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SUBJECT THE BASIC RULES OF DIGNITASThe Dignitas System, Dignitas What it really is, Dignitas is a Role-Play Mechanic, Dignitas & Starting Characters, Awarding Dignitas, Losing Dignitas

AWARDSThe White Cross, The Shepherds Crook, Dobrynyas Blade, The Iron Circlet, Cour de Lion, The Equerry, The Sword, Peerage, Lineage, House, Surname, Reputation, Proctor, Procurator, Light Bringer, The Puppets Hand, The Aquitaine, The Sovereigns Honour, Archons, Vestments and Chairs, The Alph, The Laurel Crown, The Daley Prize, The Serpentine Egg, The Cong2 (Jade Badge)

SOCIETIESThe Court of Many Colors, Society of The Hague, Knights of The Blood, Knights of The Crimson Scepter, The Order Of The White Cross, The Order of the Hawk Royale, The Order of the Ermine Robe, The Order of The Crescent Moon, The Key Club, The Livillan Society, Sorority of Amastris


ACHIEVEMENTS (INFLUENCE)Member of the Council, Order of The Holy Star, The Tartan, The Caduceus, The Harpys Favour, Member of The Trust, Associates of the Society, The Society of the Quill and Scroll, The Eagle of Lagash, Sargeant of the Blood, The Compass, The Order of Barbary, The Scipio Society, The Black Tartan, The Alumni



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Ventrue Dignitas Guide

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Ventrue Dignitas Guide

THE BASIC RULES OF DIGNITASTHE DIGNITAS SYSTEM Clan Ventrue uses a Dignitas system instead of a Prestige system. The tangible parts of the Dignitas system consist of Awards, Clan Positions, Societies, and Influence Achievements. The description and mechanics for each type of Dignitas are found within this packet. The non-tangible concept that is Dignitas as a whole is also explained below. Please note that in OWbN, the position of Aedile is the highest rank given within a single city, unless a city has shown the need to have an actual Praetor. Cities that may require their own Praetor must gain approval for this through the Ventrue Coordinators office. Please also note that this system will be changing in the very-near future. New ideas and concepts for Dignitas as well as suggestions and recommendations for those that already exist may be submitted to the Dignitas SubCoord for revision and addition to the current list. Final Approval is done through the Ventrue Coordinator. DIGNITAS WHAT IT REALLY IS Dignitas is NOT a tangible number. It never has been and it never will be. Dignitas, in essence, is the amount of respect and deference that other Ventrue see fit to bestow upon you. It is how others see your character combined with your own concept of importance and self-worth. Dignitas is about flux and flow, its a constantly changing feeling that is primarily based on respect and admiration for the person in question. Dignitas is a way of showing admiration, respect, honor, pride and personal opinions when dealing with others of the clan. And watching clanmates closely a person can see what others think of you by observing their actions and the way that they treat you from gathering to gathering. The Awards, Societies and Influence achievements that your character successfully earns factor into this calculation on a lesser scale but they but do not make up a number or rank for someone to lord over other characters when interacting with them. For example: Someone who is disliked by many clan members will still be looked upon with Respect if they carry the Laurel Crown just not as much as they probably think they deserve. Of course, if the person in question also holds something like the Serpentine Egg its another story entirely. DIGNITAS WHEN USED ASA


Using a role-playing mechanic such as a numerical system is recommended for OOC purposes and ONLY in the following situations: When Ventrue who have never met come in contact for the first time. At Large Gatherings of Ventrue. This is intended so some semblance of order is maintained.

Anything outside those situations is for the players to act and react as they see fit.3


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

DIGNITAS & STARTING CHARACTERS: Ventrue PCs may start with no more than one (1) Dignitas without Ventrue Coordinator approval. Requests for exceptions to this should be made through the Dignitas SubCoord. Ventrue NPCs may not start with more than six (6) Dignitas without Coordinator Approval. Dignitas that requires approval of a Coord NPC (for role-playing purposes) must be approved by the Coordinator. Awards are clearly marked as suitable or unsuitable for starting PCs. Certain Awards are also noted as Coordinator Permission Only, this means that no one can take it for any character (PC or NPC) without permission. Please note that some Awards, Societies and Influence Achievements are very unsuitable for PCs at character creation and should always be earned in-game, through role-playing. If you are uncertain whether or not a character should start with a certain award, please contact the Dignitas SubCoord. If an Award has multiple levels, only the lowest may be taken at Character Creation. AWARDING DIGNITAS Each type of Dignitas lists both who nominates a Ventrue for it and who actually awards it to them. The accepted standard is that the person who awards Dignitas be of the same city/region as the person receiving it. However, on occasion this is not the case. When someone from outside the city/region grants someone Dignitas, it very often causes contention between the different Directorates as those in charge of the Ventrue feel slighted. Most Dignitas requires a character to be presented an Award by their superior or inducted into an Order/Society by the head of that particular group. The few that do not require this are clearly noted. Ventrue are picky, if your character does not meet the standards upheld by the Head of an Order or Society, they may not be inducted into it. Not every character that has Church at level 5 is in the Order of the Holy Cross, nor is every Ventrue lawyer a member of the Society of The Hague. LOSING DIGNITAS It is not as difficult as one would think to lose Dignitas, Awards or be ousted from a Society. If a character does something wrong within the clan it is normally appropriate to punish them with an ordeal, task or assignment of some sort. However, if a Ventrue manages to truly offend the Elders for one reason or another, Dignitas can and should be removed from the offending party. There are two types of removals of Awards and Societies, Permanent and Temporary. Permanent losses are the result of truly abhorrent behavior, temporary losses are the result of lesser offenses and can be set for any given length of time by the one who removes or suspends the offending party. Temporary losses can also have requirements set to earn the award back, such as the achievement of a specific goal or task assigned to offending party. Permanent removals of most Awards and Societies also come with the physical symbolism of losing the symbol that represents that specific achievement. A Sword will be broken, An Equerry slain, Golden Scales torn off the lapel, etc.4


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Influence Achievements are simple in their Loss and Gain, if you do not hold the highest level you can achieve in your Home Chronicle, you can not claim the award. This means that if for one reason or another your Influence gets knocked down below that highest level, you can no longer claim it. There are specifics as to how both Awards and Societies are lost from ones resume. Awards Awards are always removed publicly at Directorate meetings. The decision to remove an Award must be made by the Praetor of that region or someone of a higher position within the clan. A Ventrue who stands to lose an Award is informed prior to the Directorate meeting where it shall be discussed and may plead their case to their local Gerousia in an attempt to change the mind of those who want it removed however if they choose not to attend the meeting, the award can be removed regardless. If an Award states that they can only be earned once, it can never be re-gained if it is lost, this is why the breaking of ones sword is considered so devastating, as it can never be earned again. Societies Removal from a public Society is always announced by the Praetor or one of higher position at a Directorate meeting, Removal from a secret or private Society is done quietly behind closed doors. However the actual decision to remove someone from an organization is done by the head of that specific Society and the process of removal varies for each of them. (The heads of the Societies are all Coordinator NPCs.) If a Ventrue feels that someone should be removed, they must petition their Praetor for a public society or the head of the actual Society for a private/secret group, who in turn shall bring the petition to the attention of the appropriate party if they feel it is suitable punishment.



Ventrue Dignitas Guide

AWARDSTHE WHITE CROSS This is awarded to Ventrue, who have killed their first member of the Sabbat in battle. The White Cross is awarded by the Aedile. If the person is Aedile, the award is made by the Praetor. If neither is available, the award is self-administered. There is less prestige attached to the White Cross if self-administered and Ventrue have been known to allow other Kindred to deliver the coup-de-grace to Sabbat in favor of waiting for more prestigious circumstances. Getting caught doing so is considered by all to be a mark of unprecedented arrogance. Getting away with it is considered unconscionable good luck. The various ceremonies for awarding the White Cross vary from Directorate to Directorate in style and grandeur. Asking "So how was your Cross awarded?" is a subtle way of obtaining insight into a fellow Ventrues background. Ventrue recipients of the White Cross are advised to keep careful track of the status and prestige of the Kindred who bestowed the award upon them. Such nitpicking details are essential to the petty rivalries and one-up-man-ship endemic to Kindred society. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: THE SHEPHERDS CROOK Among the few things that Ventrue of all ages have in common is a pure, unending hatred for those who call themselves Antitribu. Since the birth of the Sabbat, Ventrue elders have vehemently denied that these Kindred, many of whom do not exhibit Ventrue Disciplines, are truly of Ventrue blood, but rather are clanless Sabbat who seek to strike that which so many Ventrue hold above all else: pride. As a result, Ventrue elders began awarding the Shepherds Crook to Ventrue who could cull the flock, destroying the pretenders to noble blood. Presentation: The White Cross, Shepherds Crook (date) For simultaneous awarding of the White Cross and the Shepherds Crook: Shepherd of the White Cross For simultaneous awarding of the Shepherds Crook and the Order of the White Cross: Shepherd of the Order of the White Cross, Distinguished A small shepherds crook or hook, usually attached to the White Cross, but sometimes worn separately. It is often painted crimson when a Ventrue earns their Crimson Piping within the Order. Any Ventrue (including themselves) whom has killed their first Ventrue-Antitribu. Aedile or Prince; unless the person receiving the award is the Aedile or the Prince, then the presentation is done by the Praetor. If none of these are available it may6

The White Cross (date) A small white-cross pin on the lapel of a suit coat or the collar of a dress. Any Ventrue (including themselves) whom has killed their first Sabbat member in battle. Aedile or Prince; unless the person receiving the award is the Aedile or the Prince, then the presentation is done by the Praetor. If none of these are available it may be self-administered. The confirmed killing of a Sabbat member by the person being given the award. Suitable for Starting PCs.

Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by:


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Requirements: Restrictions:

be self-administered. The confirmed killing of a Ventrue Antitribu, and the tact to present it properly. Shepherd of the White Cross is Suitable for Starting PCs with Coordinator approval.

DOBRYNYAS BLADE There was only one true foe for the Eastern Lords, the Tzimisce boyars and kolduns who haunted Eastern Europe; everything else was sideshow. This award reflects that ancient animosity. The award is named for a Slavic folktale, and itself carries a lesson. In the myth the Hero Dobrynya defeated a Dragon named Goryinch by cutting off one of its three heads. The beast swore submission and promised to never again trouble him. Being a man of honor he accepted this. Soon the beast broke its vow and Dobrynya had to hunt it down and destroy it. In doing so, he freed the people who had been held in thrall to the beast. The message is simple and obvious; the fiend can only be dealt with in one manner, destruction. So the award is only given for the proven death of a Tzimisce, mere defeat is not enough. This award carries several marks of distinction. Blade of the First Night: The least prestigious level of the award was traditionally given out for killing younger fiends, those who did not hold lands of their own. In modern nights this is the most common level of the award, as nearly all Sabbat Tzimisce are held to be of this low status. (Being something of a case of the in my days we had to face real opponents syndrome.) Blade of the Second Night: This level was handed out for the destruction of a koldun. Tradition requires confirmation of the fiends use of magic, either by witnesses or by irrefutable evidence from the field of battle. Blade of the Third Night (also called Zabavas Deliverance after the princess that Dobrynya freed): This award was give for the destruction of a voivode, and only then for one whos holdings were considered substantial. It is extremely rare to see this award handed out. The other bearers of the award have final say on if a Tzimisce was important enough to merit this blade. Mere pack leaders are not enough, and several times Sabbat bishops have been ruled too minor. Much depends on the infamy of the fiend. Presentation: Symbol: Dobrynyas Blade (date) Dobrynyas Blade is represented by a sword shaped piece of jewelry, usually as a pin worn behind the White Cross. The Blade of the First Night is unadorned. The Blade of the Second Night is marked by the addition of a ruby The Blade of the Third Night is marked by the addition of a diamond. Any Ventrue (including themselves) who has destroyed a Tzimisce. Aedile, Praetor or Prince. The awarding of the Blade of the Second or Third night requires the approval of at least three current holders of the Award. Blade of the First Night: The confirmed killing of a Tzimisce. Blade of the Second Night: The confirmed killing of a Tzimisce Koldun. Blade of the Third Night: The confirmation of the killing of a notable ranking Tzimisce. Blade of the First Night: Suitable for Starting PCs with Coordinator approval.7

Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements:



Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Blade of the Second & Third Night: Unsuitable for Starting PCs THE IRON CIRCLET The Iron Circlet is awarded to Ventrue who have proven that they are loyal and trustworthy members of the clan. It is seen as the default when no other award seems suitable, yet an award is considered appropriate to bestow. If one has been awarded the Iron Circlet and proves to be truly devoted to the clan by going above and beyond the expected loyalties, they may be recognized for their achievements as being seen as unshakable loyalty to clan Ventrue. The second level of the award signifies that the Venture has been tested multiple times and has remained loyal to the clan regardless of the temptations that have been strewn in their path. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: The Iron Circlet For unshakable loyalty to clan Ventrue: The Iron Circlet, Devoted An iron loop attached to a blue ribbon worn on the left breast. For unshakable loyalty: A gold ribbon instead of blue. Aedile, Praetor or Prince Praetor Loyalty to clan Ventrue Iron Circlet is Suitable for Starting PCs. Iron Circlet, Devoted is Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

COUR DE LION Ventrue who distinguish themselves for bravery in the face of adversity or danger may be awarded the Cour de Lion. Literally meaning the heart of a lion, this award may be earned more than once, depending on the situation and what the Ventrue has been pitted against. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: THE EQUERRY Ventrue are known as hide-bound and traditional. Nowhere is this more evident than with the awarding of the Equerry. Upon being appointed Whip, the Primogen is required to give the Whip a horse; a tradition that has served the clan sensibly until the 20th century. In times gone by, the horses that were kept distinguished a Ventrue or his household, now luxury and classic automobiles are the standard, but the tradition remains because, as the Elders say, thats the way it has always been done. Many Elders ignore this alteration and continue to present new Whips with a horse though younger Ventrue have no qualms about awarding an automobile instead of an equine. Younger Ventrue have been overheard discussing this issue and pointing out that an automobile is a much more useful and logical award, especially in the 21st Century.8

Cour de Lion A gold lion pin with a red ribbon. For additional recognition: Pips may be pinned to the ribbon. Aedile, Praetor or Prince Praetor Bravery in the face of adversity or danger. Suitable for Starting PCs.


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

As with all things Ventrue, much can be read into the type of horse (or automotive) given and manner of its presentation. Members of the Equerry who have served with distinction can also be awarded spurs, saddle, or bridle to recognize their achievement in cases where status or prestige would be inappropriate. Those that receive cars may also receive Vanity plates or expensive leather equipment. Riding gear and theme gifts make a safe if dull choice for embrace Night presents for those of the Equerry. The use, upkeep and health of the horse are used to judge the members of the Equerry. Some Ventrue have gone so far as to ghoul their steed, but it is universally considered a mark of excessive vanity. Under no circumstances is a second horse (or automobile) ever awarded. The award of the Equerry is a risk for friend and foe alike. Primogen have been known to send a Whips horse to the glue factory as a mark of displeasure or force the humiliated clanmate to kill their own horse as recognition of failure or shame. Elders have tested the security precautions taken for the Equerry by attacking or kidnapping horses. After all, if the Ancillae cant be trusted with something as simple as a horse, how can they be trusted with a multi-national corporation? For inter-clan feuds nothing is more satisfying than killing a rivals horse as ones opening gambit. Unbeknownst to the Ventrue, the Nosferatu are secret supporters of this tradition. It has afforded them unprecedented opportunities for espionage in the past. Animals instinctively fear Kindred and avoid their presence. A Ventrue who has failed to master the most rudimentary aspects of animal training will find their steed uncontrollable. Primogen routinely demand that their Whips display some skill in this area. Training an animal is but the first step in learning how to control kine. Surprise exams or inspections are not unheard of. Younger Ventrue find this tradition ridiculous at best; a clear example of how out-of-touch the Elders are with the modern world. Particularly brash Ventrue have used their horses for forays into off-track gambling and stud farming. The logic being that the damn thing is expensive and might as well make it earn its keep. In the 9th century, Phillipe de Montaigne awarded the Equerry to his protg, Jean LHeretier. During the ceremony, the animal went mad with fear, refusing to approach LHeretier for any reason, and attempting to trample the crowd. LHeretier later went on to diablerize de Montaigne several decades later. Since that time, horses that go mad during the awarding of the Equerry are considered a sign that the Whip will commit diablerie. Some Ventrue have been put to death on the basis of this evidence alone. As with the Sword, the Equerry has been escalated to greater heights in recent nights, adding a new level onto the original concept. When a Ventrue attains the cherished position of Seneschal within a Domain, they are recognized by an award that compliments their original Equerry. Usually this is a riding accessory or something fashionable for their automobile. The Award, being whatever is determined is appropriate, is either made of or plated with a precious metal. If the horse of the original Equerry has passed away, it is considered appropriate to present the Seneschal a small statue resembling it as the award. Presentation: Whip: Member of the Equerry, (date), (Optional: Number of years served) Note: Many Ventrue leave this off if including it would indicate a stalled career or swift demotion. Seneschal: Member of the Equerry, Esteemed (date) Whip: A Horse or an Automobile. The type of horse/car and manner of its presentation may give insight into how the new Whip is looked upon by those who award it to them. Seneschal: An award that compliments their original Equerry, made from precious metals.9



Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions:

Achieving & Holding the position of Whip or Seneschal within a Domain for 3(+) Months Primogen or Prince of the Domain Serving as the Whip or Seneschal of a Domain. Whip is Suitable for Starting PCs. This Award is only given once, if something happens to the animal or automobile, under no circumstances is a replacement ever awarded.

