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Vil·la Romana High School

Angi Ch.

Núria G.Irene S.

Oriol B.

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This High School is in ....

La Garriga

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Perfectly in…

Santa María del Camí Street

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Vil·la Romana High School was inaugurate in 1996.

It’s 15 years old.

It’s very big. There are about 450 students.

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This school is called Vil·la Romana because near there is a Roman Villa.

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Vil·la Romana High School

This building is divided in three sectors:

Red Green


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Red’s corridor:

1st ESO students are in the red sector.

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Green’s corridor:

2n ESO students are in the green sector.

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Blue’s corridor:

3rd and 4th ESO students are in the blue sector. Also there are 1st BTX.

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Our timetable!

The lessons start at 8am except on Tuesday because begin at 9am.

We have got five hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. Except on Wednesdays and Fridays because we don’t go at school.

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We practise all lessons three times a week except P.E, History and of religions and art because we practise twice times a week.

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In our school...

There are:

Informatics’ class

Though 1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO students we are using the project “1x1! That consists of studying with the new technologies.

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Because of it we study with a tactile screen. And also people have got his netbook.

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In our school...

Workshop of technologies.

In this class we do electrical circuits

or models.

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Also there are...


Here, we practise a bit of sport. And then we have a shower in the dressing rooms.

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The lockers.

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We have three laboratories. In these classes we do some experiments.

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The playground!Every day at 11 a.m. we have a break. And always we go out to the playground.

Many people play football,

basketaball, tennis table,

or they speak with your


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When we haven’t ended the homework or want

simply tranquility to read…We can be going to study

to the LIBRARY!

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Did you forget your lunch?

There is no problem, here you can buy more sandwiches!

In the canteen!

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But which is the academic calendar?

The academic year lasts approximately nine months.

And it divides in three terms.The first term starts on 7th September and it finishes on 21st December. Then, the holidays begin!

The second term starts on 10th January and it finishes on “La Semana Santa”.

And the third term begins on 11th March but it’s ended on 22nd June. Then already they begin the summer holidays!

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Along the year we celebrate…

In this party we give roses and take part in contests of poetry (poems), texts, etc.

Sant Jordi

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When the classes finish, a lot of students do activities in the school.

For example, more people practise badminton. Other people do theatre. And also people play football!

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Well, already you know more our school!

Do you like it you?

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