Page 1: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment


6.1 Introduction

The manufacture of integrated circuits is dependent on ultrapure water for direct process use and indirectly for utilities applications such as, scrubber make up and cooling tower blowdown. Additionally domestic effluent and canteen wash also arise.

Since the inception of manufacturing at the Leixlip site, process development and water technology changes have enabled a significant increase in productive output per unit water used.

The consequences of water use is the need to manage the resulting effluents. The volume and nature of the effluent was one of the key reasons for choosing the Leixlip site and for considering it’s capability to enable the sustainable development of further FAB units.

The most significant change in the manufacturing process has been the retooling of the plant to move to a 12 inch (300mm) wafer disk size from the 8 inch (200mm) units. This has meant that the on die number of product units has increased by a factor of 2.25.

This can be achieved without a linear increase in volume consumption and also opened the way for other conservation measures.

The process is primarily inorganic in respect of effluent parameters as the organic and VOC content is segregated at source.

Therefore, the effluents are primarily of an inorganic nature with a high degree of physico- chemical pre-treatment being appropriate.

Some parameters such as the small amounts of degradable organics, measured as BOD, are subjected to biological treatment in the adjacent Leixlip Municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP).

This plant has a portion of the treatment capacity specifically designed to cater for the residual effluent from Intel which has been pre-treated on-site for the relevant parameters.

The proposed expansion is essentially ‘more of the same’ but builds and develops from the successful experiences with the on site and off site technology and also enables other environmentally beneficial process enhancements to be implemented.

This chapter discusses the implications of the proposed expansion, FAB 24-3 when added to the existing site capabilities and capacities in respect of water consumption and effluent generation and treatment and the ultimate impact on the aquatic environment. This discussion is not simply of the proposed expansion but includes the totality of the effluent systems and overall site discharges so that the broadest perspective of the issues can be taken as well as the specific detail.

61.1 Water Requirements and Advance Planning As part of the pre planning process and infrastructural development to accommodate the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed.

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Page 2: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment Water Supply Capacity The water supply requirements, which were anticipated as being potentially up to 20,000 m3/day can be seen in the context of the adjacent overall Leixlip Reservoir supply scheme which could deliver up to 170,000 m /day.

Prior to the advent of IPPC licensing, Intel had received a Section 16, Water Pollution Act effluent discharge licence which anticipated the use of up to 14,300m’ trade effluent /day and an average of 13,000 m3 trade effluent /day.

This volume was made available by a number of potable supply off takes from the public main and additional volumes were catered for to compensate for evaporative loss and the domestic component. Efluent treatment capacity dedicated to Intel at L&lip MWWTP In 1996 the development of the Leixlip MWWTP included for the above volumes.

The last upgrades which included the construction of the Intel Stream, also included the provision of N and P removal on the Intel Stream.

Previous submissions to EPA in respect of nitrogen loadings and capacity at the MWWTP as constructed (both the Intel Stream and the Main plant) showed that the Intel stream had an installed capacity much greater than the original specifications.

PATRICK J. TOBIN & CO. LTD. Tobins Consulting Engineers, who were the Consulting Engineers for the Leixlip project have reported on behalf of Kildare County Council, that although the Intel Stream was designed and built for a flow of 13,000 m3 and a maximum of 14,300 m3/day that the granted increase in the volumetric allowance to Intel in the IPC licence No. 589 of up to 16,500 m3/day was not a cause for concern as the Intel stream inclusive of the cross flow of domestic effluent to provide BOD from urban sources to the Intel Stream , was designed to handle 23,153 m3/day conservatively , containing a minimum BOD load of 2315 kg BODfday and 644kg Total Nitrogen /day treated to the standards specified in WPA licence WPW/F/O22 issued by Fingal Co. Co to Kildare Co. Co. for the operation and discharge of the Leixlip plant into their functional area.

As will be seen the current proposals do not generate loads that cause these values to be reached. EfJluent Treatment capacity - Phosphorus The certified EIS of August 1996 for the Leixlip MWWTP anticipated a design requirement to reduce the phosphorus from a range of S-16mg/l at the inlet to l.OmgP/l at the outlet. This would be achieved by the dosing of ferric or alum salts and co precipitation into the biological sludge. Of this design load Intel was granted a discharge allowance of 67.5 kgP/d in anticipation of the usage of a phosphorus dependent process. The technologies now in place will now utilise that allowance having first achieved a 98% capture for reuse on site. Treatability and precipitation trials on these process effluents which are discussed in detail in this Chapter. have shown that the most effective treatment is to utilise the installed co-precipitation capacity and to remove the P with the biological sludge for beneficial reuse.

The trials demonstrated that the target values could be readily achieved and that the process is compliant with BAT.

The Preliminary Report of June 2000 for the next phase of expansion to a hydraulic loading of 34,560m3/day and a population equivalent of 130,482 pe, also anticipated that the Phosphorus Regulations would ultimately imply that a further reduction to

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Page 4: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

0 that licensed ELV’s are met with an appropriate safety margin;

b that no undue risk to personnel arises either on site or off site;

b that the effluent cannot damage the fabric of the sewerage system;

a that the effluent cannot harm downstream treatment processes;

a that the effluent does not contain pollutants which will pass through the treatment processes and harm the external environment;

a that all applicable national and International ELV’s EQS’s and EQO’s are not compromised;

l that resultant sludges are not compromised for disposal;

0 that the combination of effluent treatment represents BAT (Best Available Technology); and

l that the appropriate treatment occurs at the appropriate location.

This approach is in harmony with the relevant EU Water Directives , Biodiversity objectives , National regulations and the requirements under the spirit and intent of the IPPC regulations and the granted licence.

6.1.4 Process Effluent Treatment Performance On Site and Off site The division of treatment capacities applied to the effluent has been successfully based on focusing on-site treatment to those parameters for which physico-chemical processes are appropriate. The management of these parameters such as metals, high recoverable ammonia and inorganic constituents such as fluoride and sulphate results in an effluent which is then very amenable to downstream biological treatment in admixture with urban wastewater to achieve the most stable bacterial mass and the lowest residual organic pollutants.

The results of the on-site treatment are routinely reported to EPA in accordance with the licence requirements and have a very high level of compliance well within the relevant parameters.

7 i2


.= 90

E 80 3



k 60

zs 50

9 40 30 E 8 20

z 10

a 0

2004 Average Concentration of Effluent at Intel Ireland Ltd. (Expressed as % of the IPPC Licence Emission Limit Value)

1 i


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Page 5: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

A large scale review of the design and operation of the Intel Stream at Leixlip MWWTP carried out on behalf of Kildare County Council by Patrick j. Tobin & Co. Ltd, equally demonstrates a high level of performance.

An example of the quarterly effluent performance data (Q4 2004 Surface water Quality and Effluent discharge Quality) as reported to EPA and copied to Kildare County Council is appended.

61.5 Residual Water Usage and Effluent Impacts Intel recognises that the EPA are statute barred from issuing a licence which would or could result in damage to the external environment and in addition to compliance with that constraint seek to operate within a margin of safety of those emission parameters. Intel also maintain a watching brief on ambient environmental monitoring reports and are directly involved in the support of some important initiatives.

Intel seek to advise and consult with the relevant statutory authorities as to future likely on site developments and to anticipate in a timely fashion the infrastructural requirements and the environmental implications of all such developments.

61.6 IPPC Licensing Control of Effluent The current schedule of emission limit values pertaining to Intel, prior to the notified amendments under Condition 1.2 are as follows:

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Page 6: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

mission Point Reference No.:

mission to:



Smitaryhthrity Foul Smw

Grid Rrzfemlce: 298992E, 237128N (As dlom on Dmving No. N7-6 ofFoIderNo. 10, Attxhmnt 18 ofthe IFC appkatic~ Rq 589.)

ohnne to be emitted: 16,500 fl+

200 Iitm

720 m3



Suapencled Solids


Total Dissolved SoIids

Nitrates (a P??

Ammonia (as a?

Toti Phosphorus (as p)























243 fiml






3.40 Combined tin and lead eoliSSiOllS:

Lead 0.4 5.40 x*m’ 61 toIlaeperaImm

Total Heavy Metals N0h ’ 1.0 13.30

Ok 1: All~w~r~ssodflo~v~~~to~eeffl~~~tntss sampledat &tcKngpointMSEl.

‘Ok 2: From the 3ti hm 2006 a limit of 80 kg/&y shall apply unless the licensee can s&t) the Agency tbat a reduction in floori& levels ti the mstewater ocms prior to &al discharge to the Rivef Lay, doe to treatment of the l&me‘s discharge by the 8mtq Antlmity, tiwhicb case the Aggcy may apply a big&r limit not greater tim 243 kg&y.

‘ote3: hmthe 30* lone 2006 a limit of 1.6 kg/day sl& wply unless the liceaxe cm satisfy the Agency that a reduction ia lead levelsin the vxtamter emus prior to fiml discbarge to tbe River L*y, due to Wtumt of the licensee’s disclqe by the SW Autbcdy, in wlich case the Agency may apply a bigbet limit not greater tixm 5.4 k&%y.

bte4: The mm of Atseaic, Coppa, chromiurq Nickel, Tin, Lead and Cob&

The Condition 1.2 submission which was granted enabled the concentration of ammonia to rise to initially SO mg NH3-N/l and upon prior notification to the Sanitary Authority to up to 200mg/l provided that the mass emission value was maintained.

In section 6.9 the proposed amended schedule to encompass these proposed expansions is included.

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Page 7: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

6.2 Site Water Usage

6.2.1 Site Water Balance Details The following tables have been used to calculate the water balance for the site based on engineering estimates and historical data.

Table 6.1: Wastewater Projections

SC&& -:;V&& ~. p&k -~

(Units mt3/day) (Units mA3/day)

l.lFOtF24 6923 8307

2. IFOtF24t F24-2 8236 9884

4. IFOtF24t F24-2tF24-3 10373 12448

Table 6.1 Continued: Wastewater Projections

I Wastewater Projections

Units mVday

Average Peak

6,923 8,307

8,236 9,884

10,373 12,448

Domestic Water Flow

Units m3/day

Average Peak

238 588

318 784

318 784

incoming Water Evaporative Losses Demand

Units m3/day Units m3/day

Average Peak Average Peak

1,296 3,335 8,457 12,230

1,536 3,896 10,090 14,564

1,896 5,205 12,587 18,437

It can be seen that the maximum projected trade effluent usage does not yet reach either the IPPC volumetric licence limit or the designated capacity at the Leixlip MWWTP.

The table serves another important function in demonstrating the range of average and peak flows that have been reasonably anticipated in the process. This again highlights the necessity to depart from concentration based limits where the relevant design or environmental impact parameter is mass emission based. This holds true for virtually all parameters with the caveat that no concentration of any parameter can be exceeded which would be injurious to safety and health considerations or downstream treatment processes. The appropriate control therefore is based on flow proportional composite sampling and the related flow records all of which are in place and reported. No significant change in the range of domestic effluent generation is anticipated.

6.2.2 Water Conservation Performance Intel Corporation has made a commitment to offset at least 25% of the corporation’s total incoming freshwater supply needs with reclaimed water and more efficient systems. Intel Ireland contributes to this goal through continuous improvement in water conservation.

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Page 8: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmaact Assessment

Year on year reductions in water consumption on site have been achieved and submitted to the EPA in the site’s Environmental Management Program (EMP) as part of the Annual Environmental Report.

Over the course of the last 5 years Intel Ireland has reduced water consumption per unit produced by 44% from 8.2 m3/day to 4.6 m3/day per wafer. These projects include the implementation of a F14 ultrapure water re-use system (URW), F14 second pass RO reclaim, a FlO Re-use Industrial Water system (RIW), an increase in cooling tower cycle rates, dosing on acid gas scrubbers.

Table 6.2: Reduced Water Consumption . Year .Average apqual effluent Average water % Fresh water

fldd rate FIO and F14 .conitiined‘(nk/day).

usage per fl0 & savings achieved by I F14 wafer produced end of.year


2000 6671 8.2 6%

2001 5667 7.2 11%

2002 5333 7.0 14%

2003 4703 6.4 25%

2004 4800 4.6 20%* * From 2004 on freshwater savings reported for the site included FAB 24 and related facilities where water conservation facilities are still undefcomkission.

The FAB 24-l 300mm wafer size factory which came online in 2004 is designed to further improve water usage per unit production significantly. With all freshwater savings initiatives implemented the process will effectively reduce water consumption per unit production by 60% in comparison with a 200mm factory. Savings are achieved through a variety of means in the new 300mm factory from wafer processing equipment design to facilities systems water re-use. In addition the larger wafer size leads to more efficient use of materials and resources, including water consumption.

