  • 8/14/2019 Values of Love - Grow Love


    Unit Ten

    Grow Love

  • 8/14/2019 Values of Love - Grow Love



    The aim of this unit is to help children understand more about the central role of love.Discuss about conflicts they see around them, in family or in the school and see if

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    they can discover why it is people forget love.

    Is it possible to learn to love somebody you hate? Can there be peace in the classroom

    without love? How do we grow love? How does love for God help them in this?

    Love comes from within the heart. And only the clean heart can feel it. Just as a seed

    has oil, and by pressing we can get it, or just like butter comes from the milk after

    churning, in the same way we can grow love by sharing with others and keeping the

    heart clean.


    When I am quiet, I feel love.

    When I think of love, I do good things.

    When I close my eyes and think of peace, I feel safe.

    In my heart I can feel I am part of everything.

    Love makes me overcome my fears.

    Pictures to talk about

    The Big Old Snake is Mad

    A. One day Superbunny told the piglets the story of the Wind and the Sun.

    B. Just then the Eagle came and said, You have to help! The Big Old Snake

    is mad.

    C. Woodpecker carried Superbunny to see the snake who was shouting, Who

    stepped on my tail! The snake was really mad!

    D. Superbunny didnt want to fight the snake, so he sang, Love is like a

    flower .E. The snake cooled down. Woodpecker carried him home. The piglets sang.

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    Love grows like a flower

    In the sun and rain

    Plant it in your heart

    And it will grow

    again and again and again.

    Cause when you let it grow inside you,

    It helps love grow in others too.

    Review the habits:

    When I am quiet, I feel love.

    When I think of love, I do good things.

    When I close my eyes and think of peace, I feel safe.

    In my heart I can feel I am part of everything.

    Love makes me overcome my fears.The Stolen Heart

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    Our heart is the seat of love. Now what happens when you give it away? Listen to this

    story based on a tale by Godfried Boomans:

    Once there was a very poor fisherman. He had six children and a seventh was to beborn the very day he set out to catch fish. Each child had given him much joy, and he

    was well known in the village:

    He liked to sing this song:

    My heart is so big

    That the whole world can fly in it.

    Ten dinosaurs and a duck

    Three elephants and you may add a duck,

    it wont be enough

    to fill my heart,

    cause it is made of love,

    infinite love.

    But each additional child also had added sadness. The food was never enough. The

    house was always too small. And even though this day should have been full of joy,

    he was quiet and didnt sing.

    In fact, as he put out his net for the one hundredth time, and still had not caught a

    single fish, he thought of not going home again. It was right at that moment that a

    man with a black coat and an ashen white face rowed his boat next to the fishermans

    and said in a cold voice, I know what you are thinking, and I can help you. I will give

    you all the riches in the world if you give me your heart.

    From the sound of his voice, the fisherman knew that this was a terrible man. He told

    him, Go away! There is nothing I want from you.

    He, said the evil man, I know you are good, But what is the use of being good if

    you can not feed your own children?

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    Thinking of his family and their sufferings, the fisherman could not stop shaking with

    pain, took out his heart and gave it to the evil man. At once he felt lifeless, joyless and

    even painless. Without his heart he had lost all his feelings. The evil man had become

    alive though and was a totally changed person, even singing in his boat. You may

    take back your heart after ten years, if you would want it. He said, and disappeared.

    Needless to say, the fisherman came home, without any joy at seeing his children,

    now well dressed and living in a good house. Even as his riches increased, he still

    didnt feel any love. Instead he sat in his chair, lifelessly looking out the window of

    the palatial home he now inhabited.

    As he didnt know how to feel anymore, his family also became distant. Only his last

    born child remained affectionate and kind to his father. And when he was almost ten

    years old, he said he would help him find his heart.

    The young child traveled to many places, looking for his fathers heart. It was not

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    easy though. When it was his birthday, he was about to give up, when he heard some

    people talk about a man who had suddenly become happy and full of joy. The child

    went to that mans home. There he heard a familiar song, the song of his fathers

    heart.My heart is so big

    That the whole world can fly in it.

    Ten dinosaurs and a duck

    Three elephants and you may add a duck,

    it wont be enough

    to fill my heart,

    cause it is made of love,

    infinite love.

