Page 1: We Gather in Praise · 2020-07-03 · We Go to Serve Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA ... (because kids are honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about

July 5, 2020 at 11am Congregation reads the bold print out loud. Fifth Sunday after Pentecost For technical assistance, please call 703.951.7094. Hymn or UMH = United Methodist Hymnal Hymns are also included in this packet TFWS = The Faith We Sing

Please send your prayer requests by 9am Sunday to [email protected]

We Gather in Praise Words of Welcome

Prelude Variations on America Charles Wesley

Call to Worship

Friends, we gather this day to celebrate life, The life we have been given by God, The life we share with one another in community, The life that Jesus gives in abundance. Let us be grateful for the joy of life,

And let us worship God. ~Beth Merrill Neel

Opening Hymn 698 God of the Ages NATIONAL HYMN

Celebration of the Appointment of Chenda Innis Lee

Brothers and sisters in Christ, as a people committed to participate in the ministries of the Church by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness will you who celebrate this new beginning support and uphold Chenda Innis Lee in these ministries?

We reaffirm our commitment to support you with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation.


Signs of Pastoral Ministry

Response by Chenda Innis Lee

Congregational Response

Lord God, bless the ministries of your Church. We thank you for the variety of gifts you have bestowed upon us. Draw us together in one Spirit, that each of us may use our differing gifts as members of one body. May your Word be proclaimed with faithfulness, and may we be doers of your Word and not hearers only. As we who have died and risen with Christ in baptism gather at his table and then scatter into the world, may we be one in service to others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Page 2: We Gather in Praise · 2020-07-03 · We Go to Serve Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA ... (because kids are honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about

We Listen for God’s Voice

Hebrew Scripture Lesson Micah 6:6-8 The Word of God for God’s People. Thanks be to God!

Hymn 383 v.1-4  This Is a Day of New Beginnings 

Gospel Lesson John 13:12-17, 31-35  The Word of God for God’s People. Thanks be to God!

Children’s Sharing Reflections on Ministry Janine Howard and Chenda Innis Lee

We Respond with Joy

Affirmation of Faith UMH887

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress, or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? No! In all things we are more than conquerors through the One who loved us. We are sure that neither death nor life, Nor angels, nor principalities, Nor things present, nor things to come, Nor powers, nor height, nor depth, Nor anything else in all creation, Will be able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thanks be to God! Amen. ~from Romans 8:35, 37-39

Call to Prayer Hymn 526 v.1 What a Friend We Have in Jesus CONVERSE

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Invitation to the Offering Text: 703.454.8702

or go to:

Offertory Solo America the Beautiful Samuel A. Ward

Scott McBride, tenor

Page 3: We Gather in Praise · 2020-07-03 · We Go to Serve Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA ... (because kids are honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about

Dedication of the Gifts UMH 95 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD 100TH

Prayer after the Offering

We Go to Serve

Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA

Dismissal with Blessing

Postlude Basse et Dessus de Trompette Louis N. Clérambault 

Louise Wilson, organ

You are invited to stay for a few minutes after the service and have an informal chat with Chenda and her family.

Remember with Prayers.

We’ve displayed a rose in memory of former member, Betty Lewis, who passed away last week. She is Terry Lewis and Marcy Lewis’ aunt.

Prayer Requests from June 28: Each week in worship and in our church staff meetings we lift up prayer requests that were submitted last Sunday. Please send your prayer requests by 9am Sunday, July 12, to [email protected] You may also contact the church office with your prayer requests 703.671.8557.

David, Curt, Buck, Steve, Chris, Al, the Dinsmore Family, Gary, Betsy and Family, Tim, Susan, Sean, Bev, Ike, Malvina, Warren, Rachel, Dr. Smith, Tom, Terry, Carol, Sam, Howard, Kathleen and Deborah, Don and Blanca, Sharon, Tricia, Tom and Linda, Nora, Libby, Bill and the Briggs family, Jerry, Kevin and Karl, Anne, Ava and Finn, Katie, Alan and Family, Myrta and Family, David and Ann, Tracy and Ruby, Sam, Howard, Zane and Sherry, Richard, Colleen, Nancy and Lilly, Pamela and Bonnie, Terry and the Lewis family.

Page 4: We Gather in Praise · 2020-07-03 · We Go to Serve Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA ... (because kids are honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about
Page 5: We Gather in Praise · 2020-07-03 · We Go to Serve Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA ... (because kids are honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about
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July 5, 2020 Fairlington United Methodist Church Weekly Bulletin

Welcome, Pastor Chenda!This is Pastor Chenda Innis Lee’s first Sunday with us, so we are re-running her

introductory letter to us from May 24th of this year.