Intel continuously strives to reduce water consumption; each new FAB design incorporates the latest water reuse and conservation methods. Since F24 was designed further improvements are under development for next generation of Intel FABs. Further plans for water conservation at Intel Ireland The Industrial Water Management team has implemented many of the water conservation projects that the site currently benefits from and has identified additional projects to be investigated to further reduce water consumption on site. Opportunities for further water reduction are being pursued. In 2005 the installation of a URRO system (Ultra Pure Water Recycle with Reverse Osmosis) where the reject water from first pass RO system is recovered will be installed in F14 with expected water savings of 1 lm3 per hour.

Other projects that are under investigation for feasibility are the:

l installation of spiral-wound electrodeionisation (EDI) at FlO and/or FAB 14 UPW plant which has the potential to achieve >95% water recovery rates;

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

. replacement of existing first pass Reverse Osmosis membranes with low fouling membranes in FAB 14 UPW plant to increase the efficiency, with testing and a pilot to be pursued in 2005;

l identification of further waste streams from the FAB for reuse in FAB 10; and

l elimination of some Back-up loop Chilled Water (BCW) applications.

E&ct of water conservation measures on efluent concentrations The total projected increase in water consumption for the site with F24-1 at full capacity is 2380m3/day. With IF0 (FlO & F14) projected to be at an average of 4543m3iday this gives a total of 6923m3/day flow from the site. When FAB 24-2 and subsequently FAB 24-3 are fully commissioned, this will rise to an expected peak of 12,448m3/day and an average of 10,373m3/day. This compares favourably with the site’s IPCL volumetric flow emission limit value of 16,000m3/day despite a very significant increase in productive capacity.

One consequential effect is that concentrations of individual parameters have increased while the mass emission has remained below licence limits.

Therefore to permit the ongoing successful conservation programme to proceed, the site will apply in its next review for a mass emission based licence for appropriate parameters.

6.2.3 On Site Water Treatment for Process Use Ultra pure water or UPW is a vital component of the manufacturing process with contamination free water being primarily required as an aggressive solvent to wash and clean the wafer after individual production steps. Trace amounts of impurities in the UPW can lead to increased wafer defects and reduce die yield. UPW is produced by passing water through reverse osmosis membranes combined with ion exchange resins to remove impurities associated with the water. The reject stream is sent to the Acid Waste Neutralisation plant for waste water or if of sufficient quality for reuse, it is re-used in plant systems requiring Industrial Water. The reject water is characterized by the presence of dissolved solids (mainly sulphates, fluorides, chlorides and phosphates) present in the original town water supply. Each FAB building has a separate UPW plant to produce UPW and additional small scale UPW plants are being considered in future downstream of the manufacturing process to regenerate suitable waste waters for water-reuse applications

FAB 10, FAB 14 and FAB 24 all have an associated Ultra Pure Water or UPW plant. FAB 24-3 will also have an associated UPW. The UPW plant produces ultra pure water and hot ultra pure water.

There are 3 modules to the UPW plant; the make-up section, primary loop and polish loop. Make-Up Loop The make-up loop consists of multimedia and cartridge filters to remove suspended solids from the incoming supply water. Additional stages of filtration are carried out during the processing of UPW to remove finer solids using filter cartridges. These cartridges are disposed of to landfill. The make-up loop can be stopped/started as required. The water is then heated to 22°C. In all site UPW plants heat recovered from chiller condensate is used for this purpose. This water and energy saving measure will also apply to F24-3.

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Page 11: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd 0 0

FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

Drawing 6.1: Primary System - ~~ ~~.~

lncomlng cxy water

, Gel Clew Media rs 1 St Pass RO

- 47, TOC reducing Uv’s

Exchanoer 1 i ;

RO Pre-Filter

- i Condenser L-


; I

Water Heat Exchanger

-- -I Primary Ion

Filters Exchange

~mIEq, 7

2nd Pass RO

- c_,+

RO Storage Tanks i +!-I+



UPW Distribution

Pumps _!


Final Frlters

d-+-J IrlrJc)l

lz r-J&J I-Jf-JrJ

Polish Sterilizer UV


JN 0, dSStNct UV


i Svstem I - r

Polished CW trim HX

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Page 12: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment EDI Electra-de-ion&&ion or ED1 is the next step in the FAB 24 system but it is not present in FAB 10 and FAB 14. Dilute water enters from the bottom of the stack and flows through the IX resin in a dilute chamber. Normal ion exchange occurs to produce high purity water.

Once on the resin the positive ions are drawn to the left to the cathode through the cation membrane and the negative ions are drawn to the right to the anode through the anion membrane. In the left cont. chamber the positive ions are repelled by the cation membrane, so they cannot re-enter the dilute chamber. Iu the right cont. chamber the positive ions are repelled by the anion membrane, so they cannot re enter the dilute chamber. The large electric potential between the electrodes cause water in the dilute chamber to split into H+ and OH- ions which regenerate the resin. Cartridge filters at the outlet of the ion exchange beds move fine particles and resins beads carried over from the ion exchange beds. The use of ED1 means that no chemicals are used to regenerate the beds- regeneration occurs continuously due to the draw from the charged electrodes. Ion exchange The water then passes through the primary Ion exchange beds. Ion Exchange removes dissolved ions (including weakly charged Silica), and organics. It allows the removal of trace amounts of dissolved ions that is essential for the production of 18 megohm-cm water. The system has mixed bed ion exchange resins i.e. they each bed has anion and cation resin. Ion exchange beds are regenerated using sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Regeneration occurs on a monthly basis in FlO and FAB 14 and every 6 months in FAB 24. In FAB 24-3 regeneration will take place every 6 months as an ED1 system will also be installed.

Finally the water flows through cartridge filters to remove any suspended particles or ion exchange beads that are carried over. From here the water is fed into UPW storage tanks. Ozone is introduced to the UPW storage tank for sterilization. The Polish Loop The water is passed over UV light for ozone and organics destruction. It then passes through the vacuum degasifier to remove dissolved oxygen. More ion exchange beds are used for polishing the water, these beds are not regenerated but replaced on an annual basis. The water is finally UV sterilised and passed through microfilters before being pumped to the FAB. Water returned from the FAB is directed towards the UPW storage tank for recirculation Cooling The excess heat extracted is transferred to outside air by cooling towers. These towers pass air through the cooling circuit water. The water is cooled by a combination of air cooling and evaporation of the water itself. This evaporation is evident in the visible plume of water that can be seen on occasion to the north of the plant. The water in the towers is dosed with a biocide to prevent bio-growth accumulation and cleaned on a six monthly basis.

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i_l_._ -__._ - ____ l_l.---_-

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

4.3 Effluent Generation, Segregation, Characterisation and Management

Emissions to waste water are generated mainly in the manufacturing process with some from utility uses like boiler and cooling water. The pollutants are of an inorganic nature and result from the use of acids such as nitric acid @INO& hydrofluoric acid (HF), sulphuric acid (H2S04) and phosphoric acid (HxPO& alkali substance like sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and ammonium (NC). All significant List II compounds that are used in the process are analysed in the wastewater, these include tin, lead, cyanide, arsenic, copper, and nickel which are monitored weekly These metals are consistently below the detection limit, so they make a very tiny proportion of the waste water. Annual mass emissions of these substances report in the site’s Annual Environmental Report take concentration results that are below the limit of detection to be present at that concentration.

The AWN plant for each FAB is located in a large fully contained concrete lined pit. The AWN systems comprise of three tanks in series that add in either sulphuric acid or caustic solution to the wastewater to adjust the pH to a neutral condition. The incoming water is typically acidic in nature and therefore caustic is normally dosed to the tank water. The pH is measured by pH probes with back up probes. The maximum pH adjustment that can occur in any one tank is 2.5 to prevent the potential for significant overdosing and hence an overshoot in the actual pH condition. If additional pH adjustment is required, this is carried out in the next tank. Water discharged from the AWN is within the pH range of 6 to 9.5 and is normally in the pH range 7-7.3. Each tank can be bypassed if necessary to allow maintenance to be carried out. The wastewater from the FABs flow from the AWN to the Effluent Balance Tank (EBT) and the treated waste is then held in the EBT before it is discharged to the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Leixlip. All the discharges from the different treatment system, e.g. the HF treatment system, Cyanide Destruct System etc, is discharged to the AWN, so all waste water flows through the EBT and is therefore sampled continuously at the outfall of the EBT.

The on-site AWN plants including the new system for FAB 24-2,3 will discharge to the site’s effluent balance tank where the effluent is mixed and discharged to sewer. The effluent monitoring point is downstream of this mixing point. A 24 hour composite sample is taken weekly and analysed by an independent laboratory for the parameters detailed in Schedule 2(iii) of the lPPC licence.

The Ultrapure Water Recycle Waste (URW) system is used to conserve and minimise water discharges from the site. The AWN at FAB 10 FAB 14 and F24-1, and F24-3 will have URW tanks for water reclaim. An Industrial Wastewater (IWW) divert tank to automatically divert out of spec wastewater is in place in FAB 24-l and will be installed for F24-3

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Page 15: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental impact Assessment

6.3.3 Process Effluent Sources Drawing 2.2 show the relationship of the effluent sources and the related local and central treatment systems, the schematic shows the progression of on site treatment systems and their linkages.

63.3. I Water Based Scrubber Systems Specific point of use tool scrubbers are installed through which air from the tool is passed, some after treatment in a thermal chamber. The water scrubber takes out soluble products such as fluoride before air is passed onto the main acid gas scrubber systems on-site. For point of use scrubbers where fluoride concentration is above a specified level the scrubber water is then discharged to the HF waste (HFW) treatment plants on-site where the fluoride is converted into an inert solid and disposed of off-site.

These Point of Use (POU) systems therefore have the following benefits:

l elimination of the risk of fire or explosion from pyrophoric gases;

l greatly reduced PFC emissions with high global warming potentials through thermal breakdown of compounds;

a reduced fluoride emissions to air through conversion from gaseous fluoride into an inert solid in conjunction with the HF waste treatment plants; and

l maintenance of tool uptime by reducing the buildup of solids in the ductwork Acid Gas Scrubbers Corrosive gases or air surrounding tools where corrosive liquids are used in the process are extracted to the acid gas scrubbing system. This primarily relates to the etch, thin films and diffusion functional areas of the process. The chemical warehouse and gas pad area also have water based scrubbers in the event of an uncontrolled release from these areas.

The scrubber liquor is controlled by pH probes and make-up water is added into the scrubbers to return the pH towards neutral conditions in line with the acidic loading entering the scrubber unit. The make-up water also replaces lost water resulting from evaporation. Both pH and conductivity are continuously monitored with back up probes in place in the event of a probe failure. FAB 24-1,2,3 scrubbers will also be dosed with either caustic or another suitable alkaline material such as a carbonate to control pH response.

The gas pad scrubbers have a separate caustic dosing system that can add caustic to these scrubbers in the event of a rapid pH drop. This is due to the potential for these scrubbers to see a high burden of corrosive gas in the unlikely event of an emergency. The burden into the scrubbers for the main production building is very low and typically below current IPC treated effluent licence limit concentrations even before any scrubbing has taken place.

The chemical warehouse also has an acid exhaust scrubber in continuous operation in the unlikely event of a spill or release in the building.

Should conductivity exceed a pre-determined threshold in the scrubber liquor sump, the liquor is bled off and sent to the AWN until the conductivity drops. This ensures the efficiency of the scrubber operation is maintained and that scrubbed material is not re-entrained in the gas stream and released to air.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

All scrubber related effluent is directed to treatment. Mode of Operation Intel is proposing to EPA that the system be treated as a single unit and licensed accordingly based on total volume of air and mass emission from all operational scrubbers based on a totalised record. This is the only measurement which is meaningful to the external environment and will not impact on the cmrent management of scrubber related effluent. Scrubber System Upgrades Based on experience, the scrubber systems have been upgraded and the system now can be measured at all appropriate points. Local flow indicators (sight glasses) have also been incorporated. These upgrades have been be incorporated into the F24- 1,2,and 3 design.

Small scrubber units are also provided on concentrated HCl tanks located in the AWN and operate on a similar basis to the scrubbers identified above. These scrubbers and the additional units which may be installed have no adverse impact on the treatment process.

6.4 Process Effluent On-Site Pre-treatment

While observing the overall primary design objective of minimising waste and wastewater generation at source, the secondary approach is to evaluate what the best combination of on-site and off-site treatment is for relevant parameters.

