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Page 2: w Inggris Greensand

Prints made from sand by using the model. To be used as a mold material, sand it must have the character of the following:

Dense, so can’t be dragged or eroded by the flowing metal.

Fire resistant, so it can’t when we poured the liquid.

Pores, so that the gases that occurs at the time of pouring out to escape easily from the metal and the sand itself.

The mold by hand

Understanding mold by hand is a way of making use of skills directly with the hand tools simple that can be on hold by the hand and / or do not use machine molds.

Not that simple tools also help him, for example, may be using a complicated pattern in which it cannot use machine. May be also use a stencil pattern or patterns that large can’t be printed with a limited amount of printing machines.

For all that we will learn the basic mold making techniques that start with prints and patterns as well use the simplest tools.

At the end we add a little theory about the process of making mold by hand outline only, before studying the metal casting technology. Explained in detail there is in metal casting technology and manufacture of printed information.

Tool and mold making materials


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Greensand is sand made from the process of mixing a few ingredients as basic materials of quartz sand, betonies (clay) as a binder and some additional material that is given to producing character of the print sand.


Shovels are used for printing and transporting sand mix sand from one place to another.

Grading mold

Straighten the mold is made of cast iron or wrought iron bars that are used to remove excess sand in order to print from a print after the compaction process is completed.

Punching wire gas

Wire punching the gas is made from mild steel wire used to make ventilation holes in the mold.Mal channel down

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Mall channel down is a tool made of wood or metal pegs made oblique shaped to form an open channel where the molten metal will be poured on top of the mold.


Several types of lancet used for cutting print sand, fix the mold and smooth the surface of the mold.

Rubber hammer

Rubber hammer is used to loosen the pattern of the mold, so that the expenditure pattern of the mold becomes easy.

Print order

Print order is a tool used as a place where sand will be compacted to make the print mold.


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Tamping is the equipment used for compacting sand in order to print the print. Tamping sand this print was made in various shapes and materials derived from wood or metal.

Powder dividing

Powder dividing the materials used to facilitate the separation between the pattern and greensand at the time of extraction patterns.

Sieve / filter

Sieve is a tool used to filter sand at the beginning of greensand molding and separate from other materials.

extraction patterns

Incredibly pattern is a metal that has a sharp edge or screw is used for lifting the pattern from the mold.

image pattern to be printed

top view

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Front view

Process of making molds

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1. Place an order to print on a flat base. Sprinkle the powder separator on a pedestal. Attach a print order based pattern, as shown below. And sprinkle more powder on the pattern of separation.

2. Sift sand over the surface pattern printed on the surface being covered by sand fine print is ± 3cm thick from the surface pattern. After that fill sand (not must sifted) into the framework of printing up to a thickness of 5 - 7cm.

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3. Mash the first round pattern for positions within the framework of the print pattern is not shifted, then mashed all over the sand in order to print with 2 method 2 pulverization, namely:

a. Pound weaves technique, the collision as a form of webbing on bamboo mats. (picture a).

b. Circular grinding techniques such as spiral and ends at the center of the mold. ( picture b). Produce density centered in the middle.

a. webbing b. circular

4. Repeat step 2 and 3 was repeated until the print order is fully charged. This process does not require a sand sifter.

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5. Once the print order is fully charged, then the top surface of the mold in order to flatten or level with the print. In this process can be done with grading tool mold.

6. After the alignment process is completed, the mold is reversed and placed back on the pedestal or on a flat surface, so that the previous pattern to be based on top as shown below.

7. Having reversed the order to print a second or can be called (cup) is installed or incorporated in the mold which reversed earlier (drag). in this process should be done carefully and thoroughly to combine a regular basis and in accordance with its position.

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8. After the second print order (cup) had been absorbed, place the second pattern / parts of the pattern as shown below and attached directly to the mall down the channel.

9. The next step repeat steps 1-5, then drag and cup separated again, pull the line down the mall, then cups reversed, flux lines start to be made of sand and polish the surface of the print in contact with the pattern.

10. Then loosen the pattern of the mold by way of hitting with a rubber hammer with a direction to the side.

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11. After that position the cup and drag mold pattern on the upper surface or facing up, remove the pattern that had been loosened using stem extraction patterns.

12. After the pattern was appointed or removed from the mold, the next step is assembling the cup and drag, but if necessary, there are sand mold surface coating process is directly affected by fluid SKIN SAND with layers of material or other aditiv. After the ready incorporation of cup and drag can be done and make sure mold is clean of dried sand or other impurities before.

13. After the cup and incorporated drag it, place the mold into the mold base or can be called a sand-bed, after the mold is ready well ordered in sand-bed mold ready to be cast.

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Advantages:1. Lower cost.2. Not noisy.3. More efficient.

Disadvantages: 1. Density of sand is uneven. 2. The number of failures more. 3. Left-making process is longer.

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Reference 1. Mengolah logam, Prof. Dr. Ing. K.W. Vohdin Basir Latief dan S. Zeiroeddin, PT. Pradnya Paramita,

Jakarta, 1981.2. Pembuatan cetakan 1, Eddy S. Gotto, Politeknik Manufaktur Ceper, Klaten, 2004.
