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VSTO + LOB Apps Information MattersJoão Tito Lívio

http://netponto.org26ª Reunião Lisboa - 21/01/2012

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Patrocinador “Bronze”

Patrocinadores “Silver”

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João Tito Lívio (aka Tito).NET e SharePoint ConsultantProject Manager

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (Office Development)MCP + MCTS

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Sumário• Visual Studio Tools for Office (Tool?, VBA?, Polémica? Petições? VBA will dead?, Whatever!)

– O que é– Como Funciona– Breve introdução

• Application vs Document Level• Criação de um Projecto VSTO• Tipos de Pojectos Disponíveis• Ribbon Visual Designer

• VSTO + Excel (Application Level)– Automação + SQL server– Automação + Web Services

• VSTO + Word (Document Level)– Automação + SQL server

• VSTO + Outlook– Automação com SQL Server e E-mails

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Opiniões1. Microsoft has stopped developing Visual Basic (classic) in 1999 and has spent huge effort on

building .Net framework. since then Microsoft is promoting .Net Framework and C# as the primary language of choice. Visual Basic .Net is equally good and can used if you are already an expert in classic VB.

2. Microsoft “is planning “to retire VBA?. Office 2003 came with Scripting Engine based on Javascript (not successful) and since then promoting the use of VSTO and Office PIAs in .Net.

3. Starting Office 2007, standard formats of Excel doesn't support embedding macros. Formats that support Macros and VBA projects only run of located at Trusted locations or when security is lowered below recommended levels.

4. Starting Office 2007, the VBA environment runs in the compatibility mode and having several issues when dynamically invoking methods from the embedded VBA projects.

5. It is very clear future versions of Office will not support VBA. However, I don't know which will be the last version supporting VBA (2012, 2015?).

6. One has to seriously think about investing their time in learning VBA, when it is going away soon. It is getting very difficult to find junior VBA developers.


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VSTO o que é?

• Uma Tool para interagir com as Office App’s• Interop Object Model via .NET Components• Utiliza Managed Code (C# ou VB.NET)• Não é necessário conhecimento de VBA• Utiliza-se ao Nível da Aplicação Host ou Doc..• É interpretado como COM Component

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Como Funciona

Object Model Call’s

Event, CallbacksMethods

Interop Assembly Microsoft Office

Microsoft Add-in

VS App

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Application vs Document LevelA Aplicação Host Carrega o DLL O Documento Carrega o DLL

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Tipos de Projetos VSTO



São Templates criados para desenvolver projetos VSTO.

São os suportados oficialmente pela Microsoft, embora podermos criar os nossos próprios templates para qualquer aplicação Office pois os NET Interops estão disponíveis

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Criar o Primeiro Projecto VSTO


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Ribbon Visual Designer

• Integração com a Application Host• Usa Callbacks para comunicar com o Office• XML Based

protected override Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonExtensibility CreateRibbonExtensibilityObject() { return new MyRibbon(); }

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Trabalhar com a Ribbon


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Microsoft Excel e LOB

• Get Data from SQL server• Interop with Excel• Manage Workbooks and Worksheets

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Excel Interop LOB


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Microsoft Excel e Web Services

• Get Data from Service• Interop with Excel• Display Data

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Excel Interop Web Services


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Microsoft Word e LOB

• Get Data from SQL server• Interop with Word• Manage Document

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Word Interop LOB


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Microsoft Outlook e LOB

• Get Data from SQL server• Interop with Outlook• Manage Outlook Actions

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Outlook Interop LOB


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Deploying Visual Studio 2010 VSTO• The Microsoft .NET Framework

– Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 2010 can work with the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 orMicrosoft .NET Framework 4.

• The Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime.– Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime provides a runtime environment that manages add-ins

and document-level solutions.

• The primary interop assemblies for the 2007 Microsoft Office system or Microsoft Office 2010.• Any utilities assemblies referenced by projects that target the .NET Framework 4.

Solution Specific Components The installer package must install the following components to the user computer:

– The Microsoft Office document, if you create a document-level solution.– The customization assembly and any assemblies it requires, Additional components such as configuration files,

The application manifest (.manifest). The deployment manifest (.vsto).– Ver:

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Referências e Links Imperdíveis• Referências: Office Developer Center


• Vídeos Interessantes e LinksVideo: Developing Managed Applications for Office 2010 in Visual Studio 2010Video: Embedding Type Information from Microsoft Office AssembliesVideo: Copying a Document to the End User Computer after a ClickOnce InstallationVideo: Deploying Multiple Office Solutions in a Single ClickOnce Installer

• Links– Deployment Overview (Office Development in Visual Studio) – Advanced Office Solution Deployment – Preparing Computers to Run or Host Office Solutions – Updating Office Solutions – How to: Install a ClickOnce Office Solution – How to: Uninstall a ClickOnce Office Solution – Troubleshooting Office Solution Deployment

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Patrocinadores “GOLD”

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Patrocinador “Bronze”

Patrocinadores “Silver”

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