentionally. The framework also serves as a declaration of who we are and what we stand for as a school community.

Foundational Framework

Foundational Beliefs and Values

We start by explicitly defining the underlying beliefs and embedded values that support the framework, the school design, and our emerging community. We believe it is important to make these beliefs as explicit as possible so that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of who we are and what we stand for.

Foundational Framework

The Valor Compass

Next, we introduce the Valor Compass, which serves as a guide and metaphor for our approach to learning and growth in our community. The Foundational Disciplines, which are contained within the Compass, represent the ideals of individual and communal excellence within our community and serve as guideposts for all we do as a school. Everyone in the community will measure their own learning and growth in each of the Foundational Disciplines. “Working the Compass” and living “The Valor Way” are shorthand ways to describe the difficult day-to-day work of trying to attain the ideals of the Foundational Disciplines.

Foundational Framework

The Valor Commitments

Finally, we introduce the Valor Commitments, which serve as the primary agreements we make with each other as members of the Valor community. These agreements serve as our moral code and are held up as a means for every community member to support each other in being the best that they can be.

Foundational Framework

At Valor our central mission is to empower a diverse community of scholars with the sense of

purpose, academic skills, and character strengths they will need to succeed in college

and to lead inspired, balanced lives.

Foundational Beliefs and Values

Foundational Beliefs

We believe our diversity makes us strong.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe that we enroll families, not just scholars.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe that we all deserve the opportunity to fulfill our

potential and captain our destinies.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe that our humanity is found through our relationships

with others.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe greatness comes from having a growth mindset and that

effort, more than talent, matters in the end.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe social justice is everyone’s responsibility.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe excellence is a habitdeveloped through lots and lots

and lots of perfect practice.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe great schools are powered by joy.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe everything can be done with kindness.

Foundational Beliefs

We believe it takes valor to be the best you can be.

The Valor Compass

Foundational Dimensions





Spirit | Body | Mind | Heart

The Foundational Framework is built on the most fundamental and irreducible dimensions of human experience. These dimensions can be defined as the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions. We believe that true value and effectiveness depends on balanced and integrated mastery in each of these dimensions.

Foundational Contexts



Individual | Collective

The Foundational Framework builds upon the recognition that our growth occurs in two fundamental contexts: we are both individuals and part of multiple collectives.

Balance and the True North

True North

At Valor we recognize the foundational importance of balance. We must balance our intentions with our actions, our hearts with our minds, and our individual needs with those of the community as a whole. Remaining in balance requires that we establish a sense of center where we integrate our growth and learning in a conscious way. At Valor, we call this center True North.

Foundational Disciplines





Foundational Disciplines Mastery in each foundational dimension is achieved via the Foundational Disciplines. The discipline in each dimension is balanced across two contexts – personal mastery and communal mastery. All of the activities of the school are aimed at cultivating the following in every member:

Foundational Character Strengths









Foundational Character Strengths Development along each Foundational Discipline results in, and requires, the development of various character strengths. While we encourage each community member to discover and develop his or her own unique character strengths, we have also selected a core set of character strengths that reflect our foundational values and beliefs and that we believe will help all members develop habits of heart and mind critical for success and well being.

Foundational Competencies

Enhance Emotional LiteracyNavigate EmotionsIncrease Empathy

Apply Consequential ThinkingRecognize PatternsExercise Optimism

Pursue Noble Goals



Foundational Competencies Valor has partnered with 6 Seconds, a leading Emotional Intelligence organization that has developed, through practice and research, a set of 8 core social and emotional competencies/pursuits that we will work to develop in every Valor community member. These competencies are aligned with our Valor Compass in the following way:

Success Factors




Quality of Life

Success Factors The Foundational Competencies are linked directly to the following Life Success Factors which will be assessed as one measure of individual and community development in the Aligned Actions Discipline.

Community Commitments

Valor Community Commitments

Communal mastery of the disciplines within the Valor

community includes upholding the Community


These are our moral code.

Working the Compass

In every moment we have the ability to draw on our deepest values (Noble Purpose) and

use our hearts and our minds (Sharp Mind and Big Heart) to live from

an embodied and aligned place in the

world (Aligned Actions).

This is Working the Compass.





The Valor Logo


True North



The Valor Way is embedded in the logo itself:

True North represents our balanced center where we can access our Noble Purpose, engage our Big Heart and Sharp Mind, and live a life of Aligned Action in the service of our Community.

Foundational Disciplines


Noble Purpose

[Having Noble Purpose means being connected to my deepest values, living from my best self-story, and bringing joy into the world. Having Noble Purpose also means being connected to my multiple communities’ values, shared histories, stories, and identities, and being grounded in my communal identity]

Be Rooted. Be Alive. Be You.

Foundational Disciplines


Aligned Action

[Having Aligned Action means working steadfastly to ensure my actions match my intentions. Having Aligned Action also means being an engaged and supportive community member and being willing to contribute, through my actions, to the greater good]

Be Accountable. Be On Value. Be Determined.

Foundational Disciplines


Sharp Mind

[Having a Sharp Mind means pursuing knowledge and skills through critical thinking, creative problem solving, curiosity, and diversity of perspective. Having a Sharp Mind also means being able to listen and communicate effectively in my relationships]

Be Discerning. Be Curious. Be Flexible.

Foundational Disciplines


Big Heart

[Having a Big Heart means understanding and drawing energy from my emotions. It means having the courage to stand in uncertainty, to connect with and value others, and to be kind to myself and others. Having a Big Heart also means having compassion for the needs of the world and having the courage to be “a part of the solution”]

Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Brave.

Foundational Disciplines

True North

[Finding True North means being balanced, present, and alert. True North is my most balanced center where I am able to be present and make clear decisions about my next steps]

Be Balanced. Be Present. Be Alert.

The ValorCommitments

Community Commitments

Community Commitments

Be Safe

I commit to keeping myself and others safe

Community Commitments

Community Commitments

Be Inclusive

I commit to leaving no community member behind

I commit to seeking diversity of perspective

Community Commitments

Community Commitments

Be Kind

I commit to speaking to the person, not about the person

I commit to speaking from my heart, but using my head

Community Commitments

Community Commitments

Work Hard

I commit to working the Compass

Community Commitments

Community Commitments

Be Accountable

I commit to walking the talk

Community Commitments

Community Commitments

Be Brave

I commit to showing up with Valor