Page 1: Vocabulario y gramática • can perform the tasks on p. 289

288 doscientos ochenta y ochoTema 5 • En las noticias

RVocabulario y gramática

to hurtpainnurse

to examine, to checkinjection, shot

to give an injection


to stitch (surgically)X-ray

to take an X-ray

prescriptionto prescribebrokenemergency room


doler (o ! ue)el dolorel enfermero,

la enfermeraexaminarla inyección, pl.

las inyeccionesponer una

inyecciónla medicinalas muletaslas pastillaslas puntadas

dar puntadasla radiografía

sacar una radiografía

la recetarecetarroto, -ala sala de

emergenciala sangrela silla de ruedasla vendael yeso

to talk about treatments for medicalconditions el codo

el cuellola espaldael hombroel huesola muñecael músculola rodillael tobillo

to name parts of the bodyelbowneckbackshoulderbonewristmusclekneeankle

el accidentela ambulanciacaerse

me caigote caesse cayóse cayeron

chocar con

cortarselastimarse¿Qué te pasó?rompersetorcerse (o ! ue)tropezar (e ! ie)


to explain how an accident occurredaccidentambulanceto fall

I fallyou fallhe / she fellthey / you fell

to crash into, to collide with

to cut oneselfto hurt oneselfWhat happened to you?to break, to tearto twist, to sprainto trip (over)

to movepoor thingWhat a shame!to feel

moverse (o ! ue)pobrecito, -a¡Qué lástima!sentirse (e ! ie)

other useful words and expressions

To prepare for the test, check tosee if you . . .• know the new vocabulary

and grammar• can perform the tasks

on p. 289

Chapter Review

preterite of venirvine vinimosviniste vinisteisvino vinieron

preterite of ponerpuse pusimospusiste pusisteispuso pusieron

preterite of decir and traerdije traje dijimos trajimosdijiste trajiste dijisteis trajisteisdijo trajo dijeron trajeron

imperfect progressive tenseUse the imperfect-tense forms of estar + thepresent participle to say that something was takingplace over a period of time in the past.

For Vocabulario adicional, see pp. 498–499.

-ar stem + -ando ! caminando-er stem + -iendo ! corriendo-ir stem + -iendo ! escribiendo

Más prácticaPractice Workbook Puzzle 5B-8Practice Workbook Organizer 5B-9

present participles:


Advanced LearnersHave students host a quiz show for the class.Ask them to write definitions for the vocabularyon paper squares and tape them up backwardson the board. Classmates will choose a square,read the definition, and respond. If studentswrote Es una parte del cuerpo entre la rodilla yel pie, the player should say el tobillo.

Students with Special NeedsBe sensitive to students who need special test-taking arrangements as they may be self-conscious about their needs. If students’ needsare significant, it may be easier to test themindividually. Give them practice test questions orreview activities to work on while theirclassmates are taking the test.

Universal Access


Review ActivitiesReview ActivitiesReview ActivitiesSuggestions:To talk about treatments for medicalconditions: Write the words for differentinjuries on a piece of paper and put themin a box. Have students work in pairs tochoose an injury from the box and presentit to their partner, who will recommend atreatment. To explain how accidents occurred: Createtwo sets of cards. One set contains theinfinitives from this vocabulary section. Theother set states a tense and person.Students draw one card from each set andmust create a sentence using the verb inthe tense and person indicated.To name parts of the body: Give eachstudent a baseball card with the player’swhole body shown. Have students taketurns pointing to different body parts whiletheir partner names them.

PortfolioPortfolioPortfolioInvite students to review the activities theycompleted in this chapter, includingwritten reports, posters or other visuals,tapes of oral presentations, or otherprojects. Have them select one or twoitems that they feel best demonstrate theirachievements in Spanish to include in theirportfolios. Have them include this with theChapter Checklist and Self-AssessmentWorksheet.

Additional ResourcesAdditional ResourcesAdditional Resources•• Audio Program: CD 11, Cap. 5B, Track 13Audio Program: CD 11, Cap. 5B, Track 13•• Resource Book: Cap. 5B, Clip ArtResource Book: Cap. 5B, Clip Art•• Resource Book: Cap. 5B, Situation CardsResource Book: Cap. 5B, Situation Cards•• Assessment Program: Chapter Checklist and Self-Assessment Program: Chapter Checklist and Self-

Assessment WorksheetAssessment Worksheet

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Page 2: Vocabulario y gramática • can perform the tasks on p. 289

Preparación para el examen



On the exam youwill be asked to . . .

Escuchar Listenand understand assomeone talks aboutwhat has happened atan accident

If you need review . . .

pp. 266–269 A primera vista

p. 270 Actividad 5p. 274 Actividad 12

Here are practice tasks similar tothose you will find on the exam . . .

