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October 1990

Topics: Antichrist, Prophecy ,Tribulation Period

 Volume 10 A Book on Bible Prophecy 

 by Ernest An gley 

 And I saw another an gel ascending from the east, having

the seal of the living God: and he cried w ith a loud voice

to the four angels, to whom it was given to hu rt the earthand the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, ne ither the sea,

nor the tree s, till we have sealed the servants of our God

in their foreheads. And I heard the nu mbe r of them

 which were sealed: and there w ere sealed an hun dred

and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the

children of Israel (Revelation 7:2-4).  And th ey sun g as it

 were a new song before the throne, and before the four

 beasts, and the elders: and no m an cou ld learn that song

 bu t the hundred an d forty and four thou sand, which were redeeme d from the earth. These were redeem ed

from among m en, be ing the firstfru its un to God and to

the Lamb (Revelation 14:3,4). At the time of John's revelation, the 144,000 are the firstfruits of 

the nation of Israel, the firstfruits of the Jewish harvest unto God. In Old Testament days under the

Law, Israel celebrated the feast of harvest; God gave Moses this plan. A handful of the crops'

firstfruits were brought to the priest. Next, the great harvest itself was reaped. So it will be when

the Lord gathers home the firstfruits, the 144,000. Later the Jewish harvest will be reaped when

Jesus is accepted as their true Messiah.

Just as the 144,000 will be the firstfruits of God in the Tribulation Period, caught up into heaven,

those taken with Christ at His resurrection became the firstfruits unto God in the church age

harvest of the Gentiles. Jesus, whe n he had cried again w ith a loud voice, yielded u p the

ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the

 bottom; and the earth did qu ake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were op ene d;

and m any bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came ou t of the graves after his

resurre ction, and wen t into the holy city, and appeared u nto many (Matthew 27:50-53).

Saints of God, coming out of their graves after the resurrection of Jesus, were seen in the streets of 

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Jerusalem and ascended with Jesus into heaven. They were the early Gentile harvest, the


Look at the harvest time of crops in Old Testament days, how God had it all planned out. Then see

today's harvest of humanity. God compares souls to fields of grain, ripe, ready for the harvest. Fo r

as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be m ade alive. Bu t every man in his own

orde r: Christ the firstfru its; afterw ard they that are Christ's at his com ing. Then

cometh the end [or end ones] (I Corinthians 15:22-24).

In the twelfth chapter of Revelation we find that the dragon, the devil, seeks to destroy Israel; but

the Lord hides Israel away.  And the w oman [Israel] fled into the w ilderne ss, where she

hath a place prepare d of God, that they should feed her there a thousand tw o hun dred

and threescore days (Revelation 12:6).  And to the wom an w ere given two w ings of a

great eagle, that she might fly into the w ildern ess, into her place, w here she is

nou rished for a time, an d times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent [Satan]

(Revelation 12:14). When the devil sees that the woman/Israel is fleeing,the serpent cast out of 

his mouth w ater as a flood after the wom an, that he might cause her to be carried

aw ay of the flood (verse 15). Some think because the woman was given two wings that she would

probably leave by airplane. Not so, or the devil wouldn't use water to try to destroy her.

 And there was w ar in heaven : Michael and his angels fought against the dragon[Satan]; and the dragon fou ght and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their

place foun d any more in heaven (Revelation 12:7-8). The devil can get into perhaps the first

or second heaven, but he cannot enter the main heaven. During this war in heaven, Michael the

captain of God's great host of war will lead the other angels against the forces of the devil.  And

the great dragon w as cast out, that old serpent, called the De vil, and Satan , which

deceiveth the w hole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast ou t

 with him (verse 9).

Paul in Ephesians 2:2 refers to Lucifer, the devil, as the prince of the powe r of the air. But

Lucifer's reign as prince of the air will come to an end, we read in Revelation. He will no longer be

able to elevate himself to a place of honor, no longer be able to accuse the brethren before God.

 And I hear d a loud voice saying in heaven , Now is come salvation, and strength, and

the kingdom of our God, and the pow er of his Christ: for the accuser of our br ethren is

cast down, which accused them before ou r God day and night (Revelation 12:10). The

Bible contains many startling facts that can be overlooked in reading the Word of God.

