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Page 1: Vegetarian

Quality/technical details of photography:The image featured in this recipe card is fairly basic. The soup is captured from above on a canted angle, mainly looking to capture the detail, colour and texture of the soup to give a more appealing aspect to the product. The warm tones give the emphasis of a warm meal. The camera has also being manually focused to draw attention to the contents of the soup, so a reader can see clearly there are vegetables in the soup – appealing to the vegetarian concept.

Writing style:The style of writing in this particular text is quite informative as it is written to instruct

a reader. It does not however use full complex sentences and often just refers to the key elements of the recipe rather than going into grave detail. This could be to do

with the simplicity of the recipe or stressing that the recipe is indeed quick and simple

to do.

Colour scheme:The colour scheme in this recipe card is an incredibly basic palette of grey shades, there is no use of shapes or dynamic colours apart from that of the main photograph. Again, this could be in relation to the simplicity of the recipe, but there is very little to draw a reader’s attention say if the card was flipped on the text side of the card. There is not indication to what the finish product will visually looking like other than creating a visual interpretation in your mind after reading the description, even though this is also incredibly brief. The use of a grey colour palette may also be relevant to the target demographic of the recipe card, being older adults – it is used to be informative and provide instructions in a clean, contemporary format.

Layout:The layout of this card is fairly dull, it is set out into 3 sections – brief description, main title and recipe bellow. The overall layout of the

main recipe is fairly interesting, as it has being separated into two columns, one for the ingredients and one from the actual recipe. Again this follows the grey toned colour scheme, using a darker, more intense grey for the ingredients section to highlight, as when at first glance reading the card this is naturally the first element a reader would look for before proceeding with the recipe. The text has being centred in the page to leave an even amount of blank space surrounding the context and although there is very minimal text to

read, the font has being stretched to fit evenly in the page and reduce the amount of empty background.

Use of font:In this particular card there is only use of two fonts, both serif and sans serif. The combination of the font styles gives more definition and intensity to sections the description and title – being in the serif style, this immediately draws the readers eye and creates a visual path to the writing below in the sans serif style. The informative section is written in this way in relation to its purpose, to instruct the reader rather than entice them.

The overall appeal:This recipe card has the appeal of modern, informative set of instruction set out in a clean, spacious format that gets straight to the purpose of the card with breif descriptions and note-formed instructions of the key elements in just 3 steps. It would appeal to an adult audience, of both male and female due to the lack of colouration, pattern and picture features – it is impossible to target this card at just one specific gender. It is defiantly apparent that this would not be appropriate for children’s use due to the lack of eye-catching, interesting colours and shapes and a formal writing style fitted to the older generation.

Page 2: Vegetarian

Quality/technical details of photography:There is more than one consecutive photograph in this recipe card , it features 6 images set out in a grid format showing all the different available toppings, going from “The simplest” to the most advanced form. The photographer has chosen

to use sharp focus and a shallow depth of field (for example f/5.6 etc.) to extenuate the potato against the clean, blank background. Also the photos have being slightly cropped so that initially the eye looks at the topping on the potato

rather than the actual jacket itself. The use of more than one photo opens up more opportunities to experimenting with a simple dish, this often appeals to the student audience – wanting to break the boundaries of traditional food and

experiment with day-to-day appliances they find in their kitchen cupboard.Layout:

The layout of this recipe card is quite detailed and information appears to of been crammed into the spaces of the page. The context is set out into paragraphs going in the order of the process used to create the product, describing firstly how

to make the jacket potato and then the majority of the context describes how to experiment with new toppings. The instructions are fairly basic and bog-standard, this can be in relation to the purpose of the cards being fit for students,

would traditionally require simple, basic instructions that are quick and easy rather than detailed, complicated context. It appears to be easy to navigate the eye throughout the page from top to bottom rather than scanning from left to right like

the previous card.

Colour scheme:The colour scheme of this recipe card only features 3 shades of colour, green, dark grey and light grey. The main visual aspect of the text side of the recipe card is the green text such as the headings, numbers and the title. Green is used in relevance to the sole purpose of the card, being to appeal to the vegetarian market. In traditional society we associate the colour green with natural resources, eco-friendly etc. Also the colour green can be used in reference to the vegetarian mark we see on food products to symbolize that they are suitable for vegetarians.

Use of font:On this card the author has use a majority of basic, structured text in the sans serif format. This makes it easy to navigate your way through the page and understand all the elements of the context, some words are highlighted in a different colour or made bigger e.g. “Fillings” to draw attention to that particular section of the page. The use of a sans serif text again refers to the simplicity of the recipe, it gives a modern, contemporary appeal that would attract the younger audience. The producer of the recipe card has also experimented with the warped tool in Photoshop with the title of the card. Warping the text gives a brief sense of fun and comes away slightly from the basic, informative step-by-step guide. The word “jacket” has being warped into the shape of a smile, again although this is only basic it can appeal more to a younger audience without being too childish.