Listen as a 911 operator takes a call fromsomeone who is at the scene of an accident.See if you can understand: (a) what thevictim was doing before the accidentoccurred; (b) what caused the accident;and (c) what the injury appears to be.

Hablar Ask andanswer questions abouthow someone wasinjured

p. 270 Actividad 6p. 271 Actividad 8p. 272 Actividad 9p. 273 Actividad 10p. 275 Actividad 15p. 278 Actividad 20p. 281 Actividad 26

You would like to get some training inemergency room questioning techniques.With a partner, practice what you learnedby role-playing a situation in which oneperson asks: (a) what time the patient cameto the emergency room and how he / shegot there; (b) what caused the injury; and (c) what the person was doing at the timeof the injury. Then switch roles.

Pensar Demonstratean understanding ofemergency medicalservices in differentcountries

p. 271 Fondo culturalp. 278 Fondo culturalpp. 282–283 Lecturap. 284 Perspectivas del

mundo hispano

Imagine that you’ve been injured. Wherewould you go? How would you get there?What type of emergency medical servicesare available in your community? How arethey similar to or different from those inSpanish-speaking countries?

Escribir Writean account of whatmedical treatment wasgiven to injured people

Several children that you were supervisingwere injured on the playground and youtook them to the emergency room. Write asummary, in Spanish, describing themedical treatment each child received.

Leer Read andunderstand an accountof an accident

pp. 266–269 A primeravista

p. 270 Actividad 4p. 275 Actividad 13p. 279 Actividad 21p. 280 Actividad 23pp. 282–283 Lectura

In the newspaper, you see an account of anaccident. See if you can understand whathappened, as well as what medicaltreatment the victims received.

Ayer dos niños se chocaron cuando estabanmontando en bicicleta en la calle Suárez. Laambulancia llegó rápidamente para llevarlos a lasala de emergencia. Los paramédicos dijeron queuno de los niños tenía la muñeca rota y el otronecesitaba diez puntadas en la rodilla.




doscientos ochenta y nueve 289Capítulo 5B

For: Test preparationVisit: www.phschool.comWeb Code: jdd-0517

p. 270 Actividad 4p. 274 Actividad 12p. 275 Actividades 13, 15p. 285 Presentación



Enriching Your Teaching

Teacher-to-TeacherHelp students to prioritize what they need tostudy by having them use colored stick-onnotes to identify important areas of the text.One color can be used to label helpful activities.With another color, students can point outitems that they only need to review briefly. Theyshould use a third color for high-priority itemsthat they have not yet mastered.

Alternative Assessment•• ExamView Test Bank CD-ROMExamView Test Bank CD-ROM•• MindPoint Quiz Show CD-ROMMindPoint Quiz Show CD-ROM•• Resource Book: Cap. 5B, Situation CardsResource Book: Cap. 5B, Situation Cards•• Resource Book: Cap. 5B, Communicative ActivitiesResource Book: Cap. 5B, Communicative Activities


Performance TasksPerformance TasksPerformance TasksStandards:Standards:Standards:1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.21.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.21.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2

Resources: Audio Program: CD 11, Cap. 5B, TrackAudio Program: CD 11, Cap. 5B, Track14; Resource Book: Cap. 5B, Audio Script; Practice14; Resource Book: Cap. 5B, Audio Script; PracticeAnswers on TransparenciesAnswers on Transparencies1. EscucharSuggestions: You may want to havestudents write what they hear as adictation. Script:Mi hermano tuvo un accidente. Él estaba corriendo consus amigos cuando, de repente, tropezó con unabicicleta. Creo que se torció su rodilla.Answers:a. He was running with his friends.b. He tripped over a bicycle.c. He seems to have sprained his knee.2. HablarSuggestions: Give students a scenario todiscuss for each dialogue. Answers will vary but may include: a. ¿A qué hora vino la paciente a la sala de emergencia?

¿Cómo llegó aquí? b. ¿Qué causó el accidente? c. ¿Qué estaba haciendo cuando se lastimó?3. LeerSuggestions: Have students scan the textfor key words before they begin. Answers:Two children who were riding bicycles collided. Anambulance came quickly and took them to theemergency room. One child had a broken wrist and theother needed ten stitches in his knee.4. EscribirSuggestions: Have students create a chartthat shows each child’s name, what thechild was doing, what happened, andwhat medical treatment was received. Thestudents can then create sentences usingthe information from the chart.Answers will vary.5. PensarSuggestions: For information onemergency medical services in Spanish-speaking countries, refer students to p. 284. Answers will vary.

AssessmentAssessmentAssessment•• Examen del capitulo: 5BExamen del capitulo: 5B•• Audio Program:Audio Program:

CD 21, Cap. 5B, Track 2CD 21, Cap. 5B, Track 2

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