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Vegetarian, Vegan & Kosher Diet

Kaiser Permanente Baldwin ParkPresented by Isabella Camargo

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The Vegetarian and The Vegan Diet

Diet based on plant foods. Contains no meat, poultry

or seafood. Some vegetarians may include

dairy products or eggs in their diets, while others do not.

Vegans or total vegetarians avoid eating all animal products.

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Vegetarians? Lacto-Vegetarians: eat dairy products

such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Ovo-Vegetarians: eat eggs. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians: eat dairy

products and eggs. Vegans?

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Weight and Health

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BenefitsLow in cholesterol.Low in saturated fat, the bad fat.High in monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated fat, the good fat.

May consume more servings of fiber found in the fruits, veggies, whole grains & legumes, known to support better health.

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Lifestyle Keys:

Regular Physical Activity A Healthy Body Weight Non-Smoking Daily Multivitamin

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Kosher Diet

Kosher is the term used to describe food prepared in accordance with the dietary guidelines of the Jewish law.

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Jewish Dietary Laws

Only animals with cloven hooves are acceptable: sheep, cattle, goat and deer. Camel, hare, and pig are not.

Meat and poultry can be only purchased from a kosher butcher. They will guarantee to only sell meat and poultry prepared according to the Jewish dietary laws.

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Chicken, geese, duck are the only birds permitted.

Shellfish without the fins and scales are not kosher.

A fishmonge, under rabbinic supervision, will remove the scales without damage to the fish.

Jewish Dietary Laws Cont.

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Jewish Dietary Laws Cont. Meat cannot be eaten with dairy. A 6-hr period must be waited. Utensils that came into contact

with meat cannot be used with any dairy.

Utensils that have been used with kosher food may not be used with non-kosher food and vice-versa.

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Kosher Certification

Kosher certification is indicated by a symbol printed on the food package, a “K” or a “U” surrounded by a circle.

Each symbol represents a particular agency's certification that the food has been processed in accordance with the Jewish dietary laws.

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