Writing style:The style of writing in this card is built up of small sentences put together in short paragraphs. Short sentences are often use to get a point across or to instruct/inform. They are effective in this context as they provide a simple method, again referring to the effortlessness of the meal – rather than detailed, comprehensive amount of text covering every element rather than just the key pointers relevant to making the dish. It is laid out like what you would see in a traditional recipe book with a step-by-step guide and provides several options of how to finish the meal (with fillings) rather than just the one. This can appeal to the vegetarian market as it is easy to often feel restricted in what they can eat and how to experiment with their meals.

Page 3: Vegetarian

Colour scheme:The colour scheme of this recipe card is much more bright and innovative than the previous two examples. When working with the target demographic of younger children is important to stress fun through bright, exciting colours that stand out on the page amongst all the text. This recipe card has been predominantly focused on the basic 3 primary colours, red, yellow and blue. Again this can be an educational feature for a younger audience being able to recognize the three colours. Also the colour green has been used through the majority of the card, this is again representational of a natural resource and the purpose of the book – appealing to the vegetarian audience.

Quality/technical details of photography (illustrations):This recipe card is the first card we have come across that features illustrations with the instructions as well as a photograph of the finished product. Using illustrations to show progress through the creation of the meal can appeal to children as they can see how it looks as their parents are making it. Also scientific studies show that traditionally children respond more to visual elements such as video and pictures rather than text. The photograph was taken positioning the camera above the subject, being the food. This allows you to see the finished meal in all elements rather than just one section, which you would see from taking another style of shot (canted/off centre etc.)

Use of font:In this recipe card the producer can chosen to use big, spacious text that takes up round about 1/6th of the page each time, this allows easy reading and being able to quickly navigate your way through the page. The added diagrams also give that extra bit of guidance to children in order to help them understand the step by step guide, as well as adding a fun and innovative concept to preparing the meal. The font stays fluent throughout in a sans serif format, especially for children is a more smooth format to read and understand rather than heavy italic fonts seen in classic forms of cookery books created for an older audience. This type of font is usually seen in other children’s books and narratives found in the primary school sector, again a child can refer to this easier being able to recognize the font from past text books.

Writing style:The style of writing in this card is again built up of small, compound sentences that describe each step briefly, pointing

out the key elements with the support of an illustration. The sentence is written in an informative context to instruct but does not use an complicated pronouns that children would struggle to understand. Overall the nature of the text is very relaxed, for example “Slice them as finally as you can.” gives the reader as sense of comfort when proceeding

through the recipe, knowing there is no precise way to create the finished meal and there is no need to stress. This can be again, a comfort with children and parents – it is important when working with the younger target

demographic to make the step-by-step guide fun and interesting, especially when working with simple foods. Layout:The layout of this recipe card appears incredibly detailed to the eye as it includes both text, illustrations and photographers. The text and picture have being laid out in a 3x3 grid and the remaining space has being appropriately used for things such as the title and other small images. Often cramming a lot of information into one page can prove confusing for a younger audience but in this particular context the information has being enlarged and spaced equally, creating a pattern of picture and then text underneath – as to not create confusion. In this particular card the use of fitting a lot of information onto one page has proved successful as two recipes have being fitted onto one card. This card can almost being referenced as being similar to a traditional children’s picture book, a picture accompanied by text to describe what is happening – again this is something that can strongly appeal to the target demographic.

Page 4: Vegetarian

Use of font:In this recipe card the producer has chosen to use a combination of sans serif and serif fonts. This can be useful to separate certain elements of the recipe e.g. the ingredients and the method. Incidentally there is no fluent font in the text, every section appears to change font and often this does not appeal to people as they struggle to navigate their way through the steps fluently. The font also switches between bold and italics, again this can prove difficult for a reader to understand whether certain aspects of the texts are in referral to them or another source. A good element of this recipe card is that the key elements have being highlighted in bold, such as the ingredients and helpful hints – this can be used as a way to naturally attract the eye to where the important aspects of the recipe lie rather than frantically scanning through lots of text.Colour scheme:There is no particular colour scheme when it comes to this recipe card. It revolves mainly around the natural grey shades colour palette, with very intense blacks around the key factors like the title and the list of ingredients. The initial target demographic of the recipe cards are to appeal to “punks”, there a several elements within the card that can relate to the genre – one been the Impact font used for the head title surrounded by a harsh, black banner. Also faintly in the background of the contents it reads “Vegan Vengeance” this can relate to the sense of rebellion, standing against eating meat etc. The producer’s of these recipe cards have chosen to take a very dynamic, controversial approach to creating recipes.