THE SWORD Clan Ventrue draws much of its history, lineage, and membership from the Roman Empire. In homage to that ancestry, Ventrue who become Primogen are given a sword to mark the occasion. As with all things Ventrue, the process is not simple. How the sword is awarded and who presents it is of critical importance. The reputation of the recipient is forever tied to the Ventrue conducting the ceremony. Primogen who fall into disgrace can initiate a chain reaction that threatens the stability of the entire clan. Thus, the entire clan has an interest in keeping Primogen on the straight and narrow and this award serves to reinforce the traditions of Progeny and Hospitality among the Ventrue. The recipient, as a mark of their increased authority within the Clan, is allowed to choose their own sword. Much has been read into what type of blade is chosen. Comparisons are made with those who have chosen similar blades in the past. The scimitar, for example, suffers under a disastrous pedigree, and is completely rejected by any Primogen with a shred of concern for their reputation. Ventrue with keen tactical minds have been able to gain significant insight into their fellow Primogen based on a choice of sword. Since the 17th century, it has become customary to employ a measure of guile and subterfuge during the sword selection process to throw off such calculating analyses. This has also had unintended disastrous consequences. Many are the Ventrue who chose an unsuitable sword, only to find their existence dependent on that sword during an outbreak of violence at an inopportune moment. Because of this award, Ventrue are advised to study swordplay, even in modern nights. Prideful Primogen and Elders are known to demand satisfaction at sword point, a habit that has been adopted by some Toreador and Malkavians. The only way to avoid potential embarrassment is to master the major styles and various blades. Dueling also channels the natural competitive tendencies of the Ventrue into safe outlets. After all, once one has bested and shamed an opponent in a duel, Final Death seems like overkill. In cases where status or prestige might be inappropriate, it is permitted to award a shield or armor to those who have already been presented their Sword. And like members of the Equerry, it makes shopping for Embrace Night presents simple. For reasons not quite clear, a gathering of Ventrue who have all been awarded the sword is referred to as a "Praetorian Guard". A Ventrue who has been presented this award and shows a particularly devious or duplicitous nature is often quietly referred to as "Senator." (A reference to the murder of Julius Caesar by a mob of Roman Senators) An insult of this nature, if overheard or spoken to their face is normally answered with bloodshed. Another common insult is to demean anothers award by calling it a "knife." Under no circumstance is the awarding of the sword to be confused with bestowing knighthood, a point of honor that was clarified permanently during the bloodshed of 1382. In recent nights the award of the Sword has been escalated to greater heights, adding a new level onto10


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

the original concept of the award. When a Ventrue attains the exalted position of Prince within a Domain, they are allowed to add a badge of recognition onto the hilt of their sword to show that they have proven themselves capable of leadership within the Camarilla. Most Ventrue prefer the badge to be gold as it is a sign of wealth and prosperity, though there are those who enjoy even more precious metals, such as platinum or palladium. Presentation: Symbol: Primogen: Awarded the Sword, (date), (Optional: Number of years served) Prince: Awarded the Sword, Renowned (date) Primogen: A Sword, selected by the one it is to be awarded to. Much can be read into what type of blade is chosen by the recipient and comparisons are made with those who have chosen similar blades in the past. Prince: A small gold or platinum badge of the Ventrue Clan Symbol (Dark Ages), attached to the hilt of the sword. This can be a permanent attachment, such as welding, or can be attached through simpler means, such as a golden ribbon. Achieving & Holding the position of Primogen or Prince within a Domain for 3(+) Months Praetor, Prince of the Domain or Sire; unless unavailable, then it is presented by the Aedile. Serving as the Primogen or Prince of a Domain. Primogen is Suitable for Starting PCs.

Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: PEERAGE

A distinguishing honor bestowed on Ventrue of exceptional caliber. There are three levels of peerage, with the second and third levels being increasingly rare. The first is Peer of the Clan, the second is Peer of the Realm, and the third is Peer of the Crown. NPC Elders can only award the third level of peerage. Recipients may list the award among their titles. Aediles, while holding office, are recognized as a Peer of the Clan. Praetors and Lictors hold Peer of the Realm and Strategoi hold Peer of the Crown. One does not have to hold Aedile, Praetor, Lictor or Strategoi to get this Dignitas, however it is extremely difficult to attain without currently or previously holding one of these positions. It is customary to award one a permanent Peerage if one is of rank and leaves their rank to attain another within the Directorate. If a Ventrue is removed from a position because of unavoidable circumstances, not including being removed by the Gerousia or their peers, it is also acceptable to permanently award them this title. Presentation: Symbol: Peer of the [Rank] A weave of gold braid can worn over and under the left shoulder to denote the award or a lapel pin/pendant may be worn to denote both award and rank. Peer of the Clan: Maltese cross flanked by four Fleurs-de-Lis. Peer of the Realm: Maltese cross flanked by four Fleurs-de-Lis with a black background. Peer of the Crown: A Crown above the Maltese Cross & Fleurs-de-Lis. Holding one of the following positions within the Directorate: Aedile, Praetor, Lictor, Strategoi One who holds the next highest Rank, or, in the case of Crown, a fellow Strategoi Holding a title within the Directorate signifying distinguished service to the Clan. Must hold, or have held IC, the position of Aedile, Praetor, Lictor (NPC) or Strategoi (NPC). Unsuitable for Starting PCs.11

Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions:


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

LINEAGE Lineage is, as always, the most important thing to every Ventrue and every member of the clan takes the time to learn the tedious lineage minutiae of important or distinguished clanmates. In the many branches of the clan, there are some Ventrue who have distinguished their Lineage above and beyond the standard in a clan filled with societys elite. Those that have succeeded in making themselves so memorable may be awarded a prominent spot in the Lineage of the clan in lieu of prestige such as Exalted, Esteemed or Famous. To have a prestigious Lineage reflects greatly on both the Ventrues elders and his childer. This is one of the few awards that can be made posthumously. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: Admitted to the League A Gray or Silver band around the left cuff of the jacket. Praetor and voted on by the entire Directorate, the Praetorian Council or the Strategois office. Praetor or Strategoi Ventrue who hold three (3) personal status and have been in play for longer than a year with a good reputation. PCs must be active and in play for longer than a year with a good reputation. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

HOUSE Truly outstanding Ventrue whom have distinguished their blood through Status, Position and Dignitas may be awarded by being permitted to establish a House or personal line. Although the main House line is established through blood, adoptions into the House (Ventrue only) are permitted. Creation of a new House is an extremely impressive accomplishment and shows the worth of the Ventrue that has been granted the honor. The name of the House is traditionally drawn from either the recipients last name or the name of their grandsire. Once a House has been established, they are allowed to set their own protocols for distinctive dress or customs. Customs and dress-codes vary from House to House, maintaining Decorum yet allowing for individual expression. Ventrue who come from already distinguished family lines are also allowed to claim a measure of this Dignitas, though it is clearly thought that it is much more prestigious to found ones own House. May younger kindred choose not to align themselves with their elders House specifically with the hopes of being granted their own in time. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Founder of House [Insert House Name] For the All Members of the House: House [Insert House Name] A ribbon that shows the house colors or occasionally a more personal symbol at the whim of the House Founder. Praetor and voted on by the entire Directorate, the Praetorian Council or the Strategois office. Praetor or Strategoi Ventrue who hold six (6) personal status; five (5) public orders/societies or four (4) public orders/societies and the rank of Praetor/Lictor; and have been granted right12


Ventrue Dignitas Guide


of progeny. Founder is Unsuitable for Starting PCs. Coordinator Approval Required. Being a Member of a House is Suitable for Starting PCs with Coordinator approval.

SURNAME Ventrue who distinguish themselves through both service to the clan or great personal accomplishments are often permitted to add a distinctive Surname in lieu of being awarded status, boons or prestige. Such awards have fallen in and out of vogue in various Ages. In recent nights some Ventrue look down on this sort of title, calling it a curse instead of a blessing; while others encourage their peers to find new and interesting surnames that reflect their own ideals and personality. (Some examples: Richard the Lion Hearted; The Gentle Lady Stephanie; Ibraham the Moor) Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: REPUTATION Ventrue who have been bestowed with a particularly fearsome reputation by either the clan or the Camarilla may be rewarded by the clan by being permitted to attach a particular moniker to their names. No one is completely certain if this honor is a warning or something to be noted with pride. [Examples: The Dread Prince Stainslav; Orgom the Feared Monster of Belarus] Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: PROCTOR Distinguished Ventrue who are sought out as teachers and role models for young Ventrue childer are sometimes rewarded with the rank of Proctor. The award can be made in lieu of prestige such as Respected or Revered. There are no official duties associated with the title. Unofficially, Proctors may find their advice sought by both sires and childer alike. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Proctor Silver Medallion attached to a chain Aedile, Praetor or Local Gerousia, voted on by Local Gerousia Praetor13

[Chosen/Awarded Surname] No formal decoration assigned for this award. Aedile, Praetor or Prince Praetor or Prince IC interactions with clan and Camarilla that distinguish a specific part of the PCs ideals and personality. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

[Chosen/Awarded Reputation] No formal decoration assigned for this award. Aedile or Praetor Praetor IC interactions with clan and Camarilla that result in the Ventrue gaining a reputation of note. Unsuitable for Starting PCs. Coordinator Approval Required.


