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Page 1: Vocabulary

Vocabulary Jallway

Page 2: Vocabulary

Lambaste - Verb Attack, usually with

words, criticize.

John scornfully lambasted his dog for urinating on his new, freshly purchased carpet.

Page 3: Vocabulary

Impasse - Noun A situation in which

no progress is possible.

As Judy argued with the judge, she realized that she reached an impasse in the case and haltered with her argument.

Page 4: Vocabulary

Jargon – Noun Slang

As Ms. Holly, a new substitute teacher, was casually walking down the hallway, she heard jargon which she never heard before at her old school.

Page 5: Vocabulary

Deter - Verb Prevent, block

As Monica was wheeling down the court and preparing to take a shot, Joe came and swiftly deterred her shot.

Page 6: Vocabulary

Tenuous - Adjective Weak, thin

Some people struggle on the tenuous line between reality and the dream world.