    At once he demanded his fathers heart back. The man first refused, but overcome

    with kindness, he gave it back to the child, who at once started to run to give it back to

    his father.

    The old man too, had started to run, regretting his loss. But without a heart he could

    not run for long and was out of breath very quickly. While the young child hurried

    home, helped his father put back the stolen heart and he, for the first time in many

    years started to smile, embraced his children, and hugged his wife.

    My heart is so big

    That the whole world can fly in it.

    Ten dinosaurs and a duck

    Three elephants and you may add a duck,

    it wont be enough

    to fill my heart,

    cause it is made of love,

    infinite love.

    Creation Stories from around the World

    How we can see love? The world is love. Everything in this universe is made of love.

    Over the period of some days, tell these stories and ask the children to illustrate them.

    Do they see that all things are reflections of the divine, that the world is like a mirror

    of God?Share this rhyme:

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    Where is Love? How can I see it here?

    Smell the grass and feel the sun and you know love is near.

    Is she strong? I asked. Then I saw the rivers roaring downthe hills.

    What does love look like? And I saw my own face.

    India(tell something about this country and then tell the story. If you can, explain

    something about the symbol.)

    In the beginning there was absolutely nothing. God thought, "Let me have a self", and

    he created the mind. As he moved about in worship, water was generated, and so were

    earth, fire, air and light.

    Then he made a human being. At first he was afraid, but realizing that he was alone

    and had nothing of which to be afraid, his fear ceased. However, he had no happiness

    because he was alone, and he longed for another. He grew as large as two persons

    embracing, and he caused his self to split into two matching parts, like two halves of a

    split pea, and from them arose husband and wife.

    They married, and got the babies of the earth. The female reflected on having

    mated with someone of whom she was once a part, and she resolved that she should

    hide so that it would not happen again.

    She changed to a cow to disguise herself, but he changed to a bull and mated with her,

    and from their union cows arose. She changed to the form of a mare, but he changed

    to that of a stallion and mated with her, and from that union came horses. She changed

    to the form of a donkey, but he did likewise, and from them arose the single-hoofed

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    animals. She became a ewe, but he became a ram, and from their union came the

    sheep and goats.

    It continued thus, with her changing form to elude him but he finding her and matingwith her, until they had created all the animals that live in pairs, from humans and

    horses to ants.

    North American Indian

    Earthmaker began to think about what he should do and in the end he began to cry,

    tears flowing from his eyes and falling down to where they became bright objects,

    seas formed from his tears. Earthmaker thought, 'Anything I wish will happen just as I

    wish it'. He wished for light - it happened. He wished for earth and earth was formed.

    Speaking for the first time, he said 'I shall make a being like myself' and he took some

    earth and made it just like himself. He spoke to the creature, but it gave no answer. He

    looked closely, saw it had no mind and made a mind for it. But when he spoke to it,

    still it did not answer. He made it a tongue and spoke to it, but still it did not answer.

    He saw it had no soul, so he made it a soul, and talked to it ... and it very nearly said

    something, but failed to make itself understood. So Earthmaker breathed into its

    mouth and spoke to it ... and it answered.

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    Long, long ago, when heaven and earth were still one, the entire universe was

    contained in an egg-shaped cloud. Deep within that egg was Pan Gu, a huge giant.

    Finally one day he awoke and stretched, and the egg broke to release the matter of the

    universe. The lighter purer things drifted upwards to make the sky and heavens, and

    the heavier impure things settled downwards to make the earth.

    In the midst of this new world, Pan Gu worried that heaven and earth might mix

    again; so he resolved to hold them apart, with the heavens on his head and the earth

    under his feet.

    When the giant died, the earth took on a new character. His arms and legs became the

    mountains. His blood became the rivers, and his sweat became the rain and dew. His

    voice became the thunder, and his breath became the winds. His hair became the

    grass, and his veins became the roads and paths. His teeth and bones became the

    minerals and rocks, and his flesh became the soil of the fields. Up above, his left eye

    became the sun, and his right eye became the moon. Thus Pan Gu made the world as

    it is today.