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Requirements: Restrictions: PROCURATOR

This title is awarded to respected members of the clan who have proven to be rolemodels and teachers for the clan. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

During the Age of the Roman Empire, a Procurator was the governor of a minor province. In modern nights the title is bestowed upon Ventrue who hold significant amounts influence and power in a regional area. The title is somewhat similar in scope to that of the Chairman of the Board of a Regional Board but has no official authority or duties. The award is normally granted to powerful Ventrue who do not (but should) hold other positions. It can be granted in lieu of prestige such as Well-Known or Influential. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: Procurator A Roman Coin attached with a Purple Ribbon Praetor or Local Gerousia, voted on by Local Gerousia Praetor Holdings of significant amounts influence and power in a regional area. Minimum of Fame 3, Resources Level 4 & Five (5) Separate Types of Influence at Level 5. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

LIGHT BRINGER The Agoge tends to be both rigorous and harsh. Many Neonates are lucky to actually complete the endeavor, let alone accomplish it with honors. Those Ventrue who do surpass their contemporaries in this endeavor and complete the Agoge with exceptional skill may be awarded the title of Light Bringer if those of the local Gerousia feel that the Ventrue in question is truly a rising star in the clan. This can be a mixed blessing as those who are given the name Light Bringer are expected to continue to excel and should they falter they will be reduced in Dignitas (the title of Light Bringer will be removed) and are likely to be ridiculed. Once one has been Admitted to the League, Light Bringer is no longer listed amongst their titles and awards. (See Lineage) Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: Light Bringer A small torch or candle lapel pin/pendant Sire or Local Gerousia Sire or Praetor, at the Agoge Party. The completion of their Accounting and Agoge IC. This Award is intended for people who are embraced in game and complete their Accounting and the Agoge IC. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

THE PUPPETS HAND The strength of the Eastern Lords always lay in their control of mortal men and institutions. Many of their greatest victories came not in personal combats but in the form of servants striking by day. Mortal nobles fought countless battles, all to serve the agendas of the venture. This award recognizes this tried and true stratagem.14


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

The award is given to celebrate particularly impressive or cunning uses of mortal resources to solve a significant problem. In the past, these were usually military conquests of considerable measure, but now the award is given for more subtle uses as well. Actions that serve to protect the Masquerade are held in particular esteem. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: THE AQUITAINE Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most powerful and fascinating personalities of feudal Europe. She lived until her eighties, becoming one of the great political and wealthy powers of medieval Europe. She was heiress of the duchy of Aquitaine, one of the greatest fiefs in Europe. Eleanor's court was a trend setter in the medieval world, known for its sophistication and luxury. Heavily influenced by the Spanish courts of the Moors, it gave patronage to poets and encouraged the art of the troubadours, some of whom were believed to be in love with the beautiful Eleanor. This award is for female Ventrue who, like Queen Eleanor, hold power over their male peers. Eleanor was married to Louis VII, King of France at the age of 15 and bore him two daughters. However, conflicts between her and her husband resulted in the annulment of her marriage in the year 1152 and within a year, at age thirty, she married twenty year old Henry who two years later became king of England. Eleanor bore Henry eight children, including Richard I "the Lionheart" and John "Lackland", who both in turn, became kings of England. Through tough fighting and clever alliances, and with a parcel of children, Henry and Eleanor created an impressive empire. However all was not well between Henry and Eleanor. In 1173 she led her three of her sons in a rebellion against Henry, surprising him with this act of aggression so seemingly unusual for a woman. The rebellion was put down, and fifty-year-old Eleanor was imprisoned by Henry in various fortified buildings for the next fifteen years. In 1189, Henry died. On the accession of her son Richard I to kingship, Eleanor's fortunes rose again. When Richard was fighting in the Holy Land she repeatedly intervened to defend his lands - even against her son John. When he was captured on his way home, she used her considerable influence to help raise the ransom and secure Richard's release. Her relentless work on behalf of her favorite son increased her fame as an extremely able politician. Eleanor traveled constantly, even in her old age. Running from one end of Europe to another, she often risked her life in her efforts to maintain the loyalty of the English subjects, cement marriage alliances, and manage her army and estates. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: The Aquitaine A pin or charm of a chess queen, or symbolism thereof (the queens crown, etc.) Achieving and holding, over male clanmates, an official Camarilla position.15

The Puppets Hand (date) A small metal hand suspended from a gold cord. Aedile, Praetor or Prince. Praetor or Prince The successful use mortal resources to deal with a significant problem. Significant is defined as something of considerable measure, not every-day actions. Unsuitable for starting PCs.


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions:

Aedile, Praetor or Strategos Must be female. Politics x2, Personal Status 2, Etiquette x2 Unsuitable for starting PCs.

THE SOVEREIGNS HONOUR The Sovereigns Honour was originally created by Prince Mithras for his loyal vassals in the early days of the British Empire. The concept of this award was also used by the mortals of the time and for both Kindred and Kine origins of the Sovereign as the 'fountain of honour' is an ancient one. Prince Mithras realised the value and necessity of rewarding gallantry in battle and loyal service, often by awarding gifts of land or money, or some sort of title or sign of merit as a mark of distinction to fellow Ventrue. From 1384 AD and onward, gifts of gold or silver chains to be worn round the neck as a reward for loyal service were given to those who had proven their loyalty to the crown. Chains of honour were given to certain officers as a special mark of distinction; known as 'collars of Mithras Livery', and were worn as pledges of loyalty. The tradition continued even after Mithras vanished and Queen Anne took the reigns of rulership. In these nights, as the 'fountain of honour' in the United Kingdom, the Sovereign, Queen Anne Bowesley, has the sole right of conferring all titles of honour. Any Ventrue who resides within the UK may make a recommendation for a fellow Ventrue national to receive an honour; awards are made in recognition of distinguished service in any form. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: ARCHONS Archons and former Archons of Non-Ventrue Justicars are entitled to wear a blue sash from the left shoulder to the right hip. Those Ventrue who are presented with the sash have continued to argue against wearing it with all their might, but have been constantly outmaneuvered by the rest of the clan. (They claim it is an unnecessary display.) Rather than a mark of distinction, the sash is a warning sign that proclaims to anyone who sees it that the Ventrue who is wearing the sash is a blood bound pawn of a Non-Ventrue Elder and should be treated as such. Visible representation, such as the sash, decreases opportunities for subterfuge and intrigue, which is just the way the Clan likes it. Those who have served former Ventrue Justicars are also entitled a sash, though it is marked with gold trim. (Archons who are currently serving the Ventrue Justicar are exempt from this). Presentation: Symbol: No formal presentation for this award. Former Archons for other Justicars: A blue sash from the left shoulder to the right16

The Sovereigns Honour (date) Plain gold or silver chains worn around ones neck. Exemplinary service to the British Empire, must be (or have been) a Ventrue who resides within the United Kingdom. Queen Anne Bowesley of London Exemplinary service to the British Empire. Coordinator Approval Required.


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Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: VESTMENTS AND CHAIRS

hip. Archons currently serving other Justicars: The sash is trimmed in white. Former Archons of Ventrue Justicars: The sash is trimmed in gold. Serving as an Archon. Serving as an Archon, either current or former, to another Justicar or having served a former Ventrue Justicar. Must be an Archon or former Archon to a Non-Ventrue Justicar or the former Archon of a previous Ventrue Justicar. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

Ventrue elders control a number of multinational corporations, prestigious universities, distinguished law firms and international banks. Many of these have been under the control of the clan for centuries, albeit sometimes under a variety of names. The Ventrue of Europe maintain strict control and a rigid hierarchy with mind numbing protocols over which Ventrue are allowed to invest or hold influence within these various organizations. These restrictions are also upheld in the Americas, although some have been lessened to a degree, yet the tradition lives on. Ventrue in control of particular institutions may offer investment opportunities or a seat on the board (or committee or what have you) of their privately held institutions. It is considered a singular honor a mark of a career on the rise that need not be recognized quite so publicly with status or prestige. Ventrue have been known to go to obscene lengths to obtain such prizes. There are exacting protocols to be followed which have made it impossible for younger Ventrue to create their own snobby, privately held company or law firm. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Vested in [institution name], [date] OR Awarded Chair on the Board of [institution name], [date] No formal decoration assigned for this award. Clan Elders (NPCs, Coordinator Approval) Clan Elders (NPCs, Coordinator Approval) Private Institutions for the Vestments & Chairs are created with Coordinator Approval. These institutions should be run by Elder PCs or by NPCs and membership should be extremely difficult to obtain. If a Ventrue is attempting to gain this award they should be given multiple tasks to complete in that line of business in order to prove themselves worthy. Must be done IC, through character interaction. Must complete various tasks to prove they are worthy of this honor. Unsuitable for Starting PCs. Coordinator Approval Required.