The decision tree is based on the following: -

l Off site treatment at Leixlip MWWTP is designed to primarily treat:

o BOD and degradable COD loads to a defined level;

o Total Nitrogen and NH3 at appropriate ratios to incoming BOD;

o Phosphorus loads at or near to domestic levels; and

o Inert suspended solids based on clarifier upward flow rates and provided those solids do not compromise plant management or sludge disposal for reuse.

l Residues of other compounds (List II metals etc) must be pre-treated to levels which do not compromise: -

0 sewer integrity;

o sewer worker health and safety;

0 plant performance;

o final discharge compliance; and

0 final receiving water quality.

l Combined treatment on -site and off-site must conform to BAT.

This approach has guided the development of modular treatment on site on a needs be basis while seeking to optimise the use of the most environmentally beneficial and energy efficient combination of on site and off site capabilities.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

This has been operated in parallel with the water and materials conservation initiatives and the imposition of informed guide values for emissions to the process design teams.

This three pronged approach has been highly successful in reducing resource use and in achieving high levels of internal recovery and reuse.

These have been reported via the annual environmental report (AER) and environmental management program (EMP) Reports to EPA.

6.4.1 Process Effluent On -Site Pre-Treatment and Management Several types of abatement systems are used on-site for the treatment of waste water to be better than the required ELV’s and in compliance with BAT. Acids used in the etching process drain to the acid waste neutralization (AWN) plant where they are neutralized and the acids converted to inorganic salts that are subsequently discharged to sewer. The hydrofluoric acid waste has a separate system to treat this waste stream prior to further treatment in the AWN. In FAB 24-l and future facilities phosphoric acid may now be sent off-site for recycle since it is in a more concentrated form and captured for beneficial reuse. Ammonia stripping is now implemented on a modular basis again capturing the ammonia as a reusable fertiliser.

6.4.2 Copper Streams The construction of FAB 24-l and the introduction of the 300mm process saw the use of copper metal layers in the production of the integrated circuits. The use of copper offers significant performance and production benefits due to its excellent electrical properties and environmental benefits in comparison to available alternatives. The introduction of this system has already been adjudicated upon by EPA and incorporated in the current licence.

The chemicals used in the process include an acidified copper electrolyte solution and copper planarisation slurries based on alumina and silica.

The application of these chemicals in the process generate two types of waste. These wastes require treatment to remove and minimise the concentrations of copper associated with the waste and associated acidity. The waste streams produced are concentrated copper waste (CCW) and slurry copper waste (SCW).

Copper bearing wastes are segregated and sent to treatment and collection systems to ensure that: -

. the maximum recovery is achieved,

. the emission limit values are met, and

l the system conforms to BAT or exceeds it.

The concentrated copper waste (CCW) system collects waste from copper plating and etch tools using a lift station and transfers the waste to a collection tank for subsequent removal by tanker. The CCW stream is then disposed or treated and recycled off-sited. The head space of CCW holding tanks are extracted via an air gap to the scrubbed exhaust system. The air gap prevents negative pressure build up in the tank itself while extracting preventing fugitive emissions derived from breathing or working losses being released to air unabated. As outlined to the EPA in a condition 1.2 submission in 2004 this stream will start to undergo onsite electrowinning treatment to recover solid copper in 300mm processes.

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Environmental lmoact Assessment

The SCW contains lower levels of copper in comparison to the spent electrolyte solution (CCW) and will be treated on site in a process not dissimilar to the lead ion exchange treatment process that Intel have successfully operated on-site from the C4 process in FAB 14 without incident. For the SCW waste stream, an additional step has been incorporated with the copper waste treatment process to breakdown hydrogen peroxide prior to the treatment of the aqueous waste stream by ion exchange. The cleaned waste products of the copper treatment process are sent to AWN. Spent ion exchange resins will be removed off-site for either regeneration and copper recovery using electrowinning or safe disposal.

Table 6.3: Waste Streams Associated with the use of Copper in the 300mm Process and Their Composition

Untreated Waste Stream

Concentrated Copper Waste


Slurry Copper Waste (SCW)

Ion Exchange Resins

r . ,

Source Composition after treatment Generation Rate

(Prior to treatment in other facilities)

Copper plating (from 2% to 3% cu. -C 5 m3 per week electrolyte) and test wafer reclaim baths

10% - 20 % H2S04. I

Copper polish (CMP) tools (planar slurries)

IX columns in copper treatment process

pH 1.

< 1.5 mg I litre Cu



Est. < 200 m3 per day

< 4 m3 per month SCW Treatment The SCW system collects waste from planar tools and a small portion of electroplating rinse waters using a lift station to forward the liquid waste to collection tanks. Pumps then forward the waste to the treatment equipment, which is treated by ion exchange (IX). An activated carbon bed is also present upstream of the IX beds to remove trace quantities of hydrogen peroxide that may be present in the waste stream.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

associated copper treatment systems. Kildare County Council (KCC) operate the dedicated Intel waste water treatment plant at Leixlip.

The inlet and outlet parameters and other operating conditions for the SCW are identified below.

Table 6.4: Inlet and Outlet Parameters for the SCW r



SCW Stream

Flow (mYhr) Peak projected capacity for F24&-2: 10.5m3/h, system capacity 19 m31h

Cu cont. (mgll) Average 30, peak 70

PH 6 to 9

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Flow to AWN (m3/hr)

Cu cont. (mg/l) before AWN

Cu cont. in discharge to sewer (mgll) (After mixing with other waste water streams)


< 5,000

Same as inlet

< 1.5

< 0.1

6 to 9

TSS prior to AWN, (mgll)

TSS in discharge to sewer, (mgll)

(After mixing with other waste water streams)

< 5,000

< 100

The monitoring of copper concentrations is carried out on effluent discharges to sewer as part of the existing IPC licence conditions Mass Discharges of Copper The copper waste water treatment plant will limit the mass of copper discharged to the environment to less than lJkg/day. Typical discharges are expected to be less than 0.7kg/day. This equates to approximately 0.25 tonnes of copper or less per annum that will be discharged to sewer. The performance of the copper treatment process will therefore ensure that very low quantities of copper are discharged from the site. Concentrations of Discharge to Sewer Copper Discharge Concentration If all fabrication buildings discharges are taken into consideration the resulting mass emission would be 2.8 kg Cu / day. Therefore, the effluent concentration of copper discharged to sewer would therefore remain within the current IPC licence limit of 0.3 mg/l based on projected lowest water flows for the 300mm technologies and the site in general. Elimination of solids Microfilter in the SCW Treatment System

The slurry copper waste treatment system treats waste from the planarisation process functional area which uses slurries containing 1 to lOwt% silica or alumina particles. In the original design of the SCW treatment system a microfilter was included in order to avoid blockage of the carbon or ion exchange beds. Extensive testing in the Intel 300mm development factory has proven that the presence of

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

solids in the waste stream has no detrimental effect on the beds or on the copper removal efficiency of the system. The microfilter is therefore not required for system effective operation. Advantages of microfilter elimination are that 100% of the waste stream now passes through the ion-exchange beds, whereas solids concentrate was previously diverted from the ion exchange beds. In addition use of aggressive chemicals required to clean the microfilter ceramic membrane are no longer required.

The SCW system microfilter will not be de-installed so if at some stage in the future the characteristics of the SCW waste stream change to require solids removal the micofilter can be re-commissioned and operated. TSS Discharge Concentration The Total Suspected Solids (TSS) discharge concentration to AWN from the existing FAB 24-2 SCW is projected to be less than 5000 mg / litre contained in a flow of approximately 168m3 per day. The additional TSS load to the AWN arising from the FAB 24-3 copper waste treatment plant will be of similar chacteristics. Therefore the TSS contribution to TSS in the final discharge from the site is predicted to be less than 60mgL If TSS sewer concentrations derived from existing processes are taken into consideration, a combined TSS concentration of approximately 85mg/l can be anticipated for releases to sewer. This is within the current licence limit of 200 mg/l.

Ion exchange resins will require periodic regeneration approximately every 21 days. The ion exchange resins are sent for regeneration once a suitable location has been determined or disposed off in accordance with legislative requirements. The activated carbon columns will not see a heavy burden and will only require regeneration approximately every two to five years. Alternative Treatment Technologies Available A number of potentially relevant technologies were evaluated .The chosen treatment process works on applying two core techniques; carbon beds for hydrogen peroxide removal and ion exchange to removal any residual, solvated copper. The system chosen has a high efficiency, a small footprint and facilitates maximum recovery of copper. This system has also been adjudicated upon by EPA as part of the IPPC process. Specific Changes to Copper management from CCW treatment for future 300mm processes These modifications to the original FAB 24 proposals were notified to EPA and subsequently approved in 2004 . The objective was to enhance the recovery of copper and to minimise waste transportation offsite .An additional waste treatment line will be introduced with the 65-nanometer process variations in 2005. This will comprise of a treatment system that can recover copper present in concentrated copper waste (CCW). The treatment systems will not lead however to any discernable increase in copper releases to effluent.

The CCW treatment system, recovers copper from the solution and permits further treatment of the solution onsite before discharge to sewer. Offsite shipments of CCW are expected to be significantly reduced or even stop completely at the same time as recovering a valuable resource for subsequent recycling. The CCW treatment system has been described and comprises a process of electrowinning followed by ion exchange.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Residual copper concentrations from the system are projected to be less than 0.5 mg/litre. Discharge volumes from the treatment system are anticipated to be less than approximately 50 m3/day. This will be diluted by other effluent streams associated with FAB 24 of at least 30 to 40 times and more than a hundred fold taking into account streams from IF0 and FAB 24-l. The IPPC licence limits for copper are a daily mean concentration copper limit of 0.3 mg/litre and a total mass release limit of 4.05 kg per day.

Concentrated Copper Waste from fab

-53 transmitter

to AWN

trucking station


Electrowinning cells

sodium hydroxide 1

IX bed

Plate Out

IX IX IX lnfluent

bed bed Tank T104 --1 level switch

J filtration

Lead/lag/polish IX beds

Drawing 6.4: Schematic of the CCW System

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

The 65 nanometer variations have influenced waste and wastewater generation from FAB 24-l by:

0 introducing an ammonium waste treatment system to significantly reduce the volume of ammonium containing waste steams and optimise its potential use as a fertiliser feedstock; and

. installing a CCW copper recovery system to reclaim copper from concentrated copper waste leading to the near elimination of this waste stream. Reclaimed copper will be recycled.

6.4.3 C4 Metal Waste The C4 process (Controlled Collapse Chip Connect) is a wafer finishing method introduced with the FAB 14 process and also to be used during the 300mm process in FAB 24-1,2,3.

Historically, the parts of the finished die for electrical connections were left exposed. At a subsequent operation in a different factory, the chip was assembled by cutting out an individual die from the wafer, then mounting it in the chip “package”, the plastic or ceramic chip holder complete with rugged exterior electrical connections for soldering or plugging into a circuit board.

The electrical connections between the metal pads on the die and the connection points on the housing package were created by forming a wire using gold or gold alloy extruded from a fine nozzle. This process was called “Wire Bonding”.

The C4 process eliminates the need for the wire bonding process with its consequent problems.

The C4 process creates minute bumps of solder on the die while they are still part of the original wafer. These dots of solder can be fused to contact areas on a new package design, by mounting the die on the package and heating the chip to the solder melt temperature. This is a more robust and dependable technology for assembling high pin count chips.

The tiny solder bumps (100 microns high x 125 microns diameter) are deposited in a small electroplating area using a plating tool.

Subsequent processes remove unrequired residual photoresist layer.

The C4 process as currently implemented at Intel Ireland uses lead bumps. Copper will replace lead in the latest generation of manufacturing processes including those envisaged to operate in FAB 24-3. Nomenclature of C4 Waste Systems Whereas in 8 inch technologies C4 related waste streams are referred to as Concentrated Lead Waste (CLW) and Dilue Lead Waste (DLW) the 12 inch C4 waste collection and treatment systems have been designed to collect, hold and treat both lead and copper type waste in anticipation of the changeover to a lead-free C4 process. The general term metal is used to cover both lead and copper in the naming of these systems CMW and DMW. Treatment of CMWfrom 12 inch and CLWfrom 8 inch CMW and CLW are small volume waste streams collected in storage tanks & transported off site for recycle of sulphuric acid.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment Treatment of Dilute Lead Waste (DLW) and Dilute Metal Waste (DMW) from the C4 area The effluent stream for treatment by C4 ion exchange is categorised and treated as follows

Table 6.5: Effluent Stream .;. ,, .,

Effluent Type Source Treatment

Rinse Wash waters (DLWIDMW) De-lonised water rinse Lead and Metals removed by ion post acid cleaning baths exchange columns. Liquid is then

sent to AWN.

