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Page 1: Venus
Page 2: Venus

Venus is the second planet in

the solar system in order of

distance from the sun, and the

third in temps of size, from

smallest to largest.

Page 3: Venus

Nomed in homor of venus the

roman goodnes of love.

Page 4: Venus

It is a rocky planet and

terrestial, often called the sister

planet of earth,as both are

similar in size , mass and

composition , although totally

different in thermal and air


Page 5: Venus

Venus orbit is an ellipse with

eccentricity of less than 1%

forming the planets; just over


Page 6: Venus

Despite not being closer tot the

sun than mercury, venus has

the hottest atmosphere, as this

traps more heat from the sun

because it is mainly composed

of greenhouse gases such as

carbon dioxide.

Page 7: Venus

To be closer to the sun then

Venus Earth(Is an inner planet)

altohougot all planetaey orbits

are elliptical,Venus ‘s orbit is

more like a circle, with less than

1% accentricity.

Page 8: Venus

The water has most probably

photodissociated,and,because of

the lack of a planetary magnetic

field,the free hydrogen has been

swept into interplanetary space by

the solar wind.Venus’s surface is a

dry desertscape interspersed with

slab-like rocks and periodically

refreshed by volcanism.

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Page 10: Venus