THE ALPH The Alph was first created during the Age of Exploration for Ventrue who backed or funded noteworthy expeditions that brought commerce and wealth to the coffers of Europe. The name refers to the fabled tale of Kublai Khan and the Silk Road, what many consider the most significant development in trade ever. The Alph was the sacred river of Xanadu, which flowed to a sunless sea. In modern nights, the Alph is awarded to Ventrue who discover untapped resources or new industries.17


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

This is one of the few times that young Ventrue with foresight may be recognized for such accomplishments. For reasons unfathomable, the awarding of the Alph includes the entitlement to allotments of water along the Silk Road. Like most honorifics, the Alph is a topic of conversation at gatherings of Ventrue. Young Ventrue always seem to be amused when they are able to witness the interplay between (for example) an award winner for the discovery of tea in the South Pacific and the modern pharmaceutical magnate. The Alph has been awarded to many Ventrue in the past for multiple inventions and discoveries, in most recent nights it has been awarded for multiple variables in the computer industry, including the creation of the internet, as well as for the invention of both hybrid and non-gasoline automobiles. (See the Website for the entire list of recent Alph Awards) Presentation: Symbol: Awarded the Alph in [date] for [insert accomplishment here] The Alph is a two tone silk ribbon worn somewhere on the torso. The two colors of the Alph are taken from the flag of the country in command of the noteworthy commercial venture. The British and British Colonial colors are red and white and the American colors are blue and white. (The change over from British Colonial colors to American was part of fierce feud that is still waged by some to this very night.) Praetor or Strategoi Strategoi The discovery of untapped resources or new industries. Resources and Industries must be new and not a variation on an already existing product. Unsuitable for Starting PCs. Coordinator Approval Required.

Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions:

THE LAUREL CROWN Drawn from Clan Ventrues involvement with the Roman Empire, the Laurel Crown was at one time awarded to Ventrue who made specific political achievements within the framework of the Roman government. With the fall of Rome, the Laurel Crown has been "reinvented" and has been given since the 11th century to recognize a Ventrues significant diplomatic achievements on behalf of the Clan. Those who are awarded the Laurel Crown are judged against the accomplishments of other recipients. While most Ventrue will qualify numerous times throughout their careers, many wait several centuries or more for the "perfect" opportunity as the award can only be given once. A perfect opportunity is one in which the accomplishment trumps all other recipients. In recent nights the Laurel Crown has been almost impossible to achieve. Many attest this to the fact that Hardestaad was awarded the Laurel Crown for founding the Camarilla. An unassailable, pinnacle of accomplishment that continues to irritate other successful, accomplished and outdone Ventrue Elders. Since the Age of Napoleon it has become customary to award the Laurel Crown to oneself, much as Napoleon crowned himself Emperor on his coronation day, rather than cede any authority to the church by having the crown placed upon his head by a member of the clergy. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: The Laurel Crown A small pin of a laurel crown or laurel leaves. Political/Diplomatic Achievement that trumps all other recipients.18


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Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: THE DALEY PRIZE

Oneself Extremely significant Political/Diplomatic Achievements on the part of the clan. Unsuitable for Starting PCs. Coordinator Approval Required.

Ventrue take pride in maintaining order and have a particular dislike for Anarchs. This dislike stems from both the disgust focused on the concept of Anarchy but also because Ventrue who have chosen to become Anarchs are removed from the Directorate records, as they have no care for politics. Shortly before the formation of the Camarilla, special recognition was given to those who were particularly dutiful in oppressing the young and maintaining order at all costs. The award has no formal name. Public recognition of its existence would only inflame resentment. It is known in modern nights as the "Daley Prize," in honor of Mayor Daley of Chicago who dispensed rioters during the democratic convention with brutal force. The award itself varies from region to region. The Eldest Ventrue of any given area often take a perverse pleasure in seeing the Anarchs brought to heel and younger Ventrue keeping the world of darkness safe for their Elders. The award itself is always the most popular instrument of repression of the day. Ventrue have been awarded chains, pikes, jackboots, bayonets, stun sticks, nooses, and the like. It is listed discretely among ones honorifics. Since it varies from Ventrue to Ventrue without pattern, Kindred outside the clan ignore it as an irrelevant internal detail. But Ventrue recognize it for what it is a mark of cruelty; approval by the most sadistic of the clan. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: Awarded the [weapon] in [date] No formal decoration assigned for this award, though if one is able to find a small pin or keychain with their weapon of choice it is appropriate to wear such. Praetor, Prince, Clan Elders or Local Gerousia Praetor, Prince or Clan Elders Oppression of the young and maintaining order at all costs both within the Clan and Camarilla. Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

THE SERPENTINE EGG In past nights, the serpentine egg was awarded to Ventrue who had successfully committed treachery on behalf of the clan. This tradition fell into disuse after 1639 when the egg was given anonymously to the Ventrue Primogen of Brussels as an Embrace Night present. A wave of similar awards followed in a successful attempt to humiliate particularly hypocritical Ventrue. Older Ventrue still claim the serpentine egg among their distinguished awards while many a more modern Ventrue attempt to deliver them to rivals at politically disastrous moments (for instance, in the presence of a Harpy). Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: The Serpentine Egg (Though usually left unlisted) A ceramic, decorated egg. Preferably a Faberge if one can be obtained. Anonymously Anonymously Traditionally for successful treachery on behalf of the clan, it is now awarded as an19


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insult to mark those Ventrue who are particularly hypocritical in their beliefs and actions. Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.



The award is rarely given and unless a Ventrue is well versed in the clans secrets, they will believe it is a simple variant of the Peerage used by Elders with ties to the Far East. Each type of Peerage is represented by a different Chinese character. Individuals can have multiple characters that will all appear on one badge. The Jade Badge was first awarded at the height of the first Opium war in 1830, it was first granted to Arthur Smith, Ventrue Elder of Hong Kong and childer of Titus. Mithras created this award to honor those Ventrue who protected the assets of the clan in the Far East. Since that time it has been awarded to those individuals who have demonstrated an ability to successfully deal with Kindred of the East (the Kuei-Jin). Those individuals, who have been awarded the Jade Badge for successfully dealing with the Eastern Kindred, are also inducted into the one of the Houses of the Society of the Jade Badge upon completing further endeavors and learning about the strange and usual Kindred that inhabit Asia. The (JADE BADGE) Presentation: There is no formal presentation for this award Symbol: A simple piece of jade, carved into a pin or other piece of fine jewelry. The Chinese characters, carved in to the pin or jewelry, represent how the award was earned. Nominated by: The proven ability to deal successfully with the Eastern Kindred. Awarded by: Someone who has already earned the award presents the award at a Directorate meeting Requirements: Ventrue Lore x2 to know this award even exists but no details on the award itself. Restrictions: Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs. The (Society of the Jade Badge) Presentation: There is no formal presentation for this award. Symbol: For defeating an Eastern Kindred in martial combat: (Noble Hunters) For defeating an Eastern Kindred in a Local Jyhad: (Invisible Directors) For having a Scholarly Discussion with an Eastern Kindred: (Historians) For completing a successful negotiation with the Eastern Kindred in which the Ventrue has broke even or come out ahead: (Victory over the Enemy) Founders of the Society (NPC Only): Nominated by: The award of the Jade Badge Awarded by: The Head of a specific House within the Society (Coord NPCs) Requirements: Kuei-Jin Lore x 1 and selection by one of the Houses of the Cong2 xie2 hui4 for Membership To know that the Society exists you must either be a member of it or have Ventrue Lore x3; You must have Ventrue Lore x4 to know what any of the characters mean. Noble Hunters: Kuei-Jin Lore x1; Dodge x2; Investigation: x2; and two of the following three:20


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Brawl x3, Melee x3, or Firearms x3 Invisible Directors: Stealing/destroying 40% of an Eastern Kindred's Influence; Kuei-Jin Lore x1; Politics x3; Law x3; Leadership x2; Streetwise x1 Historians: Kuei-Jin Lore x2; Linguistics x2 (Far Eastern Languages); Academics x3 Person skilled to deal with the Enemy: Kuei-Jin Lore x1; Politics x3; Empathy x2; Leadership x2; Intimidation x2 Restrictions: Must be earned through IC interaction with Coordinator Approval. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.



