
Venue : Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis Entry Kolveniersvest 20 2500 LIER Zaal Crick-Watson

How to get there :

By car : on the ringroad R16, enter Lier at the Antwerpsepoort on the Antwerpsesteenweg. Do not follow the signposts to Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis as they ‘ll lead you to another parking lot. Follow the Antwerpsesteenweg to the centre until you reach the Kolveniersvest where you have to turn right. Enter the parking lot of the Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis on your right at the BGES beachflag. Follow the signposts to the right and then left until you reach the parking lot. Enter the hospital at the door with the BGES beach flag. follow the signposts to the left. The Crick -Watson meeting room is on the 2nd floor.

By train : The railway station is situated on the Antwerpsesteenweg. follow the road until you reach the Kolverniersvest. Turn right at the BGES beachflag and follow the BGES signposting.

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Monday session

Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis Lier

Mo June 19th, 2017 19hrs

Dear Colleagues, Technology is and will be a growing part of our surgical practice, whether we like it or not. The BGES is glad to offer you a glimpse into the future of surgery for it’s next Monday session. We are proud to present you a set of presentations by speakers all working most of us. The line up will feature a surgeon from Germany, a South-African urogynaecologist and a Hungarian professor in analytical chemistry both working in the UK, a Belgian PhD in physics working for a German company and a Dutch engineer. An unusual, international, refreshing and exciting lineup which hopefully will get your attention.

Charles de Gheldere secretary general BGES

19.00 Welcome drink and buffet. 20.00 scientific program : Chair C. de Gheldere - J. Jaspers“

The i -knife “ Zoltan Takats, MSc, Ph.D. London, UK

“Augmented reality in medical applications” Cédric Spaas, MSc. PhD ARVisS, Trivisio, Germany

“First clinical experience with the new Senhance® surgical robot. “ Dietmar Stephan MD Siegen, Germany “If robotic surgery has so many advantages why is it so rare ?” Mark Slack MD Cambridge, UK

“Bridging the gap between surgeons & engineers in developing innovative medical devices for clinical applications” Joris Jaspers, MSc. PhD Utrecht, The Netherlands

22.00 Wrap- u

Joris Jaspers graduated as an mechanical engineer from the T.U. Delft in 1996 and got a PhD from the TU Delft and the AMC Amsterdam in 2005 about design and evaluation of mechanical alternatives for robotic instruments for minimally invasive surgery. He has been leading the department Medical Technology Innovation since 2008 at the University Medical Centre in Utrecht. His work focuses on the development, clinical feasibility and valorisation of labour saving medical devices, especially on the potential of being as low-tech as possible, ergonomic, easy to use, affordable and have commercial potential.

Zoltan Takats has obtained his PhD from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.After having worked in Indiana, USA, Budapest & Giesen, Germany, he moved to the UK in 2012 and currently works as a Professor of AnalyticalChemistry at Imperial College in London. He has pursued pioneering research in mass spectrometry and is the primary inventor of six mass spectrometric ionization techniques and author of 78 peer reviewed publications.He is the founder of Prosolia Inc, Medimass Ltd and Massprom Ltd, all companie pursuing analytical and medical device d development.

Dietmar Stephan studied medicine in Münster & Marburg. He was trained as a surgeon in Kirchen & Siegen. He works in Siegen since 1993. He is head of the department of minimally invasive surgery in the St Marien Krankenhaus in Siegen since 2008 and is head of the department of minimally invasive surgery at the St MarienKrankenhaus in Siegen since 2017 He is focused on abdominal wall surgery, on antireflux surgery, on bariatric and colorectal surgery.

Mark Slack qualified in Johannesburg (Witwatersrand). He completed his postgraduate training at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur hospital. After leaving South Africa he trained in Urogynaecology in Liverpool. He is currently head of Gynaecology and Urogynaecology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Cambridge Teaching Hospitals Trust. He runs an active research unit and has published widely. He is a founder and director of Cambridge Medical Robotics, a start-up company currently developing a surgical robot. The project

has progressed to cadaveric studies with the smallest modular robot ever developed.

Cédric Spaas got a MSc in Industrial sciences, electronic engineering in 2011 and a MSc in nanosciences and nanotechnology engineering in 2014, both at the KULeuven. Het got a PhD in solid states Physics at the KULeuven in 2017 and a Masters degree in Management at Harvard university in 2017. He is working as a project manager at Trivisio Prototyping GmbH where he created and is responsible for the EU/SME grant project ARCisS, managing the design, the development and the commercialisation of an augmented-reality guidance system for the surgical resection of malignant cancer tissues.