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Revelation 13:1, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a b east rise u p ou t of the

sea. Where have we seen this beast, this picture before? In Daniel 12. Revelation 13:2, And th e

 beast which I saw w as like u nto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and

his mouth as the mou th of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat,

and great au thority. John the Revelator, looking back in time, saw the leopard first, the bear

and the lion. Daniel, looking forward in time to the same prophecy, saw the lion, the bear and then

the leopard. It is exciting to discover how Bible prophecies fit together. They're all from God. The

prophets lived hundreds of years apart, and yet the information is the same because it was given by 

the Holy Spirit.

 And I saw one of his heads as it were w oun ded to death; and his deadly wou nd w as

healed: and all the world won dered after the beast (Revelation 13:3). Imagine witnessing

the death of a world leader—everyone thinks he is dead—and then suddenly he stands, resurrected

in front of TV cameras for all to see. What a great stir it will cause! No doubt this wounded head

that John speaks of will be the head of the Antichrist. He will seem to be killed. Those who

followed him, loved him, will think they have lost their great leader, and then he seems to come to

life again before their very eyes. Even him, w hose coming is after the w orking of Satan

 with all pow er and signs and lying won ders (II Thessalonians 2:9). The devil will perform

many lying wonders, but they will not be what they seem to be.  And they w orshipped the

dragon [the devil] which gave power u nto the beast [the Antichrist]: and they worshipped

the beast, saying, Who is like u nto the beast? who is able to make w ar with him (verse


 We read of a beast with seven heads and ten horns, and u pon his horns ten crown s, and

up on his heads the nam e of blasphemy (Revelation 13:1). Ten horns on this beast represent

the European Union, also known as the EU. Some countries may drop out of the Union as it stands

today, some may be added; but the Union has been formed. God said ten nations would combine

forces, and now it is happening in our day. For a period of time the EU will have great power.

Three of the member nations will refuse to allow the beast, the Antichrist, to assume authority over

them. After the Antichrist uproots those three, the other seven hand over their governments to him

 willingly. Europe is gaining more and more influence in world economy and affairs. At the same

time, America's influence is waning. The European nations are turning away from the United

States. This all fits into Bible prophecy, a part of the end-time plan. Other nations are taking over

our businesses at an alarming rate. In this final hour the United States must lose influence, power

and strength in order for the EU to have the great influence and power it needs to be able to

perform in the way prophesied.

Revelation 13 speaks of two beasts, two men so cruel they will not even seem human. God calls

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them beasts. And to one of the beasts was given a mou th speaking great things and

 blasphemies; and powe r was given u nto him to continue forty and two mon ths. And

he open ed his mouth in b lasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his

tabern acle, and them that dw ell in heaven (Revelation 13:5,6). When this beast, the

 Antichrist, first appears, he will bring with him a powerful religion consisting of different faiths.

People will look on him as a man of great peace. He will become the supposed king of the Jews,

making a covenant with the Jewish people for the whole period of the Great Tribulation, seven

 years. It's Daniel's seventieth week of years. In the middle of the seven-year period, when the

 Antichrist sets himself up as God in the temple of God, he will reveal himself as the audacious,

cruel, vicious beast he really is, a devilish incarnation.

 And it was given u nto him to make w ar with the saints, and to overcom e them: and

powe r was given him over all kindreds, and tongu es, and nations. The Antichrist wields

unbelievable power.  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose name s

are not w ritten in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the w orld.

If any man have an ear, let him hear (verses 7-9). If you have an ear for any of God's truth,

any of God's knowledge, hear the Word of the Lord's warning. Know your destiny if you are left

 behind at the Rapture.

People today are not looking for righteousness or holy living. They bend toward the occult, the

cults, wanting recognition, lusting after power and the powerful. Their lust will be temporarily 

satisfied in the Antichrist soon to come on the world stage of power. It will be the most horrible

time ever seen on the face of the Earth…the Tribulation Period.

 And I behe ld another beast [the Antispirit or false prophet] coming up ou t of the earth;

and he had tw o horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exe rciseth all the

powe r of the first beast [the Antichrist] before him, and cau seth the earth and them

 which dw ell therein to w orship the first beast [the Antichrist], whose deadly wound was

healed. And he doeth great won ders, so that he maketh fire come dow n from heaven

on the e arth in the sight of men (Revelation 13:11-13). This world leader, the Antichrist, is

given power by the Antispirit to call fire down from heaven. All who will not accept God, Calvary or

righteousness will accept the Antichrist.