Quality/technical details of photography (illustrations):There are no photographs or any form of illustration on this particular recipe card. Again there is no

logical reason for this other than the approach of the producers. Although it could be to do with the overall nature and attitude of the message they are trying to portray, this being a rebellious

fashion which perhaps is not deemed appropriate to have pictures. The lack of pictures leaves the recipe card with a lot of empty space that initially draws attention away from the purpose, because

the card is so blank.

Writing style:The style of this writing is more technical and detailed than the previous 3 examples. Instead of sticking to the key features of the recipe, it elaborates more, for example why they should do a particular step. This particular recipe card also follows through with informative language, but again similar to a previous example it is written to make the reader feel comfortable and not to stress, e.g. “If it does crumble a bit, don’t fret, just put it back into shape. Sections such as the list of ingredients are wrote in note form in bullet points being very short and to the point. I think the target demographic for this particular selection of recipe cards is 16+, as the overall layout is very modern and reflects teenage rebellion – but also features formal, to the point language in an informative style, so as not to come across too childish.

Page 5: Vegetarian

Content : The content of this picture shows the Festive Filo Pillow. The food has been cut open to show the contents of the pillow as well, this will make the food look more desirable. The image has a shallow depth of field to ensure the meal gets maximum exposure and is the main focal point. The content of the instructions side breaks down the meal into easy steps, clearly displaying all the ingredients. Certain details are shown inside baubles which continue the festive theme of the meal. This style of recipe card is very different to most, I realise that it is due to the festive nature of the meal however it still adds something unique to the card.

Colour Scheme :The colour scheme of this recipe card has connotations of the festive season, however, the card does not use the traditional Christmas colours (red, gold, green) whilst there are some uses of gold the card generally sticks to a non denominational colour scheme. There is a variety of gold and purple on the back of the card used in the font. The headings are set in gold and other key points are highlighted by the purple text. The actual text instructions however, remain a standard black colour, they also use a basic font. This makes the back of the card look very decorative and appealing to people.

Layout : The layout of the recipe card is very simple but effective. The front of the card has a full page image with the title and the official logo of the company behind the recipe. The back of the card is a little more complex with a smaller image of the meal to use as a reference point whilst making it without having to turn the card over, and the ingredients and method set out in columns beside each other. This layout is very similar to most layouts when looking at recipe cards and is a style that I will try and incorporate into my own work when the time comes.

Use Of Font : This particular recipe card only uses very basic font type such as Arial, but with slight variation over each page. The heading on the front page and the slogan on the front page both use a serif font with the two colours that are heavily featured in the colour scheme. On the back however the headings use a serif font whilst the main body of the text use a Sans Serif font. This may have been used to add emphasis on the fact that the gold serif fonts are the titles whilst the rest is instruction. The use of font on this recipe card shows that it is a more modern meal due to its use of both serif and sans-serif fonts.

Writing Style : The writing style on this recipe card is very formal. The card clearly and accurately shows you how to create the dish that they have shown. They do this using a step by step method which is very easy to follow. I feel that this writing style is very common in recipe cards and is used to ensure that an adult can make the food with little difficulty. I will be employing something similar in my own work.

Overall Appeal :I feel that the overall appeal of the recipe card is very good. It clearly shows the image of the finished product on the front. It also shows the company responsible for the recipe card. The back clearly shows the instructions on how to make the recipe and all of the ingredients that will be needed to complete it. The colour scheme attracts people to read the recipe and the simple writing style makes the recipe easily accessible to people of all ages. The culmination of all of the features of this recipe card makes it very easy to read and understand and is visually enjoyable as well.

Page 6: Vegetarian

Quality of photography :The photograph was taken with a wider aperture which gave the photo a shallow depth of field, this style of photograph is used to accentuate the pasta meal. The image has been taken with the purpose of filling up the entire front of the recipe card. The picture is taken slightly off centre which leaves more of the left side of the image there. I feel that this is a style that I would like to avoid when taking the photographs for my recipe cards, I feel that if the picture was centred it would be more suitable for this style of recipe card.

Layout : The recipe card is has been arranged in a manner so that it appeals to kids. The picture of the meal has lots of bright colours in it on the plates, forks and cups this appeals to children. The back of the recipe card is set out as if it was drawn on lined paper which the child may remember from school. It also has the title and a sub heading telling you what the child can help with at the top, both of these appear as if they are written on sticky notes. This type of layout is something that I can consider using for my own project which will be based around similar things.

Writing Style : Whilst this is a recipe for a child's meal and that should appeal to children. The writing style is written in a style that an adult would prefer, this is due to the fact that the parent will be preparing and cooking the meal not the child. The design is purely made to make the child want it.

