
Facebook Dynamic Product AdsAutomatically promote relevant products across any device


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2.Enter #roihunter


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What does it mean?Static ads

Standard image / logo

Generic headline

Generic body copy

What does it mean?Static ads

Dynamic ads

Standard image / logo

Generic headline

Generic body copy

Product image / enhanced version with dynamic fields (brand, price etc.)

Customizable headline by product name, price, brand or based on targeting

Dynamic body copy to match image and headline

How it works?

- People visit your website without buying

- Facebook saves the products which user visited before

- You retarget them with engaging personalized content

- Based on Facebook ID, not on cookies (FBX)



1. Upload your XML feed

4. Run dynamic product ads

Showing to people browsing your website or app

Creative based on product detail from your XML feed

Reach only visitors before purchase or user who haven’t finished purchase

Reach people immediately after they leave your website

DPA based on Multi product adsMulti-product ads enable businesses to showcase up to five products within a single ad unit, on desktop or mobile.

Better click-through-rate as much as 42%.

Results of Dynamic product ads

Strong results, including a 34% increase in click through rate and a 38% reduction in cost per purchase.

Our results with enhanced dynamic images

Conversion rate: 9,7%

40% bigger revenue than month before

30% more revenue than AdWords

COS from dynamic product ads – 6,58%

Thanks and see you next time!

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Thanks and see you next time...

ROI Hunter [email protected]