The lead removal resin is highly selective for soluble lead in aqueous waste streams.

The design will utilize two complete skids in a lead lag configuration. This will provide 100% redundancy online at all times. Once a skid is taken off-line, the exhausted skid will be replaced with a regenerated skid to become the new standby skid.

The removed columns (metal laden) are held at site and then sent off site for incineration at an approved hazardous waste treatment contractor.

This system is BAT for treatment of such wastes and achieves very low residual concentrations which can have no adverse impact on the downstream receiving environment. The system has a proven track record and the site has consistently operated within the licensed values which are typically <O.lmg/l before the inlet to the ion exchange unit. This results in negligible concentrations in the discharge.

The C4 process generates three waste streams (i) the spent solutions from the electrolytic operations of the C4 process (plating tool) (CLWKMW) (ii) concentrated lead waste (CLWKMW) from the initial sulphuric acid metal cleaning contents and (iii) dilute lead waste (DLW/DMW) from further rinses.

The spent solutions (i) and sulphuric acid (ii) are sent off-site as concentrated lead waste (CLW), which is collected in a dedicated tank and the contents shipped for off-site recycle. The dilute lead waste (DLW) is treated on site using ion exchange resins before the water is passed to the AWN. Two series of ion exchange resins are present, operating in duty and standby mode. This allows the resin cartridges to be replaced without interrupting the treatment process. The spent ion exchange resins are stored on-site until a sufficient quantity has been collected to ship off-site for licensed disposal.

This system has also been previously adjudicated upon by EPA as part of the IPPC licensing process.

6.4.4 Cyanide streams Cyanide Destruct System (CDS) The 200mm process requires the planarisation of silica and tungsten electrical connections. Due to hardness of tungsten, ferric cyanide was used in a slurry to both chemically and mechanical grind the surface of these connections and provide a uniform surface. The waste produced by this acitivity still contains ferric cyanide and a continuous flow treatment process is present within the FAB 14 complex to destroy the cyanide and convert the waste stream into nitrogen.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmuact Assessment


0 HFW Collection HF waste is collected from the fabrication building and drains by gravity to the HF lift station within the AWN of the respective FAB. In each plant he lift station then transfers material to one of two collection tanks where it is ready for transfer to the reacton tank. Treatment (Dosing and pH adjustment)

The cyanide destruct system or CDS removes cyanide by catalysed hydrolysis carried out at high temperature and pressure. The slurry containing ferric cyanide is initially adjusted to a pH of around 9 to facilitate the hydrolysis reaction. The material is then pumped to a reactor where it is raised to a temperature of 2OOoC under high pressure conditions. Heat from the reaction chamber is recovered by preheating the incoming material to be treated. Caustic is then added to prevent scale formation before the material is passed to the AWN.

This development does not impact upon this process and does not alter the related mass emission. The system employed is BAT and has been adjudicated upon previously by EPA.

All discharges have been well within the emission limit values specified.

Fluoride Waste Streams Fluoride bearing wastewater streams from the process are currently treated on-site and converted into an inert calcium fluoride cake that is presently disposed of to landfill following appropriate waste regulations. The HF waste (HFW) treatment process will receive waste primarily from two sources:

l wet benches in the etching process, and

l liquor from Point of Use removal systems (on CVD tools for example).

HF Waste Treatment System Description HF Waste treatment systems are present in FAB 10, FAB 14 and FAB 24 process support buildings. A new train will be installed for the FAB 24-3 facility.

The FAB 10 and FAB 14 systems are batch trains capable of treating either phosphoric or fluoride wastewater. FAB 24 and future 12 inch treatment systems are dedicated to fluoride treatment as phosphoric waste is sufficiently concentrated for recycle offsite due to the use of heated waste lines to ensure the viscous liquid does not block waste piping.

All of the HF Waste treatment systems are based on the same principle of operation with three main stages: collection, treatment and solids separation.

In the stirred reaction tanks, the waste is dosed with sulphuric acid to act as a catalyst and prevents the liberation of ammonia from ammonium fluoride; the pH is adjusted to a pH of 9 by the addition of lime. The process is controlled by continuous pH measurement by pH probe. The lime reacts with the HF acid and the sulphuric acid dosing agent to form inert calcium fluoride and calcium sulphate particulate. Lime in slurry form is used instead of powder for ease and accuracy of delivery into the reaction tank of the FAB 24 system

Solids Separation The treated waste is then transferred to sludge tank and from there to a filter press where filtrate passes through the filter cloths to a filtrate tank and solids are

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

compressed with the press. The dewatered cake is collected in a water-tight container and disposed of by licensed landfill. Although recycling opportunities for this waste have been and continue to be investigated. The following variations occur between the plants with respect to solids separation:

a the addition of polymer in a flocculation tank following the reaction in the FAB 14 to aid in the separation of liquid and solid, and

l the addition of polymer in a lamella settler following the reaction in the FAB 24 to enhance separation of liquid and solid. Filtrate is removed from the top of the lamella settler to the filtrate tank, sludge is removed to the sludge tank from the bottom of the lamella settler. Efluent Quality Assurance Fluoride concentration in effluent in each system is measured prior to release from to AWN. FAB 10 and F14 are batch systems and once the process is complete a sample from the filtrate tank is analysed in the respective on site process support building laboratory for fluoride concentration by calorimetric analysis. The fluoride concentration must be less than 20mg/l in order for the treated waste to be released to AWN. Should the concentration be greater than 20mg/l the filtrate can be pumped back to the collection tanks to be treated again.

FAB 24 HF waste treatment system is designed to be operated as a continuous process. Two on-line fluoride probes (duty and standby) are installed at the outlet of the filtrate tank. If a reading of greater than 20mg/l of fluoride is detected the filtrate is automatically diverted to the HF waste collection tanks to be treated again. Treated waters from the HFW treatment systems will continue to pass to the AWN systems for each respective fabrication plant and then to sewer following pH control and balancing. The introduction of enhanced HF treatment capability on-site will not create any new waste stream or additional discharge point. It merely increases treatment capacity and the efficiency of fluoride removal.

The operating parameters for IF0 and FAB 24 systems are summarised below and will be mimicked for the expanded facilities:

Table 6.6: Operating Parameters for IF0 and FAB 24


lnletloutlet flows Up to 18 mVhr

Inlet concentrations Ca. 2000 ppm

Outlet concentration < 20 ppm

Removal efficiency 1 99% Fluoride Discharges and Cake Generation The HFW system has a design criteria for discharges to the AWN system of less than 20 mg / litre. The HFW flows are mixed with other wastewater flows from the FAB before discharge to sewer and a significant dilution of the HFW filtrate following treatment will consequently occur. The expected fluoride concentration in AWN discharges as a result of the HFW treatment system is less than 1 mg/litre and is significantly below the current IPC licence limit of 18 mg/l. Other contributors will increase the expected fluoride concentration in effluent to an expected average of approximately 4.5 mg/l.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

The enhanced removal of fluoride from the process will inevitably increase the quantity of inert fluoride cake generated. This cake will be taken to landfill where it is used as landfill cover as per existing practice. This use demonstrates the low toxicity and leachability associated with the waste. Options for recycling have been and continue to be investigated including the possibility of blending with cement components during cement manufacture. Containment and Redundancy To prevent any potential spillages impacting on the environment if they occur, the HFW treatment plant area is contained in a bunded area. All tanks will be double contained. These areas will also be coated. The spill containment system allows any spillage or uncontained release to be held in sump areas of the bund before either pumping back into the treatment system or safe removal on-site.

A high level of equipment redundancy is also built into the system design. This allows for preventative maintenance to take place on critical plant items whilst the treatment process either continues to operate or stores material for later processing. The redundancy also provides backup or standby systems should the duty equipment fail. This includes reaction tanks, pumps and instrumentation. Standby pumps are also on independent power supplies should an electrical fault develop. Environmental Benefits and Best Available Technique Appraisal The system provides significant environmental benefits. These include:

0 conversion of hazardous material into a safe and inert fluoride cake in an enhanced treatment process;

. reduction in raw material usage; and

l a smaller quantity of lime required with the 12 inch FAB 24 and FAB 24-3 system. Continuous Monitoring and Control Systems A number of parameters are continuously monitored to identify if target parameters are being maintained within set points. These include continuously monitoring levels of fluoride in the FAB 24 design from the treatment process outflow, flow rates and tank fill levels that initiate transfer of material between the collection tanks and the reaction tanks. The control systems in place and the back-up systems available that are and will be installed with the second treatment plant for FAB 14 and the FAB 24-l ,2,3 plant are summarised below;

Table 6.7: Control Systems

Control Parameter

Flow meter

(HF feed pumps)

Nature of Monitoring



Flow meter / Rotameter

Back-up systems

Spare instrumentation

Sulphuric acid addition Continuous Rotameter flow controller Spare instrumentation I


Reaction tank temperature



pH probe and controller Spare probe and instrumentation

Thermocouple/ Temperature Spare probe probe

Fluoride concentrations Continuous in Ion - selective electrode or Spare probe. in HFW treatment plant FAB 24 or equivalent


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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

Control Parameter Nature of Monitoring

Equipment Back-up systems


(to divert out of spec filtrate back to start of process)


Other control systems include tank level sensors to prevent any tank from overfilling. Impact of Fluoride on activated Sludge, Nitr@cation and Denitr@cation and impacts on the receiving waters The toxicity and non-lethal effects of Fluoride in the aquatic environment have been extensively studied. The EU (EEC) included a major review of fluoride in the aftermath of 76/464/EC Control of Dangerous Substances to Waters Directive, and commissioned BIOKON of Denmark to include fluoride in their major study and review of List II compounds. Further impact studies specifically relating to the biological treatment of high ammonia wastewaters in the presence of halide salts have refined the understanding of the processes involved. Impacts in the Receiving Environment All major studies have shown that fluoride is not very toxic or produces sublethal effects in biological treatment plants and indeed can be used to ameliorate severe dissolved ammonium toxicity in highly loaded systems.

The toxicity threshold to Pseudomonas putida, a common heterotrope in activated sludge plants was 105 mg/l (Bringmann and Kuhn 1977) as free F-. Similarly, in studies of concentrated wastewaters from the semiconductor industry (4000 mg/l NH4 -N and 10,000 F- mg/l ) seeking a biological treatment for nitrification it was shown that fluoride had a protecting effect from dissolved NH3 toxicity and general inhibition only occurred at F concentrations above 200mg/l (Collins et al 1985) and (Clarkson et al 1988).

No other adverse impacts on the activated sludge processes were noted.

Although not primarily intended to do so, the activated sludge with Fe /Al P removal in particular greatly reduces the fluoride content by a combination of precipitation of CaF and MgF into the excess sludge at pH’s above 6.5 and this effect is enhanced by further polishing by aluminium fluoride and ferric lluoride precipitation.

The data are reaffirmed in the 2002 International Programme on Chemical Safety @PCS) (WHO, UNEP &ILO) monograph EHC 227 on fluorides which added that: -

In activated sludge no inhibition of growth or COD removal is noted below 100 mg F/l, and that the EC50 for nitrification is 121 Smg/l.

For salmonids effects are seen between 2.3 and 130 mg F /l and typically values above 130 mg F/l are needed to exert an effect in hardwaters. Similarly algal impacts are in the range 113-119 mg F/l. Most relevant for Irish waters are data which suggests that the LC50 for Brown trout fry was 30 mg F /l.

Affects (LC 50 ) on invertebrates are in a similar range up to 136 mg/l.

EC50 for algae are 123mg F /l in freshwater and 83 mg F/l in seawater.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Invertebrate toxicity ranged from 53-304 mg F/l with ‘infinite’ safe values extrapolated as EC 0.01 s to 0.2 -1.2 mg/l for all species.

This lack of toxicity is particularly evident in hardwaters and tidal waters.

These data led the BIOKON review to state that fluoride was not highly toxic and that only limited earlier data had implicated fluoride as having toxic effects at lower pH values and in the absence of Ca and Mg.

SI 12 of 2001 Water Quality (Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2001 specifies a an annual mean concentration of OSmg F /l in freshwater and 1Smg F/l in tidal waters .