Ventrue Dignitas Guide

SOCIETIESTHE COURT OF MANY COLORS Ventrue who excel in diplomacy may be admitted into a small circle that is known as the Court of Many Colors; the colors being representative of strategic alliances and friendships with particular clans. Admittance to the court is conferred by the eldest or highest ranking Ventrue in the domain at the request of an existing member of the Court. In modern nights, standards for admittance have grown rather lax. Clan Friendship (as per the merit) is often sufficient for admittance. However, being liked by one or two local clan members or holding a trait or two of out-of-clan prestige is considered insufficient. Ventrue candidates must have made *significantly, *lasting* inroads with the clan in question, sufficient to withstand the rigors of time. Because of this, members of the Court are in great demand; a resource used by the entire clan. In times of crisis, a few honeyed words from an ambassador of the Court are sufficient to spare the unlife of a clanmate or avoid hostilities; facts that these ambassadors are only too willing to smugly point out given the opportunity. To conceal the true nature of this award from non-Ventrue, the name of the award varies from individual to individual. There is a preset selection of colors, so Ventrue in the know will always be able to recognize a fellow member and his or her particular specialty. For instance: Awarded the Ruby Cluster or Recipient of the Umber and Olive Ribbon for Distinguished Service. With the Anarch Revolt and the formation of the Camarilla, friendships with Tzimisce, Lasombra, and the Independents are no longer publicly claimed by members of the Court. The corresponding colors representing these clans have fallen into obscurity from all but the Eldest Ventrue. With the prohibition by the Justicariate from having dealings with other super naturals, colors and gemstones allocated for diplomacy with the other supernatural races are also not publicly claimed. The colors and gemstones are as follows: Gangrel: Malkavian: Nosferatu: Toreador: Tremere: Green, Olive, and Emerald Purple, Violet, and Amethyst Brown, Umber, and Topaz Red, Scarlet, and Ruby Black, Charcoal, and Onyx

There is no color, award, or gemstone for friendship with the Brujah. While it may be advantageous on a case-by-case basis, the smoldering resentment from Carthage and other atrocities colors even this mundane detail of the Ventrues nightly affairs. Members of the Court may choose to be addressed, should they insist upon the formality, in all dealings within the clan as the distinguished gentleman/woman from [domain where acknowledged] For instance: Lady Genevive, the distinguished gentlewoman from Kent. Some have taken to wearing rings or jewelry to denote their specialty when meeting with fellow Ventrue. Members of the Court who prefer adornment above and beyond simple jewelry have been known to wear a colored ribbon on their left breast with the corresponding gemstone attached beneath. The internal procedures, habits and customs of the court are too numerous to go into here. It is known that great emphasis is placed on the various titles of members within the court. Some of the known titles include envoy, counsel (or proconsul), legate, and statesman. The relation of these titles to the internal hierarchy is unknown.22


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Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Inducted by: Requirements:

The name of the award varies based on preset colors for each of the clans. Jewelry that reflects their specialty or a colored ribbon on their left breast with the corresponding gemstone attached beneath. Clan Friendship with a specific clan or significant & lasting inroads with a specific clan. The eldest/highest ranking Ventrue in the domain at the request of a member of the Court Clan Friendship or another significant achievement that ties the Ventrue in question to a specific clan (this is very rare). Suitable for Starting PCs with Coordinator Approval.

SOCIETY OF THE HAGUE The memberships of the Society of The Hague have distinguished themselves as outstanding lawyers in a clan that is noted for its knowledge of the legal world. Each member of the Society of The Hague has mastered both the laws of the mortal world and the interpretations of the laws within the Camarilla. Members are inducted into the Society at the discretion of the existing Society members. All one needs to do is apply and wait for approval. Approval is never denied, merely "under review", though the review can last for centuries if necessary. Membership entitles one to use the title "The Right Honorable" before their name and guarantees a steady stream of clients that can range from accused Kindred hauled before the Prince to Princes seeking counsel at Conclave to Primogen drafting new policies, etc. Members of the Society of The Hague are by tradition forbidden to charge fellow Ventrue for their services. However, Society members are welcome, and encouraged, to extract whatever fee their services command when dealing with other clans. Ventrue who are legal experts, but eschew membership in the Society, may petition for Endorsement from the Society. An unofficial bar exam is administrated to these Ventrue lawyers and those who pass are entitled to add the term "Esquire" to their list of titles. Those who choose to go this route are not required to give free representation to Ventrue, earning them the unofficial title of "Mercenary". The Society holds a meeting once a year to discuss precedents, dissect and discuss noteworthy cases, and elect a new Advocate General. The use of Dominate to fix the election is overlooked if successful and soundly trounced if discovered. The Society moves its meeting location periodically to whatever city stands at the forefront of legal innovation. To mark the new millennium, the Society has chosen to finally include non-European cities amongst their choices of location. The yearly meeting is traditionally held every February. The Hague is a public society though no one outside the clan has ever been admitted. Non-Ventrue requesting admittance find their application continuously and permanently under review. The public nature of the Society helps support the notion that the Ventrue are the keepers of the law and what is proper. Similarly if there is a question by anyone of any clan as to how things should be done, they seek out a Ventrue and if possible a member of The Hague for an answer. Membership in The Hague also allows the Ventrue to up the cost of legal advice for non-Ventrue seeking help. At the head of the Society is the Advocate General (Coord NPC) whose duties include leading the Hague and advising Archons and Justicars (mainly on legal wording of proclamations). The Advocate General also appoints the Societys Librarian. Usually this is a young Ventrue who has achieved the position of23


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Advocate and shows great promise. The Librarians duties include maintaining the library of precedence and case studies as well as maintaining a list of Esquires, members and member ranks. The Librarian acts as the Chair for the yearly meeting since as an Advocate, the Librarian is not eligible for any of the positions to be voted on. When first accepted into the Society of The Hague, one is considered a Member. Upon achieving specific requirements, one may gain the rank of Advocate or even Judge Advocate. Each rank comes with a certain level of duties that reflect the position. A Member may advise other members, Primogen, occasionally a Prince as well as Eiren, Questors and Aediles. An Advocate also may advise these as well as Princes, Praetors and Lictors. A Judge Advocate may advise the occasional Archon, Strategoi and even members of the Ephorate. Presentation: Symbol: All Members: Society of The Hague, [Rank] & The Right Honorable as a title. Non-Members who have requested endorsement: Esquire Members: Gold Scales worn as a lapel pin, tie tack, on a keychain. Advocate: Gold Scales backed by a White Ribbon Judge Advocate: Gold Scales backed by a Purple Ribbon Advocate General: Gold Scales backed by a Gold Ribbon Non-Members with Endorsement: Silver Scales backed by a Blue Ribbon Applying to the Society for Membership. Being found acceptable by the current members of the Society. Members: Camarilla Lore/Law x4 and Law x4 Advocate: Member of The Hague, In good standing for at least 1 year (Active, IC), Camarilla Lore/Law x5 or Law x5, Legal Influence x3, Etiquette x3 Judge Advocate: Advocate, In good standing for at least 2 years (Active, IC), Camarilla Lore/Law x5, Law x5, Legal Influence x5, Etiquette x5 Must be earned through IC interaction, must be Ventrue. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

Nominated by: Inducted by: Requirements:


In years before the Camarilla, during the Dark Ages, the Knights of the Blood were the Militant Arm of the Ventrue. When Ventrue needed help in their given area they could request aid from the order. More commonly, an Elder would notice Ventrue of an area being lax in their duty they would send the Knights in to solve the problem. The Knights were known for their brutality in enforcing the will of the Clan, much to the displeasure of the people they normally helped. They shunned the powers of Presence and Dominate, granted to them by their blood, instead learning the secrets of speed and strength (Celerity and Potence) from other clans. In modern nights, the order has conceded to learning at least the base levels of Presence and Dominate to upkeep the Masquerade and better blend in with the average Ventrue. The Knights of the Blood are slowly being reborn once more in the Final Nights. While still maintaining their Militant skills, they have begun using them once more to enforce the will of the Clan and to a lesser extent, the Camarilla. Knights do not wait for the fight to come to them, instead preferring to carry it to the enemies of the Clan, wherever they may be. Renowned and Feared for their utter brutality, most Kindred with high humanity find the methods of this order extreme and disturbing. The Knights tend to forgo formal tribunals, instead acting as judge, jury, and executioner when the situation calls for it. They tend not follow standard protocol or decorum but few dare to speak out against their actions directly. It is for these reasons they are hated and feared, except when the need for them arises.24