He [the Antichrist] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poo r, free and b ond, to

receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy 

or sell, save he that had the mark, or the nam e of the beast, or the nu mbe r of his

name . Here is wisdom. Let him that hath un derstanding count the nu mbe r of the

 beast: for it is the nu mbe r of a man; and his nu mbe r is Six hun dred three score and six

(Revelation 13:16-18). Six hundred sixty-six is the number of the mark of the beast (the

 Antichrist). In the Tribulation Period no one will be able to buy or sell without the number of the

 beast, 666. Taking the number of the beast means surrendering to him, worshiping him. Unless

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 you agree to worship the beast and take his mark, you will not be able to withdraw your money 

from the bank, buy, sell or transact business. Although the beast will claim to be God, the three

sixes indicate that he is false, a deceiver.

I had the strangest feeling in my first visit to Israel when I saw numerous license plates with the

number 666. It was no accident, but a forerunner of the real mark of the beast. How much do you

know about numbers as they are used in the Bible?

The numbers that God has used in the Scripture have definite meanings other than quantity.

Number one: The number God used in the Bible to demonstrate the absolute unity of the Godhead.

Number two: Represents division and trouble.

Number three: Divine completeness.

Number four: The number of the Earth.

Number five: The number of grace.

Number six: The number of man (666 indicates that the Antichrist is more than a man; he is the


Number seven: The number of divine perfection.

Number eight: New beginnings.

Number nine: Judgment.

Number ten: The number of testimony.

Number eleven: Apostasy.

Number twelve: The nation of Israel; the twelve tribes.

Number thirteen: Rebellion.

 When the Antichrist makes his covenant with the Jews, he will show them great false love in one

last all-out effort to defeat the program of God and establish his own kingdom. In the Antichrist,

Satan will have a man he can control completely. It looks as though the Antichrist will be Judas

Iscariot. Why? The beast that thou sawest w a s , and i s n o t  (Revelation 17:8). The beast, the

 Antichrist, at one time was—lived—but at the time of John the Revelator he wa s not. He was dead,

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in other words. Now in the Tribulation Period he once again is. Where will he come from?  And

shall ascend ou t of the bottom less pit (verse 8). The Bible tells us that Judas went to his

place: Judas b y transgression fell, that he might go to his own place (Acts 1:25). No doubt

he is in the bottomless pit now, but he will come out to set up this kingdom.

Jesus in John 17:12 refers to Judas as the son of p erdition, and II Thessalonians 2:3 refers to the

 Antichrist as the man o f sin, the son of perdition. These two scripture verses, one referring to

Judas and the other to the Antichrist, seem to be talking about the same person.

In a distorted manner, the devil patterns himself after God, counterfeiting everything of God he

can. We see false worship of God all around us, false prophets, blasphemous ministers under the

guise of true Christianity. The Lord will bring His witnesses back to Earth, Elijah and Moses; and

the devil will bring Judas as his man.  And they that dw ell on the earth shall won der, w hose

name s were n ot written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when

they behold the beast t h a t w a s , a n d i s n o t , a n d y e t is (Revelation 17:8).

The spirit of Babylon in the world church, controls many lives today. Nimrod, remember, in trying

to establish his own religion, built the tower of Babel as a gateway into heaven. Astrology came into

popularity in Nimrod's kingdom. An abomination to God, astrology was so hated by Him that He

had astrologers put to death. Were the Lord handing out justice today, astrologers would still be

put to death.

 Years ago more than three thousand fortunetellers were registered in Washington D.C. Heaven

only knows how many are there today. I was told by a reliable source that various lawmakersconsult fortunetellers, astrologers to decide how they should vote. The involvement in astrology of 

a recent president and his wife made news headlines. What seemed to be this particular

astrologer's most important goal? To convince the president that Russia's ruler could be trusted.

Bible prophecies, however, make clear that the opposite is true.

Even supposed Christians play with astrology, fascinated with the thought that stars influenced

their lives at birth. It's a lie of the devil, completely against the teachings in the Word of God. The

stars, the planets do not predetermine your life. The Lord is the One to chart your course, not an

astrologer. Astrology is part of man's religion.