The regulations state however that under Article 9 (2) the EPA may be satisfied that the standard may not be applicable due to natural conditions or other reasons relating to feasibility or disproportionate expense. Relevant Fluoride Pre-treatment Lime precipitation is held by the EU to be the BAT technology for removal of fluoride and the studies quote residual post precipitation values of 1Omg F/l as being typically achieved. Alum precipitation can deliver lower values but only from low pH wastewaters not containing calcium. The system at Intel typically generates residual values below 20 mgF/l and achieves a removal efficiency of 99% This exceeds the rated performance for BAT removal

The Fe /Al dosing at the MWWTP and the clarification step within a sludge blanket would be expected to significantly attenuate the remaining 1% perhaps by as much as 80% because of the availability in a hardwater system of excess Ca and Mg ions and Ca C03. Background Fluoride values and muss emissions Background values of fluoride in the water supply tend to be around 1.0 mg/l F. Typical Freshwater values are between 0.3 - 0.5 mg F /l, Seawater values are up to 1.5mg/l F where a considerable proportion is in the form of MgF. Case for retention of Existing Fluoride EfSluent Mass emissions The projected residual values for Intel after 99% removal at the buildout of this project is 15Okg /day . This is only 62% of the existing permitted mass emission but is 70 kg over the postulated reduced mass emission to apply from 30th June 2006 unless the EPA are otherwise satisfied.

The following tabulates some of the scenarios which might occur and the predicted impact on receiving water values.

If we take 12,448 m3/day as the flow the fluoride balance looks as follows:

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

Table 6.8: Fluoride Balance, 12,448 m%ay

Kg Fluoride/day Average F Exit F cone Exit F cone in mg/f from Long term average cone mg/l in in mg/l from full expanded MWWTP rise (Delta) in Liffey from

Intel Intel 34,560mVd assuming a Intel F 8 LTAF of discharge stream 8 further 50% by 1.0767m3Xi 06 /day. EQS

23,OOOmVd precipitation coagulation is 0.5mg WI

8 243-licence 19.5 10.5 3.5 0.11

8 150 -projected 12.0 6.5 2.15 0.07

8 80 -from 30/6/06 6.4 3.5 1.15 0.04 *LTAF - Long Term Average Flow

In the second table a flow of 8,236 m3/d is used to represent the situation at the build-out of FAB 24-2 but before FAB 24-3 is on line. Here we can see the issue of concentration as well as mass emission

Table 6.9: Fluoride Balance, 8,236 m3/d

Kg Fluoride/day Average F Exit F cone mgn in in mg/l from Intel Intel stream

discharge 0 23,000m3/d

8 243-licence 29.5 10.5

8 150-projected 18.2 6.5

8 80-from 3016106 9.7 3.5

Exit F cone in mg/l from Long term average c01 full expanded MWWTP rise (Delta)in Liffey from 34,560m3/d assuming a Intel F 8 LTAF of

further 50% by 1.0767m3X106 /day. EQS precipitation coagulation is 0.5mg F/I

3.5 0.11

2.15 0.07

1.15 0.04

In both cases the resultant concentrations in the Leixlip MWWTP and the River are the same, the difference is in the discharge concentration from Intel.

Three distinct issues arise,

l Is it necessary to achieve the reduction to SOkg F/d for environmental or EQS compliance reasons,

l Is it possible to achieve the reduction and at what cost,

l The issue of concentration control versus mass emissions arises for this parameter also as the current concentration limit is 18 mg F/l based on a higher permitted flow.

Long-term average data for fluoride data is not available to the company at present for the River Liffey upstream and down stream of the discharge points. Notwithstanding that fact, in all cases the reasonably projected concentrations (attributable to Intel) in the effluent from the Leixlip plant, would be less than the quoted range of Fluoride values and could not cause the River Liffey to exceed the EQS on a long term average flow basis. Similarly the environmental fate and effects for fluoride would not indicate a biotic reason for such a reduction.

Most importantly, the reduction percentiles being achieved (greater than BAT) and the remaining load now being ascribed to a production increase of 85% over that for which the mass emission was granted, would support the retention of the 243kg F/d limit.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Therefore, Intel are applying on that basis to the EPA to retain the mass emission and to convert to a mass emission based licence. References Final Report on Noxious Effects of List 11 Compounds for EC Commission - BIOKON Aps - 1979

Bringmann and Kuhn 1977 , Z .Wasser- Abwasser Forth 10-87-98

Collins et al , 1988 JWPCF 60:499-504

Clarkson et al , 1989, Appl. and Env. Micro Jan 1989: 240-245

6.4.6 Phosphorus Streams The majority of phosphate in FAB 10, FAB 14 and FAB 24 comes from phosphoric acid which is used in the wet benches in the etching process. In FAB 24 phosphoric waste is collected as an 80% solution for off site recycle.

The introduction of the latest variant of the 300mm process envisages an increase in very dilute rinse waters from the etchant processes and from some other sources. This coupled with the site’s considerable water conservation measures mean that the average values of P in the effluent will potentially rise above the current licensed concentration limit of S.OmgP/l while remaining below the licensed mass emission

The introduction of this technology means that the planned for phosphorus allocation will now be utilised. A number of on-site management options have and are being investigated to enhance the 98% phosphorus capture rate if possible, however all such options have some impact on existing systems due to the increase in hydraulic loadings of the dilute P streams and may be of little value.

The company is sharply aware of the issue of phosphorus induced eutrophication in the River Liffey and has carried out trials mimicking the co-precipitation chemical dosing installed at the MWWTP to remove phosphorous.

These comprised of a series of chemical chelation and precipitation trials on the effluent to mimic the efficiency of removal using ferric or alum salts which is available in the Leixlip MWWTP. This was part of the process to determine at what point in the on-site-off-site treatment train could the most efficient removal and disposal be effected. The P Removal process by chelation and precipitation for dilute levels of P is mainly dependent on:

. ability to chelate efficiently (which depends on the initial form of the P ie reactive ortho P or less reactive Total P);

l the availability and contact with the chelation agent; and

l the removal efficiency of the precipitation process by settlement and lattice trapping in a sludge matrix or filtration system.

It was initially established that the P on site is in the most reactive form in the ration 4:1, i.e. 80% was reactive. Secondly the trials with Ferric Sulphate (and Aluminium Sulphate) showed that precipitation with the same salts as are used in the MWWTP reduced the P well below the discharge limits for the MWWTP.

The advantages of removing these dilute residual levels of P at the MWWTP are that:

l the opportunity for biological uptake is present;

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

. the form of P is ideal for this co-precipitation process which is proven in Ireland;

l this form of P is more readily removed than the detergent based polyphosphate sources in domestic sewage which requires pre lysing to monophosphate prior to precipitation;

l the concentration of P would be in the centre of the range the MWWTP experiences at present from domestic sources (5-10 mg/l for Intel versus S- 16mg/l P in domestic effluent);

l lattice trapping of the precipitated ferrophosphate or alum phosphate complex in the biological sludge is the mechanism of primary removal and recovery;

l the precipitation process is already available at the MWWTP for the express purpose of removing P in the dedicated Intel Stream which has been only marginally utilised to date;

l enhanced sludge settlement will occur with the flocculant effect of the Fe or Al complexes; and

. the precipitated P enhances the nutrient value of the sludge for agricultural or horticultural use.

None of these options can be replicated on-site and Intel would need to install a parallel physico- chemical removal system or modify and expand the existing HF system to reintroduce the P removal into that process at a loss of some efficiency or optimisation. In that case the option of beneficial reuse of the captured material would not be possible.

The P capture percent on -site is already at 98% and the remaining 2% could be subject to a further SO+% reduction at the Leixlip MWWTP in the same manner as the domestic effluent and discharged in accordance with the existing licence and anticipated lower P limits.

As described previously, the company will be applying to increase the total P concentration in the discharged effluent with a maximum value not to exceed 10.0 mg P/l. However the current mass emission limit of 65.7kg/day will still apply.

As currently anticipated the increase to full production with the commissioning of all FAB capabilities inclusive of FABs 24-1,2,and 3 show a wide range of total wastewater generation from 6,923 -12,448 m3/day. For this reason the plant and the licence needs to anticipate the variations in concentration for all parameters within the mass limits.

The Leixlip MWWTP design specifies that residual values of 0.6mg P/l will be achieved from even higher concentrations of less reactive phosphate in the domestic stream. The Intel precipitation test data shows that reductions to very low MRP soluble levels are achievable with only simple settlement after flocculation The test data shows that Molybdate Reactive Phosphorus in solution could be reduced as low as 0.08mg MR-P /l.

This does not take into account enhanced removal by sludge lattice trapping effects in a clarifier sludge blanket.

This would mean that the combined removal /recovery percentage would be at least 99.8% and would exceed the expectations of a BAT system.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

Therefore the utilisation of the licensed load will not require any modification of the Intel Stream at the Leixlip plant. Potential for Impact on the River Lifser The River Liffey has undergone a transformation in biotic indexation and water quality since 2000, largely due to the improvement in point source effluent treatment and the removal of other untreated single point sources.

The River main channel is now again classified as unpolluted with median MRP values of 30-50 pg/l which compares favourably with EQO’s of 30 pg/l in the 1998 phosphorus regulations.

Based on a total catchment flow of 393 M m3 /year at Leixlip (from Liffey Water Quality Status Report 2003) the likely worst case impact on the River Liffey would be a contribution of MRP of 1.6ug/l out of a long term average of 35.Oug/l (range 30 -50 ug/l MRP). This is no different from the calculated impact when the licence allowance was granted.

This is based on the worst-case estimate of raw load and a measured performance of removal but remains within the existing licensed load.

6.4.7 Ammonia Streams A new ammonium waste treatment system is under construction as part of the FAB 24 initial development to treat ammonium waste streams. The purpose of the treatment system is to reduce the volume of ammonium containing aqueous liquids and minimise the quantity of nitrogenous material sent to effluent for subsequent treatment at the Leixlip wastewater treatment facility. The ammonium present in streams from the process has varying ammonium concentration. The ammonia and ammonium is stripped and concentrated to form a consistent aqueous waste that enhances the recycling opportunities of the ammonium waste e.g. for fertiliser and minimises the number of shipments from the site. Recycling opportunities for the concentrated waste generated will be tested with an appropriate contractor once the specification is accurately characterised following commissioning. The treatment system will be modular in design to handle variable flows of ammonium waste ranging from approximately 0.5 m’/hour to 6 m3 / hour.

As this system is energy intensive, a balance is struck between its use on a modular basis and the utilisation of the installed biologically efficient Total Nitrogen capacity of 644 kg TN -N /d in the Intel Stream of which 540 kg N /d is allocated to Intel. Therefore the stripping system will be modulated to avail of that capacity, in particular if the request for the conversion of the mass emission allocations to a single Total Nitrogen mass emission standard is granted.

The treatment process has a number of steps comprising:

0 collection and pH adjustment;

l pre heating;

l ammonia stripping;

0 ammonia scrubbing and concentration; and

l crystallisation (potential future option).

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment Collection and pH Adjustment Ammonia waste is initially collected from the wafer cleaning units into one of two tanks where the liquid level and pH are recorded using probes with back-up units. The collected waste is then mixed and pH adjusted using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) prior to treatment to ensure a pH of 11.2 or higher. At this pH, any ammonium compounds will be in the form of ammonia, which can then be stripped and concentrated before being returned into a stable ammonium based product. At lower pH, a greater proportion of ammonium is present, which is difficult to strip and subsequently concentrate. Pre-heating The pH adjusted waste/wastewater is subsequently pumped through two heat exchangers where the temperature of the water is increased to between ca 3OoC and 55oC. The rise in temperature again increases the ability of the system to remove ammonia and the efficiency of removal can be modulated according to the temperature of the feed material. Ammonia stripping The pre-heated stream is then passed to a modular system of stripping towers where the feed is passed through two towers in series to transfer ammonia from aqueous solution into a passing air stream.

At the top of the first tower, the feed material is sprayed using nozzles over a specially selected packing media. Air is passed through the tower in a counter- current direction whereby ammonia is transferred into the passing air stream via the intimate contact with waste water on the surface of the packing media and the vapour pressure of the ammonia. Wastewater collected within the sump of the first tower is pumped to the top of the second tower and the process repeated. The efficiency of transfer of ammonia within the stripper units is estimated at around 99%. The wastewater after the second stripping tower is measured for ammonia concentration and if within specification is passed to a collection tank for subsequent discharge to AWN. If the wastewater is out of specification, the water is returned to the start of the process. Scrubbing and Concentration The air leaving the top of the stripper towers contains a high concentration of ammonia gas. This ammonia-laden air is then passed through an ammonia scrubber to remove the ammonia and provide clean air for returning to the stripper towers or for minor venting to the atmosphere.

The scrubber is designed to absorb vapour phase ammonia from the air stream and react it with sulphuric acid to form a stable solution of ammonium sulphate. The air is passed through the scrubber body in a co-current direction with the sulphuric acid dosed scrubber liquor. The liquor is re-circulated until the concentration of ammonium sulphate reaches the required set point and is then transferred from the scrubber as blowdown. Additional make-up water is then added to the scrubber. A conductivity and/or density meter will be used to monitor the ammonium sulphate concentration in the blowdown stream.