Dear Members and Friends of FUMC,

One of the first things you should know about me is that I am naturally an introvert. I

know! You would have never guessed from the video. But I am. And as such, these

introductory letters are always nerve wracking for me to craft. So, I thought I’d

appease your curiosity by having you hear what my children (because kids are

honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about me by

way of heads up:

“Our mom gives inspirational sermons and is very good with children. Her strengths

are encouraging, inspiring, loving, and helping people. Her sermons are good but

sometimes long.” -The Lee Girls

“In just a short time of working together, Chenda has earned both my professional and personal trust. She’s a respected

colleague whom I count myself fortunate to count a friend, and that I can describe her in both of those terms speaks

volumes to her ability to build relationships with those different from her and to her empathetic skill at navigating a

diverse and often difficult ministry context. With Chenda, I can take a Sunday off and not worry about worship going

without a hitch. She’s the best damn liturgist I’ve ever seen, and people are attracted to both her presence and the

authenticity of her story.” -Jason Micheli

“Chenda is unquestionably a faithful follower of Jesus. She has seen some of the worst of what people can be, yet those

experiences have strengthened her resolve for kindness, acceptance, fellowship and outreach to other people. She is

passionate for love and acceptance. For justice. For community and support.” --Kristine G.

“Chenda has been one of our committed spiritual leaders as the global United Methodist Church struggles with our Book

of Discipline and its lack of full acceptance of people who are LGBTQIA+. Chenda has been quite clear and resolved in

declaring that all are welcome in our church, that all are welcome to Christ, and that hate has no place in our community.

I appreciate her leadership on this issue.” -Bill I.

“Chenda has a warm welcoming personality and a contagious laugh. I love her quick wit and sense of humor.” --Jerry B.

“Chenda is grounded and open to new perspectives. She is funny, kind, but most of all, she is a good listener.” -Peter K.

“Chenda is passionate - she cares deeply for her family, works hard to support causes she believes in, and strives to

make this world better by speaking out when she sees injustice.” -Bob H.

“Chenda has the ability to use her story to help guide you through the good and the bad, while hopefully opening your

mind to new possibilities. Most importantly, she does it all with a firm foundation in God (and terrific shoes!).” -Christi S.

“Pastor Chenda Lee is not afraid to speak truth to power, to name the difficult paradoxes she sees in our culture, and to

bring God’s word of hope to those of us lucky enough to hear her preach. Besides hearing her bring the Word, I will miss

her infectious smile.” -Jan H.

“Don’t let other people dictate your impression of her. Take time to get to know her. She is always willing to listen.”

-John J.

As amazing, and almost perfect, as the above testaments sound, I want you to know that I am far from perfect! These are

only partial glimpses of who I am and what I bring to our life together. And even though I will be one of your spiritual

leaders, remember that I, too, am a sinner among you, saved by the grace of God, through Christ. I look forward to our

time ahead and to sharing life together in faith. Blessings! ~Chenda Innis Lee

[email protected]

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As the church, we know that prayer will strengthen us in all that we do individually and as

a community. These two meetings will be the basis on which we organize a regular group

to convene after Labor Day. You are invited to participate in one or both of the meetings.

The meetings will last about half an hour and include a short opening reading, shared

reflections and closing intercessory prayer. Time for socializing will be available afterward

while leaving space, for those who so desire, to attend the 8:30 communion service in the

wilderness habitat.

Social distancing and use of masks is required. We are restricted to 15 men with RSVPs

who have signed up ahead of time. Go to this link to sign up

For more information contact Clint Stretch at [email protected]

Online Sunday Parent Group All parents are invited to a regular weekly online

discussion on Sundays at 10:00AM on How to Talk So Kids will Listen, and Listen so

Kids Will Talk. If you are like most of us, you have been talking to your kids a lot and

have probably at times felt like they weren’t listening. Join a group of parents for

reflection, discussion, and companionship as we navigate the waters of parenting- which

is best done together. Facilitator is Clint Stretch.

Contact Rev. Christian White at [email protected] with questions or to join.

Come to one meeting, or two, or all of them. Just come when you can!

Face Mask Challenge for Alive! Just Keeps Going!! We have now collected close to

900 re-usable face masks for ALIVE!. Soon Janine will bless them. We will take photos

of this amazing rainbow of designs and colors. There's still time to make more masks by

July 6. Once you have masks ready to go they can be delivered to FUMC Monday ONLY

from 6-8pm If you need more details contact Anne Wilson [email protected]

WE ARE NOW APPROVED TO OFFER THE SACRAMENT OF COMMUNIONin a small group outdoor setting! Our next dates are Monday, July 6 and Wednesday,

July 8 at 8:30am in the habitat area adjacent to the upper parking lot. Participants need

to bring their own chairs and communion elements (bread and wine/grape juice).