Man's religion today is forming the world church. Coming together fast, this religious system is led

 by many preachers not in the Lord's Kingdom. The world church does not believe in either the

saving power of the blood of Jesus or in His virgin birth; it denies the second coming of the Lord,

the Rapture. Any minister teaching against these fundamental doctrines is displaying the spirit of 

the world church. Man's religious system puts man in control of his destiny rather than God.

The world church will have great power with the beast in the beginning of the Tribulation Period.

 And there c ame on e of the seven an gels which had the seven vials, and talked with

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me, saying u nto me , Come hither; I will shew u nto thee the ju dgmen t of the great

 whore [the world church] that sitteth upon many w aters: With whom the kings of the

earth have comm itted fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have be en m ade

dru nk w ith the wine o f her fornication (Revelation 17:1,2). Whoredom. The world church

has committed fornication against the God who made her; she has been untrue to Him. The Lord

calls her the great whore. This church will be active during the Tribulation Period.

So he carried m e away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a wo man [the world

church] sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of name s of blasphemy, having seven

heads and ten horns (verse 3). Now we come to the European nations again, the seven heads

and ten horns. The church is associated with these nations in great power.  And the wom an [the

 world church] was arrayed in pu rple and scarlet colour, an d decke d with gold and

precious stones and pearls, having a golden cu p in her han d full of abominations and

filthiness of her forn ication (verse 4). The abominations are the works of the devil, sin, sin,

sin. All too many people do not look upon sin as evil, but as the right to "do their own thing."

Eaten up with lust, they indulge in the seventeen works of the flesh named in Galatians 5. The

 works of the flesh have entered the Christian church.

Many claiming to be Christian are really lost, deceived by Lucifer. Ministers preach today that you

cannot be free of sin—it's a message of Lucifer, not God; the lie of the devil that wrecked the world

in the Garden of Eden. In the Tribulation Period, the world church will be the devil's instrument.

The true church, the people who were without spot, wrinkle or any such thing, already will have

 been taken out in the Rapture. The true church, the Glorious Church, found in salvation what it

 was to live free from all sin; and then they went on to be baptized in the Holy Ghost. The Lord said

He was coming after the Glorious Church.

The world church, the woman …arrayed in pur ple and scarlet colour, and decked w ith

gold and precious stones and pearls (verse 4) is rich indeed. She looks to God for nothing, for

she has given herself over to the devil.  And u pon her forehead w as a name w ritten,


 ABOM INATIONS OF THE EARTH (verse 5). Abominations of the Earth, the lowest of the low,

 will make up this false church, this ungodly world religious system. People fighting the miracles of 

God and the power of God, the virgin birth, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the soon coming of 

Jesus belong to the world church, not to the body of Jesus Christ.

 And I saw the w oman dru nken with the blood of the saints, and w ith the blood of themartyrs of Jesus: and whe n I saw her, I wonde red w ith great admiration (verse 6). The

spirit of Babylon has persecuted God's people throughout the ages. The world church is called

Babylon because it displays the same spirit: We'll have our own religion. We'll not accept what

thus saith the Lord. We'll chart our own course with the stars, make our own door into heaven;

 we don't like God's door.

In the past, God has allowed that spirit to rule for a limited time before its kingdom was brought

down. Then another kingdom or empire would rise up to take its place, the same old spirit, the

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same old devil in control.

 At last in our day we've reached the final extent of the spirit of Babylon. That devilish religious

system will come to an end in the Tribulation Period.

 And the angel said un to me, Whe refore didst thou m arvel? I will tell thee the mystery 

of the w oman [the world church], and of the beast [the Antichrist] that carrieth her, w hich

hath the seven he ads and ten horns [the EU, the European Union] (Revelation 17:7). At this

time the Rapture has taken place. The woman, the world church, remember, is riding on the beast,

the Antichrist. She has great influence, great power; and she is ruling, making many decisions.

Here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mou ntains on which

the wom an sitteth (verse 9). The seven mountains refer to the famous seven hills of Rome. The

seat of the false church will be Rome. The whore, this false, ungodly system of religion will be

made up of people from different denominations and all walks of life, from many nations with one

thing in common: they have turned their backs on God.