The cleaned air stream is re-circulated back to air stripping towers after passing through the scrubber unit. The use of an already warm moisture saturated air reduces evaporative cooling effects and is significantly more energy efficient than using a fresh air stream. The air within the stripper and scrubber circuit is hence virtually in a closed loop system. The reuse of warm air also enhances the transference of ammonia from the aqueous solution in the stripper towers into the

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

passing air stream and significantly reduces discharges of exhaust air to the atmosphere.

The scrubber units will be followed by two stages of mist eliminators to prevent any carryover of mist containing ammonium salts into the stripping towers. The system blower will be located between the scrubber outlet and the stripping tower inlets. Hydrogen peroxide (H20’) will also be present in the wastewater from the process and will to some extent dissociate at the elevated pH in the treatment system. Some oxygen may be formed however and will be controlled through a bleed off of air from the scrubber outlet as measured by an online oxygen analyser. The air stream that is bled off is predicted to be less than 2% of the airflow through the treatment system and contain less than Sppm ammonia.

Additional steps may be introduced where necessary to further reduce water from the resulting waste shipped off site. This may include crystallisation or filter press techniques.

Drawing 6.5: Ammonia Waste Treatment Plant Schematic

NH,OH waste (NH4W) from fab (- 5,000 mg/l)

/--- Ammonia Waste Treatment Cartoon

NH3 laden air


+ Bleed


-4 Tank >30%


’ Truck off-site


for recycle - -- +

.HX- Heat Exchange

-d Treated Effluent c 20 mg/l NH, to AWN or SLW

6.4.8 Combined Final Effluent Pre-Treatment - Acid Waste Neutralisation (AWN) FAB 10, FAB 14 and FAB 24 each has a dedicated Acid Waste Neutralisation plant or AWN. With the installation of F24-2 an additional AWN system will be included. F24-3 will also have its own associated AWN plant. Possibilities being explored however to use existing plant where possible for F24-3. All process waste waters from the site pass through the AWN of each FAB before being discharged to sewer via a balancing tank. This includes water from cooling tower and boiler blowdown, process water and acids from wet stations, acid baths and rinses along with any contaminated water collected in the surface water containment system should it occur.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment


The AWN systems comprise of three tanks in series that add in either sulphuric acid or caustic solution to the wastewater to adjust the pH to a neutral condition. The incoming water is typically acidic in nature and therefore caustic is normally dosed to the tank water. The pH is measured by two pH probes with back up probes. The maximum pH adjustment that can occur in any one tank is 2.5 to prevent the potential for significant overdosing and hence an overshoot in the actual pH condition. If additional pH adjustment is required, this is carried out in the next tank. Water discharged from the AWN is within the pH range of 6 to 9.5 and is normally in the pH range 7-7.3. Each tank can be bypassed if necessary to allow maintenance to be carried out.

The on-site AWN plants including FAB 24-2, -3 will discharge to the existing sites effluent balance tank where the effluent is mixed and discharged to sewer. The effluent monitoring point is downstream of this mixing point. A 24 hour composite sample is taken weekly and analysed by an independent laboratory and analysed for the parameters detailed in Schedule 2(iii) of the IPC licence.

Weekly composite sampling is also under gone at the outlet of each AWN system for all the parameters listed in Schedule 2(iii) of the IPC licence in order to ensure good traceability and characterisation of waste.

The URW system is used to conserve and minimise water discharges from the site. FAB 10, FAB 14 and FAB 24 have URW (Ultrapure Water Recycle Waste) or RIW (Re-use Industrial Water tanks for water reclaim. F24 has an Industrial Wastewater (IWW) divert tanks to automatically divert out of spec wastewater future facilities F24-2 and F24-3 will also have such as system.

Discharge Monitoring and Control To ensure the safe operation of the system a number of control systems are installed to ensure any deviation is quickly identified and corrected. All meters are connected to the on-site FMS system for continuous monitoring of the control parameters. If a control parameter goes out of specification, an alarm is raised and a response enacted by site services.

Critical spares for certain control parameters are held on site such as probes and specialised units for which redundancy is not available.

Continuous Monitoring and Control Systems To ensure the treatment plants achieve optimal performance, a number of parameters are continuously monitored to identify if target parameters are being maintained within set points. These include continuously monitoring levels of fluoride in the FAB 24 design from the treatment process outflow, flow rates and tank fill levels that initiate transfer of material between the collection tanks and the reaction tanks. The control systems in place and the back-up systems available that will be installed with the second treatment plant for FAB 14 and the FAB 24 plant are summarised below;

Table 6.10: Continuous Monitoring and Control Systems

Control Parameter Nature of Equipment Back-up systems Monitoring

Flow meter Continuous Flow meter / Rotameter Spare instrumentation

(HF feed pumps)

Sulphuric acid addition Continuous Rotameter flow controller Spare instrumentation

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

Control parameter


(second reaction tank)

Reaction tank temperature

Fluoride concentrations in HFW treatment plant filtrate

(to divert out of spec filtrate back to start of process)

Nature of Monitoring



Continuous in FAB 24 or laboratoy analysis.


pH probe and controller

Back-up systems

Spare probe and instrumentation

Thermocouple/ Temperature probe

Spare probe

Ion - selective electrode or equivalent

Spare probe.

Other control systems include tank level sensors to prevent any tank from overfilling.

6.4.10 Hazard Containment at Effluent Treatment Facilities Containment To ensure that no accidental discharge from the wastewater treatment areas can occur, effective containment has been incorporated into the design of the plants. This will prevent unforeseen discharges to ground and watercourses in particular. The systems that will be installed include where relevant;

l tank containment (bunding) and spill aprons; and

l a contained storm water system.

All relevant tanks will be fitted with high alarms and high/high alarms linked to the FMS system. This will assist in preventing the overfilling of tanks that could lead to a spillage of the material stored. Contained Storm Water System The areas around the treatment facility will also be part of the contained storm water system providing containment in the event of a major spillage from tanker loading for example. A spill apron therefore will exist around the entire copper waste treatment facility. In the event of any spillages, the material will be isolated and removed using existing spillage and removal procedures. Hazard Prevention All systems have been subjected to a hazard assessment and have been designed and contained appropriately.

64.11 Maintenance Requirements and Redundancy Where appropriate, preventative maintenance requirements are fed into the on-site task system called Maxim0 that identifies when maintenance should be undertaken. The system then advises the responsible technicians of the maintenance requirements. An inventory control system identifies stock levels for critical components to maintain a back up supply.

In the event of complete shut down, the collection tanks provide storage capacity for the material while maintenance activities take place. The wastes are then fed through the system once on-line again. In this manner, no wastes are discharged to sewer untreated.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

A high level of equipment redundancy is built into the system design. The modular capacities of the effluent treatment subunits greatly exceed the design requirements in terms of flow and load. This allows for preventative maintenance to take place on critical plant items whilst the treatment process continues to operate. This includes regular preventative maintenance checks such as changeover of ion exchange resins. The redundancy also provides backup or standby systems should the duty equipment fail. This includes pumps and instrumentation. Standby pumps are also on independent power supplies should an electrical fault develop. Staff Training and Emergency Protocols




Key features of the training will include;

0 system safety including alarm points and alarm consequences;

l theory of operation;

l sequence of operations;

l preventative maintenance requirements; and

0 troubleshooting.

These include different levels of detail into the theory of operation, basic rounds and readings, alarm response, supervised operator actions and preventative maintenance and safety awareness.

Emergency protocols for all systems are incorporated into the existing emergency planning and response procedures for the site. Response to certain alerts will be by the specially trained Emergency Response Teams.

Resource and Energy Conservation The electricity demand of the overall treatment system is relatively low. However. the specialised subsystems such as the ammonia stripper do absorb power and energy from the use of energy to preheat the system and strip the ammonia.

In all cases every opportunity to conserve energy or recover it has been considered and employed where practicable.

Off - Site Effluent Treatment

Legal Basis and Pre-Agreement From the inception of the Intel Ireland site, an agreement was put in place with Kildare County Council to cater for the water supply to the site and the disposal of effluent off site to a dedicated section of the Leixlip MWWTP referred to as the Intel Stream. This was funded by the company and the operating costs are reimbursed under the Polluter Pays Principle. These arrangements preceded the introduction of this system Nationally under the National Water Pricing Policy and is consistent with both the Water Framework Directive and the Water Services Bill currently passing through the Oireachtas.

Intel have not taken up the full capacities allocated to them and the current modifications and upgrades to the Leixlip MWWTP have not necessitated any changes to the Intel Stream which is already of adequate capacity for all relevant parameters and has all the component treatment systems in place.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Variations in the terms of the granted IPPC licence in respect of effluent conditions have always been with the prior agreement of Kildare County Council as the Sanitary Authority.

The philosophy as described elsewhere is to optimise the availability and use of both on-site and off-site treatment to achieve BAT treatment and the required Environmental Quality Standards and Objectives.

6.5.2 Dedicated Off -Site Treatment Installed Capacity -Availability, Uptake and Performance Available Allocated Capacity The Intel Stream of the municipal treatment plant at Leixlip was very conservatively designed and this coupled with the conservation measures implemented by Intel Ireland has led to both good treatment performance and the availability of reserve capacity. This is despite an 2.5 fold increase in integrated circuit production expressed as ‘wafer starts ‘relative to the initial design.

The basic parameters which are managed by the Leixlip stream are:-

* conveyancing of the effluent to the plant;

l surge management at the Inlet works;

l BOD and COD removal biologically which in turn is reflected in aeration basin capacity, aeration delivery, final clarification;

l Total Nitrogen and Ammonia removal;

l Phosphorus removal by biological uptake and co -precipitation; and

l Residual sludge management and disposal.

On the basis of the original licensed loads, the Intel Treatment Stream was conservatively designed to cater for the following loadings:

Oxidised Nitrogen 1 3,000m3/d @ 20 mg/l = 260 Kg/d

Max. Ammoniacal Nitrogen 13,OOOmYd @ 25 mg/l = 325 Kg/d

Total Nitrogen Load 13,OOOmYd @ 45 mg/l = 585 Kg/d

Intel Domestic Fraction TKN 5 13m3/d @ 45 mg/l=

Total Trade Load from Intel plus Intel Domestic=

23 Kg/d

608 Kg/d

As the BOD concentration of the Intel Wastewater is low it is necessary to combine some of the wastewater from the Catchment with the wastewater from Intel so as to maintain the desired level of BOD in the aeration system. In these circumstances the following loadings are treated at the Intel Stream.

Net Flow 20,827m3/d

Total Incoming Nitrogen Load

Total Nitrogen Removed in Biotic and Anoxic Processes

Maximum Intel domestic flow

644 Kg/d

456 Kg/d

1,539 m3!d

Maximum cross contributing flow from Main Plant 7,3 14 m3/d

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Environmental Impact Assessment

Maximum initial design for Intel trade Effluent 14,300m3/d

Total Maximum Flow 23,153 mYd

The design of the Intel Wastewater Treatment Stream at the Leixlip Wastewater Treatment Plant was based on the following nitrogen balance:

Total Nitrogen Load= 30.90mg TN/l by (13,000 + 5 13 +7,314) mVd = 644 Kg/d

The Final Effluent Nitrogen Concentration not to exceed 9.0mg/l

Therefore, Nitrogen removal Balance is 644 kg TN influent /d -456 kgTN removed= 188 kg TN discharged /d from Intel Stream to the River Liffey at a discharge standard of 9.0 mg TN /l.

Importantly, the Patrick J.Tobin report on available capacity of 18th November 2002 noted that although the revision of the IPPC licence had limited Intel to a total nitrogen discharge of 540 kg N /day, that the plant had a design capacity of 5S5 kg N/day.

In fact this design capacity is in itself conservative as the installed aeration capacity and hydraulic capacities would allow for an even greater BOD and nitrogen loading without modification of the plant.

A methanol de-nitrification system was installed but has not proven necessary to operate as yet in connection with Intel’s effluent. The in situ de-nitrification using domestic effluent as the oxygen demand has proven to be very successful.

Therefore, the performance of the Intel Stream has been very satisfactory and is a tribute to a successful design and good plant operation.

The above calculations are focused on BOD and Nitrogen treatment capacity as both parameters are inextricably linked in the biological process design.

As part of the related application for a review of the IPPC licence to cater for the proposed expansion, Intel are requesting that the licence be primarily based on the design parameter for this aspect of the treatment process which is the mass emission of Total Nitrogen to the plant. This is of increasing importance as concentration increases due to water conservation initiatives.