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

They follow a strict For the benefit of the Clan ideology. Zealots one and all, many believe themselves to be superior to those outside the Order. Some of the orders Elders still harbor a special dislike for the Knights of the Crimson Scepter, viewing them as pretenders to a role that they haven't earned. The order tends not to answer to local authority in any manner. They handle their own problems internally; there are no former Knights. One does not join the Knights, one is chosen through careful observation. Those who are being observed are not aware of the fact they are being watched for possible recruitment into the order. Requirements include, but are not restricted to, almost fanatical devotion to the clan and the Militant skills to reflect this loyalty. In modern nights, the command structure has grown less rigid most often reflecting a combination of age and time spent in the order. One is initiated as a Squire and after a trial period of no less than one year, gains their Knighthood. Ceremony and courtesy is of vast importance for the order and upon gaining the rank of Knight Errant, one receives a full set of Regalia. Those who are newly initiated into the Knights of the Blood are known as Squires. These members are tutored under a full Knight and trained in the protocols and laws of the Order. Their education is unique and reflects the personal views of the Knight that is teaching them. Only a full ranked Knight can select someone as their Squire, as only a Master may declare them fit to be promoted to serve as a Knight Errant. Knight Errants are members of the Order who have proven themselves well enough to be sent off on their own. Much like a journeyman, when one is promoted to this level, it is their time to learn independently. Unbeknownst to the Knight Errant, it is quite common that one or more Knights have been assigned to watch them and quietly observe their behavior and actions during this period of time. Once the Knight Errant feels that they have learned what it means to be a Knight of the Blood and those who have watched them during their trials also deem them worthy, a ceremony is held. At least one Master must be present to pass judgment on the Knight Errant's knowledge and accomplishments. Full Knights have the right to take on Squires and may be called upon by the Council of Masters to perform tasks that may or may not be sanctioned by the clan. The Council of Masters has no fixed number, rather they are appointed by the Grand Master to act as his advisors and as supervisors to the rest of the order as they are needed. Warriors to the highest level, most possess a knack for politics as well as battle. The creation of the Camarilla has forced them adopt new tactics to combine with the old and while still clinging to old ways, guile and intrigue play an important role as the Council attends to its own agenda. The Grand Master's name is kept a secret from the majority of the clan; simply being referred to by his title. He is the leader of the Order, making the final decisions in many of the problems that the Order faces. It is almost certain that the Justicar, Strategoi and the Ephorate are aware of the identity of the Grand Master, as they may from time to time have need for the Order's services. Presentation: [Position] of the Blood Symbol: Squire: A Rampant Lion pin Knight Errant: A Rampant Lion pin backed by a Blood-Red Ribbon Knight: A Rampant Lion pin backed by a Blood-Red Ribbon with White-Piping Master: A Rampant Lion pin backed by a Blood-Red Ribbon with Gold Piping Nominated by: Chosen, without their knowledge, for observation by a Knight of the Blood Inducted by: A Knight of the Blood; Recruited as a Squire25


Ventrue Dignitas Guide



Squire: Proven devotion to the clan, Brawl x3, Melee x3, Humanity 3 or Lower. Knight Errant: Squire, in good standing of the order for at least 1 year (Active, IC) Knight: Knight Errant, in good standing of the order for at least 2 years (Active, IC) Master: Knight, in good standing of the order for at least 3 years (Active, IC) Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

KNIGHTS OF THE CRIMSON SCEPTER The Knights of the Crimson Scepter are one of the youngest organizations within the Ventrue. Membership is considered ambitious, daring, dangerous or scandalous depending on the Kindred's reputation and location. Elders often view the Knights as upstarts attempting to emulate the much older Knights of the Blood. The Crimson Scepter was created by order of Lady Anne and the Royal Directorate in the Victorian era. It emulates the creation of the British Secret Service and the royal spies of Sir Walter Raleigh, 150 years prior. Much of its legitimacy is drawn from its rather loose ties to the medieval Knights of the Blood and the two organizations have a history of one-upmanship and rivalry. Officially the Crimson Scepter gathers intelligence about the enemies of the Camarilla and Clan Ventrue, they follow the movements of the Sabbat with great interest. Unofficially, and more often, the Crimson Scepter guards the elders of the clan against the Sabbat and looks for signs of the Secret Masters. They compile extensive dossiers on Ventrue and check them against the records in London. They are the eyes and ears of the Directorates, watching and removing those who threaten the clan. They operate by stealth, political machination and deception. Many ambitious Ventrue view this as the first step to becoming an Alastor. Membership in the Crimson Scepter is strictly regulated by the Knight-General, although a Knight or Knight-Commander may recommend someone for membership. Full membership, or knighthood, is restricted to thirteen male English Ventrue of good standing whose sire, grandsire and childer are also considered to be in good standing and have never broken tradition. Any Ventrue held in good standing may be nominated for a Knight-Errant position, a sort of honorary membership. The Knight-General and the two Knight-Commanders are Elders based in the city of London and all three posses strong Reputations in the clan (Coord NPCs). The Sergeant at Arms is a ghoul who serves the Knight-General. The identities of these four individuals are never truly known outside of Lady Anne's trusted advisors. Each member of the order takes an oath of silence at his induction and his orders from the KnightGeneral are buried deep within the subconscious mind by several highly skilled elders. The orders buried within each members mind vary according to the role within the organization. Failure to maintain this silence, regardless of circumstance, results in the destruction of the traitor at the hands of his brothers. Inquisitors are the main source of information gathering within the order; they are trained in methods of torture, and interrogation, both physical, and mental. Inquisitors are well-versed in stealth, various Lores and Etiquette pertaining to different groups and sects. Inquisitors are able to infiltrate nearly any Clan or sect, and can often investigate the ones they cannot by using more subtle means. They are often the younger Kindred in the organization, as neonates are better able to handle modern interrogation and espionage equipment. Inquisitors deliver all gathered information to their superiors, and deliver useful information to appropriate Camarilla officials, such as a Prince or Justicar. If information is discovered that the Inquisitor believes he should deliver to no one but his superiors, it is immediately pushed to the26


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

subconscious, and forgotten until he is reporting to his superiors, at that time, the information will again come to the fore-front of his mind. Depending on the circumstances, Inquisitors do not always destroy the person being interrogated; Dominate can also be employed to remove all traces of the incident from the victims mind. Centurians of the order are warriors, likened to the Ventrue Knights of the Dark Ages. They are known for their honor, valor, and prowess on the battlefield and have mastered the arts of resisting damage (Fortitude). Many also have managed to gain at least the basic instruction in powers of speed and strength (Celerity and Potence), and are encouraged to develop these skills to their highest limits. Centurians are commonly assigned to a powerful elder, often their Sire. This usually means that the Centurian will remain in the Domain of the elder, usually as a bodyguard. The simple presence of one powerful Kindred guarding another is often enough to stop most assassination attempts, however, many Ventrue do not want a bodyguard, for various reasons. If a bodyguard is not wanted, the Centurian will travel to the Domain and act as an advisor or business partner to the elder, always prepared to jump into action if necessary. Sometimes the Centurian in question is also an Inquisitor, and uses the stealth he learned in his previous role to remain, almost always, close to the elder, albeit undetected. Centurians are ordered to protect the elders they are assigned to at any cost. Failure to protect their charge results in a terrible blemish upon the Ventrues Dignitas, and he is not likely to receive such an honorable assignment for some time. Often, the Knight-General and the Knight-Commander will re-assign the dishonored Knight to be educated in the proper ways in which to handle himself. Centurians who are not bodyguards are warriors whose sole purpose is to defeat the enemies of Clan Ventrue and the Camarilla. They gather what knowledge they can, and try to gain positions within a Domain in order to plan attacks and defenses accordingly. Centurians and Inquisitors in the same Domain can prove to be one of the most effective weapons in Clan Ventrues arsenal. Few Knights are both Centurian and Inquisitor. Sometimes a Knight will request a change in his duties, in order to learn both elements of the organization. Such a request is rarely granted, and usually only for Ventrue who are unusually well accomplished in their area of expertise and also display some mastery of the skills required for the duties of the other part of the order. Knights who are better suited to battle are more likely to remain Centurians than become Inquisitors. Regardless of whether the Ventrue is a Centurian or an Inquisitor, neither division is ever mentioned outside of the Order, even to Clanmates. Presentation: Symbol: [Position] of the Crimson Scepter Knights: Clan Symbol backed by a Crimson Ribbon Knights Errant: Clan Symbol backed by a Crimson Ribbon with White Piping Knight Commander: Clan Symbol backed by a Crimson Ribbon with Silver Piping Knight General: Clan Symbol backed by a Crimson Ribbon with Gold Piping A Knight, Knight Commander or the Knight General The Knight General (NPC, Dignitas SubCoord Office) Knights: 4+ Status at time of Induction, English Heritage, Must be Male. Knight Errants: 4+ Status at time of Induction Knighthood is restricted to thirteen (13) male English Ventrue of good standing whose sire, grandsire and childer are in good standing and have never broken tradition. Knight Errants may be any Ventrue held in good standing. Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

Nominated by: Inducted by: Requirements: Restrictions:



Ventrue Dignitas Guide

THE ORDER OF THE WHITE CROSS Ventrue who have killed a member of the Sabbat in single, unaided combat may be admitted into the Order of the White Cross. The Order is a genteel society of distinguished warriors. It is possible to be awarded the White Cross without being admitted to the Order and a significant delay between the two is not uncommon. Ventrue who simultaneously qualify for the White Cross and admission to the Order are permitted to list or describe their award as Order of White Cross, Distinguished. (This is a very rare situation). The head of the Order, the Knight of the White Cross (Coord NPC), handles the process of inducting new members into the Order as well as creating additional distinctions to reflect the multiple ways that a Ventrue can distinguish themselves in battle with the Sabbat. Recent years have seen the addition of the Gold Palm for Heroism and The White Cross with Crimson Piping (for particularly disquieting body counts...). Presentation: Symbol: Order of the White Cross (date) For simultaneous awarding of the White Cross and induction into the Order: Order of the White Cross, Distinguished (date) For the Order: A small white-cross pin trimmed with gold, on the lapel of a suit coat or the collar of a dress. For Heroism in Battle: The cross has a golden hand in the center of it. For High Death Counts: Crimson trim instead of gold. Knight of the White Cross: White Cross with a gold cross in the center & a red sash across it. Aedile, Praetor or Prince The Knight of the White Cross (NPC, Dignitas SubCoord Office) The confirmed killing of a Sabbat member in single, unaided combat, by the person being given the award. The Knight of the White Cross (NPC) handles the confirmation of new members of the Order as well as the Authority to create additional distinctions to the award. Suitable for Starting PCs with Coordinator approval. HAWK ROYALE

Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions:



The Order of the Hawk Royale forms the elite of Clan Ventrue's social society; those who know what is and is not done. Fully au fait with correct form and behavior, they embody the civilized and courtly demeanor that Ventrue value as both a mark of distinction and a social safety mechanism, and scorn the genteel behavior of those unfortunates who mistake petty rules and grandiosity for good breeding and taste. Members of the Order are acknowledged as authorities on Right Behavior, and some luminaries are even accepted as arbiters when disputes regarding Dignitas arise. Many members also hold the title of Proctor as well as their Membership. Those who aspire to the ranks of the Hawk Royale face a long and often torturous climb up the social ladder. As the name of the Order suggests, the Lords and Ladies watch their contemporaries like hawks, alert for the slightest misdemeanor that may be held up to the light or filed away for later. There are only two levels to the Order: Membership, and First Class Membership. Membership is gained28


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

simply be demonstrating ones class, style and dignity in public and being accepted as one of them by existing members. Of course, this is easier said than done and neither achievement nor longevity guarantees acceptance. Members of the Order may sign themselves, Lord/Lady of Kings, usually only in Clan communications, although no great degree of secrecy is used or expected amongst the rest of the Camarilla. That said however, discretion is, as always, the order of the day. Little is known outside of the Order about ascension to First Class Membership, only the members themselves know what the entry requirements are, and they don't make them public. It is simply noted that accomplished Members who have served for a significant length of time sometimes adapt their signature to Lord/Lady [Name], [Appellation] of Kings. The appellation seems to vary, but usually carries an avian or hunting theme. Some simple folk expect that the slightest shred of scandal would see Members of the Order forcibly ejected from its ranks. This is not so. Whilst Members enjoy watching their fellows embroiled in scandal (any Kindred worth a second glance is) for them the point to watch is how the individual reacts to the scandal, and whether or not they emerge with a relative degree of public favor or interest, however begrudging. Over the years, some few individuals have dared or erred in aping or demanding membership in the Order, or have tried to use the Order's titles and addresses without permission. Such cases are both sweetly and sharply shown the error of their ways or heartily and publicly roasted (verbally, of course). Members of the Order are not known to wear any form of decoration in public; many avow that it is because Members feel that camouflage is invaluable whilst hunting. The members of the Order are a varied lot; while most are of moderate-to-high standing and Dignitas, occasionally Neonates are invited to join - it seems that wit and discretion are of more value to the Hawk Royale than pips and piping. The Infamous may also find membership within its ranks, although they walk the fine line between delicious scandals and beyond the pale. While the Hawk Royale may be referred to as In-Clan Harpies, they hold no power to strip Status, Prestige or Awards etc. beyond their individual abilities outside of the Order. Their recommendations, however, usually carry a degree of weight. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Inducted by: Requirements: Restrictions: Membership: Lord/Lady of Kings. First-Class Membership: Lord/Lady [Name], [Appellation] of Kings No formal decoration assigned for this award. Being found acceptable by the current members of the Order. Accepted into the ranks by the current members of the Order. Membership: Etiquette x2, Camarilla Lore x2 and Ventrue Lore x2 First-Class Membership: Etiquette x4, Camarilla Lore x3 and Ventrue Lore x3 with a Specialization in Dignitas Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

ORDER OF THE ERMINE ROBE The Ventrue who made up the Eastern Lords saw themselves engaged in a great crusade to drive back the clans foes and expand its position in Europe. Though this could be achieved in many ways, nothing stood as a stronger symbol than the creation of a new domain, or the conquest of one who lay in the29


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

hands of the fiends. Great Honor was given for those Ventrue cunning, strong, and diplomatic enough to pull off such a feat. In addition to the temporal power so gained such a Cainite was inducted into the Order of the Ermine Robe. In modern nights this tradition has continued, the order is still bestowed on those few kindred who can meet its standards, though those have grown somewhat from the wild and early days. It isnt enough to find some small city no one and declare oneself prince. A domain must be of a certain prestigious nature and the orders masters are very hard to impress in these nights. Nor is the simple successful seizure of praxis considered a guarantee of admittance, what matters here is the caliber of the one you beat. The conquest of a Sabbat held domain will always be rewarded. The taking of a city from the hands of an Independent or Anarch, while not as certain, usually suffices. Only in the rarest of occasions has a Ventrue admitted for capturing the throne of a Camarilla domain, and only when a true enemy of the clan has been beaten or when the event gained great honor for the Ventrue as a whole. The order has little use for failure though. Should one of its members lose their throne to the clans enemies, he will soon find himself expelled, and if some rumors are true, will likely soon die in heroic service to the clan Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Awarded by: Requirements: Restrictions: Wearer of the Ermine Robe (Domain) Traditionally a cloak or robe trimmed in ermine. In modern times a piece of jewelry bearing the heraldic ermine mark is used. A sitting Prince (must be a current Prince) The members of the order (coord NPC) The successful capture or establishment of a Domain. Unsuitable for starting PCs. Coordinator Approval Required.

THE ORDER OF THE CRESCENT MOON "Gustave assigned many Kindred (generally those he suspected of some kind of treachery) the dubious honor of hunting down and killing the Lupines. By 1786, most of the Lupines had been driven away, and those stayed were mercilessly destroyed. Many Lupine pelts adorn the havens of Berlin Ventrue Elders." (From Berlin by Night, pg. 15) Because of the outrage that this could cause among Kindred and Lupines, this Order is considered private and those who belong to it do not boast in mixed company. Proof of eligible membership is a Lupine pelt, acquired from the original Lupine by the Ventrues own hand. The award is displayed as a red garter worn on the right arm secured with a silver crescent moon pin. Additional acquisitions may be marked with clusters of rubies to indicate greater achievement. When questioned, Ventrue who display the mark of the Order merely smile. In order to join the Order, one must have sufficient status to avoid indelicate questioning and lack of humanity sufficient to revel in such things (like skinning a Lupine and keeping their pelt). The Order is self administered for all practical purposes. Presentation: Symbol: No formal presentation for this award, though those that choose to list their achievement do so as the Order of the Crescent Moon. Traditionally, a red garter, secured with a silver Crescent Moon pin worn on the right arm; though in more recent nights some have taken to just wearing a silver crescent moon pin on the lapel or as a tie tack and occasionally backing it with a30


Ventrue Dignitas Guide

Nominated by: Inducted by: Requirements: Restrictions:

piece of red ribbon. Skinning a Lupine with ones own hand and keeping its pelt Self-Administered by choice Must have skinned a Lupine and be able to successfully produce a pelt when asked. Must be earned through IC interaction. Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

THE KEY CLUB The Key Club is one of the most private of the secret societies of Clan. Entirely male, its membership is small but united in a common purpose. Members keep an almost inconspicuous length of silk or hemp tied to their key chains with a number of knots along its length. Knots are added for seduction and conquest of female Kindred. Nosferatu do not count at all, nor does copulation compelled by force or domination, though Toreador count as double. The Key Club is a modern invention coinciding with the fall of chivalry and rise of feminism which members have interpreted as an affront to their power. The name derives from the brief fad of "key parties" in the 1970s when married couples would place key chains in a bowl at parties and select random partners to go home with at the end of the evening. For Key Club members sex is just another form of dominance and conquest a diversion to keep the centuries at bay. No Kindred outside the club is aware of its existence or the significance of the marker. The risk of discovery and scandal is part of the allure for Key Club members. Presentation: Symbol: Nominated by: Inducted by: Requirements: Restrictions: No formal presentation for this award. A length of silk or hemp cord tied to the key chain. No formal nomination for this award Quiet introductions by an existing member The Seduction and Conquest of female kindred. Must be earned through IC interaction, Must be Male. Suitable for Starting PCs with Coordinator Approval.

THE LIVILLAN SOCIETY This semi-secret society is similar to the mens Key Club in its focus on seduction and many members are also part of the Sororities Helenite branch, but that is the only similarity. The Society consists of women who use their powers of seduction to manipulate, control and to eventually destroy male kindred who are deemed a threat to the clan. Whispered about in many Ventrue circles, it is not uncommon for these women to be calle