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The first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon. A morning is very personal, you had a first one and will have a last one. It can depict how the rest of the day goes and how we feel about the night before. It can follow deep sleep or endless nights. Its the time of day for a lie in or an early start. They can be brief, as only to represent the start of a new day, or taken slowly with leisure until its time for lunch. They sometimes disappear and you find yourself awaken in the middle of the afternoon with only patches of memory from the night before. It can bring good news and bad. They can be had at a table, or taken in bed. It can be introduced by a screaming bell, or a whistling bird. They can be resentful after being torn from a dream, or relieving after an endless nightmare. They can start with your bed hair, and end with your best hair. They are a time for slippers, and a time for trainers. They can be used to plan the day ahead, or spent trying to remember the night before. It can be a gloomy Monday morning, or a sunny Sunday start. Its the start of the day, the start of the week and the start of the year. Its the time of day where you can decide whether to finally go to sleep or to try and plough through for an “all nighter”. They can be a full English or just continental. They can start on the right and the wrong side of the bed. The end in “Good day” and start with “Good morning”. They can start in the warmth of your own bed, or somewhere you can’t remember getting to. They can be had alone, or shared with company. They can start by waking slowly from a deep sleep, or being awoken abruptly with the covers thrown off. It is the only time of day that can compare with sunset. They are a time for being lazy and for being healthy. It can be taken with milk and two sugars, or black. Its a matter of choice between Richard & Judy or Jeremy Kyle. They can be slept right through, or greeted by early birds. There are some that are regretful, and there are some that are rejoiceful. It can be met with by jumping in the shower or simply lag on some deodorant. Its a time best spent in front of the mirror, or hiding from it. It can begin in your own bed, or in someone else’s. It’s a time to prepare to join the world, or spent hiding from its very existence. There are many ways to have a morning but only one way to have yours.

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