Everyone will wear their masks until it is time to receive the elements. We are restricted to

15 persons, with RSVPs; Sign up soon! Go to

We have more dates planned. Check the schedule and sign up for future dates through

the same link. If you have questions, please contact Janine [email protected].


Thursday, July 9 9-11am We can’t meet at the bakery yet, but grab your favorite

morning beverage and a healthy snack and ZOOM on over to or dial 301 715 8592 and enter Meeting ID: 648 841 4599.

There is no agenda, so bring your questions or come to connect.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12pm.

You are invited to gather online via zoom video conference. One

of our pastors will lead a devotion, check-in with those gathered,

and lead a prayer. It is easy to join. Connect to Zoom to enter the

video conference .To join via cell

phone, dial 301.715. 8592 and enter the ID 648 841 4599.

Page 10: We Gather in Praise · 2020-07-03 · We Go to Serve Hymn 670 Go Forth for God GENEVA ... (because kids are honest), my colleagues, and members who came before you would say about

Join Fairlington United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men on

Wednesdays from 7:30-8:00pm for a virtual Zoom discussion. This month we will

discuss four episodes from Backstory, a weekly podcast that uses current events to

explore how the past has shaped who we are today. These are difficult topics, but ones

we must understand in order to effect change in our society.

Contact Karlene Masters [email protected] for more info.

Zoom Meeting ID: 817-838-086; Password: 104636

8 – The Faces of Racism: A History of Blackface and Minstrelsy in American Culture NOTE: This episode contains some language that people might

find offensive.

15 – Burnt Corks & Cakewalks: The Toxic Legacy of Blackface in American History Listen to the first, third and fourth segments: The Mardi Gras of

the North; What’s Underneath the Costume; and Corks and Curls.

22 – Contested Landscape: Confederate Symbols in America

Listen to the first three segments: Monument Avenue; Should They Stay or Go?; and Flags of Our Forefathers.

29 – Rallying Behind Racism: The Women of White Supremacy Listen to the first two segments: Photographing a Movement

and Madame Slave Owner.

August 5 – Rallying Behind Racism: The Women of White Supremacy Listen to the third segment: ‘Segregation’s Constant


Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Janine Howard, [email protected]

Associate Pastor: Rev. Chenda Innis Lee, [email protected]

Minister of Congregational Family Life: Rev. Christian White, [email protected]

Director of Music: Dr. Louise Wilson, 703.671.4057 [email protected]

Youth Programs: Jessai Canaday, [email protected]

Office Manager: Michelle Tello, [email protected]

Calendar/Building Use: [email protected]

Assistant for Publications: Eileen Joyner, [email protected]

Preschool Director: Carol Keller, 703.671.3939 [email protected]

Custodians: Rufina Muñoz and Yosias Hagos

District Superintendent: Rev. Jeffrey Mickle Bishop: Rev. Sharma D. Lewis

3900 King Street / Alexandria VA/ 22302/703.671.8557 / [email protected] / /

Remember with Prayers.

Each week in worship and in our church staff meetings we lift up prayer requests that were submitted last Sunday.

Please send your prayer requests by 9am Sunday, July 5, to [email protected] You may also contact the

church office with your prayer requests 703.671.8557.

David, Curt, Buck, Steve, Chris, Al, the Dinsmore Family, Gary, Betsy and Family, Tim, Susan Sean, Bev, Ike,

Malvina, Warren, Rachel, Dr. Smith, Tom, Terry, Carol, Sam, Howard, Kathleen and Deborah, Don and Blanca,

Sharon, Tricia, Tom and Linda, Nora, Libby, Bill and the Briggs family, Jerry, Kevin and Karl, Anne, Ava and Finn,

Alan and Family, Myrta and Family, David and Ann, Tracy and Ruby, Sam, Howard, Zane and Sherry, Richard,

Katie, Colleen, Nancy and Lilly, Pamela and Bonnie, Terry and the Lewis family.

News for Senior Ambassadors and Fairlington Companions in Christ Vicki and Rich Stones report: We’ve found some pretty cool things this week for seniors. One is the Millennial

Ambassadors of Northern Virginia group on Facebook. -- some of our

Fairlington friends might be interested in that group and seeing what they are doing. One of the events on their page was a

Variety Show they put on for a retirement community. Very cool and fun - let's do it!! There are retirement communities all

around our church.

