Page 1: Vangtel announces nearshore software development you contol


Vangtel Announces Nearshore Software Development That You Control Vangtel provides an innovative sourcing option that allows US companies to establish a nearshore software development operation that they control. For some clients the savings can be as much as 50% of the cost for .NET and JAVA programmers compared to the US. With traditional IT outsourcers there are client concerns related to confidentiality and protecting intellectual property. Traditional outsourcers own and manage the process- not the client. According to Larry Carlson, Marketing Manager at Vangtel, “When CTO’s tell us about some of their outsourcing headaches related to nearshore software development we totally understand their concerns. Vangtel operates in a different manner that gives total operational control to the client.” Vangtel is a custom sourcing solution – not outsourcing. Set-up time can be less than 60 days under the terms of a US contract. The client hires the talent that Vangtel selects based on the job requirements and experience needed. The website is Vangtel provides the legal entity for a client company to establish a presence in Mexico while providing staffing, payroll, human resources support, dedicated and highly trained workforce, secured state of the art facilities and much more. The upside for client companies is huge with far less risk and investment should they establish their own physical presence in Mexico. Vangtel is a major player in two unique cities in Mexico. Guadalajara, the technology capital of Mexico, known for its very mature and senior development talent and Hermosillo, one of northern Mexico’s safest capital cities in the state of Sonora that offers top universities with ample Junior and Mid-level developers. Say good-bye to your software development outsourcing headaches with Vangtel. Vangtel is a member company of The OffShore Group, headquartered in Tucson, Arizona.


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