Page 1: vesle=lJe meeOevee XI WOMEN’S EDITION · • Science of Organisaon • Leadership Lessons from History • Interpersonal Communicaon • Public Relaons and Use of Social Media

Netritva Sadhana is a Cer�ficate Course in Socio‐Poli�cal

Leadership focused on honing and harnessing leadership skills

through its academically proven and ac�on‐oriented modules.

Netritva Sadhana was born out of an acute need of a formal

short‐term training course or a programme for young

professionals and individuals considering either a full‐fledged

career, ac�ve volunteering or associa�on with some social or

poli�cal organiza�on.

Conducted as a 5‐day residen�al course, Netritva Sadhana

systema�cally and structurally introduces youngsters to the

world of social work or ac�vism or poli�cs. The training is

delivered by social workers, ac�vists, poli�cal leaders, acclaimed

bureaucrats, and intellectuals and is coupled with informal

interac�ons and field visits.

Netritva Sadhana

• Art of Public Speaking

• Science of Organisa�on

• Leadership Lessons from History

• Interpersonal Communica�on

• Public Rela�ons and Use of Social Media

• Understanding Indian Democra�c System

• Introduc�on to the Cons�tu�on of India

• History of Poli�cal Par�es in India

• Interac�on with Successful Women Leaders

• Women Empowerment through Social Reforms

• Safety and Security Issues for Working Women

• Govt. Schemes for Empowering Women

• Women in Poli�cs : Scope and Challenges

• Understanding Legal Tools for Women Ac�vists

• Model Parliament

Course Highlights

Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini



4th ‐ 8th December, 2019

Venue : RMP‐KEC

Keshav Srush�, U�an Village, Essel World Road,

Bhayander (West), Thane ‐ 401106, Maharashtra, India.


vesle=lJe meeOevee - XI

Netritva Sadhana: Journey So FarThe advent of technology has empowered and given voice to youth and thus the youth of today is ac�vely ge�ng themselves heard in all socio‐poli�cal ma�ers.

It is with this realisa�on that Indian Ins�tute of Democra�c Leadership (IIDL) an ini�a�ve of Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini (RMP) launched 'Netritva Sadhana' to nurture & train leaders of tomorrow.

The programmes conducted so far have received par�cipa�on from 300+ young professionals from different parts of India including Chartered Accountants, IT professionals, Bankers, Social Workers and Students from various backgrounds.

During the course par�cipants got the opportunity to interact with prominent leaders such as Sh. Ram Naik, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, Smt. Smri� Irani, Sh. Prakash Javdekar, Sh. Nalin Kohli, Sh. Ni�n Gadkari, Sh. Manohar Lal Kha�ar, Sh. Rakesh Sinha and Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe.

Netritva Sadhana 1st Edi�on: Mumbai, 2012

Netritva Sadhana 2nd Edi�on: Jodhpur, 2012

Netritva Sadhana 3rd Edi�on: Mumbai, 2013

Netritva Sadhana 4th Edi�on: Mumbai, 2014

Netritva Sadhana 5th Edi�on: Bhopal, 2015

Netritva Sadhana 6th Edi�on: Srinagar, 2016

Netritva Sadhana 7th Edi�on: Chandigarh, 2017

Netritva Sadhana 8th Edi�on: Guwaha�, 2017

Netritva Sadhana 9th Edi�on: Hyderabad, 2018

Netritva Sadhana 10th Edi�on: Delhi, 2019

“My Faith is in the Younger Genera�on,

the Modern Genera�on, out of them

will come my workers. They will work

out the whole problem, like Lions.”

‐ Swami Vivekananda

Page 2: vesle=lJe meeOevee XI WOMEN’S EDITION · • Science of Organisaon • Leadership Lessons from History • Interpersonal Communicaon • Public Relaons and Use of Social Media

Speakers at Previous Edi�ons of Netritva Sadhana

Sh. Ram Naik Smt. Smri� Irani Sh. Prakash Javadekar

Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Sh. Nalin Kohli Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi

Glimpses from Previous Edi�ons of Netritva Sadhana

Women form 50% of our society but for some reason, women

leadership in society is almost negligible. Women leadership in

various sectors specially in the socio‐poli�cal arena is very much

the need of the hour. In this backdrop RMP has decided to

organise Netritva Sadhana to encourage and nurture women's


Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini (RMP)

Established in 1982, Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini (RMP) is a

unique Training and Research Academy, primarily aimed at

enhancing the capabili�es of voluntary ac�vists and elected

representa�ves of the people. RMP has an excellent state‐of‐art

training facility spread over 15 acres of land on the outskirts of

Mumbai, known as Knowledge Excellence Centre (KEC). This

combined with offices in 4 ci�es of Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, and

New Delhi gives RMP a wide footprint to create a big outreach for

its programmes. RMP is recognised by the United Na�ons as a

Special Consulta�ve NGO.

Indian Ins�tute of Democra�c

Leadership (IIDL)

Indian Ins�tute Democra�c Leadership (IIDL), a Centre promoted

by Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini, is designed to produce trained,

ethical and responsible leaders. In short, “New Leaders for a New

India”. The objec�ve of IIDL is to provide through its programmes,

a deep insight into the socio‐poli�cal ground reality of India, to

inculcate and enhance leadership values and capaci�es, and to

equip par�cipants of its programmes with the necessary skill‐sets

for having a career in poli�cs, public affairs, voluntary

organisa�ons and allied areas. Netritva Sadhana is launched by

IIDL to meet the aspira�ons of New Leaders of New India.

RMP Offices

Registered OfficeRambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini 17, Chanchal Smru�,G. D. Ambekar Marg, Opp. Shriram Industrial Estate,Wadala, Mumbai ‐ 400 031, Maharashtra, India.Phone: + 91‐22‐2413 6966 / 2418 5502Email: [email protected]

RMP‐KECKeshav Srush�, U�an Village, Essel World Road,Bhayander (West), Thane ‐ 401106, Maharashtra, India.Phone: +91‐22‐2845 0101Email: [email protected]

RMP‐Delhi136, North Avenue, New Delhi ‐ 110001Phone: +91‐11‐2309 2032Email: [email protected]

Pune OfficeRambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini 626, Narayan Peth,Near Lokhande Talim, Pune ‐ 411 030, Maharashtra, India.Phone: +91‐20‐2447 3271Email: [email protected]

Programme Details

Netritva Sadhana For Women

Course Dura�on: 4th ‐ 8th December, 2019

Venue: Knowledge Excellence Centre, Keshav Srush�, Essel

World Road, U�an, Bhayander (West), Dist.Thane ‐ 401 106 Last date of Registra�on: 23rd November, 2019

Contact Person: Milind Betawadkar ‐ 98335 09222,

Anil Panchal ‐ 99754 15922

Course Fee: 8,000/‐

(Inclusive of food, shared accommoda�on and GST )

Eligibility1. Aspiring women activists and leaders in socio-political field2. Graduate in any stream3. Understanding of Hindi and English Online