What is proposed is that the current 297 kg NH3-N Id and the 243 kg N03-N Id be combined and expressed as a 540 kg Total N -N /d mass standard with the caveats that have been previously applied under the Condition 1.2 modification that at no time can the concentration of ammonia exceed 200 mg N/l.

This would enable the progression of further water conservation measures and would allow for the optimised energy efficient use of the on site ammonia stripper and the biological plant capacity.

This can be accommodated within the existing built and proven treatment capacity.

As can be calculated from the mass balances the estimated water usage of 12,448m3/d and the total nitrogen allocation of 540 kgTN-N /d, would result in an average total nitrogen content of less than 44mg N/l which with water conservation and variations in flow during production ramp up, might rise to 80 mg N/l which has already been anticipated in the design and the previous condition 1.2 modification to the licence.


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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment Uptake of capacity The following tables show the current and anticipated uptake of capacity at Leixlip.

Table 6.11: Load as of May 2002 (calculated from Patrick J Tobin & Co. Report lot. cit.)

Parameter Intel 589 Intel stream Actual Intel % Uptake by Intel

IPC licence design load process load of Design Load

Flow m3 /day 16500 20 827 5500 26

BOD kg ! day 1485 2082 314 15

NHskg/day 297 325 52 16

NO3 kg / day 243 260 7 2.7

TKjN kg I day 297 502 105 21

Total Nitrogen kg I 540 644 112 17 day

The following tabulates the projected wastewater usage based on the implementation of the latest process technologies and conservation measures. It can be seen that the hydraulic capacity of the Intel Stream will not be exceeded.

Table 6.12: Wastewater Projections ,,

Scenario Average (mA3/day) Peak (mA3/day)

l.lFOtF24 6923 8307

2. IF0 t F24 t F24-2 8236 9684

3. IF0 t F24 t F24-2 t F24-3a 9954 11944

4. IF0 t F24 t F24-2 t F24-3b 10373 12448

These in turn can be translated into load estimates for all parameters and for each of the flow scenarios shown above.

Table 6.13: IF0 + FAB 24-1 . .

Parameter Ex-Intel Discharge % Uptake of to Leixlip MWWTP

Expected Removal


Design Capacity of Efficiency Intel Stream

Flow Average m3/d 8585 41

Flow Max m3/day

BOD 194 9.3 97

COD 337 6.7 96

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

ss 215 1 4.6

Table 6.14: IF0 +FAB 24-1 +FAB 24-2 +FAB 24-3b

Total P 65 28 90

MR-P 52 45 90

ss 645

In all cases the estimates are based on the Intel component using P1264 technology at rated capacity in terms of wafer starts. The figures are best estimates of average emissions, not peak emissions. Estimates omit the domestic component transferred from Leixlip Main plant of up to 7314 m3/day (which treatment performance would be presumed to remain constant and is not a licensed component of the Intel Effluent)

6.5.3 Proposed Expansion and Modification of Leixlip MWWTP The proposed expansion of the Leixlip MWWTP is not impacted upon by these load estimates ‘and as can be seen capacity exists for all relevant parameters . In addition the actual capabilities of the plant based on unit constructed size and installed plant is actually greater than the stated design load which is very conservative in outlook. Much of the facility had been underutilised by Intel so that the spare capacity has been used by Kildare County Council to treat domestic effluent from urban sources until the increased capacity comes on line in the main plant.

6.5.4 Impact on Leixlip MWWTP Discharge Compliance Ongoing reviews of the Intel stream show that it is compliant and has catered for considerable unplanned domestic loads over many years. The Leixlip plant is

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Environmental ImDact Assessment

unusual for a Sanitary Authority MWWTP in that it operates to a licence granted by Fingal County Council to Kildare County Council by virtue of the discharge point being in the adjacent county. The expanded plant will be, as previously was the case, subject to conditions attached by An Bord Pleanala in consequence of their adjudication on an EIS on the expanded plant. These conditions will also attach to any subsequent licence revision.

To date the Intel discharge has not given rise to any non compliance and the plant design takes account of the available assimilative capacities based on prevailing EQS’s and EQO’s

6.6 Mass Balances for other List II Parameters

Table 6.15: Current Mass Balances for other List II Parameters

Organic Compounds Not load related .;f- --...y: ~,X, ‘:.:

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Table 6.16: Proposed Mass Balances for other List II Parameters

IAverage Flow(m3/h)

IBOD 11350



r Total Phos. (as P)

Suspended Solids 2700

Total Dissolved Solid 60750







I Copper

* Split values indicate expected averages and peak values

The two tables compare the 44 2004 discharge values for all licensed parameters against the current IPPC and the projected build out discharge values against the requested revision of IPPC 589 to convert it to a mass emission based licence.

The major parameters have been discussed in their separate sections and these summary tables show both the low uptake of allocated capacity in the current situation and the fact that the allocated capacity will still not be fully utilised for a very significant increase in production.

The treatment capacities and systems are BAT and all relevant EQO’s and EQS’s are not challenged by retaining those allowances.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3 Environmental ImDact Assessment

The data validates the choice of systems used and the operation, performance and management of the facilities both on and off site.

No evidence of adverse impacts are seen or postulated from these data.

6.7 Residual Impact on the Receiving Systems: Leixlip MWWTP and River Liffey

6.7.1 Receiving Water Quality Constraints The River Liffey has been studied in great detail as part of the three rivers survey and the formulation of the Water Quality Management Plan River. Over the past four years there has been a substantial improvement in biotic quality and the main channel is largely classified as unpolluted. An ongoing programme of measures, largely driven by the Water Framework directive and the Phosphorus regulations have eliminated or mitigated sources of pollution.

It would be true to state that in the area of catchment downstream of the Leixlip MWWTP discharge point, that nutrient load is the major concern and misconnected drainage and storm overflows would also feature.

One of the great problems of urban rivers is the variable flows and quality issues arising from storm hard paved runoff.

The River is an important salmonid water and is treated as such in determining assimilative capacities and EQO’s.

These factors are encompassed in the constraints on discharge placed on the Sanitary Authorities by An Bord Pleanala which adjudicates on the EIS’s for the MWWTP’s and as a third party process also receives submissions from all interested parties and statutory consultees.

In this context Intel is the recipient, indirectly, of an apportionment of that assimilative capacity by virtue of the allowances granted by the Sanitary Authority which is a matter of policy.

Intel and the EPA as the licensing authority are charged with ensuring that:

. such capacity exists in the treatment plant or is planned for;

. no damage will occur to the fabric of the sewer;

. no unusual hazard will arise for sewer workers;

l no damage will be caused to the treatment process;

0 nothing in the discharge will compromise the reusability or disposal of the biological sludge;

l nothing in the discharge will pass through the treatment processes and harm the receiving environment; and

a nothing in the discharge will cause the recipient plant to be non compliant with its licence or a National or International EQS or EQO.

These are the bases upon which the IPPC licence is granted.

The further tests are that the discharge must be justified and the treatment it receives on and off site must in combination conform to BAT.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

67.2 Environmental Quality Objectives, Standards- National and International and BAT status of treatment The process design team constraints and the combinations of treatment for all modular units are designed to generate effluents compliant with any mandatory ELV’s and to be regarded as BAT. The Intel stream at Leixlip contains all of the elements of biological organic treatment and nutrient removal and has a track record which shows that it is compliant with BAT and its discharge licence. Neither Intel. or Kildare County Council or their advisors have identified any modifications which would be required to accommodate the quoted loads.

The proposed loads are within the design capacities of all the treatment systems and do not cause licence limits for the MWWTP to be breached.

The proposed ELV’s post the treatment processes are compliance with all relevant EU controls and the mechanisms are in place for full reimbursement for ongoing operational treatment costs, the capital component having been previously catered for.

6.7.3 Residual Impact on the Receiving Water The Intel Stream treatment plant has the acknowledged capacity to treat the effluents to the required standards and has a proven track record of achieving those standards.

An Bord Pleanala adjudicated on the capacity of that system in 1996 and the present proposed improvements to the Main Plant are designed to bring it to the same performance levels of the Intel Stream by the application of the same or similar technology.

The great improvements in water and biotic quality in the Liffey catchment have been achieved by the application of precisely this technology to the major discharges and the elimination of treatment processes which failed to or could not be brought up to those standards (Interim Report of the Three Rivers Survey)

As stated previously the allocation of such assimilative capacities post BAT treatment is a matter of policy rather than science.

The point that Intel would make is that it has shepherded the capacities granted to date in a prudent manner to the benefit of the local, regional and national community and wishes to continue in the same manner.

6.8 Storm Water Management

6.8.1 Management Philosophy Storm water management and protection from contamination is of major importance on the Intel Site. The management philosophy which has been successful to date has been to install and maintain a dedicated set of separated and protected

l storm sewers;

. contained storm sewers;

l process sewers;

. contained effluent; and

l foul sewers.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmuact Assessment

These systems are separated and only permitted and controlled interconnections exist for the purpose of control and capture of contaminated material, to protect the external environment and to ensure that all effluents receive appropriate checks and treatment before leaving the site.

68.2 Site Surface Water Drainage Layout The existing surface water drainage system on the Intel Property consists of a number of independent drainage routes from roofs, paved areas and sub-drainage systems covering the Site. These systems combine prior to entering the 3000 m3 Retention Pond with and discharge via a single outlet pipe to Rye Water. The pond system, bypass, overflow and monitoring system are shown in the attached schematic.

Under normal operating conditions the retention pond acts as an attenuation pond reducing peak flows to Rye Water and also allowing any silt or grit to settle prior to the discharge to the River. In the event of a fire or spill on site, the pond inlet/outlet may be closed and storm systems diverted individually around the retention pond so that the pond’s full storage volume may be utilised to contain potentially contaminated surface run-off.

Surface water drainage from yard areas where chemicals are handled on site may also be diverted independently to on-site treatment or storage areas via contained storm systems. Specific unloading or storage areas are also protected with further valves and sumps to minimise any risk of spillage.

Surface water drainage systems on the site are comprised of the below systems: -

l FAB 10 storm system;

l FAB 14 /FAB 24 storm system;

l FAB 14 contained storm system; and

l FAB 24 contained storm system.

As part of FAB 24-3 Development it is proposed to increase the drained impermeable surface areas contributing to the FAB 14 / FAB 24 storm system and the FAB 24 contained storm system. Surface water drainage has been assessed on the basis of 20-year return period storm events for low-risk areas (car parks and site roads) and 50-year return period storm events for areas of higher risk (yards, low- points, and areas drained by contained storm systems).

The storm sewer system is shown in the accompanying schematics. The system design is based on standard practice for expected duty in Ireland and is challenged at the design phase using Microdrainage software to anticipate extreme events which might give rise to surcharging or flooding.

The design of the system is iteratively detailed in the a series of Storm-water Drainage Studies carried out at various stages of the design and which also address the issues of integration of the proposed buildings and extended areas with the existing system.

This studies address the phased implementation of the new expanded storm drainage system and the design basis, and the relationship with existing facilities. The studies include:

l existing plant and carparks drainage study;

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

l drainage study for FAB 24-2 and carparks drainage study;

l drainage study for FAB 24-3 and carparks drainage study; and

l expanded contained storm sewer system.

The studies also addresses the issues of storm drainage during the various phases of FAB construction and the protection measures in place. These include interceptors and grit traps and settlement ponds. This system has a proven track record of protecting the external environment from suspended solids and other contamination.

The impermeable surface area drained by the existing FAB 14 and FAB 24 storm system shall increase by almost 40% (16.1 Ha - 22.4 Ha). Analysis demonstrates that the existing piped system has sufficient capacity to accommodate this as the increase in peak discharge to the retention pond is negligible (less than 2%). This is due to the additional large diameter pipe lengths having the effect of maximising the in-line storage volume utilised during extreme storm events and increasing the effective ‘time of entry’ to downstream pipes on the system.

While flood risk on the site does not arise for storm events of design rainfall return periods up to 50 years, it is possible to reduce site flood risk that may generate for exceptional events in excess of this by the application of one or more of the following:

l the provision of flow controls and additional system storage volume from proposed new paved areas;

l the provision of flow controls and tolerance of short duration surface flooding in low-risk areas (i.e. car parks) during extreme rainfall events;

0 the provision of soakaways or infiltration pavements (subject to site ground conditions); or

. the provision of overflows that would operate during extreme storm events.