 And there are seven kings [world kingdoms]: five are fallen [Egypt, Assyria, Babylon,

Medo-Persia, Greece], and one is [the Roman Empire of John's day], and the other [the EU] is

not yet come; and whe n he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast

that was, and is not [the Antichrist], even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, an d goeth

into perdition (verses 10,11). The seventh kingdom is composed of the Common Market nations,

the EU. The eighth kingdom is that of the Antichrist.  And the ten horn s which thou sawest

are ten kings [the EU], which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive pow er as

kings one hour w ith the beast (verse 12). The ten nations of the EU reign just a short time withthe Antichrist. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength un to the

 beast (verse 13). The beast, the Antichrist, will take over the Common Market nations, have

authority over them.

 And he saith unto me, The waters w hich thou saw est, where the w hore [the world

church] sitteth, are peoples, and mu ltitude s, and nations, and tongu es (verse 15). The

 waters represent multitudes associated with the whore. She's right out there now among the

people with her false doctrine, with her abominations.  And the ten horn s [the Common Market

nations] which thou sawe st upon the b east [the Antichrist], these shall hate the w hore[the world church], and shall make her de solate and naked, an d shall eat her flesh, and

 bu rn her with fire (verse 16). The great takeover by the whore (the world church, the false

religious system) will seem to have influence over the Antichrist for a time. Then these ten nations

of the EU, jealous of the world church's influence, will destroy her power.

 And after these things I saw another an gel come dow n from heav en, having great

pow er; and the earth w as lightene d w ith his glory. And he cried m ightily with a strong

 voice, saying, Babylon the gre at [the world church] is fallen, is fallen, an d is becom e the

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habitation of dev ils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every u nclean an d

hateful bird. For all nations have dru nk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,

and the kings of the earth have comm itted fornication with her, and the me rchants of 

the earth are waxed rich through the abu ndan ce of her delicacies (Revelation 18:1-3).

"Babylon the great," remember, was the name written on the forehead of the woman in scarlet, the

 whore representing the world church. While appearing delicate and innocent, the world church in

truth is so sly that multitudes are deceived. God portrays her as a promiscuous, sinful person and

tells of her destruction.

Using the works of the flesh instead of the ways of God, the world church has degraded itself and

 blasphemed God in every way possible. God has been merciful, merciful; but His mercy is coming

to an end. When that cry goes forth Bab ylon, Babylon the gre at is fallen , is fallen !the false

religious system will be over, destroyed. Great will be the fall, and great will be the calamity and


 With the world church out of the way, the Antichrist goes forth to conquer everything. The time

has come for the great battle to start, the battle of Armageddon. Even today the nations are

preparing for it. To what part of the world do the daily headlines take us? To the Middle East

 where the battle of Armageddon will be fought. The conflict between the Arabs and Jews is much

in the news. Iran, filled with unreasoning hatred toward Israel and the United States, is the Persia

of Bible prophecy. Iran/Persia will play a great part in the battle; she has already taken her place.

Russia, in all probability, will come through Iran on her way to the Holy Land.

 All but one-sixth of the Russian army and her allies will be killed and buried in Israel (Ezekiel39:2). God tells how long it will take to bury the dead and clean up the battlefield. And sev en

mon ths shall the house of Israel be b urying of them, that they may cleanse the land

(Ezekiel 39:12).  And t hey that dw ell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on

fire and bu rn the w eapons, both the shields and the bu cklers, the bow s and the

arrows, and the h andstaves, and the spears, and they shall bu rn them with fire seven

 years (Ezekiel 39:9). Never has there been a war like it. So ferocious and marked by God is this

 war, that Jesus talked about it when He was on Earth. In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew He

declared, Except those days should be shortene d, there shou ld no flesh be saved .

Crying peace, Russia does not want it any more than the Antichrist will want peace. Don't be

deceived by her actions; Russia is devilish in her government, in all her ways, cunning and false as

the devil himself. Russia is deceiving many in America. They think she wants peace, and cry out

against anyone who doesn't believe her.