Another service we found was a phone-chat service that includes: friendly conversation, safety check, reminders (meds,

appts, etc.), or any combination of these options. This is a paid service very similar to what we are doing at

Fairlington! How awesome you are to be willing to give of your time for FREE! Thank you Fairlington Companions in

Christ! Vicki and Rich Stones [email protected].

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When a request for housewares is made, the team swings into action. Rawles Jones from Christ Church receives the contact information from a

church adopting a family or from Alexandria Social Services. He follows up with the client to see exactly what they need. Patty Gamby, an engineer volunteering at the Housewares Program, housed in Fairlington United Methodist Church, gathers the requested household items or puts together a starter kit of dishes, pots and pans, and linens for the family. Housewares delivery is scheduled within 1-2 weeks with an assist from schoolteacher and volunteer Carli Elligan.

Once when Patty made a delivery, she recalled: “This woman had next to nothing, she was so happy to get a box of housewares with something special that I included. Before I could turn the ignition key to leave her driveway, she texted: ‘Thank you so much. I love everything. You are a gift from God.’”

Housewares are also offered in conjunction with food pick-up at the Last Saturday Food Distributions at the “Chick” Armstrong Rec Center at 25 West Reed Avenue. Retired college administrator Al Ross from FUMC makes the Saturday housewares drop-off with the assistance of volunteers.

In addition to this current team of stellar household helpers, this program has had many caring stewards over the years, none more memorable than Addie Hebert who retired in 2017

from her reign as queen of housewares. In 2003, Addie Hebert had an eureka moment and began creating housewares starter kits — or as Addie pronounced it in her Boston accent a “staahter” kits — to accompany furniture distributions so utensils were ready to use with the ALIVE!-provided table and sheets were provided to cover the beds. She made a house a place to come home to.

Al Ross has overseen the ALIVE! Housewares Program for more than two years.

The Finishing Touches

P R O G R A M N O T E :

The Housewares Program stopped deliveries in March and will resume when it is safe to do so.

CONGREGATION CORNER:Our 45 congregations are cornerstones supporting ALIVE! and serving the community. Here’s a peek at what some of our faith-based partners are doing:• Food and meal distribution organized by Pastor

Thomas James of Washington Street UnitedMethodist Church in coordination with RoyalRestaurant, Alexandria Redevelopment and HousingAuthority, and the City of Alexandria

• Interfaith prayers posted on the ALIVE! website fromRabbi Steven Rein and Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey ofAgudas Achim Congregation

• Interfaith prayers posted on the ALIVE! website fromthe Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is of Alexandria

• Interfaith prayer posted on the ALIVE! websitefrom Reverend Juli Wilson-Black of FairlingtonPresbyterian Church

• $10,000 donation to ALIVE! from the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in response tothe pandemic

• $8,000 donation from Good Shepherd LutheranChurch to support our ALIVE! House and ourongoing work in the community during the pandemic

• SOUPperbowl Sunday Donation to ALIVE! from FirstChristian Church of Alexandria

• $5,000 match by Del Ray United MethodistChurch of Alexandria of the Little League’sGoFundMe campaign which raised over $15,000 forthe community and $7,500 for ALIVE!. Thanks LittleLeague Parents!

• MLK Day of Service food collection for ALIVE! by theSpiritual Assembly of Baha’is of Alexandria

• Great Day of Service reading to children and packinggift bags for mothers at ALIVE! House by RobertsMemorial United Methodist Church, WashingtonStreet United Methodist Church, Beulah BaptistChurch, and Old Town Community Church(formerly Downtown Baptist Church)

• $20,000 in support for ALIVE! for food from plateofferings at Alfred Street Baptist Church

• 750 masks to distribute to 750 members of the publicin honor of its 75th Anniversary from FairlingtonUnited Methodist Church

• Steps walked by members of Church of theResurrection to raise support for ALIVE!

• Personal contributions to ALIVE! from individualmembers called to action by each congregation

• Member congregations handing out ALIVE!food or working to get food out to people in need:Washington Street United Methodist Church,Old Town Community Church (formerlyDowntown Baptist Church), Grace EpiscopalChurch, Old Presbyterian Meeting House,Meade Memorial Episcopal Church.

… and the list goes on!

FUMC Housewares Program is currently on hiatus due to Covid-19. However, ALIVE! featured the program in their latest newsletter (see below). Would you like to read about all the great things that have been happening at ALIVE!? Good news! ALIVE! Wire is available online. Copy and paste this address into your browser: .
