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Page 1: We are hiring

Are you the type who gets annoyed when the professor can’t even put his microphone on right? Then you are just who we are looking for! NHH-Symposium 2013 is looking for sound technicians. The job involves rigging up and handling the sound equipment in the Aula and the auditoriums before and during the conference. Previous experience with similar work is preferable, but

not a requirement – full training will be given. As long as you have good personal qualities, and are able to keep a clear head in hectic situations, this is the group for you.

Audio Technician (6 positions)

Would you like to be part of the team that will create technical solutions worthy of a 30th Anniversary? Are you genuinely enthusiastic about finding the best solutions to any kind of problem, ready for some challenges and a lot of fun? If you also consider yourself to be a generally likeable person with the ability to give a little extra when it’s needed, you should apply as Light Technician. Our work will mainly consist of rigging and programming, and most of it will take place in the time around the NHH-Symposium. Previous technical

experience is an advantage, but not necessary. Far more important is what mentioned above. However, if you have little technical knowledge, instruction and training will take a certain amount of time before March.

Lighting Technician (3 positions)

What would a conference be without a stage? This stage does not build itself, and that’s why we want you as a stage worker in the NHH-symposium 2013. This position means that you will be building a stage, cover the aula in drapes and transform the aula into a proper conference hall. We do not require any specific

experience. As long as you are positive, hard working and know your way around basic tools this is the group for you.

Stage managers (6 positions)

Jørgen IdenHead of Audio

951 84 [email protected]

Ingrid Mikkelsen SembHead of Light

458 83 [email protected]

Hjalmar KolsakerHead of Stage

974 99 [email protected]

Page 2: We are hiring

Do you have an eye for details and want NHH-Symposiet 2013 to look professional? Are you secretly an artist, or maybe you have a secret dream to become a florist? We’re looking for you! We are decorating the school and need students who can sew, fold napkins, and prepare before the conference. You will work as a team together with the lounge group in the preparations,

and we will help them by working in the lounge during the conference. Join us – search decor now!

Decor group (10 positions)

Would you like to help us make the NHH-Symposium 2013 an event the attendees of our conference will be having a hard time to forget? We want your help! As a waiter or a waitress your responsibility will be to ensure that the guest are well of during the conference. We believe that great food and excellent service is an important part of any conference, and we want our guests to be nothing but satisfied during their stay. At daytime we will provide our conference guests with light snacks, and of course large amounts of coffee. There will be several buffets at different locations of the building where the guests can pay a visit during the

day. They will also be served a two-course lunch and a at the evening, a three-course dinner. With about 70 waiters and waitresses we form one of the largest groups of the NHH-Symposium’s workforce, so if you are in lack of fun days and want to get to know a lot of new people – apply for a position as a waiter or a waitress now!

Waitresses (70 positions)

Marte Lenes LindgrenMellomleder Dekor

476 44 [email protected]

Sigrid Viken HemstadGruppeleder Catering

476 41 [email protected]