Use Of Font :The font that is used on this recipe card is sticking with the theme of appealing to children. The font is very similar to comic sans, which is not a font you would usually see in something like a cook book. The letters in the font are slight unaligned with the previous letter, giving the illusion that the text is bouncing. I also notice that the font size is relatively small which leaves a lot of space in-between sections I feel it could look a little better with a slightly larger font size.

Content :I have spoke about the content a little bit whilst I was discussing the layout of the page. I feel that the colours they use and the way they set everything out on the back page is great. It is informative whilst remaining eye catching for the children to look at. The sticky note style things at the top are a great addition and the bottom left shows a giant splat of paint with information inside. The usage of the sticky note to tell a parent what the child can help with will make the child feel involved in making it and that is a feeling that children enjoy.

Overall appeal :I feel that the overall appeal of this recipe card was done really well. The instructions and recipes were well written for an adult to read, but the layout and content of the card were laid out so that a child could enjoy the visuals. The sticky note telling you what the child can help with is also a great idea. The photograph of the meal on the front of the card is also very good as the meal does look very appetising and is an accurate representation of the meal.

Page 7: Vegetarian

Quality of photography : I feel that the quality of the photography in this photo is definitely something that I would like to try and incorporate into my work the photographer has taken an extreme close up of the food and has split open the meal to show the contents as well. This is an excellent idea as it not only shows what the finished product will be like it also shows how delicious the meal will look whilst being eaten. I feel that other than this technique I may use a technique which is similar to my previous slide which incorporates the use of a wide aperture to create a shallow depth of field on the item in question.

Layout :This slide layout is very generic and is very similar to a lot of other recipe cards that are out there, however it does serve its purpose teaching you the correct way to make the food and what quantities of things you should be using. One of the ways that this layout differs from other layouts is the fact that it has all the nutritional content on the layout as well. This will be key for some people who are perhaps dieting or are very fussy about what they eat as it will tell them exactly what is going into their meal and they will not have to research it themselves.

Writing style :The writing style of this recipe card is, like many other recipe cards, written in a formal manner with the intention of instructing. It is written to be understood by adults that are looking to make a meal for their child it is written to the point and everything is listed in columns. The method list is split up into 11 steps which clearly define what you should be doing at each point. Some recipe cards feature illustrations to help you to understand what things should look like as they go along. However I think that sticking to text only is probably the best way of doing things. This type of writing style is the kind of style I shall be incorporating into my work as I feel it will best fit the brief that I am working too.

Use Of Font : The font used throughout this card is one that I have come across on nearly all recipe cards that I have looked at. This does not necessarily make it a bad thing it just means that they are using a font that is commonly accessible and will be easy to read. Sometimes trying to be overly creative with fonts for things that should be simple can complicate things. I think that using a basic font like Arial or Calibri for my recipe cards is the way that I will go.

Content :The content that is featured in this recipe card is also very similar to other recipe cards with no real innovation to be seen. One thing that is a great idea as I briefly mentioned in the layout section is the use of the nutritional content section on the back page. This is the first time I have come across it on a recipe card and I think it is something that I would like to include on my own recipe cards. Not only does it make the recipe card informative by teaching you about nutritonal content, some people may only eat meals that have certain content in, this makes it easier for them to find.

Overall Appeal :This is one of my favourite recipe cards that I have seen. It keeps everything very simple using only one large image and two columns of text. The colour scheme sports a few dashes of bright colour but underneath the title is homed in a green bar. Green is commonly known to represent vegetarians or other things that are eco friendly. The instructions are very easy to understand and the steps are broken down in a way that makes it almost impossible to go wrong. I may use some of these features in my final product.

Page 8: Vegetarian

After looking at these examples of previous recipe cards we have taken lots of pointers and inspiration to incorporate e into our own work. Elements we would like to work with are experimenting with different fonts, we are looking to work with a target demographic of

young children so things like brightly coloured, spacious font would appeal strongly. Other methods we could try are warping and shaping the text around images, this can give a

contemporary, dynamic look to a simple set of instructions that can entice a child to look further. In terms of colour scheme, with children it’s important to start off with the basic

colours such as the primary colour palette – a child can recognize these colour and be able to recite them, so the card can be seen through educational purposes as well as

instructions. We could include pictures of bright red tomato's, yellow peppers and a blue plate to introduce colours to as child as well as relate them back to healthy food. But another

important colour to include is the colour green, this is representational of nature and also relates to the vegetarian label seen on vegetarian food products. Another important element to consider is the writing style, it is important we do not use complicated, long sentences that a child may not be able to fully stand. Short, to-the-point sentences, preferably in a list form in a large text – are more simple and easier for a child to read. Its important to consider a

child will be participating the cooking activity with a parents so it’s important to stress bonding and communication between the parent and child by using sentences such as “Get

an adult to help you.” It’s also incredibly important to stress the safety elements such as beware of sharp objects and boiling water.