    Many centuries later, there was a goddess named N Wa who roamed this wild

    world that Pan Gu had left behind, and she became lonely in her solitude. Stopping by

    a pond to rest, she saw her reflection and realized that there was nothing like herself in

    the world. She resolved to make something like herself for company.

    From the edge of the pond she took some mud and shaped it in the form of ahuman being. At first her creation was lifeless, and she set it down. It took life as soon

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    as it touched the soil, however, and soon the human was dancing and celebrating its

    new life. Pleased with her creation, N Wa made more of them, and soon her

    loneliness disappeared in the crowd of little humans around her. For two days she

    made them, and still she wanted to make more. Finaly she pulled down a long vineand dragged it through the mud, and then she swung the vine through the air. Droplets

    of mud flew everywhere and, when they fell, they became more humans that were

    nearly as perfect as the ones she had made by hand. Soon she had spread humans over

    the whole world


    Before there was any life on earth, God made a man and named him Moon. He sent

    Moon to live on the bottom of the sea, but Moon wanted to live on the land. The

    lifelessness of the land made Moon so unhappy that he wept. God took pity on Moon

    and sent him a wife named Morningstar to keep him company for two years. When

    Morningstar came from heaven to live with Moon, she brought fire with her. The next

    morning, she gave birth to the grasses and trees and other plants, and soon the world

    was green with life. The trees grew until they touched the sky, and then the first rain

    fell from the clouds that they touched. Thus life on the land flourished, and Moon and

    Morningstar led a bountiful life in their new paradise.

    At the end of her two years, Morningstar returned to the heavens to live there

    forever. Again Moon wept in his loneliness. God offered him another wife, but he

    warned Moon that this time the husband would die after two years. Thus Evening star

    came to live with moon. She gave birth to goats and sheep and cows on the next day.

    On the day after that, she gave birth to the antelopes and birds. On the third day, boys

    and girls were born.

    Moon wanted more children, but God warned him that he should stop. Moon

    didnt listen, and on the next day Evening star gave birth to the lions, the leopards, thesnakes, and the scorpions that plague humankind because Moon ignored the warning.

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    They killed Moon and threw Moon's body in the ocean. But he rose from the sea to

    the skies to seek his first wife Morningstar.

    Love is benevolentSome people say that Love is blind. Do you know what that means?

    In reality love is not blind. It is very kind. But love has its tests. And there are

    challenges. See what happens in this story and tell how love tested the butterflies:

    We are Butterflies, you know!Draw the story, as you tell it.

    Once there were three chrysalis, one red, one blue and one green.

    Inside there were butterflies, getting ready to go out. But the blue chrysalis said, I

    dont want to go out. Its too dangerous. Hmmm, said the blue chrysalis, There are

    snakes, and mice, cats and frogs, spiders and lots of boys and girls who will try to

    catch us. I also dont want to go out. The red chrysalis echoed their feelings.

    The sun heard them and said, Butterflies, you are beautiful. But unlike others you can

    not protect yourself. I will help you. As long as you are good, I will protect you. Now

    go and fly.

    The three butterflies decided to stick together and get out of their chrysalis. They were

    very happy and always sang:

    We are butterflies

    We are butterflies,

    You know.We are butterflies,

    You know!

    We sing and dance

    Love and hold hands

    And forever we are friends

    And forever we are friends.

    But then it started to rain. First softly, then stronger. We have to go somewhere tohide, they said. They went to a blue flower.

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    Can we stay with you? they asked

    The blue flower said, I only want the blue butterfly. I dont want the others. The

    other butterflies said, Yes, you should go. It is too cold now. But the Blue butterfly

    said, I cant do that. We are together.And sang,

    We are butterflies, you know.


    The three of them were flying around, but it was raining really hard, so they went to

    the red flower. Can we stay with you? they asked

    The red flower said, I only want the red butterfly. I dont want the others. The other

    butterflies said, Yes, you should go. It is too cold now. But the red butterfly said, I

    cant do that. We are together.

    And sang,

    We are butterflies, you know.


    But it was really cold now and they said, we must find another flower to stay or we

    will get sick. Then they saw a green flower and asked

    Can we stay with you? they asked

    The green flower said, I only want the green butterfly. I dont want the others. The

    other butterflies said, You should go. It is too cold now. But the green butterfly said,

    I cant do that. We are together.

