
Vasily Sokolov, AVIcode Consulting LLC

Migration and Integration practice for Line-Of-Business aplications

by exampleof Timesheet and


Main targets from the businessBuild internal corporate software with seamless

integration between the different productsGet the stable platform for integrating “on top”Use Microsoft .NET technologies for web (ASP.NET)Get maximum out-of-box and “freeware” features

Provide automation for the common business tasks:Timesheet filling for all employees of all officesPhoneList/TeamInfo management capabilitiesHolidays/Vacations “master data” storage

Line-of-business applicationsDefinition from Wiki: “A line-of-business application is

one of the set of critical computer applications that are vital to running an enterprise”

For Software Development Company measuring and reporting the time of development/testing is indeed mission-critical task for facilitation and automation

From Microsoft we have 2 options for these platforms:Microsoft Dynamics

XRM (is intended for coverage of all possible LOB scenarios)Microsoft SharePointMicrosoft BizTalk Server (for integration with 3rd parties)

Microsoft Dynamics XRMNovember 2009, An Introduction to XRM for

a .Net Developer: from ADXSTUDIO, Inc.

Goals are similar to Microsoft SharePoint platform: Security/Workflow/Reporting UI for data management Office integration Data modeling Web services

Conclusion: similar platform capabilities with large price because of plenty embedded applications (CRM, ERP etc)

Solution is declined because of waste complexity and price

SharePoint/BizTalk integrationIt is the possible path for the future evolution of internal

software – because it is too expensive for nowObservations:

Adapter to SharePoint is available within default setupAdapter to Dynamics CRM is available “in addition”Release year mark is 2009 for Dynamics and BizTalkFor Visual Studio, Office and SharePoint it is 2010

Typical sample task for integration is derived from purchase orders with using business activity monitor (BAM) whereas SharePoint provides dashboard only

Currently available solutionSeveral “home-made” products integrated at DB-level

Timesheet (ASP.NET application) Provides capability fill Timesheet/generate reports Enables integration with QuickBooks by .iif files usage Stores vacation data (duration in days) without planned dates

Phone List (ASP.NET application) Provides capability search for personal contact details Enables personal photo of the employee to his colleagues

Time Manager Service (.NET Windows Service) Enables real-time integration of Timesheet with TFS projects Send regular e-mail notifications with reports for the users

Plan for evolution to eSPACEStill have legacy Excel-based services

Vacations (planned dates of vacations per employee)Team Info (employee-manager-project hierarchy)Certificates (actual certification status of the employees)

Recently created Holidays application needs being integrated with Timesheet and Time Manager ServiceBased on SharePoint lists without external sources usageIt is not integrated with standard SharePoint calendarsLocalization of SharePoint should be employed

Info (index for all services)


Phone List


Time Manager Service

Timesheet-TFS integration

Holidays within SharePoint

Data administration of Holidays

Development approachFirst stage of the application development:

Microsoft SQL Server is the only storage engineIntegration between applications is based on DB level

Second stage of the application development:Partial usage of SharePoint (via web-services) for Lists onlyIntegration at business logic level for objects management

Third stage of the application development:Application is located within SharePointIntegration could be based on SharePoint context

Variants of SP developmentIn general the following concepts are available:

Web parts creation and standard pages customizationLayouts-based pages creation with custom master pageCustom data types, workflow and events subscription

Web parts are declined because of “local” functionalityCustom data-types, workflow, events will be used laterCurrently selected approach is layout-based pages:

Custom master page can be selectedCustom theme can be appliedApproach is maximally approximated to traditional ASP.NET

PLAN FOR THE FUTURE RELEASESHolidays should become integrated with SharePoint events

Timesheet should be integrated with Holidays (SharePoint?)New application Vacations requires Workflow for approvaleSPACE should become SharePoint-based custom platformNew applications will be created with default integration:

Team InfoCertificatesTime Manager (joint Timesheet and Time Manager Service)

SharePoint 2010 should be used as the primary platformCodePlex publication of the separate eSPACE applications

Technical development detailsCustomization:

Custom master page is necessary for hiding standard elementsCustom theme is providing appropriate look-and-feelNew features for turning on theme and adding custom master page

Issues:Localization is not default – ResourceExpressionBuilder is used Implementation of appropriate web.config changes requires additional

permissions for the separate site collection (by default access to the main SharePoint database is not allowed for application pool identity of the new pool for new site collection thus this access should be granted)

Storing of preferences (language selection) requires additional permissions to the initial Reader role of the end user (attribute of the site changes can’t be executed with the default Reader role rights)

SharePoint/Visual Studio 2010

Expectations: Incremental installation of new versions (adding/removing columns)Built-in support of all necessary capabilities including SharePoint

Solution Installer (currently open source project at CodePlex)Remote debugging of production site collection applications

What is implemented in the reality:Visual Studio 2010 Toolset and Extensibility100% TFS 2010 IntegrationSandboxed SolutionsDeveloper DashboardClient Object Model, Application Services and Platform EntensibilityBusiness Connectivity Services