In one country the predominant church recognizes voodooism, and even incorporates some of its

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practices into their services. Voodoo symbols are on church walls. Voodooism is satanism. God

has moved on me to expose the deceit of Lucifer. Through the gift of discerning operating in a

crusade service, God revealed that voodoo had led a woman to commit the murders of her twin

 babies. The Lord showed me how she had buried them. When I began to describe the crime, a

scream that made the blood run cold pierced the air. God set up a moment of judgment and then

offered mercy to all. Over 75,000 said the sinners' prayer in that service.

Throughout history the spirit of the world system of Babylon would disappear at times and then

reappear, like water running underground and then springing up wherever it could find an

opening, preparing the way for the Antichrist's takeover. In the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist

 will do as he pleases; he will trample underfoot everything he can of God, everything that looks,

acts like or pertains to God.

It's time for us to open our eyes to all false doctrine. In this hour of witches and psychics, even

respected publishers are putting out books on the occult. People are intrigued with the ways of 

Lucifer. Drugs have drawn many into the occult. In sorcery, the use of drugs is generally 

accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult power. Through drugs the devil can take overthe mind completely to operate the user before he knows what is really happening. Some see not

only various kinds of demons, but the devil himself. They desire this experience, crave it, seek it.

They ask Satan and his demons to take them over. Have no part of the occult, of witches, devils,

demons no matter how innocent they seem.

 All fortunetelling is of the devil. Keep your children free from it. Don't fool with witchcraft: devil

possession may be the result. The devil can take over those who do not live for God. Godly discipline keeps you from going against the authority of God and the Word of God. How many 

parents give their children godly discipline? How many godly parents know the way of Lucifer?

Those reared in homes that don't understand about demons, devils and God are unprotected.

 When the children experience the supernatural power of Satan, they think they have discovered a

great secret of the universe, something to give them power and recognition. It is demon power, and

many have been destroyed because of it—in hell right now.

If you ever prayed for your children before they go to school, now is the time to pray. Children

attend school with devil-possessed boys and girls. Across the aisle from your child might be onedemon possessed, and those demons are seeking to destroy your child, too. Boys and girls in

elementary school can be more devil possessed, do more degraded things than children once did in

high school. Look at the chaos in the schools. The Word of God has been driven out, and even

some preachers endorse its absence. God has been excluded so the devil could come in. Children

are being taught evolution but not the true creation story of Adam and Eve.

 You don't know what you are sending your children into, what they are facing. Perhaps they have

picked up spirits of disobedience, and now you must conquer those spirits, give good discipline and

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much love.  We're not going to have that kind of music around here, those kinds of programs, that

language, that back-talk.

Children have been brought into a world speeding toward the battle of Armageddon, a civilization

 where many are possessed by the devil. God warned us about the spirit of disobedience that would

possess children in the final hour, and that spirit is here. This know also, that in the last days

perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous,

 boasters, proud, b lasphemers, d i s o b e d i en t t o p a r e n t s , u nthankful, un holy (II Timothy 


It will take everything you can do to save your children from the powers of the devil. Some of your

children already have been swept into the arms of Lucifer, changed so completely that you hardly 

recognize them. The devil has robbed them of their love for you. They say cruel, hurtful things

about you—those little innocent ones that you cradled in your arms.

Some of you got along very well with your children until they entered junior high school, high

school or college. Drugs, demonic powers, devil possession changed them. People have been brought to me when they were all but destroyed by drugs…human vegetables. I have prayed for

people whose once intelligent minds were no longer able to carry on simple conversations. It's the

spirit of the age we live in.

How much God do you have in your home? The home must be full of God to give your family a

chance in this last and final hour. Parents, if you don't stand up for God now for your children, you

are going to lose them for all eternity. It will take all the fight you can muster with the faith and the

love and the power of God; it will take God moving in your life every hour of the day to be able to

defeat those demons that are seeking to destroy your children. Before you decide to have a child,

 you had better stand before God and search your heart to see if you are willing to give your whole

life for this child. Are you willing to fight off the devil night and day? This child will have to go out

into a jungle of a world. Many children are devil possessed before they even start to school.

 America's society cannot last much longer now. This age is almost over. If you are not ready to

meet the Lord, wait no longer to prepare. Too many churches have slipped into nothing but a

mockery of worship, eliminating the altar, ignoring salvation and the coming of the Lord, failing to

 warn of the judgments of hell. Some churches have removed all the songs about the blood of Jesus

from their hymnals. Humanism has taken the place of the divine life of Jesus Christ.

