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Page 1: Vocabulary 9 Clara


Page 2: Vocabulary 9 Clara

ARGUMENTOne man is attempting to prove the other one wrong in a debate, he makes his statement and apparently the other man is having trouble thinking of a rebuttal.

Page 3: Vocabulary 9 Clara

PROPOSE/PROPOSITIONThis a man is making a proposition to spend the rest of his life with his girlfriend and start a family together.

Page 4: Vocabulary 9 Clara

OPPOSE/OPPOSITIONIn this photo people are protesting against animal testing. They oppose the idea of animals being experimented on for the advancement of beauty products or medicines.

Page 5: Vocabulary 9 Clara

IMPERATIVEIn this photo the lady says that it is imperative that everyone does their home work by stating “Do your homework”

Page 6: Vocabulary 9 Clara

ASSERTEvidence is used to assert the innocence or guilt of a suspect in an investigation.

Page 7: Vocabulary 9 Clara

REFUTEThis book talks about how evolution is incorrect and is refuting what Charles Darwin has said.

Page 8: Vocabulary 9 Clara

DETRIMENTALEating only jumbo burgers for a week would be extremely detrimental to your health because it is mainly fatty meat and you could gain excessive weight

Page 9: Vocabulary 9 Clara

GENERALIZATION/ GENERALIZE This photo makes the generalization that all boys are stupid and rocks should be thrown at them.

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Page 10: Vocabulary 9 Clara

AMBIGUOUS This photo is ambiguous because it could be seen as two faces or a cup and it is confusing to some people.

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GLOBALIZATIONThis photo represents globalization because these two people are making a link and connecting the world.