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Dayton Water Conference - The Path to Water Sustainability

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Dayton Water Conference - The Path to Water Sustainability

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Threats to Ocean Water Resources• Acidification of the Oceans (CO2);

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Threats to Ocean Water Resources• Dead Zones in Oceans due to

Nutrients (N&P) – >8,000 sq miles off Carribean;

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Threats to Ocean Water Resources• Pacific Garbage Patch – size of


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ASustainability ©

A sustainable planet will provide a healthy biosphere with clean air , water and land for all living things far into the future. Resources will not be consumed at a rate that they can not be replaced.

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ASustainability ©

A sustainable organization implements permanent management and operational philosophies that engages a motivated workforce to reduce environmental impacts on all phases of its operations, thereby reducing waste and energy, increasing productivity and reducing costs. These actions promote an organization that is able to thrive in the future.

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Cleaning;• Food;• Recreation;• Energy;• Transportation; and• Manufacturing, etc.,

etc., etc.

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We must protect our water supplies


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How do we effectively organize organizations to develop and maintain GREEN, SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS??

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ProposedSustainability Organization

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Many are coming around to conclude that LEAN is the best management philosophy to create a sustainable organization and a sustainable planet.

What is the evidence? LEAN empowers the entire organization to systematically REDUCE WASTE, CONSERVE RESOURCES AND REDUCE ENERGY!!

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A principal proponent of LEAN is the U.S. EPA.

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• More than 20 federal agencies are using LEAN

• More than 20 state environmental agencies are using LEAN

• A MOU between EPA and ECOS (Mar 10) was signed to use LEAN tools to enhance achievement of environmental goals.

U.S. EPA received Shingo Prize in 2002

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“Lean for Dummies”, Natalie J. SayerBSME, University of Dayton (1988)

UD Early Leader in LEAN, Professor Carol Shaw formed Center for Competitive Change in Late 1980’s. Now Associated with UDRI and Still Training Personnel.

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Programs are developed within the LEAN Program:• Water Conservation;• Wastewater Minimization;• Storm Water Management;• Solid Waste Recycling;• Green Chemical Purchasing; and• Energy Conservation; etc. etc.

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Leadership in Energy and Environment Design, a program of the U.S. Green Building Council (

Started in early 1990’s to develop rating system for new buildings to achieve Silver, Gold or Platinum Ratings for New Buildings

There are also certifications for Healthcare, Schools, Retail, Homes

There have been over 32,000 LEED projects There have been over 32,000 LEED projects certified since the program was initiated.certified since the program was initiated.

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Operations & Maintenance Certification published in October 2090 for existing buildings and covers:• Sustainable Sites;• Water Efficiency;• Energy and Atmosphere;• Materials and Resources;• Solid Waste Management; • Indoor Air Quality; and• Innovations in Operation.

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In many organizations, Maintenance is not revered as some other positions in the plant, EXCEPT when production goes down and all hell breaks loose.

Downtime is critical to an organization whether it is production, healthcare or a large facility.

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Maintenance should be changed to Reliability, and that the personnel be assigned to a Continuous Improvement Team.

During downtime, the group is working on improving the systems.

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• Continuous Monitoring is mandatory for continuous improvement.

• To qualify for a LEED certified project, the building must have a Building Management Program to monitor in real time, electrical power, natural gas, HVAC performance, water, etc.

• To measure performance improvement, a benchmark must be established.

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Auditing is the key to any successful compliance program. Establishing work standards and initiating complex programs, without oversight and periodic monitoring of the program, generally results in a loss of direction and eventually the abandonment of the program altogether. If the organization thinks enough of the program to monitor the progress, then employees will take the program seriously.

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“When the well is dry, we learn the value of water”

Benjamin FranklinPour Richard’s Almanac (1746)

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