Everything God has said in His Word either has happened or will happen. Live pure, clean and

holy; take Jesus into your heart; be filled with the Holy Ghost and yielded to Him each moment so

 you can be taken with Jesus at His soon coming and escape the Great Tribulation. Those who say 

man cannot live free from sin will be here during that time. Some ministers preach this damnable

doctrine because they themselves are not living free from sin. But the Bible says you can and must

if you want to be taken to God's heaven. Ministers who are not right with God are being

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uncovered. We're in an hour now that is devilish, terrible.

Keep your garments unspotted, your life pure and clean so you can be everything God wants you to

 be. Dare to be a Daniel. It doesn't matter about the lions; dare to stand alone with God, dare to be

all God wants you to be. Those who won't heed God's warning, those who insist on their own way 

 will have to pay.

The judgments of God are falling even now, and more are on the way. Terrible, terrible things are

coming on the face of the Earth. Storms in places they have never been, tornadoes, earthquakes,

disasters of different kinds. God is going to use judgment as well as grace to open people's eyes, to

shake them into the reality of this hour we live in. When God's left hand of judgment goes up

higher than His right hand of mercy, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the Earth!

Judgments will be rained down in the Tribulation Period. We are so close to that time that some of 

the judgments of God are already coming upon planet Earth—that's thus saith the Lord—already coming upon the Earth. You will not get by fooling around with sin, degrading your body. If you

degrade your body, you will be destroyed

Great danger is in the world. The disease AIDS has proven that; it's a judgment of God, and there

 will be more and more. Despising and loathing the disease AIDS, we must separate our feelings

about the disease from our feelings about the afflicted person, loving the person. Just as, for

example, we hate cancer, but not the person. God has given great love for people, not

condemnation. The Lord does not rebuke sinners when they come to Him; He is glad to see them

coming to get rid of their sins, and He shows mercy.

Maybe you are an AIDS victim, perhaps the world has given up on you. Jesus hasn't. You may feel

as though no one loves you, but God loves you. Come to Jesus; yield to the power of God calling to

 you. Only God can cure AIDS; no physician on Earth can. Those afflicted with that disease have

only one way out. God meant it to be like that; God is the answer, the only door of mercy. No cure

in view for years down the road, but I believe many, many AIDS victims will be set free through this

Jesus ministry. It is no harder for God to heal AIDS than for Him to heal anything else. Mark my  words: There will be many, many AIDS victims God will heal if they turn to Him in their

desperation and say, "God, I have sinned against you. God I was wrong. God I failed you."

Some AIDS victims contracted the disease innocently through blood transfusions, through

circumstances beyond their control. I have never seen a case that God could not cure when the

person puts all trust in Jesus. God is the answer. If people turn to God, look to Him and really 

mean it, God will move. If people will say, "God, I'm giving my life to you; I want mercy!" He will

hear. This is still an hour of mercy even though judgment is starting to fall. God is tender toward

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the human race. When people look to God, He responds marvelously.

 You cannot hide anything from the Lord; He knows all things; He knows the way you take. No one

can deceive Him. The Lord has warned you as He warned people before He sent judgments in the

past. He has pleaded. He has worked night and day revealing His judgments to come, but many 

refused to believe. His Spirit cried, but they did not respond. Do not allow spiritual deafness to be

 yours in this your last hour. Open your ears with His Spirit and you will hear what He is saying.

Open your ears and hear the warning that is going forth day and night of the wrath that will soon be

poured upon the Earth. Open your heart, receive His Word, know the hour in which you live, and

 you will rise up to make ready for your Lord. You will hurry with the work of your Lord, knowing

that the day is almost over and the night cometh.

Take His anointing and you will pray, fast, seek His face and be full of His Holy Spirit. Adorned

then in His righteousness, you will walk in the beauty of His holiness, holy in His sight. There will

 be no deceit in your heart. You will be used by the Lord's hand and He will bring others into the

Kingdom because you gave your life into His hands to be used. Bow in complete obedience in His

presence and He will lead you through the dangers of this last and final hour onto Rapture ground.

 WAR IN HEAVEN, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1990 Ernest Angley.

 All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

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n Heaven - Ernest Angley Ministries