
Name-Shrey & Tanmay STD-7TH



The Diwali is an important Hindu festival. It falls in November,twenty day days after the

Dussehra. On this day Rama returned to Ayodhya with Lakshmana and Sita after an exile of fourteen years. People showed their

joy by lighting earthen lamps on roofs of their houses at night. Diwali means deepawali or a row of lights. Two or Three days before the

festival, people get their houses white-washed and cleaned.

HoliThe Holi is a festival of colours. It is an

important festival of the Hindus. It is held in the beginning of spring. Nature seems to awake from her deep sleep. Trees bring forth new

leaves. Flowers begin to bloom. On this day, people begin moving about in streets, wearing

coloured clothes and having dry powered colours in hands. They rub ‘gulal’ and colours on the faces of their friends and relatives and

wish them a happy and prousperous life.


The Dussehra is a famous festival of the Hindus. It is celebrated in the memory of Rama's victory over Ravana, the demon King of Lanka. The festival lasts for ten days. ‘Rama Lila’ showing the different

scenes from the life of Rama is staged at night. People go to see it and learn many

important lessons. They come to know how good triumphs over evil in the long run. During the festival days there is a great

hustle and bustle in the bazaars.

The Independence day

The 15th of august 1947, is a very important day in the history of our

country. It was on this day that India become Independent. On this day

our first prime Minister, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, unfurled the

National Flag at the red fort for the first time. All the people,

irrespective of their cast, colour and creed, celebrate this day every year

amidst great rejoicings.

The Republic Day January 26 is or Republic Day. We

celebrate it every year. It was on this day in 1950 that India became a Sovereign

Democratic Republic and had a constitution of her own. The Republic Day is celebrated all over the country

with great pomp and show. In Delhi it is celebrated amidst great enthusiasm and joy. A special parade is held on this day.

Children’s Day The 14th of November is celebrated as children’s Day. It is the birthday

of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India. Has an importance of its own. Pandit Nehru

had a great love for children. He wanted to be among them, talk to

them and play with them. The children also loved and respected

him and called him ‘chacha Nehru’’.


All the countries and nations of the world have their own festival. They give a

change and relief to tried and troubled minds of the people. Christmas is the greatest festival of the Christians. It is

celebrated with great enthusiasm. It falls on 25th December every year. It is the date

when Jesus Christ was born. It is like Krishna janmasthami of the Hindus. Christians believe that god has sent

Christ, his son to save humanity from the sins.


Id is an important Muslim festival. It is performed with great enthusiasm by the

Muslim in India. This festival is celebrated after fasting for 30 long days. The festival comes at the end of Ramzan month according to Muslim calendar. The month of Ramzan has a great importance

for Muslims. They take it as a period to purify their souls. They prepare themselves to live a holy life.

The Baisakhi Fair

The baisakhi is the first day of the new year according to the Hindu calendar. To celebrate it, people go to the bank of a

canal or river near their village or own in the morning and have dip in the water. It is considered to be very holy to bathe at

the river on that day. The day is anxiously looked forward to and immensely enjoyed

by the people of all religions. Schools, collages and offices are closed to allow the people to enjoy the day. On this day

the farmers begin the work of harvesting.

The Onam Kerala is an Indian province which is

beautiful in nature surroundings. Here different festivals are celebrated as in

other states of the country. ‘Onam’ is their chief festival. This festival is celebrated in

the month of shravan according to the solar calendar. There is a tell-tale behind the celebration of this festival. It is said

that Kerala was reigned by a king known as Mahabali in ancient times. People in his

state were happy happy. His glory terrified indra.

The Pongal

India is a country of different traditions and varied cultures. Here there different festivals

in the states which are celebrated by the people of that state, Pongal is one such

festival which is celebrated in Tamil Nadu. The Makar Sankranti festival of north India is

known as Pongal in Tamil Nadu. The day when the sun proceeds towards capricom

from the equator, is known as Makar Sankranti. It is celebrated on the first moon day of posh month according of the solar


Ganesh chaturti Lord Ganesha occupies a significant position

among indu gods and goddesses. He is invoked before the start of auspicious work.

He is regarded as the destroyer of hindrances and helper in success. Our social

gatherings and festivals are not only the sources of amusement but there is inherent

feeling of national integration and inspiration. The festival of Ganesh is not

mere social festival. It is the silent witness of the everlasting story of freedom struggle

of India.

Rakshabandhan Rakshabadhan is a festival of importance for the Hindus. Avow to protect the right and justice in the society is taken on this day. The festival falls in the full moon day of the month of Shravan. Rains cool the

atmosphere. Moon light provokes a pleasant and peaceful environment. In ancient times the Brahmins who were mentally strong but weak in physique

were in need of protection from physical danger. They were always ready to use

their swords in protection of the weak and wise.

The Teacher’s Day

The Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the 5th of September. It is celebrated to pay

homage to the second president of the Indian Republic. He was great philosopher

and writer. In our school this day is celebrated in festivities. The portrait of the second president of India is garlanded by

the student who is going to act as a principal He takes the charge from the

principal for running the school as per his own times.

Made by-Shrey & Tanmay