    And sang,

    We are butterflies, you know.


    The rain became stronger and the three butterflies sat together in the grass, shaking

    with cold.Was there nobody who could help them?

    Now, somewhere far away, the sun had been watching from very far the suffering of

    the butterflies and he said, I will help you.

    He started to shine very strongly, and the clouds slowly went away. The butterflies

    started to smile. Thank you, Sun they said. Thank you. Then they got up and

    started to fly and sing their song:

    We are .

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    Meditation - The Painter of the SkyTell this story at quiet time.:

    Once there was a village where everybody was sad. One day there came a stranger. He

    was riding an ox cart filled with ladders, tables and chairs, and pots and pots of paint.

    It was a strange stranger because he was so different. Unlike everybody, he was

    happy. He smiled. And not only he, his ox smiled too

    The people asked him, Why are you so happy? And he answered, Well why are you

    not happy? The people looked at him with painful faces. We just dont know. They

    said. Well, said the Stranger, if you want to know how to be happy, come tomorrow

    with your tables and chairs and pots and pots of paint and I will show you how to be


    The next day, the people from the village came with their tables and chairs, ladders

    and brushes and pots and pots of paint. Together with the stranger they went to a

    nearby hill, put up their tables, their chairs and their ladders and started to paint the


    Within a short time, the hundreds of people had colored the clouds red, yellow, pink

    and purple, blue and green. It was amazing and most of all, it made the people very


    All those sad villagers started to dance and sing, smile and joke. They were really

    happy. And that night they went to bed and had good dreams.

    The next day morning though, when they woke up and eagerly looked out of theirwindows, they found that the beautiful clouds had all gone. What happened? they

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    asked the Stranger. Where are our beautiful clouds?

    Well, said the man, Dont you know about the wind? The clouds have been blown


    The people were shocked. And what are we going to do now?Well, said the Stranger, well just have to paint again!

    The sad villagers started to complain. Painting the sky every day? they said, That is

    too much work. We cant do that. and they walked away. Others were angry. You

    have cheated us. You made us work so hard and now all is gone. Go away. And they

    even threw stones at the man.

    The Painter of the Sky got on his ox cart with his ladders, tables and chairs and pots

    and pots of paint and went away, leaving the villagers in their sadness.

    He went somewhere far away, to a little mountain where he made a small house and

    everyday he climbed his table and his chairs and his ladders and with his pots and pots

    of paint, he turned the sky into beautiful colors. He couldnt do much, and every day

    his pretty clouds would fly away. But whatever he did, it was enough, and made him


    One day, one his beautiful clouds passed by a country where there lived a very good

    king. This king, wanted his people to be happy, but couldnt find the right way. But

    when his people saw the colored cloud, they all start to smile. From that day onwards

    the king told his soldiers to paint the sky too. This made everybody very happy.

    The king was so thankful, that he wanted to pay the first Painter of the Sky. He sent

    his soldiers everywhere in the world. They went to many cities and many rich

    countries, but no one had ever heard of the Painter of the Sky. Finally they came to the

    sad village. There they people told them about the Stranger, and that he now lived

    somewhere in the mountains.

    That his how the soldiers found the old man, just as he was getting ready to paint the

    sky. Are you the Painter of the Sky? they asked. The old man nodded and said, Yes,

    I am. Then come with us. Our king wants to give you a reward.

    The old man smiled. Do all of you paint the sky? he asked. The soldiers said, Yes,

    we do.

    Then let me do another work. Said the old man, and climbed his table, and chair, theladders and slowly walked off into the clouds, into the sky and disappeared.

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    Nobody has ever seen the Painter of the Sky again. Some people say that he still

    paints the sky when there is sun and rain. Others say that he comes in your heart when

    you are very quiet, and paints your heart with beautiful colors to make you happy.And though nobody has ever seen him, maybe if you are very quiet and close your

    eyes, you too can feel him very, very deeply within.

    How can a raindrop live forever.

    How can a raindrop live

    And not die.

    Throw it in the ocean

    Throw it in the sea.

    Throw it in the ocean

    And forever it will be.