It is unlikely that given the small relative contribution of the site to peak flows in the receiving system and given the proven performance of the existing attenuation system, that an infiltration option would be necessary or desirable. Modes of Operation In principle the system is designed to operate in a wide variety of modes :-

l Under non-storm event conditions, 1 surface water flows are via the Pond, monitoring chamber and from there to the outfall to Rye Water.

l High peak flows (commencing at a 2-year Return Period) shall overflow to the Pond Bypass Pipework via overflows in the Penstock Diversion Chambers. These flows then rejoin the Pond Outlet flows at the Monitoring Manhole S44B.

l Higher duration flows from significant storm events (commencing at a 2- year Return Period) shall ovefflow via the Pond Overflow Spillway if and when the Pond is full).

l For some significant storm events (in excess of a 2 year Return Period) overflows shall be routed via both the Pond Bypass Pipework and the Pond Overflow Spillway; or

l In the event that a penstock is closed on the Pond Outlet Culvert and all flows are directed around the Pond via the Pond Bypass Pipework, high

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental Impact Assessment

flows shall overflow via the open grating on the Outlet/Bypass Chamber. This represents an extremely unlikely event but caters for a scenario where the contents of the pond have been determined to be contaminated and are in the process of being treated or otherwise disposed of.

The overall hydrographical output for the entire Intel Site Surface Water System (i.e. FlO, F14, F24 Storm and Contained Storm Systems) has been modelled. The appended hydrographs cater for the combined outflows from the Pond Overflow Spillway and the Rye Water Outfall into a single hydrograph for each storm event taken so that they reflect the total surface water discharge from the Site. The hydrographs are for a 20-year Return Period.

Class 1 storm separator units shall be provided where required on the new storm system draining additional paved areas.

The impermeable surface area drained by the Existing FAB 24 contained storm system shall increase by approximately 20% (1.8 Ha - 2.2 Ha). The existing piped system has sufficient capacity to accommodate this increase. An additional class 1 surface water separator shall be installed in parallel with an existing separator unit prior to the retention pond facilitating treatment of the additional peak flow.

Due to the fact that the increase in peak flow rates are negligible, it is not considered necessary at this stage to upgrade the Storm Outfall to Rye Water as part of this development.

68.3 Discharge Point to Rye Water The storm-water discharges to the Rye Water at designated exit point SWl. Monitoring of the system is carried out at this point and an example of the uncontaminated storm-water quality data is appended in the 44 2004 quarterly report of Effluent Quality to EPA and copied to KC.

This exit point has been adjudicated upon previously both in planning and in the IPPC applications.

68.4 Potential Impact of Storm Flows on the Receiving Environment -Rye Water This section deals with the issue of Rye Water in the context of the discharge of uncontaminated storm-water and its protection from contaminant events . This is independent of its status as an SAC as the protection of any external receiving water would be subject to the same level of protection. As it is Rye Water is a significant recipient of storm-water upstream and the incremental impact is assessed in terms of the Intel site contribution on a proportionate basis.

Rye Water has been the subject of a Floodplain study (which is available upon request) to evaluate the potential implications of additional landscaping and berming which might have been considered to interfere with floodplain availability in major storm events. The study demonstrated that the proposed methodology would not interfere with the proper functioning of the floodplain in severe storm events (100 - 200 year return floods).

In the case of storm events out to 20 years on site the appended hydrographs examine the flow duration curves for storm durations of 60-1440 minutes at the relevant rainfall rates.

These show that in simple terms of predicted peak discharge rates, instantaneous values of up to 1.9 m3/s might occur at a 20 year return period. Compared with the largest calculated storm flow for the Rye Water channel from the NERC 1975 Rye

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

Water flood study of 65m3/s, this instantaneous peak flow from the hydrographs shows that the extended contribution would less than 3 % of that value. This is merely to demonstrate that the 4lhectare site at Intel in comparison with the 20,000 hectare catchment of the Rye Water Valley to that point would contribute a flow which is not significant in terms of channel flood capacity or is not or would not be likely to contribute significantly to the manifestation of storm related impacts in the system.

The modelling exercise suggests that the philosophy adopted thus far will continue to be successful for the expanded site due to the adequacy of the attenuation effects of the storm system operating in this design mode.

68.5 Storm-water Quality The appended example of a quarterly report demonstrates that in normal conditions the quality of surface water discharges is very high and the entrained organics are at or below the detection limits for the relevant parameters of BOD, COD, and TOC. The monitoring system couples with the retention pond which can be isolated will continue to ensure that any possible contaminant event is detected and captured prior to discharge. It must be borne in mind that this is a secondary level containment system as all higher risk areas are subjected to separate isolated containment.

6.8.6 Firewater Control and Firewater Ponds In the event of a fire, potential contamination of the water used to extinguish the fire can occur if the fire is in an area where liquid chemicals or gases are stored. The water can flow by gravity off-site with the potential to contaminate surface waters. ground or groundwater. The contained storm sewer system will contain firewater should it arise in addition to containment of any direct chemical spillage.

In the event of a fire in a FAB 24-3 area, the contained storm sewer is diverted from the retention pond and the diverted water drains to the AWN pit of FAB 24 or alternative storage area. The water is then tested to assess potential contamination and then either pumped to the AWN and sewer or tankered off-site for disposal or treatment depending on the level of contamination identified.

A firewater risk assessment has been carried out for the existing site including IF0 and F24, to assess the potential volumes that could arise from a worst-case fire scenario. The assessment includes not just water that would result from sprinkler systems on-site but also from rainfall onto areas also served by the sites contained storm sewer. The amount of rainfall considered is the highest amount of rainfall that has occurred over twenty-four hours in a 20-year return period. The chance of a worst-case fire coinciding with this very high rainfall is extremely remote. An updated fire water risk assessment including F24-2 and F24-3 will be submitted to the EPA following detailed design of F24-3. Sufficient containment volume will be provided either by new AWN pit storage or the existing F24 AWN pit. The existing F24 AWN pit contains more than sufficient retention capacity for any envisaged fire scenario.

6.8.7 Overall Risk Management and Potential for Residual Impacts The contained storm-water system and related control points has been expanded to address hazard areas associated with the current proposals and the contained storm areas drawings (Appendix 6.2, Maps 6.1-6.3) shows the areas so designated and the containment details.

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Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

6.9 Groundwater Monitoring

The existing monitoring boreholes are shown in Map 4-7.

The analyses from these boreholes are reported in accordance with the requirements of the IPC licence and annotated accordingly (See Section 4). The proposed expansion lies within the radius of influence of the existing boreholes but new boreholes may be added in the future as deemed necessary.

6.10 Temporary Construction Impacts

The ongoing site development has required a considerable development in the sophistication of management of construction impacts. Some of these relating to storm-water management are seen in the relevant appended reports. Intel maintains generic and specific policies and management tools to ensure that the unavoidable temporary impacts are anticipated in a timely manner and are taken into detailed consideration in the design and constructability of the projects.

With respect to impacts on aquatic systems, the major considerations on a developed site are:

0 minimisation of potential for groundwater contamination by fuel containment, lub oil containment, construction and commissioning chemicals etc;

l domestic drainage management for construction;

l storm-water clarification and containment prior to discharge;

0 avoidance of underground services and employing an in-ground services breach protocol;

l fostering a No-Blame Culture for spillage incident reporting; and

0 imposing an Incident reporting requirement and maintaining records of events, effects and follow up.

Surface waters will be generated during construction which may contain silt. Temporary considerations for the control of storm water during construction are, or will be installed. These include interceptors and grit traps and settlement ponds. This system has a proven track record of protecting the external environment from suspended solids and other contamination. The use of the existing silt pond for FAB 24-2 construction or new silt pond location to be agreed is dependant on construction phasing. Water used to commission pipework will also be managed and discharged to the Leixlip waste water treatment plant at a controlled rate.

6.11 Do Nothing Scenario

The most plausible ‘Do Nothing‘ Scenario would see the development of the site halted at the build out of FAB 24. This would mean that the Site would comprise IF0 and FAB 24 which in terms of global comparison would leave the Leixlip location in a very unfavourable position for the following reasons.

l the Return on Investment would be limited by the development ceiling;

l future reductions in unit loads i.e. m3 effluent per wafer start, chemical usage would be frozen at the maximum output of any one FAB on any one process and the ability to respond to process improvements would be

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impaired to maintain productive capacity. This could lead to the site being downgraded to a set of ever more obsolescent technologies. The greater number of FABs available implies the greater spread of generational technologies which can be implemented;

0 increasing investment at the scale required in ICT World Class facilities increases the concept of ‘anchorage’ which is a term used to describe the level of financial investment at a location which increases the ‘attachment’ to that location and is a major driver to maintain a long term commitment to that locus; and

0 underutilisation of sustainable infrastructure. The Leixlip site has been shown to be sustainable in environmental, economic, demographic and social spheres and is an integral part of Government policy on technology based high net worth world class development.

For other National Economic planning reasons and perspectives the effect of placing a limitation on the increased utilisation of the site given that all relevant capacities exist, poses a broader series of questions as to what investment would be required to replace the equivalent benefits of the proposed expansion elsewhere and whether any significant adverse impacts result from this proposal or impacts which cannot be mitigated and whether such mitigated impacts outweigh the net benefits.

In terms of water utilisation and effluent treatment and discharge, the evidence suggests that the Do Nothing Scenario of confining the development to the current footprint would have the negative impact of failing to productively utilise environmental infrastructural capacities designated to the project without any significant environmental gain. Since the modelled values and empirical experience show that the site developments have proceeded with implementation of BAT technologies and the maintenance of all relevant EQS’s and EQO’s it is concluded that the project is classifiable as sustainable development in the truest sense.

This also vindicates the licensing and planning policies adopted for this enterprise.

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Environmental ImDact Assessment


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Page 54: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment

EFFLUENT MONITORING Table 6.17: Effluent Analysis Results at SE1 -October 2004


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Page 55: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Table 6.18: Effluent Analysis Results at SE1 - November 2004

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Page 56: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment

Table 6.19: Effluent Analysis Results at SE1 - December 2004

Discharge Point: EBT


Average Flow (m3/h)


BOD (mg/l)

COD (mg/l)

Ammonia (mgll)

Total Phos. (as P) (mg/l)

Suspended Solids (mg/l)

Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l)

Sulphates (mg/l)

Nitrates (as N) (mg/l)

Fluoride (mg/l)

Cyanide (mg/l)

Tin (pg/l)

Lead (pg/l)

Chromium @g/l)

Cobalt (pgll)

Nickel @g/l)

Cower (~0)

Arsenic (ugll)

Total Heavy Metals @g/l)


Organic Compounds

Work Week


ELV Daily Mean Cont.





















01/12/04 <





















385.5698 361.2814 400.1099 355.8751

7.2 7.6 7.8 7.7

20 25 19 20

37 28 IO 29

17 12 20 15

0.38 0.33 0.53 0.25

31 24 12 32

792 934 t50 940

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Page 57: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment


This table summarises the daily rainfall data in millimetres for the years 1990 - 1999.

Table 6.20: Rainfall Data

Rainfall (mm) 2314420 Leixlip (Gen. Stn.) Grid Ref:0007358

*% Normal value is based on the 1950-l 980 mean values.

Station Name: Leixlip

RP5 60min = 16.2 mm: RP5 2days = 55.0mm Annual Rainfall = 730mrnIyear

RP6 = Actual 5 year return period

Rainfall, in millimetres, is provided below for a range of duration and return periods based on an analysis of daily rainfall statistics.

Table 6.21: Return Period (Years)

t 6dti

20 50

6.9 9.8 12.3 15.3 20.0

iin: :. f ‘1.: 6.2 8.0 9.0 12.9 16.1 19.9 26.1 :_ :

iin : .-,: 8.1 _~ 10.2 11.5 16.2 20.1 24.6 31.9

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Page 58: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment


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Page 59: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment


The surface water discharge to Rye Water from the Intel site is monitored on a weekly basis for Conductivity, Total Organic Carbon and Chemical Oxygen Demand and continuously for pH. A summary of the results from 2003 is given below.

Table 6.22: 2003 Monitoring Results

Results for 2004 are presented below:

Table 6.23: Monitoring Results SW1 (Surface Water Outlet), 2004

The results demonstrate that releases to the Rye Water are within defined discharge limits for the site. Some diurnal fluctuation in pH has been observed but this is due to biological growth within the retention pond rather than discharges from the site.

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Page 60: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental ImDact Assessment


Table 6.24: Rye Water Monitoring Data November 2004

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Page 64: WATER AND EFFLUENT SERVICES · the Intel Project, water supply and effluent treatment capabilities were designed and put in train to be available in a timely fashion as the site developed

Intel Ireland Ltd FAB 24-3

Environmental lmoact Assessment


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